Posted by Caribbean Waters Adoptables! [1 NEW!]

Chihuahua (#78099)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-02-14 02:57:49
Hello and welcome! :0c
Here's what we've got today - it's a special!:

Fullsize: [click]
Unlike my usual cat adoptables, this one has its own unique lineart. It's a drawing all of its own! This is a 4GB or 4000SB flatsale.

If you'd like to adopt one (or more!) of them, you'll be buying their design as well as the non-watermarked version of the reference sheet above--to rp, to draw, to do anything you want with!

The price to adopt a Caribbean Waters adoptable is 2GB or 2000SB. If you'd like to change their name, gender, anything--that's totally fine and up to you! If you would like to resell or give away your adoptable someday in the future, I also have no qualms against it. Let me know, as always, if you have any questions!

Perhaps you want a custom of your lioness instead? Go here!: [link!]

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Edited on 16/09/16 @ 18:42:04 by kismet! (#78099)

Chihuahua (#78099)

Bone Collector
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-06-11 09:06:48
Awesome! :D Send over the payment as is convenient for you and I'll send over their non-watermarked reference sheet!

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