Posted by ★Realisitc Stray Cats Sign ups★ (OPEN)

Lennox (Side) (#2824)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-03-20 02:47:58

Hello, I'm old time role player going onto about 10 + years of role playing. I have even created my own role play sites at one time. I'm not huge Warrior cat fan role player at this time and would love just a nice Realistic Stray cat Rp if your interested then look no farther!

Role Play Thread.

Meows Thread.

Official Site.


Lets just set a few ground rules down!

~ No bulling of any kind welcome here unless in character.
~ No out of this world abilities/magic or anything that would not happen realistically.
~ Domestic cats only. Any breed welcome however no lions,tiger ECT..
~ No God Modding what so ever; you control your character(s) and only your characters
~ No perfect cats they must be able to get hurt sadly :(
~ No limit on characters.


If your characters happen to have kittens between another players or a random Tom then to make things easier people can Message Lennox (2824) to get your kitten stats.

*There can be up to seven kittens born in one litter
*The Role Player of the She-cat always gets first choice of the kittens.
+ If females are bred in winter there is a higher chance of stillborn and sick kittens
*Any Unwanted Kittens are put up for adoption so other role players can decide to play them.
The number,gender,fur length, health and color of the kittens are picked by a randomizer and a colour predictor! Surprises are fun!
+She-cats are pregnant for three days.

Aging & Seasons

+ Seasons are one month long
+Cats are to aged by one year per one months

Character Directory




*Glory Days



Character Applications

Love interest:

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Edited on 28/03/16 @ 23:11:37 by Lennox (#2824)

Jadefeather (#27167)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-03-23 11:18:08
I am so sorry! But I have to drop out! I am really busy!

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Lennox (Side) (#2824)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-03-23 11:21:55
That's fine come back anytime :)

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oblige (#54017)

Good Natured
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-03-24 03:41:28
Photo: latest?cb=20140520040917
Name: Opal
Age: 3 years
Gender: Female
Color: White and gray with green eyes
Breed: Chantilly Tiffany
Personality: Opal is a very quiet yet witty she-cat. She trusts almost no one, but it is possible to win her trust over. However, mess with her feelings and you will be sworn against the kitty gods and she will not want to see you ever again. She can talk her way through most, but her pretty face and flirtatious manner normally works. While she hasn't had any kittens, she has considered it a few times; but in the end, she decides that she will keep her pride until she finds someone she can absolutely trust.
Kins/Family: Her father, Streak.
Friends: None. Not unless she can absolutely tell they are friends.
Enemies: Anyone who backstabs her.
Love Interest: Win her heart over. Won't be easy, though.
Opal was born in a box, later to be dropped off into an alley by her mother and fed by her father. But eventually her father left her at the age of 5 months, to go be back with her spoiled mother. She swore to never trust a family member ever again, and has kept the promise. Whenever she saw her father lurking sadly around the alley looking for her, she would turn a different corner. She also promised herself to take care of her kits as if she was a tiger when she kitted.

But later in the alley, her father spotted her tail slipping across a greasy floor and began following her, later asking her what had happened and why she was scarred. She responded by slashing him across the face, anger blazing in her eyes. She told him that he knew nothing about alley life and should go back home to his spoiled kittypet life. But he refused to, telling her that he wanted to protect her. Let her back into his life. But she retorted, telling him she could protect herself, as demonstrated when she swiped at him. She claimed that he had pushed her out, and that she really only wanted to be loved.

But she knew as well as him as they didn't love eachother as a family. They hated eachother. They split their ways, Opal running down a different alley and he returning to her mother. She felt no sympathy for the tom; she had learned during the talk that her mother had passed away. The only thoughts in her head were that she deserved it, and if the she-cat didn't die herself, that Opal would kill her first.

And here she is now, so.

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Edited on 24/03/16 @ 10:51:11 by Icy Flint (#54017)

Lennox (Side) (#2824)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-03-24 03:58:01
★Opal Accepted★

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