Posted by ★Realisitc Stray cats★ (OPEN)

Lennox (Side) (#2824)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-03-20 04:51:59

Role Play Sign-up.

Meows Thread.

Official Site.

Season: Spring
Meeting behind the Restaurant: April Sat,2

Viking opened his mouth taking in has many smells has he could. His eyes watered at the foul smell of a car exhaust parked along the side of the road. His ears swirled at the sound of the small children who played at the park from across the street.

The brown tabby jumped as a dog barked from behind the dirty stained fence. He bolted taking off across the street as car slammed on it's breaks and blasted the horn. Viking's eyes grew wide as he ran fast; clawing his way up a tree and looking both ways.

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Edited on 28/03/16 @ 23:11:03 by Lennox (#2824)

Jazziest Creature (#36243)

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Posted on
2016-03-21 08:10:11
Noxi sat wide-eyed and afraid in a small cardboard box after another sleepless night. Without her mother everything from strange noises to new scents scared the kitten. Her small stomach clenched in hunger, urging her to leave the comfort of her box in search of something edible. The calico was thankful when she found a knocked over trash can and quickly made her way over to it, digging through the pile of trash pouring out. Her stomach silently thanked her as she found a mostly eaten container of Chinese food that she quickly scarfed down before continuing her search for breakfast.

In her blind search for a meal the kitten didn't see the stray dog who was attracted to the street feast as well as the beast came up behind her. Muzzle in a snarl the mutt watched Noxia and the moment she turned around every piece of fur on her tiny body stood up as her back arched in defense. Her heart beat quickly as the two stared each other down before the stray dog lung at her and she instinctively clawed at the animals nose, waiting for the surprised yelp before running for her life.

Out of breath, scared and on edge Noxi continued to run before stopping at the base of a tree as she struggled to regain her compose as she checked to make sure she hadn't been followed by the mutt and that she was safe, not thinking to look up in the tree to see if their was anyone there.

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Lennox (Side) (#2824)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-03-21 08:24:51
Viking had let himself to calm down enough to gain any compose he had left. He chose to stay in the tree for a while longer, he felt safer there. Sometimes the loneliness got the best of his has he remembered hanging out with Shadow. He often returned found himself returning to the area he had last seen his bigger brother that and the there was always lots of food in the trash can if you could get the lid off that was.

He was alerted at the sighted of another cat or more like a kitten running across the street the same way he had been startled. The dogs always seemed to be getting worst and cats seemed to to be getting scarce. He waited a moment to see what he was up against.

After a moment he started down the tree one paw after the other until he thudded to the ground hoping not the scare the other feline away. He made sure to look around you could never be to safe specially around the humans they were always attempted to catch them and sometimes they were even mean throwing things at him! Viking remember one time he had almost been severely hurt by one of those humans. He shook his head remember the small kitten that stood in front of him. The tom opened his mouth to say something then closed it again.

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Jazziest Creature (#36243)

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Posted on
2016-03-21 08:37:09
Noxia jumped to her feet, startled by the sound of something hitting the ground. She cursed herself for not checking the tree for anyone as she stared down the tom in front of her. He seemed to zone out for a moment before refocusing on her. She watched defensively as he seemed to speak before changing his mind. "H..hi." she mewed softly, hopeful that the tom didn't see her as an easy target and attack her.

She waited for a response, vocally or physically from the other feline. She mentally realized that this tom was the first feline she'd seen since her mother and siblings left her to fend for herself and though she couldn't help but feel relieved at the sight of another cat she wasn't goingnto let down her guard until she was sure she would live to see the next morning.

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Lennox (Side) (#2824)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-03-21 09:08:02
Viking had to hold back any excitement knowing now that he was not the only feline left in the neighborhood. He cleared his throat " Hey" he replied feeling weird to talk again he had not in such a long time. The tom could not help but wander what such a young kitten was doing out here by herself- though if anything he could be one to understand he himself had been separated from his own family at a young age. " So what brings you out here all alone?"

He looked down at the ground noticing a piece of tree bark had gotten caught in one of his claws he reached down pulling it off with his teeth. He really had should have any reason to be nervous he was bigger and probably more powerful then the youngling however you could never be way to careful maybe she had friends hiding somewhere for all he knew.

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Jadefeather (#27167)

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Posted on
2016-03-21 09:40:51
Jade||Female||Mentions: None
Jade stretched out before padding to her water source. Her ears perked at the sound of other cats near, a throaty growl had fallen from her lips as she sniffed the air. Shrugging and continuing to walk she approached the water, bending down to lap up the water. Her ears and eyes never stopping to scan her surroundings.

After getting the drink she began to head back, but deciding to stop and get a glance at the other cats she had heard. Her tall appearance gave her away as she looked at them. She was a pretty muscle cat, but so was the tom. She was cautious as she sat down, not wanting to get closer

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ZABA (#53989)

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Posted on
2016-03-21 13:54:22
| Glory Days | She-cat | Feeling: Content, Wary, Curious |
| Mentions: Viking, Noxia |

The green eyes she-cat blinked open her green eyes slowly, adjusting to the sudden flooding of light. She arched her back in a careful stretch, yawning quietly. As soon as she opened her mouth scents bombarded her. The disgusting smell of car fumes dominated it but a tom and a kitten also caught her attention. Glory slinked out of her perch, a small hole in a brick wall she had made her home. Looking around, she realized they were quite close. Glory was happy that there were more cats in the area but concerned. Would she have to eat less when more cats were in the area? She hoped not. Her white tipped tail flicked around as she started padding up to the general area of the cats, hoping not to be seen.

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Jazziest Creature (#36243)

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Posted on
2016-03-21 14:07:34
(Have to get to sleep but wanted to post one last time)

Noxi was shocked at the sudden question and how nervous the tom seemed to be around her, she actually found the fact that she made him nervous a little funny. "I was left behind. " she answered softly, remembering clearly the day she woke up to find her family had abandoned the runt of litter, leaving her to die as she assumed they thought she would. She watched as he removed pieces of bark from his claw before deciding to return his question.

"Why are you out here?" the kitten asked genuinely curious as she hadn't seen to many cats on the streets before, him being one of the first. A small glimmer of hope shone in her heart as she hoped he'd take her in or at least help her find a better shelter than her box as it looked like it might rain soon and her small bix wasn't exactly waterproof.

While waiting for his answer she felt eyes on her and quickly spun around, thinking that the tom had planned an ambush and she was soon to be under someones claws. She only relaxed slightly when she saw the tall queen sitting further away, not yet spotting the other queen. It was rare to see one feline but two was even rarer and Noxi wasn't sure what to do about it.

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Edited on 21/03/16 @ 21:09:15 by Calista the Onyx Wolf Queen (#36243)

Lennox (Side) (#2824)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-03-21 15:05:23
Viking sat finally letting himself relax slightly but he was always on guard being a street cat like himself, you could never be to careful. He was surprised slightly at the little she-cat's answer to his question "Left? why would someone want to do a thing like that?" He tried to smile kindly in hopes on brightening the dark topic a bit.

When she returned his own question his face fell " I wasn't always alone I had a brother before those talk things took him away. Which seems to be what happening to most of the cats in the neighbourhood." He hated talking about Shadow it hurt more than anything that he would never see his amazing big brother again.

Viking's gaze followed after the small kittens and his jaw nearly dropped open when he saw one of the most gorgeous she-cats ever! Okay let's be honest he hasn't seen many in his short life but still she was.. Just wow. His eyes looked her over one more time before he looks away shyly and that was when he caught another movement another cat! "Friends of yours?" He asked still watching the spotted she-cat out of the corner of his eye he couldn't make it to obvious!

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ZABA (#53989)

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Posted on
2016-03-22 07:38:11
(Sorry - kind of short for what I usually post)
| Glory Days | She-cat | Feeling: Curious, calm |
| Mentions: Viking, Noxia |

Glory rolled her eyes in amusement. The tom was obviously staring at her for longer than he had first intended. She slowly picked her way over to the two, blissfully unaware of the fourth cat on the prowl. As her steps quickened, she visually relaxed. They were no threat. Just a small kitten and a tom. Hearing the tom's question to the kitten, she flicked her ear and answered herself. < >"No, I don't know her. Nor do I know you." She said quite simply and ran a sandpaper tongue over her right front paw. Glory was content to watch the two and see if any other cats showed up.
The grey cat looked at the kitten curiously. She definitely wasn't the child of the tom here, and her mother was nowhere in site. Glory smiled softly at the kitten, trying to not set off a bad mood. Her tail flicked across the dusty ground and her ears twitched, listening for any humans coming near.

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Edited on 22/03/16 @ 14:38:45 by Alexis (#53989)

Jadefeather (#27167)

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Posted on
2016-03-22 07:42:24
Jade||Female||Mentions: None
Jade watched the other female before standing up and starting to walk towards them. Now that there was another female there she felt better. The she-cat's eyes narrowed as she approached them. "Hello." Jade said after the other she-cat did. Jade towered over the other cats, her long legs doing so, she sat down.

((Sorry it is so short!)

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Jazziest Creature (#36243)

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Posted on
2016-03-22 08:15:42
The kitten shook her head no at the question as she too noticed the blurr of mmovement before seeing the other queen. Before Noxi knew it both had made there way over to her and the tom. Feeling slightly overwhelmed her instincts told her to shrink away from the growing group before spotting the grey queens smile and again relaxing. "Hello. " she greeted the two females, her voice stronger than when she greeted the tom. She glanced at the tom before looking at the grey females and again repeating the toms own question.

"Why are you out here?" She asked, curiosity dancing in her young eyes as she waited patiently for one or bothe of the queens to answer her. As she waited the calico bobtail watched the two queens, finding herself attracted to the grey female. Not in the same way the tom seemed to be but like a kitten who was desperate for a mother and hadn't seen a queen since the day her own mother left.

She found herself staring at the grey female, imaging what it would feel like to once again have someone to protect and love her and before she herself even knew it the kitten was curled at the grey queens feet with a small smile on her face as she purred happily. Not thinking about how weird her position was for the female or even realizing what she was doing until now Noxi quickly bolted up and away from the female. Her eyes down and ears flat in a silent apology.

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Amber (#84237)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-03-22 08:47:16
Frostfire peered at this sprawling metropolis in front of him...he wasn't in Sweden anymore. Blue eyes narrowed as he smelled...others. Deciding to take a chance, Frostfire ran forward towards the smell, his size making him tower over some obstacles.

(I'm so sorry this is short)

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| Shadow Mimikyu | (#2771)

Ladies Man
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Posted on
2016-03-22 11:30:20
Assiah | She-cat |In Heat | Mensions: None

The sound of rushing cars and squeaking breaks woke the female bengal from her nap. Assiah opened her bright eyes and squinted a bit in the sunlight, letting her eyes adjust. The sun is rather blinding, even though from shady spot under the roots of a tree. She stood and looked out the roots, stretching out the front of her body and then rear. It seems to be mid day, maybe not, but the sun is still up and that's all she cares about. Once her body was even a quick bath, the she cat trotted off to find herself a meal. Even though food is one thing on her mind, the main thing on her mind is to find a mate. At the current moment, Assiah is in heat and will be in the next 4 days. Even though she wants to eat, she also wants to find a mate. As she went around her day, she began to call out to any tom that could hear her. As her small form wandered through the park, a bird's nest caught her attention. Her calling stopped and with great agility and swiftness, the female Bengal scaled the tree in seconds and was on to branch on the nest. Her eyes zeroed in on the contents of the nest and licked her lips. Three nice eggs, meaning a nice snack. One by one, Assiah took an egg, broke it open and licked the yolk from inside, licking her mouth and whiskers of any yolk left over. Once the eggs were gone, she went back to calling for toms.

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wagner ✦
(heritageless nadir) (#36223)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-03-22 14:17:08
The tomcat was already up, searching in the trash cans for a breakfast morsel. He didn't plan to stay in this alley, but wanted to get to the restaurants before the next dawn. If he was too late, the dumpsters would be emptied and it would be a starving week. Guppy was always hungry. He rarely found an edible thing that wouldn't make him sick, and hunting was extremely difficult. All the prey animals lived in the park, and the place was overrun with humans. In the mornings there weren't many, but he wouldn't dare risk it. His only wish was to make it across the roads in one piece like always, and then find a good bite to eat and nest to sleep in.

Pulling an unidentifiable foodscrap out, Guppy hopped down and sped away. His paws led him across the pavement, a car honking so loud that it scared him into running faster. He stopped inside a bush, breathing heavily from the fright. His eyes were wide as he assessed his surroundings. The closest hiding spot was the pack of shrubs he sat in, except they were on park property. Thinking rapidly about how he'd just ran away from an alley, onto a street, and now rested in the park was not a good chain of events. Keeping the foodscrap in his claws, he sighed deeply. Guppy hardly noticed the other cats around him.

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Edited on 23/03/16 @ 12:53:59 by HawkfeatherTheHottie (#36223)

Lennox (Side) (#2824)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-03-22 14:46:17

Viking felt excitement in start thudding in his heart as the female approached. He straightened himself up hoping he had no knots in his hair sometimes his long tabby coat would get knotted from his long journey through the alleyways.

He was feeling a tad overwhelmed with so many soles in one place it seemed some many cats had been taken by the long slender creature he had witness more than just his brother. That's when he realized how much the small group of cats were in the open on one side was the road with the dirty fence and large dog behind it across the park was the large playground were the humans kit's played. The park was a great place to catch prey but it was also very noisy.

He looked back at the two queens and nodded politely to both "nice to meet you, I'm Viking" He smiled as he watched the kitten take a liking to the grey female and he was also glad he would not have to protect her either thought he didn't know the small kitten he would still protect her if he had to. His lime green eyes scanned back towards the grey queen she was just so beautiful but what was he kidding he had nothing to offer her no safe place and plus wasn't really the ladies man.


Sharkbait had lived on the streets all his life it was nothing new. He knew almost every street and almost every alleyway. The striking black and white cat crept along a wall turning a corner he was skittish and always unsure what was to happen next and would much prefer to travel with his siblings however Phoenix was in one of her moods and Maddox had been gone before he woke in the old junkyard where they had born at.

The tom's stomached growled and has he turned another corner he stopped dead in his tracks three dogs were in the alleyway already digging through one of bins they had knocked over. He stood frozen like that until they disappeared even then he stood there longer then he should have if his sibling had been there they would have made him move.

Sharkbait shook his head and began to walk backwards making sure they did not return once he was pretty sure they were gone he bolted running out towards the park he stopped on the other side of the street and leaped onto a car which was hot from the sun. The tom sat there breathing deeply but he had no time to gather his thoughts before something caught his interest and yowling sound his ears perked forward. His eyes scanned the bright green grass until he spotted the source of the noise.

He was a nervous wreck but he jumped down running across the street what was driving him nuts was the smell. He stopped once he was close enough to make out the she-cat and froze in place not really sure what he was to do.

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