Posted by Warrior Clans United [RP Sign-Ups]

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-03-28 07:17:36

Hello members of Warrior Clans United!

This is the Warrior Clans United RolePlay Sign-Up thread. This roleplay will follow Erin Hunter's Warrior Cats series!

1 - Cats must be realistic, no super powers. :)
2 - Before your cat starts to have feelings, ask other player about a potential relationship.
3 - The maximum number of cats is 4.
4 - Mating is PG; fade to black. :)
5 - When a battle happens, cat must sustain injuries.
6 - Leaders have 9 lives.
7 - No killing or permanently hurting another RP character without permission
8 - Please be respectful on the chats.
9 - Leaders and medicine cats will be decided by me. Deputies are chosen by the Leader.
10 - Only 1 special cat per person (above Warrior status).
11 - Put in A.A.R in the Other category on sign-up sheet so I know that you read the rules!
12 - All Warrior Cats rules apply, including acceptable names as in the series.
13 - The layout of the clans(Scenery) follows the first book of the first series.
14 - If you have one female, you must have one male, and so on.
15 - You may NOT jump chats without asking permission from SmoGirl.
16 - Inactivity for 15 days will have you moved to the "Danger of Being Removed" list, 20 days is removal from the clan(s).
17 - Please PM SmoGirl if you need an extended absence.

ThunderClan: Fierce and Brave
ShadowClan: Wily and Proud
WindClan: Swift and Loyal
RiverClan: Clever and Strong


Each clan has been broken up into individual threads! All members.. Let the fun begin!
(Names are clickable)

>>Spreadsheet for Clans (Available Spots)<<

>RP Members Lounge!<
>Thunderclan Chat<
>Shadowclan Chat<
>Windclan Chat<
>Riverclan Chat<

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Edited on 07/06/16 @ 09:09:35 by LionTamer😛(♡A.A.RP♡)� (#66075)

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-18 13:42:23
Awww their babies are so cute cx

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OasisKing (#76231)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-20 04:33:44
Name: CloudyPaw(MIst)
Gender: Male
Age: 9 moons
Sexuality: Asexual
Clan: ThunderClan
Rank: Medicine cat Apprentice
Looks: cloudymist_by_speedyfoxamv-daerlda.png
Personality: A nervous tom who hates to leave camp because he fears the world beyond the camp. This tom is very paranoid with a lot of things. Though despite this he is a talker once you get to know him, he likes for his friendships to last forever. Once he becomes older he will stop fearing the outside world but he spaces out a bit from time to time.
Parents: Brought in by a loner as a kit (rogue not in clan)
Littermates: None
Mate: None
Kits: None
Other: A.A.R.

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(Dixie) (#71738)

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Posted on
2016-08-20 07:30:40
Removing my characters. I'd like to make a kit for each Clan.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-08-20 09:23:36
Oasisking - I will review your application and activeness and then decide if your character can be apprentice (:

Dixie - Please ask. I have been very busy with not only work but managing all these threads the best I can. It's not very fun to keep removing and adding new characters all the time. Thanks!

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(Dixie) (#71738)

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Posted on
2016-08-20 09:28:58
I know, I'm doing something like that myself, Smo... I just.. kind of want to get to know everyone through a kit.

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OasisKing (#76231)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-20 11:05:34
SmoGirl- Alright, do you mean activeness on this site or in this group?

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-08-20 11:11:49
On this site (:

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OasisKing (#76231)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-20 11:12:37
Alright :)!

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Mapleivy (#28542)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-20 13:20:27
Harlock (Palejaw from Shadowclan) has asked me to tell you to remove her from the roleplay. She's too lazy to get on her main and tell you herself but I can convince her if necessary.
I guess Palejaw can just drop dead from smoke inhalation again or whatever. I did tell her that she definitely can't return to the roleplay now as Palejaw. xD
I do agree with Harlock thinking that the roleplays are moving slowly right now (although the main reason she wants to quit is because she's bored of warrior cat roleplays) but I don't intend on removing my characters until I get super bored or too busy.

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Edited on 20/08/16 @ 20:21:03 by Mapleivy (Hungry forever!) (#28542)

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-20 13:24:11
Awww Dixie does that mean Ravenfeather no longer has a crush? o3o

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Kuma ™ (#16165)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 01:49:33
Name: Thor
Gender: Male
Age: 40 moons
Sexuality: Straight
Clan: Moon Rogues
Rank: Rogue
Looks: Dark brown and tan Norwegian Forest cat. Light yellow eyes, long whiskers, and a large build.

Unsourced image removed by moderator.

Personality: Thor is a calm, laid-back tom who has a certain cleverness and wittiness to him. He is known for being intelligent, sneaky, devious, and sometimes conniving, especially towards cats whom he doesn't call family. Thor is extraordinary in battle with his thick pelt, large paws and intimidating demeanor; he is known to be a formidable enemy, but nonetheless a precious ally and a tom to call one's friend. He will protect those he loves at all costs, no matter the consequences. Although, he tends to challenge authority, as he has strived to lead and control since his previous run in with Clan cats.

Parents: Clan cats from long ago. Hasn't seen his parents since he was a kit.
Littermates: No known siblings.
Mate: Was previously Pantherclaw (previous RP, won't come into play) but has none at the moment.
Kits: None that he knows of
Other: A.A.R.

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Edited on 21/09/16 @ 09:22:36 by Feather :: Shh, Squishy (#42722)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 01:51:28
@ Kuma
Accepted! Adding to the spreadsheet in just a minute :)

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 10:56:59

Hi everyone!

A few new rules in play! -->

[1] Reply must be over 5 sentences so the other character(s) have something to work from.
[2] Must interact with other characters. We need the RP to always keep moving!
[3] Label who your character is at the top, and any mentions of another character.
[4] Players who signed up and don't RP their characters within 5 days WILL have their characters removed. It's just fair!
[5] If kits are full in a clan, any females cannot be pregnant, or will have to wait until a spot freezes up! (Depending on how many kits you want, max 3)

Mandatory Reading ^^^^^^^ Thanks!

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{G1Primal} (#90149)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 12:13:28
Name: Amberkit
Gender: Female
Age: 1moon
Clan: Riverclan (When possible)
Rank: kit
Personality: A bubbly little kit who loves adventure. Amberkit loves learning new things and often gets into trouble on the way. She always finds a way to get underpaw and can never keep still. She is a tortie and white kitten with emerald green eyes.
Mate/Kits: none
Other: A.A.R
Notes: I am very happy to wait for a spot to be open and I can't wait to join if application is accepted.
Looks like:

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Edited on 24/08/16 @ 19:14:00 by cat6285 (#90149)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 12:37:16
Hey Cat! You're character has been accepted and I'm adding it to the spreadsheet now. :) Make sure to read the last few pages of the RP and read the current event before starting!
Also, who would her parents AnD litter mates be, unless she's from rogues or loners?

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