Posted by Warrior Clans United [RP Sign-Ups]

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-03-28 07:17:36

Hello members of Warrior Clans United!

This is the Warrior Clans United RolePlay Sign-Up thread. This roleplay will follow Erin Hunter's Warrior Cats series!

1 - Cats must be realistic, no super powers. :)
2 - Before your cat starts to have feelings, ask other player about a potential relationship.
3 - The maximum number of cats is 4.
4 - Mating is PG; fade to black. :)
5 - When a battle happens, cat must sustain injuries.
6 - Leaders have 9 lives.
7 - No killing or permanently hurting another RP character without permission
8 - Please be respectful on the chats.
9 - Leaders and medicine cats will be decided by me. Deputies are chosen by the Leader.
10 - Only 1 special cat per person (above Warrior status).
11 - Put in A.A.R in the Other category on sign-up sheet so I know that you read the rules!
12 - All Warrior Cats rules apply, including acceptable names as in the series.
13 - The layout of the clans(Scenery) follows the first book of the first series.
14 - If you have one female, you must have one male, and so on.
15 - You may NOT jump chats without asking permission from SmoGirl.
16 - Inactivity for 15 days will have you moved to the "Danger of Being Removed" list, 20 days is removal from the clan(s).
17 - Please PM SmoGirl if you need an extended absence.

ThunderClan: Fierce and Brave
ShadowClan: Wily and Proud
WindClan: Swift and Loyal
RiverClan: Clever and Strong


Each clan has been broken up into individual threads! All members.. Let the fun begin!
(Names are clickable)

>>Spreadsheet for Clans (Available Spots)<<

>RP Members Lounge!<
>Thunderclan Chat<
>Shadowclan Chat<
>Windclan Chat<
>Riverclan Chat<

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Edited on 07/06/16 @ 09:09:35 by LionTamer😛(♡A.A.RP♡)� (#66075)

Phoenix || G1
Hibiscus (#89256)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2016-05-24 06:58:34
My life

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-05-24 06:59:23
LOL right Kuma ;)

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Phoenix || G1
Hibiscus (#89256)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2016-05-24 07:02:57
Like. I'll take the time to write something out for someone. And then they are all like "oh yeah I want it like THIS now."

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WARREN [g1 ticked] (#88005)

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Posted on
2016-05-24 07:54:52
Name: Elkbelly
Gender: Tom (Male)
Age: 29 moons
Sexuality: Pansexual (he doesn't give a rat's tail if you're a tom or she-cat or any different identity, he believes love is love)
Clan: ShadowClan
Rank: Elder (this is due to a debilitating incident that took place on a journey to the Moonstone, he was struck by a monster on the Thunderpath and his hipbone was shattered. He was a warrior at the time and after several moons of waiting for his injury to heal he agreed to retire to the elder's den. He now walks with a very pronounced limp and it causes him to move very slowly as well as aching during rainy weather.)
Looks: Click Me
Personality: He's got a tough exterior, he tends to pretty much ignore those he doesn't trust. (Basically the other clans and the rare clanmate who gets under his fur.) But generally he's a giant ball of fluff, especially around his clanmates and even more so around kits. He can be a tad bit sarcastic in rare cases, but he's still learning to joke around. In general he's laid back but always ready for a conflict. Even though he's disabled by his injury he still has the heart of a warrior. He tries to hunt and even tags along with apprentices to go out to the training grounds. But his body tends to not be able to keep up with his mind.
Parents: Unknown ShadowClan tom & Unknown ShadowClan she-cat
Littermates: Half sister, Blizzardthroat (WindClan)
Mate: None, (willing to rp one out)
Kits: None
Other: A.A.R.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-05-24 08:49:25
Lovely rose!! Nice new name :D
I'll add to the spreadsheet, then you're in! :)

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WARREN [g1 ticked] (#88005)

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Posted on
2016-05-24 09:05:38
Lol, yea my girlfriend called me a smol flower today so I was like "why not"
and thanks ^-^

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-05-24 09:09:08
Aw cute :D
Of course <3

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Lynn (#63332)

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Posted on
2016-05-24 10:47:17
Name: Sunspot
Gender: She-cat
Age: 21 moons
Sexuality: Pan
Clan: Shadowclan
Rank: Queen
Looks: sunspot_by_redlynn16-da3oy3t.png
Personality: She is sweet and will do anything to help any cats, as she loves helping. She is blind in her left eye after a fight with a rogue, and although she had warrior training, her vision makes it difficult to be a warrior. She has had many moons to adapt to it, so she can fight, but she has become very timid.
Parents: Unknown and Unknown They left her in the clan when she was a kit
Littermates: None, at least none that she knows of.
Mate: N/A
Kits: None
Other: A.A.R.

Thought I would still try to add another cat.

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Edited on 24/05/16 @ 18:00:21 by Red (#63332)

Smartie (#67158)

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Posted on
2016-05-24 10:59:10
If anyone wants to do some romance with one of my female adults let me know or pm me!

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-05-24 11:05:09
Red, you already have a Sunspot !

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-05-24 11:10:37
Oh I'm sorry, someone had submit their application for Med cat apprentice already. I'll put it in for Queen!

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.Lone Wolf. (#60021)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-05-24 11:26:38
[[Final two cats <3]]

Name: Oceaneyes
Gender: she-cat
Age: 16 moons
Sexuality: bi
Clan: River Clan
Rank: Warrior
Looks: short-haired silver-blue tabby with ocean-blue eyes
photo Ripplepelt-1.jpg
Personality: A tom-boy who loves to play fight, and is very thoughtful and considerate.
Family: Morningmist (deceased) & Storm (where-about unknown)
History: mother mated with a loner
Other: A.A.R.

Name: Flintpaw [Flintfang]
Gender: tom
Age: 8 moons
Sexuality: bi
Clan: Wind Clan
Rank: Apprentice
Looks: small, short-haired dark grey tabby with murky, gold eyes
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Personality: A dedicated, hard-working cat that will be stubborn and try to prove his point regardless of the situation. Some cats joke that he'll fight off anyone not by fighting, but by talking to them until they die. He can become very serious, and when he gets angry, he can become very, very dangerous.
Family: Unknown
History: found near wind clan camp as a kit, and grew up believing he was born as a true warrior
Other: A.A.R.

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𝒦𝒶𝓎 (#88809)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-05-24 12:02:02
Name: Silverclaw
Gender: Female
Clan: Thunder clan
Age: 19 Moons
Rank: warrior
Sexuality: Straight

Looks: <*img src=""*> <*/img*>
(I forgot how to do it O.0)
(Ima leave that there...)

Mate: None
Parents: (mother) Silverstar (Deceased), (Father) Unknown. (kittypet)
Siblings: None

personality: She is strong willed, loving and kind, though she can be aggressive at first meetings. She cant stand kits but also adores them. Silverclaw likes to fight, knowing it helps calm her down. She doesn't have friends so she spends her time doing anything she can to keep her busy. She is loyal and trustworthy. She has a huge grudge on kitty pets, due to her father being one and so on.

Other: She is very slender and fast moving, unlike other cats, she can run fast for longer distances. She cant hear all so well, but sometimes can pick up things others cant.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-05-24 12:10:36
I'm sorry Taganami, you can't join unless you're in Warrior Clans United the clan!

@Lone Wolf, they sound amazing! Will add them when I can :D

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-05-24 12:15:31

Hey everyone! I was wanting to take a poll. Since the Moon Rogues are becoming a big thing, how about we make a clan for them?! :D Let me know, it'll be more comfy and more people can join as well!

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