Posted by Warrior Clans United [RP Sign-Ups]

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-03-28 07:17:36

Hello members of Warrior Clans United!

This is the Warrior Clans United RolePlay Sign-Up thread. This roleplay will follow Erin Hunter's Warrior Cats series!

1 - Cats must be realistic, no super powers. :)
2 - Before your cat starts to have feelings, ask other player about a potential relationship.
3 - The maximum number of cats is 4.
4 - Mating is PG; fade to black. :)
5 - When a battle happens, cat must sustain injuries.
6 - Leaders have 9 lives.
7 - No killing or permanently hurting another RP character without permission
8 - Please be respectful on the chats.
9 - Leaders and medicine cats will be decided by me. Deputies are chosen by the Leader.
10 - Only 1 special cat per person (above Warrior status).
11 - Put in A.A.R in the Other category on sign-up sheet so I know that you read the rules!
12 - All Warrior Cats rules apply, including acceptable names as in the series.
13 - The layout of the clans(Scenery) follows the first book of the first series.
14 - If you have one female, you must have one male, and so on.
15 - You may NOT jump chats without asking permission from SmoGirl.
16 - Inactivity for 15 days will have you moved to the "Danger of Being Removed" list, 20 days is removal from the clan(s).
17 - Please PM SmoGirl if you need an extended absence.

ThunderClan: Fierce and Brave
ShadowClan: Wily and Proud
WindClan: Swift and Loyal
RiverClan: Clever and Strong


Each clan has been broken up into individual threads! All members.. Let the fun begin!
(Names are clickable)

>>Spreadsheet for Clans (Available Spots)<<

>RP Members Lounge!<
>Thunderclan Chat<
>Shadowclan Chat<
>Windclan Chat<
>Riverclan Chat<

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Edited on 07/06/16 @ 09:09:35 by LionTamer😛(♡A.A.RP♡)� (#66075)

Novo (#81850)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-06-19 11:16:44
@Geetah, the loner spots are already full. Please take a look at the spreadsheet which is linked on the top of this thread for an empty space in a clan. Or, if you don't want to do that I can put you on a waiting list but it may take a while.

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_away (#90939)

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Posted on
2016-06-19 15:21:23
Couldn't he start out as a loner? I want him to join the river clan during the rp. Otherwise i would have to change his whole bio and name!

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Cressa (#75187)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-20 03:50:33
Name~ Onyx
Gender~ Male
Sexuality~ Straight
Age~ 8moons
Clan~Moon Rogues
Rank~ Apprentice
Looks~ onyx is a medium sized tomcat with a surprisingly lean build. Hes agile and light on his feet. He has a medium warm grey pelt, splotched with darker onyx spots and specks running down his spine, giving him his name. He has medium length whiskers, and normal sized ears, however the tomcat seems to not hear anything he doesnt want to. His pelt is very thick and short, and he is very sensitive to cold, and heat. his onyx marking continue down to the tip of his tail. he has extremely large dark paws. His eyes are a very dark cool grey, flecked with a intense navy blue. sadly, its a peculiar rarity that no one has ever cared to notice
Personality~ Onyx is an introvert. he hates letting other cats know anything about him, but deep down, he would rather tell someone every single thing hes thinking. He doesnt feel like he fits in, all the cats around him thirst for blood and power, while he would rather enjoy settling down and finding a mate. But, he dare not ever tell a breathing soul of his wish, for his 'clan' would surely despise him for it. so he keeps to himself, he daydreams while he should be working. he hopes and wishes one day to fall in love and raise up a family, He truly just wants someone to adore and cherish like he never was. otherwards, onyx enjoys fishing hunting, the sound of rain and herbs. He is horrified at the thought of climbing trees, or partaking in any activity involving heights. He loves the taste of vole or trout. and truly despises the taste of any slimy reptile. He dislikes the smell of blood and the scent of heather.
Parents~ unknown. He was born of a loner and left at the camp entrance before he was even a moon old
Mate~ Not yet
Kits~ Not yet
Other~ a.a.r
Hope This is okay! Hope I Get In!!!

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Edited on 20/06/16 @ 11:42:11 by Cressa (#75187)

Novo (#81850)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-06-20 12:30:43
@Geetah, as I said before, the loner spots are full but I can put you on a waiting list. Please look at the spread sheet that is linked at the top message on every page. You will also see that Riverclan is full at the moment.

@Cressa, accepted. Feel free to join the Moon Rouge chat whenever you can just as long as it's within this week.

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Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-06-20 14:15:52
Name: Darkpool
Gender: male
Age: 32 moons
Clan: WindClan
Personality: Darkpool is a quiet cat. He spends most of his time collecting and meticulously sorting herbs. He doesn't like to talk to cats because they treat him like less than themselves or they pitty him. The only thing he really enjoys is chatting with the cats he's treating. He likes to hear about what everycat Is doing.
Description: Black skinned, Silver eyed, hairless tom.

Rank: medicine cat
Parents: unknown
Other: A.A.R

(Last thing- Do you need an rp sample ? Because he's a med cat?)

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Edited on 21/06/16 @ 04:56:54 by Snowkit (#23944)

sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-06-20 14:18:12
Riverclan and Windclan needs a medicine cat apprentice, but no one needs a medicine cat at the moment.

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Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-06-20 14:19:24
(Windclan does on the form thingy)

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sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-06-20 14:20:15
(Oh, I didn't see that. I thought Whitebee was still the med cat. XD)

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Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-06-20 14:21:14
(I know, I liked Whitebee...)

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Artifice (#91143)

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Posted on
2016-06-20 17:47:19
(Picture link added now)

Name: Mintwood

Age: 3 years

Gender: Male

Orientation: Asexual

Clan: Windclan

Rank: Medicine cat

Personality: Mintwood is very kind. He loves being able to help his clanmates. He is very friendly and tells stupid jokes. He enjoys talking to anyone, and likes to meet new people. Mintwood is easily worried about many things. He really wants his clanmates to like him and criticizes himself a lot. Despite his general anxiety, he is not a coward and will stand firm for what he believes in.

Looks: Mintwood is a brown tabby. He has silky medium length fur. He is a warm chocolate brown and has a light cream belly. His eyes are mint green(thus his name) and he has a pink nose. There is a small orange spot on his left temple. Mintwood is a polydactyl and has extra toes on each of his feet. He's slightly taller than average and can jump well.

Parents: Unknown

Mate: N/A

Kits: N/A

Picture link

(I hope I'm picked, thank you for reading)

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Edited on 21/06/16 @ 23:06:54 by Artifice (#91143)

sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-06-20 17:48:48
We already have a sign up for windclan med. cat from Snowkit. But I don't know who will be picked.

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Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-06-20 21:47:39
We could both be medicine cats couldn't we? That way if one of us is offline the other could help the clan? I know that Thunderclan had two medicinecat's before. (In the books not the Rp)

(Hey Smo, XD)

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Edited on 21/06/16 @ 09:52:31 by Snowkit (#23944)

Novo (#81850)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-06-21 03:06:56
@Snowkit, that is currently not allowed in the RP forums because of how the spreadsheet is set up and we'd have to change the whole thing.

@Artifice, accepted.

Smo and I spoke and chose Mintwood, if you have any complaints feel free to message me. Please do not bother her today, it's been a rough couple of days on her.

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Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-06-21 03:13:04
Aww...could Darkpool become darkpaw and be the apprentice then?
Or a Moon rouges warrior?

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Edited on 21/06/16 @ 10:14:43 by Snowkit (#23944)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-06-21 03:14:17
I believe that can work Snow.

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