Posted by The Island of Rawl [sign ups]

Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-04-02 06:17:52

Welcome to the Island of Rawl

You are one of six anthropomorphic cats, much like the Khajiit from Elder Scrolls, who has left your home for whatever reason. Whether it be restlessness, a need to discover, or something else, you have now ended up on the island of Rawl in a cozy inn called ”The Hardy Hellbender” owned by Eserii. One night you have a dream telling you that you are one of the chosen and that the others will be waiting for you. An image comes with the dream and depicts a place you know well, the large group table in the front right corner of the inn. You will be starting your story here, meeting up with the five other cats. What will happen after that is up to you...
If you couldn't tell already this was heavily inspired by the Khajiit in Skyrim and many of the places' names are in Ta'agra


- Zisa || Twenty Two || Female || African Leopard || Valkyrie -
- Ravi || Twenty Two || Male || African Leopard || Concept -
- Yonderu Skita Bishop || Twenty One || Male || North American Cougar || Remus Lupin -
[reserved neoncherries4life]
[reserved headless]
[reserved wolfeyes]

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Edited on 19/04/16 @ 19:12:43 by Prince [KYO] (#6036)

Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-04-02 06:46:30



Rawl is a medium-small sized island just offshore of the mainland island, Aran, well known for it's mining and fishing business. It has multiple towns, but only one that people actually go to called Teko'i Var. The center is comprised of small businesses and temporary merchant stalls, moving outward to more permanent businesses such as inns and blacksmiths, and further past that are the actual houses. On the far end of the city is a semi-circle trench the leads to the ocean so that if the volcano erupts it doesn't damage the city. Due to the constant coming and going of people there are many races living here and there is a high tolerance of other races. The natives are short and stocky people with salamander features and thick skin, colored in black and yellow and resistant to lava. They were known as Eskala Ezkutatu and are rarely seen now. The start of your journey will take place in a small inn, further from the bustling trading area, called, "The Hardy Hellbender" and owned by the Eskala Ezkutatu hybrid, Eserii.
I'm REALLY great at making maps ;-;

Playable Species

Species:: Tiger
Subspecies:: Bengal, Corbett's, Siberian, Malayan, South China, Sumatran
Average Height:: 6'6”-8' ft
Average Weight:: 250-400 lbs
Coloration:: Orange, Red Orange, White [uncommon], Maltese [rare]
Markings:: Lighter Undersides, Black Stripes
Habitat:: Jungle, Rain Forest, Savannah [rare]
Traits:: Strong, Independent, Stealthy, Vain, Prideful, Patient

Species:: Lion
Subspecies:: West African, Barbary, Asiatic, Tsavo, Masai, Congo, Southwest African, Transvaal
Average Height:: 5'-6' ft
Average Weight:: 250-350 lbs [male] 150-250 lbs [female]
Coloration:: Tan, Gold, Dark Gold, Brown, Cream [uncommon], White [rare]
Markings:: Lighter Undersides, Cub Spots [uncommon]
Mane Colors:: Stripes Gold, Dark Gold, Brown, Dark Brown, Cream [uncommon], White [rare], Black
Habitat:: Savannah
Traits:: Sexist, Prideful [ha], Social, Greedy, Brave, Compatible

Species:: Leopard
Subspecies:: Amur, Indian, Anatolian, Javan, Persian, Snow, Clouded, Arabian, Sri Lankan, Indochinese, African, North Chinese
Average Height:: 5'-6' ft
Average Weight:: 100-200 lbs [males] 80-150 lbs [female]
Coloration:: Tan, Sandy, Black [uncommon], Gold, Cream, Grey
Markings:: Lighter Undersides, Spots, Rosettes
Habitat:: Mountains, Forest, Savannah
Traits:: Independent, Excellent Climbers, Graceful, Stealthy, Quiet, Observant

Species:: Lynx
Subspecies:: Eurasian, Canadian, Bobcat, Iberian
Average Height:: 4'6"-5'6" ft
Average Weight:: 80-150 lbs
Coloration:: Tan, Brown, Grey, Dark Brown, Dark Grey, Russet
Markings:: Lighter Undersides, Sparse Spotting, Heavy Spotting, Black Tufts, Ticked
Habitat:: Mountain, Forest
Traits:: Independent, Introverted, Curious, Affectionate, Cautious, Specialized

Species:: Cougar / Puma / Florida Panther
Subspecies:: Argentine, Costa Rican, Eastern South American, North American, Northern South American, Southern South American
Average Height:: 4'-5'6" ft
Average Weight:: 100-180 lbs
Coloration:: Tan, Russet, Light Brown
Markings:: Lighter Undersides
Habitat:: Mountain, Forest
Traits:: Adaptable, Stealthy, Independent, Nocturnal, Bold, Observant

Species:: Cheetah
Subspecies:: South African, Tanzanian, Northwest African, Sudan, Asiatic
Average Height:: 4'-5' ft
Average Weight:: 60-150 lbs
Coloration:: Yellow, Dusty, Light Tan
Markings:: Lighter Undersides, Cheetah Spots, Tear Marks
Habitat:: Savannah
Traits:: Quick Witted, Fast, Weak, Independent, Cautious, Vocal


-Follow all Lioden rules
-No power playing, god modding, or mini modding
-No making an over powered character, mary/gary-sue/stu, or anti-sue
-No super unrealistic pelts and such, I will allow more freedom seeing as these are a fantasy race, but I don't want any ultra violet lions with red stripes and color changing eyes. Unrealistic eyes are acceptable.
-Please only one mutant and two one oddly colored characters.
-One character per person.
-Post at least one paragraph consisting of four sentences per post, more is always encouraged.
-Use your best grammar, punctuation, and spelling at all times. Notice that I said, "your best" which gives you more leeway, but I still don't want spelling errors every other word.
-No text talk, wolf speak, or purple prose. Small amounts of wolf speak and purple prose are acceptable, but text talk is a big NOPE. Like seriously, they don't even know what that is.
-It would be preferable if you could post at least every other day, but it's fine if you have days where you can't post.
-If you can't post for more than two-three days, please send me a message notifying me of this and about how long you will be unable to post.
-I may add more rules later, if so I will notify you that there have been changes.


Full Name:: -self explanatory-
Nicknames:: -optional-
Age:: -twenty through thirty-
Gender:: -include gender identity if it differs from their biological gender-
Sexuality:: -romantic/sexual preference-
Species:: -include species and subspecies-

Likes:: -self explanatory-
Dislikes:: -self explanatory-
Phobias:: -optional-
Strengths:: -maximum of three, at least one physical and one mental-
Weaknesses:: -minimum of two, at least one physical and one mental-
Personality:: -at least three sentences-

Eyes:: -eye color-
Fur:: -fur color-
Markings:: -markings and colors-
Height:: -please stick near-ish to the species height-
Weight:: -please stick near-ish to the species weight-
Body modifications:: -piercings, tattoos, scars, ect.-
Clothing:: -anything from victorian to flapper-
Appearance:: -at least three sentences-

Strength:: -natural athleticism, bodily power-*
Dexterity:: -physical agility, reflexes, balance, poise-*
Constitution:: -health, stamina, vital force-*
Intelligence:: -mental acuity, information recall, analytical skill-*
Wisdom:: -awareness, intuition, insight-*
Charisma:: -confidence, eloquence, leadership-* (*you have 60 points to distribute)

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Edited on 16/04/16 @ 20:59:17 by Prince [KYO] (#6036)

Valkyrie [sunset
smilus] (#60126)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-02 14:43:10
Hey there. Could I reserve a spot? c:

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Concept (#75415)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-04-02 15:13:51
I'd like a spot too!

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NeonCherries4Life (#52623)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2016-04-02 15:15:16
Me too

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Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-04-02 16:07:49
@Valkyrie, Concept, NeonCherries4Life Sure thing ;3

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Valkyrie [sunset
smilus] (#60126)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-03 10:20:23
Name:: Zisa
Age:: 22
Gender:: Biologically female, uses female pronouns, doesn't care for the griping associated with "identity"
Sexuality:: Pansexual ; doesn't really have the time or care for romance
Species:: African leopard

Likes:: Quiet, savory foods, and a good fight.
Dislikes:: People who restrict other people because of things like gender or class. Places that are unnecessarily loud and/or crowded.
Phobias:: Afraid of tight spaces with no escape routes. Also terrified of going underground in any capacity. Necklaces, high-collared shirts, and other things around her neck make her very uncomfortable.
Strengths:: Physically strong and fast. Has a naturally dominant personality.
Weaknesses:: Wicked temper, always picking fights. Cannot accurately shoot an arrow to save her life.
Personality:: Zisa was raised in relative solitude in a temple of monks, along with her brother Ravi, after escaping slavery in the mines. It was here she learned the values of good deeds and being kind, as well as silence. She isn't so great at being quiet; paranoia makes her anxious, which leads to a short fuse, which leads to picking fights more often than not. She's distrustful of nearly everyone save for her brother.

Eyes:: Amber
Fur:: Gold, lightening to pale cream around her belly.
Markings:: Rosettes that are darker and richer in color along her spine and fade as they reach her belly.
Height:: 5' 8"
Weight:: 157 pounds
Body modifications:: Has a few scattered scars, but the most significant is the large symbol on her chest. LINK This symbol, along with a series of arrows and lines below it, signify her as a slave. She is very careful to keep it covered at all times, in case someone sees and recognizes it.
Clothing:: Most of the time wears your typical adventuring gear of rough-spun breeches and tunic, and light leather armor. No helmet. Generally dislikes shoes, but will don them when going over rough terrain.
Appearance:: Zisa is of typical height for her species, but of a slightly greater weight. At first look, this extra weight might appear to be soft and fatty. Anyone who goes up against her in a fight will soon learn better. Rich amber eyes are observant, always watching for potential threats, or someone in need they can grab a few coins from. Her fur is a similar golden color to her eyes, a gentle gradient from her spine to a lighter cream along her belly fur. The ruff around her neck is a little longer and softer than one might expect. Her tail is long enough to where it would brush the ground when she stood, if there wasn't a natural curve to the tip.

Strength:: 13
Dexterity:: 11
Constitution:: 11
Intelligence:: 7
Wisdom:: 5
Charisma:: 13

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Edited on 03/04/16 @ 17:24:29 by Valkyrie (#60126)

Concept (#75415)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-04-03 10:40:51
Full Name:: Ravi
Nicknames:: N/A
Age:: 22 Years
Gender:: Male
Sexuality:: Bisexual
Species:: Leopard – African Leopard

Likes:: Zisa, solitude, the temple, climbing trees, fresh air, open areas, running
Dislikes:: Crowds, literally anyone else, being watched, being talked to, someone talking to his twin, anything around his neck, tight spaces, being questioned
Fears:: Confined spaces, his former masters finding him, being in chains, having no escape, Zisa dying/leaving him, being unable to move, going under ground
Strengths:: Excellent fighter, loyal, agile
Weaknesses:: Distrustful, paranoid, skittish, limp in one leg, cannot run distance well, illiterate, slow-minded, jealous, not too durable
Personality:: Ravi is distrustful to an extreme. He does not like when Zisa talks to others and will usually try to put a stop to it. He is awfully protective of Zisa. He would much rather be hurt in his twin’s place. He is very much the pawn of his twin and would usually do whatever she asks. Tremendously loyal. Honest, brutally so. Quiet and aloof; used to trying to stay quiet and unnoticeable. Becomes aggressive and defensive when he is cornered or in a situation he does not like. Very sudden and volatile, prone to react with violence should something spook him. Short-tempered; it’s easy to get him to lash out thanks to his skittish nature. Selfish; he will not help anyone if they are not his twin. Paranoid; he is constantly looking over his shoulder and rather twitchy. Almost always has a hand on his weapon. Incessantly rubs the scar on his shoulder when nervous. Walks with a limp/ Sort of shady with a morbid sense of humor. Not the brightest guy; slavery rendered him illiterate and occasionally impractical. Completely unforgiving; he holds grudges. Vigilant and dutiful, at least when watching out for Zisa. Protective and possessive; very easily jealous. Can be rather cruel to outsiders.

Eyes:: Ravi has yellow eyes.
Fur:: Ravi’s fur is rather unusual for his species, as it is as black as the night.
Markings:: Darker spots mark his pelt if one looks closely enough.
Height:: 5’9
Weight:: 168
Body modifications:: Ravi has plenty of scars. The most prominent ones are located on his back in the form of lashes from a whip. There is another scar on his shoulder that he rubs when he is nervous. Across his chest is a brand from his slavery. On top is this mark, which is the symbol belonging to Ravi’s former owner. Underneath is a series of arrows and lines that symbolize information about Ravi. For example, it contains the date/season he was obtained.
Clothing:: Ravi generally wears light clothes with equally light leather armor. His style of dress is identical to Zisa’s.
Appearance:: Ravi is a tall, lean leopard with rather somewhat uncommon coloration. Instead of the usual golden color seen in most African leopards, Ravi was born with an odd black pelt. If one were to look closer, they would see darker spots littering his body. He has plenty of scars due to his past and is still thin – unhealthily so. He is surprisingly muscled and retains quite a deal of strength. He relies on speed and agility in fights as well as his power. Like his sister, the fur around his neck is slightly longer and softer. His yellow eyes are generally stark and sometimes creepy. Although Zisa is his twin, they look nothing alike due to the odd coloration of Ravi’s fur.

Strength:: 16
Dexterity:: 20
Constitution:: 10
Intelligence:: 7
Wisdom:: 5
Charisma:: 2

Other:: Ravi was born into slavery with his twin sister, Zisa, which explains much of his behavior. Upon their escape, they found a temple. The monks there took them in and trained them to fight, protecting them when their former owners tried to reclaim them.

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Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-04-03 11:02:32
@Valkyrie, Concept Accepted :3

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J-Dog (#87208)

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Posted on
2016-04-03 11:45:12
Full Name:: Yonderu Skita Bishop

Nicknames:: Kediu, Opal, Sheogorath.

Age:: Twenty one

Gender:: Female (Identifies as a Male)

Sexuality:: Pansexual & Panromanic

Species:: North American Cougar

- Long naps
- Swords, daggers, ect.
- Madness / Insanity

- Idiots.
- being woken up.
- Jerks.

- Needles
- Athazagoraphobia
- Contreltophobia
- Mottephobia
- Sociophobia
- Virginitiphobia

M: Not afraid of death
P: Can stay in the cold longer than others.
P: Can reject food for an extra while.

M: A tad bit Insane
P: she has bad eyesight in one eye.
M: she is scared of being laughed at.

Yonderu is a cheerful and hyper leopard with a love for weapons. He tends to change her moods often. He is a person that loves jokes, smiles and cheese. If He isn't joking around, He is taking a nap or breaking things out of anger. He has a talent for being one with nature. Yonderu has bi-polar disorder so it makes him angry. If you touch him when He's angry or you insult him, Hewill eat one of your fingers.

Eyes:: Oynx-ish blue

Fur:: Dark brown

Markings:: Light brown undersides

Height:: 5 ft.

Weight:: 100 Lbs.

Body modifications:: Silver piercings on left ear, Four purple dot tattoos right underneath both eyes, Scar next to left eye.

Clothing:: Black Steel boots, steel armor and a steel helmet.

Appearance:: Yonderu is average height and weight for her species of cat. At first, she will look like a weak and fragile girl, but anyone who challenges her will regret it. Onyx (Ish) eyes Observing her surroundings and others. Her fur is a dark brown with lighter shadings towards the stomach and is a bit softer than the normal fur of others. Her tail would touch the ground and drag along if it wasn't curved.

Strength:: 19
Dexterity:: 16
Constitution:: 11
Intelligence:: 5
Wisdom:: 5
Charisma:: 5

Yonderu was born into a Noble household until bandits came and killed her parents (Explaining her love of weapons and breaking things out of anger) and they Abused her (Explaining her Insanity). When she snuck out, she stumbled across an elderly person in a cabin. Yonderu stayed by the elderly woman's side as the elder died. She lives in the cabin now (Explaining her being one with nature). Ever since then, she has been acting like a male just in case of someone ding what the bandits did to her.

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Edited on 16/04/16 @ 18:23:49 by Remus Lupin (#87208)

Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-04-03 15:11:30
@Remus Lupin I'm sorry, but I'll have to ask you to change a few things / clarify. The first being is that I meant one particular subspecies, unless of course he's a mix. Then I was also wondering about why he'd like daggers/swords, but then have Aichmophobia and why you used female pronouns if they identify as male? And appearance describes the character ;3

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J-Dog (#87208)

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Posted on
2016-04-16 11:26:16
@Prince [KYO] okay, I think I fixed all of the problems. sorry if I have bad English though!

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Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-04-16 13:54:40
@Remus Lupin It's cool, and accepted :3

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Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-04-17 01:01:08
may i reserve a spot?

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Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-04-17 07:31:22
@Headless Shore thing ;3

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SweetieBlues (#27916)

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Posted on
2016-04-19 11:12:19
can I reserve?

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