Posted by Role Play Vote

Soy (#6036)

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Posted on
2016-04-07 22:33:48
Ello, I'm bored and feel like making a role play. So, yeah. Anyway, vote for whichever idea you like the sound of best, you can [probably] find more information about the idea here. Sorry not sorry for the lack of effort, this is one of those, "It's five am, let's partay!" decisions.

Black and White
Basically you are either a sled dog whose team fell off a cliff or somefin and now you and your team are stranded out in the open in winter with hungry wolves. The other option is to be a wolf in a small pack that's been on the brink of starvation since mid to late fall, but now you've found a team of stranded sled dogs.
Just a warning, even if this does win I may not bring it back, it's died a few [four to be exact] times. Mostly because of me ;3
Votes 1

A strange illness has been sweeping throughout the land and it's quickly killing off entire warrens of rabbits. One rabbit from any warren that could lend one has been summoned to go on a quest to find out what exactly is causing this horrible mushroom disease thing.
This'll probably take longer since I have to draw ish to make it spooky.
Votes 0

Zodiac [until i come up with a better name]
Although the powers of the constellations is great and has been keeping it at bay, it seems as if it has gained more power over the years, enough to overthrow the great constellations themselves and has started to spread darkness upon the stars. But although it's power has grown great, it had only been able to remove twelve constellations from the night sky thus far, these are the zodiac constellations. You are one of the fallen zodiac constellations that has fallen to earth in a human's body with only a few snippets of knowledge about your previous life. Now you must regain your memories and go on a quest to defeat it and take your place once again among the stars.
Votes 3.5

The Mighty Rivers
After decade upon decade of being constantly used by humans for their various purposes, the eight greatest rivers -the Colorado, Indus, Amu Darya, Syr Darya, Rio Grande, Yellow, Teesta, and Murray- have all dried up, been cemented in, and built over. Now without their bodies the rivers' spirits must move onto the spirit realm and find their place through a great adventure.
Inspiration: Spirited Away and their portrayal of the river spirits.
Votes 3

The Guardian, The Guard, and The Guide
Further back than anyone can remember the dobermans, rottweilers, and beaucerons have never gotten along, always picking fights with each other over the pettiest little things. [i got lazy, so basically rivalry, but then ish happens. you know what i mean]
Votes 0

Your typical warrior cat based clan role play, only it's in egypt with egyptian cats, they believe in some of the gods, and the gods are very active in the clan life.
Votes 0.5

I swear I will not make the role plays this bad... Maybe.

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Edited on 10/04/16 @ 02:51:11 by Prince [KYO] (#6036)

Valkyrie [sunset
smilus] (#60126)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-08 14:59:27
casually sidles in

Hey-o. Man you have some really great ideas... I'll put a vote in for Zodiac, but I also really like The Mighty Rivers and the Egyptian cats one.

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Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-04-08 17:27:27
Thanks, and I just put them as half votes :3

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Crownteeth (#39277)

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Posted on
2016-04-09 01:02:29
The mighty rivers

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Capriccio (#84410)

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Posted on
2016-04-09 05:05:58
I like the black and white

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Em1Lee (Work/School) (#70535)

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Posted on
2016-04-09 05:10:35
You have yourself a vote on Zodiacs!

If we do, do this I'd most likely want to be the Leo Zodiac...

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Soy (#6036)

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Posted on
2016-04-09 07:47:08
Thank you, everyone, for voting! I forgot to mention this before, but whichever role play gets to five votes first wins and the one after that will be made next ;3

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NightSolace (#73219)

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Posted on
2016-04-09 15:29:18
I really love the Zodiac idda but themighty rivers alao appeals to me, if zodaic where to win I'd gladly play Cancer

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Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-04-09 19:48:17
Thanks, and I'll just make that a 1.5 vote for each ;3

EDIT Frick it, I'm bored. I'm making the zodiac role play, I'll notify everyone interested and post a link to the finished role play sign ups.

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Edited on 10/04/16 @ 02:52:04 by Prince [KYO] (#6036)

NightSolace (#73219)

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Posted on
2016-04-10 01:03:59
Alrighty then, I cant wait to join!

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