Posted by Leopons, Fertility and Mutation Item

🐾 Yeen (#36951)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-04-09 10:20:11
I understand that Leopons are already very rare. Some players may think that mutation items are the primary reason Leopons exist. When you use a mutation item on a lioness, it is very, very rare to get a Leopon. It changes so little that it is NOT a main part of the pon population.


Most know that mutation items raise the chance of getting a mutation. A Leopon is classified as a mutation, though it is a hybrid.

A mutation is stated to be messed up genes. A Leopon is a hybrid and has NOTHING to do with messed up genes. By feeding your lioness a GMO Cow, Lion Meat, or Cotton Root Bark, it should not do anything toward increasing the chances of a Leopon simply because they aren't true mutations made by messed up genes.

I also think fertility shouldn't affect the chances of a Leopon. I think it should be an adjusted percent of a chance, because Fertility has nothing to do with it.

If you dislike this idea, do tell why! ^^

This suggestion has 40 supports and 23 NO supports.

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Parva Strix (#34314)

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Posted on
2016-04-09 11:15:48
I was thinking this the other day that hybrids aren't mutations, so why should fertility matter? If anything should matter, maybe personality could play a part? But yeah, it should just be a totally random chance, like how getting an albino is now with the breeding system.


I think it should still show up as a mutation to keep there from being leopons with mutations (which would just be crazy) but as I am not a coder, I don't know how difficult it would be to implement...especially since all of the other mutations are tied to fertility level. But this is just a suggestion and if it can't work, it can't work.

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Edited on 10/04/16 @ 15:58:06 by Cesca (#34314)

Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-04-09 11:27:45
No support, maybe the lionesses know they have a lower fertility and think they can get away with messing around with leopards ;3

But anyway, they did acknowledge in this news post that leopons are hybrids, but will display as mutations. I don't really code, but it'd probably take some effort to change it so that leopons are in their own category and it would also bring up the suggestion of mutated leopons, which I think would be a bit over the top.

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🐾 Yeen (#36951)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-04-09 11:29:16
I'm not suggesting change their category, just change things around about getting them.

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Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-04-09 11:30:45
Well what do you suggest on how you get leopons instead of hoping your low fertility lioness gets frisky with one?

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🐾 Yeen (#36951)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-04-09 11:34:21
Well, it's rare for a low fertility to get one. But I say just set an adjusted rate that stays the same for all fertilities. ^^

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🍹 Tilted Scene (#57576)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-09 11:42:24
It is already a rare rare... and let me tell you RARE thing to get a leopon.

Mutation items only work to get the 1st gen because at that point it is treated as a mutation. So you use items to get it as you would any other rare mute.. And even then it is rare.
After that? It is the leopon hybrid mutation that has the small ability to produce a leopon offspring. Mutation items do NOT have an affect on the leopons and if or if not they have a leopon offspring. It is a separate roll from mutation increasing items.
Nor does fertility. Most owners of leopons boost the ferts before breeding them.

GMOs, CRB, and Lion Meats play a roll in a 1st gen because the game, as mentioned when the leopon was released in the news post, are treated like a mutation. Yes it is a hybrid, but it a mutation in the terms of the game.
To get a 1st gen. leopon you breed as if you were to breed for any other mutation.

A leopon doesn't even, for sure, breed another leopon in it's lifetime. It is all just luck. This is my understanding about leopons and from my experience in breeding them.

So I am confused on what you are trying to get implemented.

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🍹 Tilted Scene (#57576)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-09 11:47:00
And to touch base on the "hybrid" term. The message you get when you breed a leopon is that your lioness pretty bred with a leopard and one of the cubs is different from the others.. Why make it even more difficult to obtain a leopon through breeding? The game is far from being realistic or correct in many aspects.
News post when leopons were introduced. It is introduced as a hybrid
For game sake and probably the ease of coding, it was listed as a mutation. It is not. It is a hybrid. Males cannot breed. They are infertile.

Not trying to be a pain in the ass.

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Edited on 09/04/16 @ 19:01:30 by 🍷Tilted Scene | Hohen (#57576)

ClockKey (#74714)

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Posted on
2016-04-09 14:54:04
^I agree with Tilted Scene^

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🍁 Anaraktu
🍁[G1 Gleam RLC] (#75008)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-12-04 02:05:19
i do really agree with tilted. theres no reason to get things chance from how it is... then it would only be more difficult to get a first gen....
no support for me though.

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πŸ₯€ (#12402)

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Posted on
2018-07-28 22:16:33
Suport suport was going to suggest this happy to see someone has already

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πŸ₯€ (#12402)

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Posted on
2018-07-28 22:23:27
I suggest that instead a goddess fertility lioness has the higher chance of leopons and not very-low fertility lionesses because that makes absolutely no sense, how can a low fertile lioness manage to attract a leopard and conceived a hybrid!?

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Edited on 28/07/18 @ 22:26:02 by Zizi πŸ₯€ (#12402)

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