Posted by Chicken Rp signups (OPEN)

𝓢unFrost (#85622)

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Posted on
2016-04-24 12:00:15
You arise apon a rather large jungle area. A puny hen with a muscular build approaches you, vocalizing in soft clucks "Hello newcomer, This flock is called Moon Fall, may you stay and become a valued member".
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I do NOT claim the pic above this is the link of the website I found it on
Pecking order:

Cheif: Male Leader of the flock. Appoints lead hen if the previous hen has died- 1/1 (CLOSED)-Taken by Saber (#33076)

Lead Hen: is 2nd in command, watches over all hatching privileges. Appoints Cheif when previous leader has died: (Closed)- taken by SunFrost (#85622)

Noter of the medicines: healer of the flock, is well trained in herbal uses 1/2 (OPEN)

Warrior chicken!!: What the name implies, they battle and hunt for the flock 2/? (OPEN)

Gene: Prisoners and or lowest spot in the flock, has to change bedding also gets smallest portion of food. 1/3 ( OPEN, determined by personality)

chicklets: The young birds of the flock that don't yet carry out any duties, moves into trainee stage at 2 moons of age. 0/? (OPEN)

Trainee: Adolescent birds that are in training either to be a noter of the medicines or a warrior chicken. Mentor-ship is finished at 5 moons of age 0/? (OPEN)

Eldest: Old birds that can no longer provide for themselves. They Carry out no duties, except for the occasional story for the young chicks. 0/? (OPEN)
Prey list:
Sign up form

mate: if any
Extra information:
Pictures would be appreciated but you don't have to get one.
For Example, my sign up form

Name: Moe
Breed: Cornish
Rank: Lead Hen
Gender: Hen
Age: 1 yr
relatives: Russet- adopted brother
Personality: Moe is a calm natured hen but can put birds back in line if they get rowdy. She is extremely committed to her role as lead hen. Moe HATES being called small
Extra Information: Moe was found as an egg by a hen who's name was lost in time. She raised Moe in the wild, turning her into a sturdy and wise bird.
When roleplaying you may use anatomy it is actually preferred. Here is the rp thread
you can also chat on this thread
-Sunfrost (#85622)-Moe~hen
-Saber (#33076)-Russet~rooster,
-Christicat15 (#54511)-Goliath-rooster
-~| Alexis |~ (#53989)-Garnet~hen
-Dina RSC (#81592)-Adina~hen
-Gala (#66561) -Cayie~hen
-Flinttwine (#75059)- reserved a trainee
One chicken/character per person

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Edited on 26/04/16 @ 18:21:13 by 𝓢𝓾𝓷𝒇𝓻𝓸𝓼 (#85622)

Dina RSC (#81592)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-04-25 13:39:09
"I'm proud of my heart. It's been played, stabbed, cheated, burned and broken. But somehow still works."
(Source is

Name: Adina
Breeds: Marans Chicken
Rank: Gene
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years
Mate: Pm me to discuss. Have to be crush before mate.
Relatives: Deceased
Personality: Is very submissive, and will do anything mostly every chicken asks her to do. Is willing to help out, even if it risks injury and possibly death to do. Although she's like this, she hates intruders, and will risk her life to make them go away. Altogether, she's a nice chicken, although she has a tough inner layer.
Extra Information: Has a slight British accent, and is more noticeable when she gets angered.

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Edited on 25/04/16 @ 20:40:10 by Dina RSC (#81592)

✾Gala✾ (#66561)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-25 20:57:15
This is a thing now? How can I pass up sich an opportunity?

Name: Cayie

Breed: Houdan

Rank: Noter of the medinces

Gender: Hen

Age: A year and a half

Mate: Nope

Relatives: None within a 50 mile radius

Personality: Cayie is a generally friendly chick who hates humans and gets scared rather easily. She questions rules and corrects others often and is rather 'educated' for a chicken. The one thing she can't stand is others messing with her stuff.

History: Cayie was orignally planned to be raised in France for ornament by a luxurious businessman. She was stolen as an egg and was planned to be shipped to India for breeding, but ran aground was found as a chicklet by the wild chickens of the land.


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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-04-26 01:40:25
Omg Houdans are the chickens with the poofy heads right? ;o;

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Flinttwine (#75059)

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Posted on
2016-04-26 08:50:07
May I reserve a trainee & chuckled? BTW...

HEWWO SAB! We are now da Chickies c:

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-04-26 09:19:03
Hey, Sun, my rooster was accepted- correct? ( I want to post on the thread lol. That's all :3 )

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𝓢unFrost (#85622)

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Posted on
2016-04-26 11:05:11
Thanks everyone for all the new sign ups!! Yep Christi Cat your rooster was accepted :). I am adding all the new members now.

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-04-26 11:41:28
Great, thanks! <3
Will post on the thread as soon as possible! :)

( you can call me Christi, or Cat, lol. Either is okay. I just prefer a nickname, other than my full usernames. xD )

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𝓢unFrost (#85622)

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Posted on
2016-04-26 11:44:01
Ok XD. Your welcome!

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Anarch ★ (#43404)

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Posted on
2016-04-27 05:58:43
lakenvelder.jpgImage Source

"Pidge" for short.

Silver Lakenvelder

Warrior chook.


2 years.



Pigeon is a confident and sweet-tempered hen. She doesn't say much and tends to stay by herself for most of the day, usually only speaking when spoken to first. Despite her docile appearance and kind nature she is skilled in chook battle and isn't afraid to give another chicken a flogging for endangering her or her flock.

Extra information

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