Posted by Starseeker Pack Sign-Ups |MEMBERS NEEDED

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-04-25 04:44:25
Sunrise/Duskfall Packs Sign-Ups
Shadowpack Sign-Ups
Gathering Place
Chat Thread
RP Thread

The main camp of Starseeker Pack lies in the wide, round bottom of a shallow canyon basin, an hour's walk from the borders of three other major packs, Duskfall, Sunrise, and Shadowpack. These wolves are usually intelligent, but not skilled in hand-to-hand (or in this case, claw and tooth) combat. To make up for this, however, the wolves of Starseeker have, for generations, been master craftsmen. Weapons and armor have been their specialty for as long as they could fashion tools, but the crafting wolves specialize in jewlery and architecture as well.

Fox, ram, badger, deer, coyote, and wild boar are often found nearby in the forests and plains. In the open plain, a bison herd can often be found, but such animals are incredibly difficult to hunt, often needing half the pack to get a decent-sized juvenile. A long, winding river flows an hour away and water is often difficult to get.


• Three sentences minimum per post
• Hate the character, not the player
• When speaking out of character.. please use ()'s!
• No powerplaying!
• If you are going to be gone for a while, please alert us!
• Lioden rules apply
• Relationships with characters and NPCs are definitely allowed!
• If you have read these rules, put 'Seeking Stars' in Other
Pack Ranks
* Alpha (1) male OR female, the leader; has the last say in every decision
* Beta (1) male OR female; second in command; advisor of alpha and the one who is in charge of domestic decisions/debates within the pack
---*Epsilon - Alpha's mate...Upsilon - Beta's mate
* Deltas (2) - Young wolves next in line for alpha/beta; chosen as pups/young adols to lead after alpha/beta steps down - They posess no true status (i.e. - not above or below the Zeta), but they are still higher-classed wolves as they are most likely children of the higher-ups, especially the alpha or beta. Deltas continue their training inside of the pack until they are 16 months old and leave for a season and a half (typically during the summer) to train and learn how to lead a pack. They will have a month to touch up on their normal techniques, then spend a month with a noble to learn diplomacy and the beta to learn how to lead. After their training with their Noble and the Beta, a month is spent in the other packs meeting the other alphas, spending a few days getting to know the pack, etc.
* Zeta (1) Commander of the warriors; third in command; war general; fighting and battle strategy is his/her specialty
* Kappa (1) lead hunter; male or female; hunting and formation strategy is his/her specialty
* Nobles (2-8) 1-4 females, 1-4 males; no real duty/job. Hunt AND fight for the pack; mainly royal ambassadors in the place of the beta and alpha
* Royal Guards (2-5) Guards of the high class wolves' pups.
* Overseer - The bosses of the Architects, Weaponmakers, Armorers, and Artisans. One overseer allowed for each group.
* Apprentices (unlimited) former Sigmas; 3-13 months old. Will become either royal guards or nobles; were not chosen to be deltas. Deltas are chosen at 12 months (One year) of age.
* Sigmas (2 litters [1-4 pups per litter]) pups of upper class wolves. Deltas are chosen from these pups unless there are VERY special circumstances; separated from the 'Juniors' - these wolves start training at 3 months old
~~~^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Higher Class ^ ^ ^ ^ ^~~~
~~~V V V V V Lower Class V V V V V~~~
* Preists/Priestesses - Wolves with the uncanny ability to communicate with the gods and goddesses; the most difficult positions to aquire because they have to be born with the ability, it cannot be taught.
* Healer (1) possesses sharp knowledge of herbs/medicines for healing packmates; not allowed to have pups or a mate unless given permission; if they are found to be guilty of this law, they are removed from their position or, in major circumstances, expelled from the pack altogether.
* Architect - Builds dens, territory fortifications, and workspaces
* Warriors (2-7) fighters; fight for pack safety; guard the pack
* Hunters (2-7) hunters; usually females or lanky/long-legged males
* Weaponmakers, Armorers, Artisans - Usually muscular males, fashions weapons, armor, and jewelery respectively. Artisans are also responsible for making traps.
* Scouts (2-4) Scout out the herds for large hunts; spies; keep track of battles and report back to the captains of the battle/alpha-beta; messengers
* Tenderfeet (unlimited 'a tenderfoot') in training to become any lower rank. Former Juniors. 4-14 months old.
* Juniors (2 litters [1-4 pups per litter]) Cubs born to low ranks and are watched over by the omega; begin training at 4 months old
* Elders (2) --- respected by upper class and lower class alike; the wisest/oldest of the wolves (8-12 years)
* Omega (1) Lowest ranked wolf; eats last, watches the lower-class cubs while parents are away.
Sign-up form:
Family / (EX)-Mates:
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):

----If you reserve a position you have 4 days to make an acceptable form if another person also wants the position. A week to make the form if no one else asks for the position.

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Edited on 27/04/16 @ 18:15:09 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-04-26 07:30:32
Much suspende for my big message! IRL stuff always gets in the way!

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-04-26 08:48:15
Big message? OHHHH intrigued

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-04-26 08:57:25
I meant the big message Cindy's trying to send me. xD

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Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RoS (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-04-26 10:22:17
Tell inzy itd be less op throwing stuff at them that has a higher chance of missing and an actual use than using AXES and SPEARS short range - split heads, cut off limbs, etc. Throwing things has a use though, it wouldnt be op like cutting off limbs or splitting things open like an axe, they could use vines to immobilize, sharpened rocks to hit, etc. It has a necessary use...whereas axes and spears...what use do they have besides being more powerful than teeth and claws? Its like someone mechanicalized a wolf's teeth into metal so that the wolf could split open heads or chomp down and crush the bones of other wolves, its not a necessary upgrade for their survival, whereas - (idea that just occured to me) if they live in an area that is open, and the only prey they have is dangerous, wouldnt it be perfect mobilization for vine traps? YES.)

Basically, range for them would be perfect for their habitat. Like they had to be craftswolves to SURVIVE. Also. Ideas.

Vine traps (like nets and tripwires). Sharpened rock knife/arrowheads. Vine trippy thingies. Cant think of what they are a snare kind of thing but like mobile instead of set traps. Like you carry a balled up version of it that is already tied and ready, and you throw it at the target and the momentum and everything makes it spin and it gets the targets legs and wraps around them? You know what im talking about? Anyway, some of the ranks for that sort of thing could be like Knot Tyers (tiers...? Idk how you'd spell it...cuz 'tiers' is 'levels'), Blacksmith (except itd be like Rocksmith maybe?),

Strategists/Tacticians- For places and different strategies for placing traps and snares(Setters maybe?)....OOH! THEY COULD MAKE THINGS LIKE BACKPACKS/POCKETS AND USE LEATHER/PELTS TO CARRY THINGS AROUND AND SUCH! Sewers and Skinners(?) Im guessing it would be tough to skin something and be able to make it well...unless the wolf was taught to do both and was like a 'jack of all trades'....IDEA: WHAT IF SUNFALL (Sr/Df) learned how to make pelt beds FROM Starseekers?! Shadowpack doesnt use pelt beds, remember? They use moss and pines, etc! Idea: they taught the packs how to skin in exchange for a few deers, so they could make larger pelts!!

I wanted to get this asap to you. Im literally on the road right now. Ill also put my sign ups on this and move this to chat threads. HI EVERYONE THATS NEW HERE. I am the one in charge of Sunrise and Duskfall, and the alpha of Sunrise, Starseeker's allied pack. Inzy can i be a noble? I almost said id sign up an alpha but i think you should be alpha here inzy, you're only beta in sunrise, be alpha here! That way the peoplw running the packs dont have doubles of stuffs. I dont mind grabbing zeta though. Zeta and Noble? OOH! ORRRR if you do the traps and such, maybe have them be part of the weapon makers, architects, etc group and it could be "Trap Setters/Makers" sort of thing...maybe the whole "Sewers" thing could be sewers, trap makers, and then the overseers or some other sort of high rank could be the overseer for the sewers is called the Primus (primum means first, so first line of defense! As in home shield, the traps are the first line of defense, but also used for hunting :3)

If we make a primus(on par with the zeta/kappa maybe? Like instead of an overseer that reports to zeta or kappa or whatever, they are in charge of the trap makers/sewers and work with the zeta and kappa. Kappa works with them in hunting and zeta works with them in defending. WORKS.

So, if we make a Primus can i be it? Primus and Noble if you make a Primus rank..EEKKK I LOVE TRAPS! :3 EEEEEKKK I LOVE ASMUNDR AND ITS IDEAS. EEEKK I WISH I HAD THOUGHT OF A CRAFTSPACK! SO COOOOOLLL!! C: I LVOE THIS.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-04-26 10:44:53
Ho-ly feck, that's a ton to intake. Okay, first, understand that the axes and swords won't be that sharp. Wolves can't exactly use gridstones and stone doesn't work well with them if they could. The added benefit of axes and swords is blocking as well as blunt force and a wider hit range. I was thinking of vine traps, but not THAT complex. Maybe some of the warriors would be skilled in stealth and agility and can use the vines to immediately trap an unsuspecting wolf or large prey. Three or four wolves would be situated in trees close together and when the target is in ample position, the lead wolf barks and each vine "lasso" catches the target before they can react, a loop catching the neck, torso, and a leg or two.

As for the extra positions, most of them aren't needed. Scouts can survey where to place traps, Zeta's are in charge of strategy, and the rest I already have positions for. Artisans double as trapmakers.

Sure, you can be a Zeta and a Noble. I'll take Alpha I guess.

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Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RoS (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-04-26 11:01:56
So no Primus/line of defense? Well fuck. So Artisans are jewelrymakers AND trap makers and handle pelts-skinning and sewing?

Then maybe instead of Zeta ill just be the overseer for the Artisans. Cuz i want to specialize in trap making, setting, and "sewing" things together in general.

And a vine loopes over the branch of a tree hooked to a looped vine on the ground is a LOT less complex than wolves sitting in trees xD

And ofc the axes and such wont be that sharp, but a simple rock being slammed into someone's head will be just as damaging as splitting it open with a complicatedly curved axe. Swords should be more like knives though, because wolves holding swords would be too encumbering for them. Long knives or broad knives would be ok and do the same thing though, just less long and less of a weight :)

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-04-26 11:08:49
A lot less complex, but much less obvious.

The swords would be shorter than you think. Like long knives I guess.

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Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RoS (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-04-26 11:17:39
I just know swords be a bad idea xD long knives all the way.

?? Less complex but less obvious? Isnt that a good thing? And vines on the ground, covered by a few leaves or hidden by tall grass underneath a lone tree.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-04-26 11:40:56
**more complex is what I meant.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-04-26 11:55:37
[Fine, I'll make the Alpha, but he's gonna be old!]

Name: Jackson
Gender: Male
Age: 8 years
Rank: Alpha
Family / (EX)-Mates:
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Likable
+ Swift
+ Stealthy
~ Forgetful
~ Growing weaker by the day because of his arthritis
Personality: Jackson, while older, still acts much younger than he actually is. He adores cubs, despite never having any of his own. [Can be changed.] In his age, the six-year-old male often forgets minor details like names and position. He is hesitant to allow loners into his pack or believe those he hasn't established trust in.
Biography: WIP
Other:Seeking Stars
Description/Image: icP6vFW.jpg
Cred -

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Edited on 01/05/16 @ 13:13:37 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RoS (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-04-26 15:28:15
Name: Delindra
Gender: Female
Age: 3
Rank: Overseeing Artisan
Family / (EX)-Mates:
Yseli - decreased former mate; a skilled jewelry artisan and died after being mauled by a boar
Quin - 8 month old son - Noble in Training
Trip - deceased; at 2 months old died after leaving camp and being mauled by a boar

Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Skinning prey and then sewing together beds, backsacks (idk what to call those xD theyre like things strapped across your body xD), cloaks, and den curtains (IDEA: Dens in the camp need curtains to keep the dens insulated and the wind from carrying dust storms in)
+ Sewing together vines and setting traps
+ Natural leader of the artisans
+ Good with a knife
~ Quiet and shy; not outgoing and doesn't like to speak up on account of she might offend someone
~ Can only make simple jewelry from leather strips
~ Never learned to swim

A very sweet wolf, Delindra has been a prodigious young artisan since she was little. She is not a good hunter but prides herself on her quick reflexes and knifemanship in battle. She excels with pelts and vines best and doesnt have trouble setting vine traps over branches. She is very protective of her remaining son and would like to find someone she loves to father another litter and be her lifelong mate. She is sometimes too nice for her own good and will do almost anything someone asks of her as long as it isn't outside of her abilities. She didnt want pups a year ago and never really wanted them until one of her sons died and she realized the gaping hole both her son and mate left following their deaths.

When she was 2, her mother decided that she and her fellow jewelry artisan Yseli should partake in mateship. Yseli eagerly agreed and Delindra - not wanting to offend her mother's choice or her fellow artisan - accepted his offer and allowed him to be her mate. Two months later she was pregnant with his pups and he gifted her a leather necklace that he had made with a shining bead (?? What kind of jewelry). Four months later he was mauled by the same boar that killed his 2 month old son after going out to find him. She had never been in love with him, but regarded him like a best friend or brother.

Other: seeking stars ; has a loose leather necklace that her deceased former mate made for her. It has a cluster of feathers keeping it in place and hangs at about her chest.
Average sized dark grey wolf, she has bright yellow eyes.

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Edited on 27/04/16 @ 14:19:58 by Cinder🔥Blaze (#26583)

Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RoS (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-04-26 15:48:07
Name: Quin
Gender: Male
Age: 8 months
Rank: Noble IT
Family / (EX)-Mates:
Deceased brother Trip
Deceased father Yseli
Mother Delindra - Overseeing Artisan

Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Charismatic
+ Bargainer; knows how to keep his mouth shut unless there's something in it for him or the pack
+ Good with a knife
~ If he gets frustrated he shows signs of issues controlling his temper and has gone into a sort of rage after encountering a boar on a tense scout of the plains.
~ learned to swim but avoids water like the plague as much as possible

From a young age Quin never respected his mother. He never showed it, of course, but he has believed since a young age that she didnt deserve to have a mate or pups, and that she only started to take her position as a mother seriously after his only sibling and doting father died. He has a personal vendetta against boars and while he doesnt care for catching prey nor does he really try, if there is a boar involved he is well motovated to take it down to protect his pack. He has not yet been to Sunrise or Duskfall and hopes to join the older Nobles on a trip soon. Unlike his introverted mother who rarely puts her knofe skills to "good use",he is constantly sharpening his battle skills. He doesn't care much for jewelry or things that wont help in battle or bettering the pack's ability. Thinks that his mother's skills with a knife are wasted on her because all she uses them for are skinning, carving, and sewing.

Other: seeking stars; keeps a sheathe for his knife tightly tied around his ankle and a well cleaned knife is usually tucked safely in it for keeping.
A light grey larger wolf with striking green eyes.

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Edited on 27/04/16 @ 14:25:42 by Cinder🔥Blaze (#26583)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-04-26 20:45:31
Accepted both characters! I'll do the RP Thread as soon as I can.

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Jazziest Creature (#36243)

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Posted on
2016-04-26 20:56:00
Hey do you still need an alpha?

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-04-27 05:16:09
I've currently taken the spot, but if you want the position a while in the future, then you can take a delta spot. Or, if you don't want to that, you can take any other spot currently open. C:

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