Posted by ThunderClan [Warrior Clans United RP] CLOSED

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-04-25 07:27:08
This thread is for Warrior Clans United members ONLY!
Warrior Clan: Thunderclan

>>Spreadsheet for Clans (Available Spots)<<

Thread Supervisor: Smartie (#67158)

September Event: Dawn of Larkstar

Now that Thunderclan finally has leadership, Larkstar must now learn the meaning of how to be a leader. With no training experience from any previous leaders, the new leadership for the clan may come under attack. Can Larkstar keep the clan together, and form a bond unbreakable of that of the last leaders? Will the clan take sides or form a consensus on the sudden movement from Starclan?

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Edited on 11/03/17 @ 21:57:25 by Twinky{Avid RolePlayer}πŸ˜› (#66075)

Pumpkin (#77192)

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Posted on
2016-06-07 05:28:04

Moonpaw looked at Silverclaw when and nodded her head at the advice. "Thanks, and have you seen Heartclaw? I need some more training."

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π’¦π’Άπ“Ž (#88809)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-06-07 05:36:13

"Hmm... I haven't actually. I think Heartclaw went out on patrol not too long ago. If not, then I don't know." Silverclaw looked down at Moonpaw with soft eyes and smiled as she got up. "But I will tell you if I do see Heartclaw."
Silverclaw flicked her tail in respect and headed back over to wait for Spiritstar. Giving out another call as she sat down.

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Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-06-07 05:39:23
HA XD Taganami it's Snowkit))
Snowkit blinked up at the warrior then looked at her thin legs and back up. "I'll work on that!" She said determined to impress.

Icekit drowsily walked out of the nursery den and slowly walked over to Snowkit, "Whatcha doing?" she yawned. Her thick body leaning against Snowkit's thin body. She could tell Snowkit was straining not to budge at her wait. 'Snowkit always trying to act tough in front of others.' she thought.

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Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-06-07 05:40:27
So slow at typing she leftDX.))

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π’¦π’Άπ“Ž (#88809)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-06-07 06:02:26
Woops! Sorry for the name mix up! ;D
And I think the leader will never rp again, omg)

Silverclaw - Warrior

SIlverclaw got up annoyed. 'I will just join the next patrol group.. Or a hunting group next.' she thought as she made her way to the entrance, pushing herself out to look around and then walking off. Deciding she would go off to hunt, Silverclaw prowled the forest, heading to the stream to hunt.
As she headed down, a new scent caught her attention. She opened her mouth and lifted her head to get a better whiff. 'Definitely not Thunderclan.... Nor any other clan either...' she thought as her ad-normally long, silvery claws unsheathed themselves. She headed to wards the scent, crouching down.
The silver bellied, brown tabby crawled nearer, a new sound appeared also. The bushes shook slightly, and a large, orange red animal jumped out and landed on her, biting her back and tossing her away a bit.
"Fox! Why couldn't I recognize that scent?' She thought as she twirled around and landed ungracefully on her paws. She took all her strength to land that, and she wasn't going to stop now. She charged at the fox and rammed head first into its side, her claws latched onto the fox, one paw landing on a hind leg, on the belly. Silverclaw yowled loudly before giving a hard warning bite into the large fox's back. It chirped loudly (fox's make those sounds) and bit onto Silverclaws tail, yanking it hard enough to make her come off.
Silverclaw fell on her side, trying to get up. The fox bit her side belly and backed off, disappearing into the bushes. Silverclaw yowled loudly out for help. Her tail was ruined, and her back bared a deep bite mark, as well as her side. She didn't dare to try to get up, she was already hurt pretty bad, and she didn't want to make it worse. She called out again. Still, nothing.
Finally, Silverclaw, using the rest of her strength, got up. She slowly walked down the path she went, back to Thunderclan.

(yay, that was so freackin' long! XD)

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-07 06:03:21
She sat in camp, looking around for cats to talk to but, she just sat there. Maybe they would talk to her? She looked somewhat friendly enough to approach and talk to. She neatly put her tail over paws as she sat there, looking around, somewhat interested in what was going on around camp.

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Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-06-07 06:06:44
Bored with Moonpaw and Snowkit who seemed to be in a different mood then her trotted over to Icepaw her idle. She wanted to be just like her. "Hey!"

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sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-06-07 06:09:42
Snowkit :: Kit :: 4 moons :: Nursery

The kit wrestled with the moss ball for a while. Constantly scratching at it and biting it with her tail lashing.

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Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-06-07 06:14:27
Cinnamon this will be funny my Snowkit is also 4 moons!XD

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sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-06-07 06:14:58
(Oh god xD)

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-07 06:17:29
She looked at the little kit and smiled, "hi there Icekit, how are you?" She was actually very friendly towards the kit, she wasn't as nice to warriors she didn't really talk to.. but oh well, she made up for it with her loyalty and everything else she was taught by their leader.

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Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-06-07 06:19:57
"Im great! Do you think you think when I am an apprentice I will be as good as you were when you started?" She chirped eager to be like Icepaw. When she was an apprentice she just hoped Icepaw would be her mentor.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-07 06:32:37
Her tail flicked with amusement, "I bet you will be better than I was starting out Icekit" she smiled at her, she wants me to be her mentor? she felt honoured at the kit's words but, she didn't show it, her eyes were of kindness and she was friendly. She is actually a very friendly cat once you get to know her.
(Awww that's so cute xD a kit looks up to Icepaw and she is supposed to be a warrior next moon she is 11 moons at the moment, how do you calculate moons in the RP?)

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Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-06-07 06:36:03
I have no clue! XD))


Snowkit wandered around thinking about Silverclaw. Sh had to prove she could be better she was determined to prove that the the thin kit could be the best warrior.

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sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-06-07 06:40:40
(Heck if I know when you're supposed to age up your cat. I dunno if it's when you think it's right or you have to wait an entire month to age up your cat. xD)

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