Posted by ThunderClan [Warrior Clans United RP] CLOSED

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-04-25 07:27:08
This thread is for Warrior Clans United members ONLY!
Warrior Clan: Thunderclan

>>Spreadsheet for Clans (Available Spots)<<

Thread Supervisor: Smartie (#67158)

September Event: Dawn of Larkstar

Now that Thunderclan finally has leadership, Larkstar must now learn the meaning of how to be a leader. With no training experience from any previous leaders, the new leadership for the clan may come under attack. Can Larkstar keep the clan together, and form a bond unbreakable of that of the last leaders? Will the clan take sides or form a consensus on the sudden movement from Starclan?

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Edited on 11/03/17 @ 21:57:25 by Twinky{Avid RolePlayer}😛 (#66075)

Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-06-08 10:11:48
The fox got closer to her tiny paws quaked. It's blood soaked claws terrified her. The fox lunged biting her stomach. She screamed a terrible screech wailing, "PLEASE ANYONE HELP FOX PLEASE HELP ME!!!"

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-08 10:15:29
She noticed the kit had left camp, she wasn't as dismissive as cats thought.. She heard the kit yell in pain and over, she had noticed the fox and tackled it, she hissed at the kit, "RUN"

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Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-06-08 10:24:39
Snowkit lifted herself up with all the strength she could muster. Unfortunately her legs wouldn't run after so much pain and blood loss. She limped to the camp entrance as quickly as she could and fell not two feet away from camp. She couldn't hold herself up any longer.

Larkfoot heard a commotion outside and walked out. He saw his kit just outside of camp and bolted to her picking her up and setting her down by the medicine cat den. "What happened?"

"A- A fox. Icepaw o- out- there."

Larkfoot shouted at the near by Snowkit (other) "Watch her and get the medicine cat!" He bolted out to find Icepaw and a fox.

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.Lone Wolf. (#60021)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-08 10:27:36

|-Spiritstar - Leader - TC-|
Waking with a jolt, Spiritstar heard a kit wail and bolted out of camp to find Icepaw fighting a fox, and two kits cowered beneath her. Charging forward, he slammed his body into the vile creature. It chirped in response, and bit down on his back, nearly crippling him. Luckily, he managed to wriggle out of its grasp and leap onto it's back, biting hard on it's neck, looking for the soft spot. Hanging on tightly, he found what he was looking for, and bit down hard.

The fox squealed, tossing it's head in the air, causing Spiritstar to be thrown through the air, tearing out part of it's neck along with him. He stepped back, flanks heaving and watched as the fox fell onto it's knees, blood spurting out it's neck, and crumpled to the ground, dead. Spiritstar was in a pool of blood, and he started to drift off, and slipped into darkness.

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Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-06-08 10:50:37
Larkfoot saw Spiritstar on the ground.. No one hurt his family or clan mates.

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Edited on 08/06/16 @ 18:03:13 by Blair (#91417)

Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-06-08 10:52:28
.Lone Wolf. the two kits were at the camp (my) Snowkit at the medicine cats den two long scars on her shoulder and a bleeding stomach. (other) Snowkit watching over (my) Snowkit in camp.))

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sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-06-08 10:55:50

The kit carefully looked around the camp as she sat beside (other) Snowkit, licking some of her wounds amd cleaned some of the blood.

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Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-06-08 11:01:19
Snowkit groggily opened her eyes. She would never let herself be hurt like that again. She would be tough she would be the strongest fastest cat Thunder Clan ever knew. She lost any kind of sweet, kind demeanor the moment that fox laid eyes on her. And if Spiritstar, Icepaw, or her father, Larkfoot got hurt it would be her fault all her fault!

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.Lone Wolf. (#60021)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-08 11:05:39

|-Spiritstar - Leader - TC-|
Darkness surrounded him along with starry cats. A small, white she-cat with grey-blue eyes walked up to him and he recognized her immediately. "Mom?... Where am I? Why am I not in the forest" he mewed, trotting forward to greet her.

"Spiritstar, my son. I'm so proud of you, be patient. Your old body is recovering, and it'll take some time." She mewed softly. A tom walked up to her side, a towering dark-grey tabby with dark blue eyes. "Tread carefully, the Moon Rouges are deadly and will try to take over the whole forest, but you must prepare all your cats to fight and be brave." he murmured, leaning forward and touched his nose to Spiritstar.

As they started to fade away, Spiritstar ran through them yowling "Snowspirit! Darkstorm! No!" In terror, he started plummeting to the ground, as a wave of bloody rouges charged forward, growling and spitting in fury. Waking up, he blinked open his eyes to view the blurry forest that slowly came into focus. Laying there, he coughed and stood up, legs slightly shaking, not from pain or exhaustion, but from terror. Blinking his eyes, he turned and made his way back into camp, mewing at Larkfoot "Take the carcass far away from here...".

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Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-06-08 11:12:01
"I will." Larkfoot walked off stunned. His leader. He had to talk to him soon. He ran off getting rid of the body.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-08 20:58:11
(Sorry I'm late xD is the fox gone? Cause I didn't have a chance to fight it much XD)
She had saw her mentor get thrown off, the fox wasn't going to stay here much longer. She was going to chase it out if it was the last thing she did, she bit down and slashed at its back again, still being on its back. As it grumbled in pain, it tried to get her off but, she clung as hard as she could. The fox batted a paw at her, striking her because she was slightly on one side of its body and she fell to the ground. Before she knew it, she was in its jaws, it clamped down and she hissed in pain, she scored a blow to its face as hard as she could and it dropped her, snarling. She lunged at it, hissing and batting, it snarled and tried to get its jaws around her again but, she knew it was coming this time.. she smacked a blow to its face, raking her claws as hard as she could down its face. It looked like it had enough of cats beating it to where it bled and ran off.

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.Lone Wolf. (#60021)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-08 22:14:07
[[the fox was killed twice actually, first by spiritstar and then by larkfoot, and larkfoot was taking the carcass of it's body away]]

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-09 00:09:57
(That was confusing to read xD let's just say that had come before y'all killed it.. I got lost n just responded haha xD but it didn't run away, it is dead.. lol)

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.Lone Wolf. (#60021)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-09 02:47:09
[[Spiritstar also lost a life, so he's down to 8, and yeah your post was magically before mine]]

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-09 03:39:22
(Lol magic! N Nooooo D:)

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