Posted by ThunderClan [Warrior Clans United RP] CLOSED

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-04-25 07:27:08
This thread is for Warrior Clans United members ONLY!
Warrior Clan: Thunderclan

>>Spreadsheet for Clans (Available Spots)<<

Thread Supervisor: Smartie (#67158)

September Event: Dawn of Larkstar

Now that Thunderclan finally has leadership, Larkstar must now learn the meaning of how to be a leader. With no training experience from any previous leaders, the new leadership for the clan may come under attack. Can Larkstar keep the clan together, and form a bond unbreakable of that of the last leaders? Will the clan take sides or form a consensus on the sudden movement from Starclan?

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Edited on 11/03/17 @ 21:57:25 by Twinky{Avid RolePlayer}😛 (#66075)

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-07-19 06:45:38
She looked ahead, ready as she counted, "ok 3.. 2.. 1.. go!" She started to swim, looking really slow at the moment.. she always started out slow. Always keep your energy high and burst when you are near the finish.

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Posted on
2016-07-19 11:47:06

Mentions: Icepelt

Tiger dived underwater and felt his tail swerve in the current, he kept his eyes open so he wouldn't bump into anything. Once in a while he looked up to see how far he had gotten, he saw how slow she was going but he knew she would come up with a dirty trick. He shrugged the thought off and he kept a pace underwater, he saw a few fish turn and he gave a silent laughter in his head. He looked up and he saw that they were getting closer to the tree, he slightly sped up and tried to swim his best.

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Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-07-21 02:51:01
Larkfoot walked into the forest watching Icepelt and Tiger fishing. He remembered the time when he had learned to fish with Moonshine. She had been a River Clan cat and had taught him all she knew. Suddenly he smelt the scent of a dog and stiffened. He hissed and yelled to Tiger and Icepelt, "Tiger, Icepelt careful there's a dog around here!" He opened his mouth trying to find out where the dog was. Suddenly he heard a bush shaking behind him and shot around.

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Posted on
2016-07-21 03:01:16
They are swimming XD


Mentions: Larkfoot , Icepelt

Tiger raised his head , he heard what Larkfoot had yelled and he stopped in his path and he jumped out of the water. Tiger yowled as he shook his fur and headed to his side, he hoped Larkfoot wouldn't be upset after the time he had left. He looked forwards as he looked at the (description) dog.he knew that Icepelt would be fine but he didn't really care about finishing the race, he would help his clanmate first.

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Edited on 21/07/16 @ 10:02:15 by Sans-💀 #TeamApedemak (#29566)

Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-07-21 03:15:50
Larkfoot felt teeth grab his neck as the large dog jumped out of the bushes and threw him against a tree. He yowled in pain at the impact and quickly stood up the last encounter he had his daughter had nearly died and Soulstar had lost his 8th life he wouldn't let Icepelt or Tiger get hurt! He lunged forward scratching the dog stomach. The dog yelped and scratched his eye he flinched as he saw red and felt himself getting bowled over again.

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Posted on
2016-07-21 03:43:19

Mentions: Larkfoot

Tiger knew about fighting with dogs after spending so much time with the kittypets, he slid between Larkfoot and the dog and he aimed a hard smack for the dogs face. He felt the dog snap his jaws at him and he slipped out of the dituation.the dog almost bit his face but he ducked and he unsheathed his claws to the maximum as he swiped against the dogs eye and gave a wide smirk.Soon you could hear the dog whine while you could see that he had left blood dripping down its face. " why don't you sit now" he hissed as he managed to leap on its back and started scoring his claws against the canine. Soon the dog couldn't take it and it threw him off, running away. The tom landed on his side and he slowly got up
and looked to see if the other warrior was hurt. He definitely would have a bruise or two but it wasn't like the pain was unbearable.

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Edited on 21/07/16 @ 10:45:30 by Sans-💀 #TeamApedemak (#29566)

Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-07-21 03:57:16
Larkfoot stood up and tried opening his eye and whimpered he couldn't see out of his left eye. And was bleeding on his neck he wobbled to Tiger and coughed to the warrior. "Good job you did well." He said he hadn't known how to deal with dogs but Tiger had and had used his skill. This was a cat the senior warrior could trust with his clan. he had a coughing bout for he was getting older now and would have trouble since there wasn't a medicine cat around.

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Edited on 21/07/16 @ 10:58:19 by Blair (#91417)


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Posted on
2016-07-21 04:12:24

Mentions: Larkfoot

Tiger nudged gently through the toms fur as he soon found the wound, "hold your paw there" he meowed as he licked around it to clear the blood. The tom fastly headed to a tree that always seemed to have cobweb, he scooped up a great wad of it and he pranced back and he moved the toms paw. He placed some of the cobweb on his neck and he gently pressed down as he saw the red blood soak the cobweb, he swiftly moved it and he placed another one and he moved Larkfoots paw to the cobweb. He grabbed the rest of the cobweb and he dabbed it around his eye, until it was all cleared up with a few stains. " i don't think i can help with that.. " he meowed as he dropped the bloody cobweb and he licked his chest fur.

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Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-07-21 04:27:12
Lark foot nodded "It will probably turn to a scar but it will heal in time." Or at least he hoped. "I will go back to camp and try to get some patrols running we are starting to run low on fresh kill."

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Edited on 21/07/16 @ 11:31:18 by Blair (#91417)

WCU (#57813)

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Posted on
2016-07-21 04:33:27
atumstorm walked into the forest and saw the small group of cats, "no one told me that there was a party going on"?! she said sarcasm clear in her voice "we are leaderless and the clan is full of chaos and all you can do is act like kits and go swimming"? she asked. "and whats worst is one of you got know there are dogs here you could have been killed"! she warned them

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Edited on 21/07/16 @ 11:34:44 by Øddïtÿ (#57813)


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Posted on
2016-07-21 04:46:14

Mentions: Autumstorm,Larkfoot

Tiger shot the she-cat a icy cold stare with his bright lime green eyes, he padded over with a little laugh " well.. i don't think that im hurt. No cuts, no gashes? Oh my. " he meowes in a cold but willing tone. " when your own sister dies in Thunderclan from a rouge, stuck with all of these cats. Trust me i know when to be serious" he meowed as he knew that the already prissy she-cat was going to think that he wasn't the slightest intimidating just to make herself feel better. "After not seeing your friend for moons, wouldn't it be rude not to have a bit of fun? And excuse me but Icepelt is the best swimmer in Thunderclan so im sure that she can take care of herself, in water " he meowed with a little smirk as he sat down with his tiny tounge sticking out on purpose to look cute " but , i don't think i have ever caught your name.."

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Edited on 21/07/16 @ 11:46:27 by Sans-💀 #TeamApedemak (#29566)

Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-07-21 06:48:08
Larkfoot stood in between the two quarreling warriors. The senior warrior was more than disappointed in Autumstorm for her rudeness. "Autumstorm that's enough. You should be doing clan duties instead of being rude to your clan mates. Quarreling with one another will only heighten the chaos in our clan. Tiger that goes for you to I am lucky not to have been killed but thanks to your help I've only ended up with minor injuries. But in a way I must agree with Autumstorm we need to be working on hunting and border patrols. This is a time clan members need to stay true to each other. We need to be looking out for one another and maybe a potential leader. Apprentices need to be trained and as far as I can see they aren't training. So let's work on helping each other out not causing turmoil."

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Edited on 21/07/16 @ 13:50:11 by Blair (#91417)

𝒦𝒶𝓎 (#88809)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-07-21 12:50:15
((I have no idea whats happening... Oh lordie))

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Posted on
2016-07-21 12:57:58

The tom turned his head as he gave him a stare straight at him " i know your a senior warrior but don't you know that i have been missing for a few moons? Or that Icepelt is rarely in camp?" He meowed as his fur soon went down a bit. " no one has assigned me anything since i got here, and Icestar hadn't noticed either. Were not kits, we just like to have fun unlike some cats" he meowed as his eyes trailed off to the other she-cat. The tom turned around with his eyes in slits until his gaze reached Icepelt and his eyed softened. " we can't be 'playing' anytime soon" he meowed to her. He felt his bruise settle in and it didn't feel great, he would respect other cats but they had to do so to him as well.

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𝒦𝒶𝓎 (#88809)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-07-21 13:11:10
mmm silverclaw has no apprentice now... I'm just going to pretend something happened and switched mentors..))

Silverclaw - Warrior - Thunderclan

Silverclaw ran at the mouse, it scurried away as fast as it could, bit tripped over a small twig. Silverclaw, with a crooked paw, batted it onto a tree, and held it there until she was able to finish it off with a swift movement.
She picked up the prey and walked off, it dangling by the tail. She stopped dead when a faint scent appeared.
Silverclaw looked around, a bit startled and shaken, remembering her fox attack. She padded softly as ever to a bush, the scent was faint, but everywhere there. A few more scents tingled around too. Larkfoot, and blood? Silverclaw gave a scrunched up face at the smell of blood.
She pushed through slowly and very quiet. Her paws making no noise. She jumped out, ready to attack, only to meet herself colliding with a solid body, slightly smaller than her. Silverclaw threw up her mouse and meowed in surprise.
"Sorry!" She shrieked in a high pitched voice, surprised about it. The dog had obviously gone, now a few more scents clouded everything. Icepelt, Larkfoot, Autumstorm... And an old, familiar scent.. Tiger?

((I had to entertain myself with something.. Sowwy ;)

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