Posted by ThunderClan [Warrior Clans United RP] CLOSED

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-04-25 07:27:08
This thread is for Warrior Clans United members ONLY!
Warrior Clan: Thunderclan

>>Spreadsheet for Clans (Available Spots)<<

Thread Supervisor: Smartie (#67158)

September Event: Dawn of Larkstar

Now that Thunderclan finally has leadership, Larkstar must now learn the meaning of how to be a leader. With no training experience from any previous leaders, the new leadership for the clan may come under attack. Can Larkstar keep the clan together, and form a bond unbreakable of that of the last leaders? Will the clan take sides or form a consensus on the sudden movement from Starclan?

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Edited on 11/03/17 @ 21:57:25 by Twinky{Avid RolePlayer}😛 (#66075)

Cwazy (#81593)

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Posted on
2016-07-30 05:16:14
Stormsong - 24 moons - Warrior - In Camp - Mentions: None, Open for Interaction

Stormsong padded through camp with the vole. She walked over to the fresh-kill pile and dropped it, grabbing a squirrel for herself. She took it to a shaded area of camp and laid down. She kept one ear facing the clan so she could stay aware.

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Posted on
2016-07-30 05:23:19

The tom looked down at the forest floor, he didn't know what to say either. He honestly liked Icepelt since he had met her, even with the cold stares she used to give him. The tom smiled at he realized how much she had changed since they first met, " i really feel like your my only friend here, Moonpaw just left us" he meowed as he put on a straight face.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-07-30 05:31:14
She looked towards him as he spoke, she felt the same way about him since she never actually let any cat in.. She was surprised when she let him in, though he had been charming.. She shook that out of her head as she looked at him. At the mention of Moonpaw, she had always wondered what happened to her.. "Honestly.. you are my only friend.. I had never let any cat in until I got to know you... as for Moonpaw.. I have no idea where she had gone to.." she was being honest.. the only thing she didn't want to mention was how she felt about him..

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WCU (#57813)

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Posted on
2016-07-30 05:40:46
mentions: Stormsong

atumstorm looked up from where she was washing her self and saw stormsong, she padded over to her meowing a greeting "hello" she said warmly. "mind if i sit by you"? she asked

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Edited on 31/07/16 @ 08:16:49 by Øddïtÿ (#57813)


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Posted on
2016-07-30 06:12:28

Tiger smiled as he let his tail hang loose, he flattened his ears " if you could follow me that would be great" he meowed as he hopped down from the tree on all fours. He headed down to the edge of territory, he soon ended up near a giant tree cleared out of growth.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-07-30 08:37:11
She watched him jump down, she figured she would get the prey she buried later.. she then jumped down, landing 'gracefully' onto the ground. She followed Tiger and when they reached some giant tree, she looked around. She always loved the forest and the tree was interesting...

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2016-07-30 08:50:07
Wildheart || She-cat, 16 moons || Warrior || Apprentice: Sunpaw || Mentions: Sunpaw

Wildheart, after a moment, remembered that she needed to work with her own apprentice, Sunpaw, that day. She trotted over to the apprentices' den and stuck her head in, and immediately saw the younger cat. "Sunpaw! Come on, it's time to get up! Just because we don't have anyone to organize patrols, it doesn't mean we can't go on them - we should check the borders and renew scent marks, then spar for a while," she called, then backed up a few paces to allow Sunpaw room to exit.

"The fresh-kill pile is looking good right now, so we don't need to hunt, but if you're hungry, we can see about catching something while we're patrolling for a snack."

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MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-07-30 10:39:17
Sumpaw-camp-mentions: wild heart
"Finaly! Someone can finally patrol with me!" SunPaw said and she got up. She was eager to go. SunPaw excited the apprentice den and sat beside her mentor. " Ready to go. I hope that shadow clan isn't sneaking into our territory." SunPaw was not hungry she was ready to go.

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Edited on 30/07/16 @ 18:28:57 by MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-07-30 11:36:53
SunPaw-thunder clan- mentor: wildheart- mentions: wildheart

" If I know shadow clan they would be sneaking into our territory now that no one is hear to organize patrols." SunPaw stated " Do you think the moon rouges found out about this? Cause if they did they could be planning attack." SunPaw added. She was eager to go out and leave camp for once.

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2016-07-30 12:05:44
((Moon, I don't know if it's an actual rule, but it's a lot easier to just edit your original post, rather than posting twice in a row with a different thing.))

Wildheart || She-cat, 16 moons || Warrior || Apprentice: Sunpaw || Location: Camp/Territory || Mentions: Sunpaw

Wildheart smiled and led the way out of camp, as Sunpaw asked her questions. "I think Shadowclan may have their own problems right now; haven't heard much from them, lately," she said, and then continued, "I don't think they've heard yet, but it will be impossible to hide at the next Gathering. We must have a leader, if not a deputy, by then, or we will be attacked within days." This was not a question. She wasn't even sure when the next Gathering was, but it couldn't be too far away, and the clan was in disarray.

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MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-07-30 12:14:17
(k thanks!)
Sumpaw-camp-mentions: wildheart
"You should be the leader! For the gathering any way." SunPaw mewed bouncing around her mentor.
SunPaw could barely contain her excitement. "Why do you think the leader med cat and deputy left?"
She asked. "Should we take a few other cats with us?" She added.

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Posted on
2016-07-30 12:21:16
Okay i feel a bit better ^-^, but just a bit. I'll try to be on, we just started driving back from texas)

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2016-07-30 12:29:40
Wildheart || She-cat, 16 moons || Warrior || Apprentice: Sunpaw || Location: Camp/Territory || Mentions: Sunpaw

Wildheart hesitated, actually stopping her steady trot for a moment to look at her apprentice. "I'm flattered that you think so highly of me," she finally said, then caught back up. "It will have to be discussed with our clanmates; perhaps I'll see who is in camp tonight so we can talk about it. And I think a few others are already out here - maybe we'll run into them!" Finally, they'd reached their destination - the border with Shadowclan.

"Here we are. The Thunderpath is the actual border, but there's nothing like a good scent-mark to remind everyone else to keep away," Wildheart declared. "It's crazy, how much you can tell just from a mark - who left it, their gender, their clan, how old they are, and probably other stuff, like if they're sick or something."

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Posted on
2016-07-30 12:32:32

Tiger stood on the edge of his paws, he flicked his ears as he looked at her with his ears flat against his head. He looked a bit nervous.

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MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-07-30 12:36:25
SunPaw-shadowclan border- mentions: wildheart
"Cool! I didn't know that you could tell that much from a scent mark. Why is the actual border called a thunderpath?" For SunPaw this was the first time she heard of a thunderpath. In the distance SunPaw heard a loud noise. "What's that that's coming this way!" She mewed, the sound frightening her slightly.

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