Posted by Windclan [Warrior Clans United RP] CLOSED

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-04-25 07:40:58
This thread is for Warrior Clans United members ONLY!
Warrior Clan: Windclan

>>Spreadsheet for Clans (Available Spots)<<

Thread Supervisor: SmoGirl (#69866)

September Event: The Harvest

Now that the loss of prey is finally fading, Windclan is almost back to normal. Food is of plenty, and families are growing. When strange plants begin to appear in the dry plains, the questions begin. Perhaps the harvest was too great? As the new herbs grow, a medicine cat is desperately needed to find out the answer to what may be danger.

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Edited on 11/03/17 @ 21:57:44 by Twinky{Avid RolePlayer}😛 (#66075)

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-10 23:48:51
He managed to doze off with the kit beside him and heard Quickstep calling for Snakekit, he gently picked the little one up and carried her out of the warriors den and went to Quickstep, sleepily blinking a few times before he was actually awake, he looked right at Quickstep, his voice was muffled as he tried to talk over the kits fur, "she is right here Quickstep! Don't worry.." he padded closer to her, then continued, "She had come into my nest and ended up sleeping beside me" he thought it was rather cute that Snakekit had but, she wasn't his and he had to return her.

(Awwwww poor Whitetail xD he loves the little kitties)

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Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-06-11 00:06:10
(Aww @3@ 👍 I love it XD)

Quickstep wirled around. "Oh my starclan, I was worried she had gone out of camp! Thank you Whitetail." She meowed giving him a thank you nuzzle and taking Snakekit from his jaws.

Snakekit was still sleeping.

Quickstep set the sleeping kit on her front paws and sat down, "Sorry she came and...I assume she woke you?".

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-11 00:10:17
He looked at her as she spoke, "she was safe with me, no thanks needed" he waited for her to finish her sentence before responding, "I wasn't really sleeping, it's no big deal really.. I love kits.." His voice was full of kindness and his gaze was very friendly. You could basically see how much of a softy he really was. His tail swayed as he stood in front of her, he didn't exactly know what else to say..

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Lizz (#8260)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-11 03:36:42

Aspenkit yawned as she looked around, she was cold and realized it was only her and Briarkit in the nest, she looked around quickly before climbing out and padded quietly towards the entrance on the den, and as she neared she was amazed at the sight, cats everywhere, doing different things and it was sunny as she squinted as she looked around for her mother.

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Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-06-11 08:41:59
"Well thanks again" Quickstep meowed quickly, picking Snakekit up and heading for the nursery. She trotted over to the nursery. "Come now Aspenkit, why don't you go play with Snakekit. So she can't get into more trouble." She meowed while nudging Aspenkit back into the den.

Snakekit riggled about.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-11 08:50:24
He nodded, "no problem Quickstep.." He didn't think the She-cat wanted to speak with him anymore due to her being busy with the kits. So he turned and padded into the medicine cat den. He needed to change his cobwebs.. they were full of dirt...

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WARREN [g1 ticked] (#88005)

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Posted on
2016-06-11 08:58:41
The she-cat paced awkwardly, she didn't have much to do. Deciding it would be best to get some rest she wandered to a make-shift nest and curled up, laying her fluffy tail over her nose. She lied with her eyes open for a few minutes, before finally drifting off.

The Tom snuggled into his mother's fur, snoring softly. He kicked his feet out in his sleep, most likey having an enjoyable dream about being a warrior. At one point he flailed so excitedly he woke himself up. His eyes flew open and he took in his surrounding before letting out a large yawn. Briarkit desperately wanted to go play with his sisters but the thought of sleeping some more was irrisistable to him.

(Sorry they're doing nothing, I just needed to be active for today. I'm not going to be able to post for a few more hours.)

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Edited on 11/06/16 @ 15:59:18 by smol.flower [WCU] (#88005)

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-11 09:09:18
He looked around the den, getting a little restless, he decided to just go back to his nest and sleep.. the medicine cat clearly wasn't there at that moment, probably busy. So, he padded back into the warriors den and laid in his nest, stretched and then curled up to sleep. He closed his eyes and drifted into a light sleep.

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Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-06-11 09:15:07
Quickstep set Snakekit down just outside of the nest and lay down. "I saw some extra moss over there" She meowed gesturing to the corner of the nursery.

" Yay! MOSSBALL!" Snakekit yoweled and lept towards to moss.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-11 09:18:34
He had a hard time staying asleep, he laid there, eyes open and he stared at the wall. He decided to go out into camp and see how every cat was doing. He got up and padded out into camp, sitting near the warrior den entrance. He observed what was happening in camp, his eyes stopped, looking at the entrance to the nursery, after a few minutes he shook his head and looked away.

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Lizz (#8260)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-11 11:36:43

Aspenkit brighter when her mother appeared with Snakekit in her mouth, she must've gotten in trouble, she thought, before padding after her mother and squealed and squeaked in joy when she mentioned the moss, and bounded towards her brother tumbling into him when she tripped while trying to get the moss ball.

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Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-06-11 12:47:36
Snakekit batted the mossball towards Aspenkit. She fallowed the ball with a quick pounce. She aimed, as best she could, at Aspenkit's back paws.

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Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-06-11 12:50:06
(I will not be on for a week after today. I'm going to camp.)

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-11 13:29:10
(Have fun! :D)

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Posted on
2016-06-12 06:34:16

Rootpaw sat down in the middle of the clearing and saw the two kits playing, he smiled and crawled over. " bids on Snakekit!" The apprentice meowed. He purred in amusement as they played.

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