Posted by Riverclan [Warrior Clans United RP] CLOSED

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-04-25 07:44:24
This thread is for Warrior Clans United members ONLY!
Warrior Clan: Riverclan

>>Spreadsheet for Clans (Available Spots)<<

Thread Supervisor: SmoGirl (#69866)

September Event: Warriors Rising

Now that the many trials Riverclan has faced is finally dying down, it is time for celebration. Apprentices are being made warriors, and kits are finally growing into young leaders. Though the peace has come, it may not last long until new troubles arise. On the Eve of the next Gathering, a mystery that was once left in the dust is now being uncovered..

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Edited on 11/03/17 @ 21:57:55 by Twinky{Avid RolePlayer}😛 (#66075)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-05-12 04:28:30
Thanks guys :3
Well Imagine, we do have a Little and a Dark already, one is a warrior the other a leader.. I'm thinking Dark because it would be weird to have 2 Little warriors. :D <3

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Novo (#81850)

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Posted on
2016-05-12 04:30:13
((Okay cool, so I'll make a post soon with Soulstar and the new deputy situation thing. Guys I'm so close to being able to replace Munnin with Canaan))

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Novo (#81850)

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Posted on
2016-05-12 04:48:00
Soulstar - Leader - Riverclan Camp - Mentions: Ravenheart

He jumped up onto the large speaking stone, letting out a yowl to gather his clan mates. "I am glad to see the reinforcements made to the camp and with kits to be born any day we need it all the more. I ask Raveheart to step forwards at this time, we have waited long enough for this."

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-05-12 04:51:19

Sunflare excitedly takes a seat beside Poppyfreckle, his best friend.
He shoots a huge smile at Ravenheart.


Clearfox lifts herself up slowly, not wanting to miss the ceremony, no matter what Poppyfreckle said. She peeks out the nursery door, watching her mate and all the cats gathered around.

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🌸 Geo 🌸 (#62757)

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Posted on
2016-05-12 05:11:24
She smiled and stood up to the stone and looked up at Soulstar. She'd loved to become the deputy but then what if she'd let down her clan again. She looked down and prayed to Starclan hoping that one of those lovely cats would come up and see."Shadeclaw.."

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Novo (#81850)

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Posted on
2016-05-12 05:16:41
Soulstar - Leader - Speaking Stone - Mentions: Ravenheart

"I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirit of Shadeclaw may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of Riverclan is Ravenheart." He touched his nose to the top of her head, just like he had when he'd given her the name Ravenheart, "We believe in you.." he murmured in her ear then stepped back to smile at her.

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Viccy (#85379)

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Posted on
2016-05-12 05:30:00

SilverClaw sat beside ClearFox, letting the pregnant she-cat use her as a support if she needed it. TroutKit watched the ceremony from behind her mother's paw, the kit's bright gold eyes wide with excitement. The small kit didn't truly understand what was happening, but it seemed interesting to see all of the clan gathered around

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🌸 Geo 🌸 (#62757)

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Posted on
2016-05-12 05:40:02

She passed all of her friends, smiling and nodding and giving a few nudges to her mate and to her Sunflare." You may be a warrior now but you will still always be my mentor."she said as she smiled and inched forward to the bottom of the clan rock.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-05-12 06:39:58

Sunflare smiled big at Ravenheart. "I'm so proud of you.." He nudges her.


"Thank you, Silverclaw." Clearfox smiles, seeing Ravenheart stand proudly.
She can't wait to have her kits. She had a secret she was keeping from Soulstar, but she thinks he would understand why she didn't tell him. Clearfox knew what was best for her mate, he didn't need any distractions.

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Viccy (#85379)

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Posted on
2016-05-12 06:45:24

SilverClaw nodded sweetly "you're welcome, ClearFox" she purred. TroutKit pushed past SilverClaw's paw and sat in front of ClearFox, looking up at the she-cats happily "what're yoo two talkin' bout?" she asked sweetly as her mother softly nudged her back a few tiny steps

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Novo (#81850)

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Posted on
2016-05-12 06:45:44
Soulstar - Leader - Nursery - Mentions: Silverclaw, Clearfox

He looked at his clan before he trotted over to the nursery, seeing his mate, tail swaying happily. "I thought Poppyfreckle told you to stay in your nest Clearfox" he said sternly, but an undertone of worry and love for her was prominent. He nodded to Silverclaw as he touched noses with his mate.

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🌸 Geo 🌸 (#62757)

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Posted on
2016-05-12 08:01:57

She looked up proudly to Soulstar and his mate. I am honored to be deputy of this amazing clan. I promise to do my all."she says smiling

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-05-12 08:06:29

Clearfox purred, nudging Soulstar. She then goes over to her nest, curling up.
She sees Ravenheart, saying, "Thank you, Ravenheart. I know you'll be a great deputy."
She smiles, glad to be around all the people she cared about.

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Soepsas (#5786)

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Posted on
2016-05-12 18:56:19
Slykit ~ Nursery ~ Mentions: Soulstar

Bounced his way towards the leader and his mate, quite rudely interrupting them with a bright grin on his face. "When I grow up, I'm gonna be a deputy too!" He squealed, he looks up to his leader with a daring look on his face, his bright blue eyes shimmering with enjoyment.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-05-13 02:50:50

Clearfox laughs softly. "Slykit, you will be the best deputy."
She purrs, looking at Soulstar for his smile.


Cass trots into camp, after catching two fish. She puts them in the pile, going over towards the nursery.
She really needed to talk to Soulstar.


Getting up from sun bathing, Sunflare watches the current, thinking of Shadeclaw.
He looks up, hoping Shadeclaw could see him. "I miss you."

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