Posted by Empire - OOC [Closed]

Valkyrie [sunset
smilus] (#60126)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-28 05:04:30

The laws set forth by their ancestors were bent and broken, leaving these Clans in a new age. Every one was different, unique from the others in noteworthy ways. Now one ambitious leader is plotting against the rest...


The main focus of our story, DuskClan has a strict system of inheriting leadership. The have a very strong bias towards males, and the full length of their rules will be posted below. Their belief in StarClan is not as intense as NightClan's, nor have they completely abandoned it like MorningClan. They were named after their founder, Duskfur (who would become Duskstar), one of the four siblings who established the four Clans as they exist today. Their territory encompasses a forest made mostly of pines with a scattering of undergrowth in the north. They mostly hunt the squirrels and small birds that make their homes in the ancient trees, but a rabbit or some other earth-bound creature certainly isn't out of the question. Besides their patrilineal primogeniture monarchy, DuskClan stands out in being exceptional tree-climbers and notably stealthy.


Smokestar: A solid grey tom with a white bib and paws and yellow eyes. played by Valkyrie
Deputy's Name: appearance
Crowheart: A lithe solid black tomcat with yellow eyes. played by Concept

Thunderheart: A massive classic orange tabby tom with a white throat and hind left leg, amber eyes. played by Valkyrie
Kestrelflight: A long-furred brown and white tabby tom with green eyes. played by PlagueRat
Blizzardleap: A large solid white tom with amber eyes. played by Kiannia
Rowanfang: A smaller brown tabby tom with green eyes. played by Concept
Name: appearance
Badgerclaw: A black and white she-cat with green eyes. played by Valkyrie
Dandelionstep: A skinny calico she-cat with yellow-green eyes. played by PlagueRat
Pebblerain: A spotted grey tabby she-cat with yellow-green eyes. played by Kiannia
Name: appearance

Hazelpaw: A long-haired brown and white tabby she-cat with hazel eyes. played by Valkyrie
Mistypaw: A dilute tortoiseshell she-cat with pale green eyes. played by PlagueRat
Name: appearance

Fernspring: A calico she-cat with green eyes. (Swiftkit: a black and white tom with yellow-green eyes.) played by Kiannia
Name: appearance

Name: appearance


NightClan has established themselves as the most religiously fanatic of all the Clans. They put a lot of stock in StarClan. After they have made a kill and before they eat the prey, they say a prayer thanking their ancestors for the sustenance. Typically each cat does this on their own, but in the event of a celebration or such that would lead the Clan to all eat at once, the leader will lead a group prayer. Rather than the medicine cat being the most spiritually inclined, it is more expected of their leader to receive signs and prophecies. They were named after Nightstar, the oldest of the four siblings who made the Clans into what they are today. Their territory is in the western region and is a wide open grassland where they are best able to see the stars. NightClan warriors are known for their speed and agility.

Notable Members

Eaglestar: A thick-furred dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes.
Deputy's Name: appearance
Medicine Cat's name:appearance

Name: appearance
Name: appearance
Name: appearance


MorningClan is the exact opposite of NightClan. They have abandoned nearly all recognition of their ancestors - or to be specific, the idea that their spirits linger in the sky and watch them constantly. The only cat who may even speak of StarClan is the medicine cat, and even then faith is not a requirement for the position. MorningClan lives in a sort of totalitarian state: the actions of every warrior are laid out for them, and any deviation from them would call for strict punishment. Speaking out against this system could be cause for death. They place heavy emphasis on the strength of their warriors, and continue battle training even after they're no longer apprentices. They were founded by Morningstar, the youngest of the four siblings. MorningClan's territory lies to the east in a sparse forest with a mix of pines and oaks. Rather than undergrowth, most of their ground is covered in large rocks and boulders, which often lie in piles and make excellent dens for badgers and foxes.

Notable Members

Leader's Name: appearance
Deputy's Name: appearance
Medicine Cat's name:appearance

Name: appearance
Name: appearance
Name: appearance


DawnClan is unique from the others because they are traditional. They uphold the values of the old Clans, the original code, to a T. But in a way this system of recognizing individuality and even upholding it, leads to each leader being different from the last, often throwing the other three for a loop. While the other Clans are firm and stagnant, DawnClan is always shifting and changing. They were founded by Dawnstar, one of the four siblings. Their territory is in the south and is covered in a deciduous forest.

Notable Members

Leader's Name: appearance
Deputy's Name: appearance
Medicine Cat's name:appearance

Name: appearance
Name: appearance
Name: appearance

One constant from the Old Clans the new ones have all kept to are the Gatherings that take place every full moon. These take place where all four territories meet, under the Stone Arch. This construct lies in the very center of a wide clearing that seems to extend from NightClan's grassland, and the neutral territory is marked by the strangely even tree line that covers the rest. The arch isn't quite as tall as some of the trees, but it does seem quite large to the cats. It appears to have been made out of many, many smaller stones all placed on top of one another, but there are no holes where the small rocks meet. Around the clearing are a few other boulders that seem to have been made the same way as the arch, but are more worn. There is one long line of these constructs that seems to have crumbled against the side of the arch and stands above the rest; this is where the four leaders stand to address each other during the Gathering.

Through every Clan's territory runs a heavily worn dirt trail. It runs most directly through MorningClan's territory. At the end of this trail, past all Clan borders, lies a cluster of rocks. Some of these rocks are quite tall, about as tall as the Stone Arch, while others are no bigger than a newborn kit. All of them are rounded, worn down over the ages by the elements, and nearly all of them are thick with moss and lichen. At the very center of this cluster, framed almost perfectly, lies one single rock. It is not much larger than a cat in size. Across its face, the side you see at the very end of that dusty path, is a covering of moss in a strange pattern: four concentric circles, clearly defined. No one has ever had to scrape away the moss to keep the circles there, and no one understands why the moss simply doesn't spread. Where the rock is exposed are etchings, deep scratches that mystify the cats. If they were to lift the moss from the other rocks around this one, they would also find nearly all of those covered in the same sort of scratches. This is where the Clans come to communicate with StarClan, by lying near the stone covered in circles, but most too afraid to actually touch it.

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Edited on 30/04/16 @ 20:41:49 by Valkyrie (#60126)

Valkyrie [sunset
smilus] (#60126)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-28 07:18:54

The Warrior Code

Many years ago, two Clans evenly divided up the territory. These Clans followed the traditional warrior code, the one DawnClan still upholds today. But when the four siblings disolved the original Clans and forged their own, most decided to throw out the old ways and rewrite their laws. This is the current list of codes that all four Clans have agreed to follow, though some may be more willing to break these laws than others.

↣Defend your Clan, even with your life. You may have friendships with cats from other Clans, but your loyalty must remain to your Clan, as one day you may meet them in battle.
↣Do not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory.
↣A kit must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice.
↣A Gathering of all four Clans is held at the full moon during a truce that lasts for the night. There shall be no fighting among Clans at this time.
↣No warrior can neglect a kit in pain or danger, even if the kit is from a different Clan.
↣A warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet.

Patrilineal Primogeniture

When Duskstar established DuskClan, he believed that the right to rule was carried in a singular bloodline. He also believed males to be superior to females in pretty much every way. DuskClan still upholds these ideals, and are relentlessly strict about the line of succession.

►Only male cats may inherit the position of leader and/or deputy.
►The deputy must be directly related to the current leader: his son, grandson, brother, or nephew.
►After the death of a deputy (or the rise of a deputy to leadership), the leader has one full day and one full night before choosing the next deputy.
►The deputy does not have to have mentored an apprentice beforehand, but the experience is preferred.

There are also rules regarding the positions of females and loners within the Clan.
►Females are trained as warriors first, and are expected to bear at least one litter in their lifetime.
►Female apprentices are almost always assigned to female warriors. It is a sign of great disrespect if one is assigned to a male warrior.
►The role of medicine cat is expected to be filled by a female. There are no rules excluding males from the position, but he would be looked down upon by the rest of the Clan.
►If a loner mates with a cat who is apart of the ruling lineage, their children (and possibly quite a few generations after that) are banned from consideration for leadership, as it is believed their blood has been tainted.
►As long as a loner or former kittypet proves themselves capable of being a warrior and shows unwavering loyalty to the Clan, they are generally accepted.


The acceptance of loners and kittypets in the Clans is different for each one, as is the level of belief in StarClan. MorningClan is the most accepting of outside cats, provided they are strong and capable of keeping up with the harsh regime. DuskClan comes next, preferring full service over strength. DawnClan is more wary of strangers, and has a hard time believing they will be able to uphold the code as well as a natural-born warrior does. NightClan is certainly the most predjudiced against loners and kittypets, citing the fact that they don't have any warrior ancestors guiding them from StarClan, and thus are not worthy of the noble Clan life. A NightClan cat will almost always attack an outsider on sight, and are vehemently displeased at the other Clans if they learn one has accepted an outsider.

Their belief in StarClan is what drives all NightClan cats, in conjunction with a deep-rooted fear of the Dark Forest, to be good and honest warriors. DawnClan has a healthy respect for their ancestors, and are certainly wary of the Dark Forest. DuskClan cats will acknowledge StarClan exists, but they don't believe they play as much of a role in their lives as others think. These three Clans are guaranteed to send their respective medicine cats to the Mossy Stone during the half-moon. MorningClan is the exception. They hate the idea of dead cats wandering around in the sky and pushing the living on paths that were not theirs to choose. The MorningClan medicine cat isn't obligated to show up at the Mossy Stone, but they may if they wish to.

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Edited on 28/04/16 @ 19:56:33 by Valkyrie (#60126)

Valkyrie [sunset
smilus] (#60126)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-28 07:19:04

DuskClan NPCs

insert characters here

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Edited on 30/04/16 @ 20:13:20 by Valkyrie (#60126)

Valkyrie [sunset
smilus] (#60126)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-28 09:30:00

Other NPCs

image source
Eaglestar, Leader of NightClan
99 moons | 8 years, 3 months
4 lives remaining
Despite his large size, Eaglestar isn't the strongest cat physically, and never has been. He's somewhat of a pacifist, preferring to solve problems with words rather than claws. He is very stubborn and will not often change his mind about something until StarClan intervenes.

insert NightClan characters here

insert MorningClan characters here

insert DawnClan characters here

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Edited on 30/04/16 @ 20:43:04 by Valkyrie (#60126)

~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-28 10:44:28
Heyo, so we shall discuss the important matter here huh? I have no idea what to discuss xD

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plaguegi (#50900)

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Posted on
2016-04-28 10:54:43
hey everyone c: nice to finally meet all of you!
this looks bloody fantastic by the way, i'm super excited. ouo does anyone have any oc ideas/whatever else that we should consider talking about? like... blood ties, relationships, etc etc. the usual I guess lol

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-28 10:55:38
Well how many characters are we having each? That way my selection programme can begin and we can talk blood ties and such?

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Valkyrie [sunset
smilus] (#60126)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-28 11:11:54
hey guys! i suppose i could elaborate on the plot a little, since it's kinda vague...

basically DuskClan's leader, who i suppose i'll play, is more than a little power-hungry. he's very unhappy how the other clans are so different, too. so he's developing plans to slowly take over the others one at a time, encompassing them all in his singular clan and forcing his ideals on them.

prowle (my friend who has been so beautiful in letting me bounce ideas off of her) has also suggested making a skype group for easier chatting and quick planning, which i am down for if everyone else is.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-28 11:13:14
I'm up for a skype group =3

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plaguegi (#50900)

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Posted on
2016-04-28 11:18:32
I wouldn't mind at all c:
also i'd say.... oh how many of us are there? four? four characters (one per clan) is sixteen, and two per clan would be thirty two all together (oh I feel like my math is terrible there) so i'd say as much unless we focus in solely on dusk clan... o//.//o i'd say it's up to valkyrie I don't mind either way; although the second would be easier as we'd only have eight oc's to juggle assuming we all had one of each gender
oh dear i'm rambling, terribly sorry >.< I do that every now and then, or at least when i'm new/being polite or formal

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Valkyrie [sunset
smilus] (#60126)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-28 11:25:47
hmm... i was thinking we'd mostly be focusing on DuskClan for the moment, with some npc's thrown in to (a) fill out DuskClan and (b) fill out the important spots in the other clans. whenever we do get around to the actual taking over parts, it would be really interesting to play some characters in the other clans reacting to the whole situation.

there's currently four of us, yes, but i'm still hoping for a fifth person. if not though, four is plenty for me. ^^; i'm not going to put any restrictions on character minimums or limits. yall do yall.

and feel free to pm me with your skype names then and i'll add yall!

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Valkyrie [sunset
smilus] (#60126)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-29 05:06:44

Smokestar, leader of DuskClan
78 moons | 6 years, 6 months
6 lives remaining

From the very beginning, Smokestar knew he would one day rule his clan. His father was the deputy when he was born, and he instilled in his son from kithood the importance of strength - of body and mind. Smokestar is and has always been a private cat. Quiet, patient, he waits for his prey to come to him. Growing up he learned how to watch others. He sees how they interact, always an observer and rarely part of the conversation. He sees others' emotions and keeps his own in check. Sometimes even he wonders if he truly has emotions in any capacity. He's a wordsmith; telling cats exactly what they want to hear is half the battle. That's not to say he isn't physically strong. Even though he was his father's favorite from the get-go, Smokestar still had to prove his worth as a warrior. He's a large cat, bulky and muscular. His speed sometimes catches others off-guard because of his sheer mass, but he isn't as swift or agile as he would like to think. There were several times as an apprentice and young warrior where he came dangerously close to death. Even now he can hear his brother's jealous hiss when he received his nine lives. "You should have died with us!" His recklessness has followed Smokestar into adulthood. One stupid thing or another has led to him already losing three lives, despite having been leader for a relatively short amount of time. With the last life he lost, he realized his time would soon become too short for his grand plan, and so he's been making an attempt at being more self-preserving. So far he has not shared his ideas with anyone, but the time to do so is drawing near....

Badgerclaw - daughter - rather distant
Crowheart - son - poor familial relations, but a grudgingly respectful business relationship

image source

Badgerclaw, Warrior of DuskClan
48 moons | 4 years

personality here

Crowheart - brother | littermate - close; proud of him for getting himself on the right path
Smokestar - father - standoffish; he never paid much attention to her, so she tries to ignore him

image source
smokestar's daughter; feisty, defensive, confrontational? thinks the idea of being female means being lesser is bullshit

Hazelpaw, Apprentice of DuskClan
9 moons

timid, jumpy, skilled climber


image source

Thunderheart, Warrior of DuskClan
70 moons | 5 years, 10 months

very strong sense of right and wrong and justice, loyal almost to a fault, brave


image source

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Edited on 30/04/16 @ 13:08:32 by Valkyrie (#60126)

Concept (#75415)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-04-29 09:40:01

Male - Medicine Cat - Age - Duskclan

A lithe black tomcat with yellow eyes. He has a smaller build than most males and never had a liking for violence. While he never missed a training session, he found the material he learned to be distasteful. He would much rather solve conflict with words than claws. He is a very intelligent and he remembered everything he was taught, but wasn’t able to perform well enough. The former medicine cat was getting very old and had no apprentice. The only one who showed any potential was Crowheart. He was chosen to be the apprentice and is now a full medicine cat. He knows that it is considering disgraceful for a male to be a medicine cat, but he doesn’t seem to care. He handles insults with grace; nothing seems to ruffle his fur. He is very confident and knows what he is doing. He is efficient and dutiful, having a strong passion for his work. As for StarClan, he listens and watches for signs loyally and will offer a prayer every so often but mostly ignores the idea. He is proud of himself and all he has done and refuses to let anyone tear him down for doing what he loves to do. He has a tendency to be slightly aloof and standoffish despite being kind and open-minded.
image source

Male - Warrior - Age - Duskclan

A brown tabby with vivid green eyes. He has a slender build and is rather lean. He is definitely more of a hunter, and he is pretty damn good. His steps are silent and he can remain absolutely motionless for extended periods of time. His tabby fur allows him to blend into the undergrowth with ease. Like many Duskclan cats, he can climb trees with effortlessness and grace. While he is swift and a proficient hunter, fighting is one of his downfalls. He never had as much power as his peers and must rely heavily on his speed. He is hard to touch, but his attacks lack power. Ideally, his best-case scenario would be to creep up on an enemy and take them out while he has the advantage of surprise. Despite this, he is extremely confident and audacious. He has a horribly short temper and is prickly and defensive. He’ll lash out at anyone who irritates him, with words or claws. He has a cunning sort of intelligence and is pretty ambitious as well. He is too proud for his own good. He does not often back down from a challenge so as to defend his honor. His tongue is sharp and can be abrasive.
image source

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Edited on 29/04/16 @ 17:40:57 by Concept (#75415)

plaguegi (#50900)

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Posted on
2016-04-29 12:07:27
male - fifty four moons/four and a half years - warrior - duskclan - image source
"we don't have to be ordinary, make your best mistakes."

- - warm sunshine: pleasant, relaxing, and perhaps just a bit pressuring once spent too long in. kestrelflight is that sort of brotherly figure no one wants yet somehow ends up receiving. he's mellow in every sense, never quite upset, never quite excited. he speaks in a warm tone and addresses everyone with a certain portion of respect, he believing that a cat shouldn't be judged negatively less given reason to do so prior to current events. for being as he is, he does tend to hold both himself and others of higher expectations than he should. easily disappointed, he finds certain pleasures in knowing he and his clan mates have done well, thus becoming easily frustrated and mildly confounded over simple tasks that aren't done to his standards. while he may get irritable with particular failures, he hasn't quite lost his temper yet and doesn't plan on doing so any time soon.
- - no relationships yet

female - forty two moons/three and a half years - warrior - duskclan - image source
"-and every time you ask, i'll pretend i'm okay."

- - as would most females of duskclan, dandelionstep does indeed take notice of her lacking privileges and social status to that of males. does she protest or complain? of course not. it's fruitless to try and change tradition, so she has come to accept her place within the clan and does so with passive conduct. reliable and punctual, she's quite the huntress. despite her impartiality to most of the clan's regimen, there is one stance in which she does not agree nor see herself fulfilling- motherhood. despite herself being considerably empathetic to the clan's need for kits and beliefs that each female should have at least one litter, she herself is reclusive from others and doesn't foresee herself becoming affiliated with kits nor close enough to any special tom to even consider them.
- - no relationships yet

female - seven moons/half a year - apprentice - duskclan - image source
"sometimes it all gets a little too much."

- - text here
- - no relationships yet

male - forty eight moons/four years - warrior/deputy - duskclan - image source
"i've got a feeling that i'm going under but i know that i'll make it out alive."

- - text here [nightfang]
- - no relationships yet

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Edited on 17/05/16 @ 21:48:23 by PlagueRat (#50900)

~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-04-30 05:28:47

Female|36 moons|Queen|DuskClan|Picture source
"Life is always worth living, you just have to find the right reason"
Fernspring was born a mountain cat and had a normal life until she was 6 moons old, that's when it all went south. Her parents decided to teach her to hunt and fight, but had also decided it was too risky upon the mountain to do so. They took her to the bottom of the mountain and it began. She'd been training for a couple of months when she thought she saw something that caught her interest, so she wandered off alone to investigate. When she returned her parents were trapped a small way up the mountain by a pack of starving wolves, it had been a harsh winter. Her father screamed at her to run, so she did, as fast as her legs could carry her. Eventually she had to stop, too tired to carry on, luckily thought the wolves had given up long ago as she was too much energy to chase. After wandering alone for 2 moons she was then saved by a she who raised her as one of her own. This background gave Fernspring her nimble and agile nature, as well as explaining her lean physique. This she is intelligent and although she despises the way she'd treated she knows it's in her best interests to remain out of trouble. Due to her slender build she isn't exactly strong, but she is fast meaning she leans more towards the hunting side of being a warrior. Every now and then she will have her rebellious moments, which have gotten less frequent since she had her kit.

Adorable Black-And-White Kitten 016">
Male|4 moons|Kit|DuskClan|Picture source
"What's that? Can I poke it?"
There's not much to Swiftkit, after all he's only been on this earth for 4 short moons. One thing is for certain, he's a bold kit with little to fear about the world. Although bold he doesn't leave the camp, something about the outside world scares him although he'd never admit it. This kit just wants to be friends with everyone, enemies isn't really a thing he quite understand the concept of quite yet. His over zealous and questioning behaviour can often annoy the other cats in the clan. He was born into the clan. He was the only kit in his litter sadly, so he has no playmates.

Male|48 moons|Warrior|DuskClan|Picture source
"Come on now, you know I couldn't care less"
This large white tom is as arrogant as they come, enjoying the power males have within the clan. Although he doesn't think females are particularly lesser he just likes the power, it makes him feel more important than perhaps he is. He will throw his weight around to get what he wants, after all his skill with words leaves rather a lot to be desired. Her grew up in the clan, so their way of life is all he knows. When it comes to females he won't take any nonsense from them, but with males it's a different story. If the leader is to give him a command he's as obedient as can be, in short he only has respect for power. Other males in the clan it depends on, if they command respect he will respect them but if not he'll simply ignore them.

Female|18 moons|Warrior|DuskClan|Picture source
"Don't be jealous of what you can't live up to"
Pebblerain is no trouble maker to say the least. She thinks of herself as a rather beautiful cat and therefore will often flirt with the toms, this is the way she's found her life to be easiest. Although she appears to be a confident cat, that's not the case. She's full of insecurities and uses her flirtatious behaviour to cover these doubts up. Her mother was just the same, convinced they were unimportant so simply caved in to the wills of the toms. You could say that Pebblerains personality is more learned behaviour than anything else. If a cat does earn her trust though they'll find she's actually a cat full of dreams and hopes, but who's too scared to act out of line. Fear controls this young she's life, she may look in control but she never has been.

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Edited on 30/04/16 @ 21:29:32 by ~Kiannia~ (#27008)

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