Posted by Oops I did it again

Kailani (#18301)

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Posted on
2016-04-28 13:49:02

*throws Titanic necklace back into ocean*

I don't know where to put this but of course I have gotten myself into a predicament. I recently(ish) read this 'scary story' online somewhere and was greatly dissatisfied with how it ended (well how it was written in general), I couldn't get this plot out of my head so today while stuck at the airport I churned out this portion of it. If anyone else out there is a writer they know the feeling of being sucking into this creative vortex, I won't be able to get this out of my head until I ride out this creative wave. DX

So here's what I've got so far, if you spot any spelling errors please point them out! <3

Also I hope this is the appropriate board???


The knock at the door was deafening.

Teddy glanced at the large wooden door, a wave of anticipation running down her spine. This is it. She thought to herself as she stood up from the small kitchen table and shuffled to the entrance. She peeked through the peephole and her eyes widened as she spied the presence on the other side. Slowly, Teddy pulled open the door, though only enough to stick her head out. The tall man was handsome, with classic features and warm eyes. They held a sort of mystery to them, and for some reason that put Teddy off just slightly. She absentmindedly patted the switchblade that was in her pocket. Clyde, her best friend and sometimes lover, had insisted that she have some form of protection on her person when doing these things.

The man said nothing as he held up a thick envelope. It had her name written in neat handwriting. ‘Theodora-Louise Kristakos’ nothing more. She took it and made to close the door behind her but the man stopped her, motioning to the envelope. Teddy wasted no time in opening it.


Thank you so much for agreeing to participate in this program. I know it’s not easy to do so, and your kindness is appreciated. I assume there was a man there that has delivered this letter, I would be grateful if he was present while you read these letters.

Teddy looked up from the letter and motioned for the strange man to come inside. He offered her a warm smile and nothing more.

“Uh, would you like anything to drink?” Teddy offered. The man only shook his head and motioned for her to continue reading.

When I had heard that the prison would be getting a Pen Pals program I was elated. I've been here for almost fifteen years without so much as a soul to talk to. I guess some background about myself is necessary. My name is Leviticus Williams, though most of my life I've been called Levi. I'm currently on Death Row at the Georgia State Penitentiary, charged with three counts of 1st degree murder. I'm sure you'd like me to elaborate on that but formalities first.

Teddy stopped reading. Her stomach twisting at the thought of reading the letters of a murderer. But Levi was set to be executed in three weeks time, these are his memoirs of sorts and she owed it to the program to at least finish the first letter before quitting. The officer who organized this hoped it would open up the inmates to admit what they did and allow for some closure on both ends. She glanced at the man in her kitchen and he offered her a small smile and a nod of encouragement. Teddy steeled herself and continued.

As an inmate I was of course subjected to many psych evaluations to determine my state of mind at the time of the crimes. I've seen many psychiatrists in my time in prison and the general consensus is that I am schizophrenic with extreme violent tendencies. I assure you that I am not. I am aware of the things I do, and I have great remorse for the awful deeds I've done. But I can't help it. I have no control anymore. Not since I gave in. I guess that's the takeaway from this. Never give in. No matter what, you are always stronger than your demon.

My psychiatrists always wanted to talk about the voices. They were obsessed with the voices I heard. I tried to tell them on many occasions that it's only one voice. A singular, maddening voice. I call him Soren but I'm not sure of his actual name. He's never told me. Most of the things he says to me are orders. He's not one for small talk.

I guess I first met Soren when I was in elementary school. Though he didn't have a name then, he was just a figure that hung around the playground. Telling me things and making suggestions. Scared the hell out of my teacher when I told her about the man I talked to in the playground. My parents just chalked it up to an overactive imagination. Soren was always with me. He was kinder at first. Mostly telling me to do harmless pranks and to commit small acts of mischief. My parents thought it was cute when I poured red dye into the pool in hopes of it turning purple. My Dad hid a smile when he found I had filled his favorite house shoes with Legos. Though, when I unscrewed every lightbulb in the house they weren't laughing. And my Mom was pretty angry when I left the gas on in the kitchen. A stern talking to later I realized that Soren wasn't exactly the best guy to take orders from. I started to ignore him. Soren tried to get me to do things but I remained steadfast. My mother’s exasperated words echoed through my head: “Levi, why can't you just behave?” I hated seeing my mother cry, and I hated the look my parents got in their eyes when I would tell them that Soren told me to do those troubling things.

“You're far too old for an imaginary friend.”

“Levi, when are you going to take responsibility for your actions?”

When I entered middle school I had decided that I would no longer listen to Soren. I ignored his requests and demands, every time he would try to get me to cut little Susie’s hair or to smash Johnny Jr.’s hand with the locker door I would shake my head and avoid his gaze. I was determined to behave.

Then, the summer of 8th grade everything changed.

My parents rented a beach house in North Carolina in hopes that the fresh air would do me some good. I had been feeling awful. Anxiety, migraines, the whole shebang. Soren had been hounding me relentlessly for weeks. I had finally gained the courage to tell him to leave me alone for good only to see a frightening change in the man. His kind face turned sour and he glowered at me constantly. His soothing voice became much more abrasive, it seemed to scratch at my skull. It took all of my effort not to give in. And when we had left for summer vacation I was at my breaking point.

My dad was irritated by my sulking, I don't think I had smiled once during the trip. And he and my mom wanted to take me for a walk along the cliffside that ran parallel to the beach. We got to the halfway point and my dad was peering over the edge looking down at the small group of people below. Soren leaned down and whispered into my ear.

‘Push him.’

My eye twitched involuntarily and I shook my head firmly.

‘Do it.’

Soren’s voice was gravely and I could feel it seeming to echo in my skull. Still I refused.

‘Do. It.’

The voice was so loud it made my teeth rattle. I looked at my mom and dad to see if they had heard it as well but they were still engrossed with watching the beach goers. I closed my eyes and whispered ‘No’. Soren took a step back and placed his hands on my shoulders. That was the first time he had touched me. To this day I wish he hadn't. For it was then that I saw him for what he really was. Monster is too tame of a word...I can't describe what I saw that day but it frightened me enough to push my dad off the edge of the cliff. My mother screamed and looked at me with horror filled eyes.

‘Her, too’

I was lucky that the police bought my story. They wrote it off as another tragic accident. I could only look at Soren with sorrow, he had a smug look on his once again humanized face.

I'm afraid I'll have to stop here for now as they've only given me so much paper for this letter. If you decide to continue with this program you'll have my eternal gratitude.


It was hard to Teddy to look up from the letter. What she had just read was a confession of sorts. Levi had admitted to killing his parents and Teddy was pretty sure no one else knew about it. The man in the room stood to leave. Offering her another kind smile that Teddy couldn't find in herself to return. He left the house and she watched him walk down the block from her front window. It took .2 seconds for Theodora to whip out her cell phone and relay what have happened to Clyde. The two talked extensively about what was said in the letter and Teddy ultimately decided that she just couldn’t quit now. The next letter should be arriving next week, she had opted to have one way communication with the inmate.

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Kailani (#18301)

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Posted on
2016-04-28 13:51:40
And of course I have plenty of other projects I could be using this creative juice for, but alas I am stuck writing this. X3

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Kailani (#18301)

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Posted on
2016-05-01 17:22:57

Exactly 7 days after the first letter had arrived there was another knock at the door. This time there was no hesitation in opening the door and inviting the man inside, he smiled and handed her another envelope, this one wasn’t as thick as the previous one. Teddy sat down and opened the envelope to read the letter.


I am thrilled to hear that you’ve decided to continue reading, the more I write the better I feel. Mostly. I know I don’t have much time left, so I’ll get to the meat and potatoes of this sordid tale. After the death of my parents Soren laid off and let me be for the most part, he seemed to be satisfied with my suffering. While he was still constantly there he was mostly silent throughout my high school years. I managed to make my teachers believe that my behavioral issues were things of the past and I graduated with pretty decent grades. I got into my first choice of colleges and started my freshmen year with a relatively stable (as stable as I could be) frame of mind. I had blocked off all thoughts of my parents and what had happened on the beach that day and convinced everyone, including myself, that I was a normal, well adjusted young adult.

I met my wife my junior year of college, Janice. Soren liked her enough, I mean he never tried to coerce me to do anything adverse towards her. We got married straight out of college and not long after that my son was born. I wanted to name him Isaiah but Janice wanted to steer clear of biblical names. I was adamant about the name and finally my wife and I came to an agreement his first name would be Oliver and his middle name, Isaiah. While I wasn’t entirely happy with the suggestion, marriage is all about compromise so I went with it.

I could tell as soon a Oliver was born that Soren didn’t like him, at all. He stood outside the hospital nursery with a scowl on his face. The frown only grew in the passing months until Soren would let out a disapproving noise anytime Oliver entered the room. When Oliver turned two, Soren spoke up.

“Get rid of him. I’m tired of looking at him.”

Soren stood over my wife who was seated with Oliver in the overstuffed rocking chair by the fire. The flames offered minimal lighting in the room but I could make out the grimace Soren had on his face. I was mid-sentence but I stopped to stare at Soren who was now looking at my son with a thoughtful expression. I inclined my head, almost opening my mouth to ask him to explain but thinking better of it.

“He can see me.” Soren shifted uncomfortably as Oliver turned his gaze towards him. Now it all made sense, I had just assumed that he had a short attention span but Oliver’s ever roving gaze was due to him following Soren’s movements with his eyes. He never seemed to be able to focus, getting distracted easily, especially when looking and interacting with me. When my wife had mentioned it to me I shrugged and played it off, the doctor wrote it off as ‘fascination with the world around him’. But now I knew, Oliver could see Soren and it irritated him. I chose to ignore Soren. Thinking back on it I should have just left them, gone as far away as possible. But alas, hindsight is 20/20.

A few weeks after my son’s 8th birthday he asked me about the ‘tall man in the corner’. I was taken off guard so I played dumb, insisting that there was no man and that he had made it all up. Satisfied with the response my son never brought it up again, but Soren had enough. His insistence that I get rid of him intensified. Though things all came to a boil when my wife asked about him.

“Do know...hear voices?”

The question came at dinner and I guffawed loudly. My shock must have been written all over my face because she took my hand and knitted her eyebrows.

“It’s okay if you do. Just tell me so we can get you help. There is treatment that can make the voices go away.”

My eyes snapped to Soren, gauging his response to what Janice was saying. He said nothing though he radiated hate and resentment, it washed over me in waves. I was bombarded with angry ranting and harsh demands for weeks, I hardly slept and when I did Soren filled my dreams with images of me killing Janice and Oliver.

I’m sure you can guess by now what happened. I gave in. I caved to Soren yet again. Though this time I wasn’t able to lie to the police, the neighbors heard my wife’s screams and I was mid swing when the authorities busted through my front door. I frantically tried to explain to them that I didn’t want to kill them, that I had to, that Soren wouldn’t let me rest until I did. All I wanted was some peace. Just a moment of peace. Of course to a sane person this just sounded like the delusions of a sick man. I wasn’t content to let people think I was a cold blooded killer. I was just a weak willed man.

I’ve come to the end of my allotted share of paper. I will ask once again that despite what I have confessed to you in this letter that you continue with this program.


As she escorted the man out of her house once again he gave her a small wave before walking down the steps and back down the street. This time around Teddy was feeling extremely uneasy, she eyed the letter and wondered what would happen if she just didn’t read them. I mean there was no way for Levi to know if she had actually read them or not, and even if the quiet man relayed that fact to him what was he going to do? Break out of prison and hunt her down? The thought actually made Teddy shiver, though she knew the possibilities were basically nill, she couldn’t help the small spike of fear that raced down her spine.

The words in the letters stayed with Teddy throughout the week, she had trouble sleeping as her dreams turned to nightmares of Levi killing his family. Clyde asked her on several occasions about what was in the other letter that was sent but she couldn’t bring herself to repeat it and she refused to let him read it. By the time the third letter arrived Teddy had managed to compose herself, she decided she would read the letter, and if she began to feel uneasy she would just stop reading.

She opened the door once again and waved the silent man inside. He took up residence in his usual spot, his arms crossed and expression relaxed. Teddy noticed that this envelope wasn’t as thick as the others, her curiosity spiked and she quickly opened it.

Dear Theodora,

Teddy paused to consider the less formal greeting before reading on.

It doesn’t take a genius to know when your number is up. This time around the warden said I could have as much paper as I wanted for this letter. The guards are also acting a bit kinder towards me, although it would be hard to notice for most. It’s hard to say if I’m relieved or devastated to know that soon this will come to an end. As you can imagine Soren’s become quite restless here, there’s not much trouble to cause and eventually they just stick you in solitary confinement. Soren really didn’t care for that. These days he mostly screeches and rants, just a constant white noise in my head.

While I might not have much time left I would like to live it out in peace. So now we get to why I asked to join this program, other than taking some of the weight off my conscience. About a month ago Soren became quite unbarable. His yelled was at an all time high, and I had a nearly incapacitating headache. A simple solution became obvious to me and as I hung from the light fixture I stared at Soren, my bliss turned into horror. My vision was blurring and my surrounds were fading but Soren stood steadfast. He had a sinister look in his eye as he watched me gasp for air. I was losing my vision but I could still see Soren clear as day. I would not be able to escape him even in death.

The paramedics revived me and I was stuck in psych at my wits end. I didn’t want to imagine an eternity with Soren. The vile thing had been with me for most of my life and the only thing that kept me going was the thought that once I passed onto the next world I would be free of Soren. I guess he could tell I had given up and bossing around a willing subordinate is not enjoyable for him so he told me of a way to free myself from his presence.

It was then that Teddy stopped once again, her heart rate picking up slightly. She couldn’t help but feel a little elated for Levi, she had read about all the pain Soren had caused him and the thought of him being free put a small smile on Teddy’s face. She glanced at the man in the corner and saw that he too had a small smile on. He must’ve read this letter before delivering it to Teddy, her smile widened slightly and looked down to continue reading.

When he told me I was reluctant to go through with it, but I am simply at my wits end. This was the one thing that Soren didn’t force on me, he let me agonize over the decision myself. It took me weeks to choose and the processed proved to be a bit tricky, though once the opportunity presented itself I took the leap. It is with I heavy heart that I write this last letter, and once again I want to thank you, Theodora, for reading these.

Teddy noticed that Levi’s handwriting became quite shaky. She had to slow down a bit to decipher some of the words but she forged on.

The only way to get rid of Soren is to lead him to someone else. Pass the torch, so to speak. As you could imagine this fact gave me pause, but I thought back to that day on the beach when Soren showed me who he really was. That was enough for me to go through with this. My sorrow makes this difficult to write, and I’m afraid that this will be the last letter you receive from me. I haven’t been completely honest with you Theodora, but if I had been open with you from the beginning I wouldn’t have been able to get rid of Soren. For you see, in order for me to relinquish the hold Soren has on me someone has to willingly accept him. By inviting him into their home three times.

The last sentence was the hardest to read, and not because of the poor penmanship and tear stains. Teddy’s mind raced a mile a minute and she looked up from the letter at the man sitting across from her at the table. The man she had invited into her house three times.

“Burn the letters.” Soren’s smile was sinister, and mischief surfaced in his eyes. He stood up and towered over Theodora.

“Burn. Them.” His voice echoed in her head and she brought her hands up to her temples in an attempt to satiate the pounding in her head. She could only scream in horror as she realized the grave mistake she had made.


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Edited on 02/05/16 @ 00:24:19 by Kailani (#18301)

Kailani (#18301)

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Posted on
2016-05-01 17:29:42
TFW you're home alone house sitting and you decided to write a scary story even though you know your overactive imagination will keep you up all night by convincing you that Soren is watching you.

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Kailani (#18301)

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Posted on
2016-05-03 10:51:49
Thinking about starting a part two but still in the middle of finals so it'll be slow going. DX

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