Posted by Avid Roleplayer Seeking RPs [CLOSED]

Komainu (#64351)

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Posted on
2016-05-07 09:38:07
Hello, everyone.

May 8th
I have had several wonderful inquiries, and I would like to sort through them all before attempting to pile on more roleplay requests.

My name is Komainu. I have a strong interest in roleplaying, and have done so for 10 years. I consider myself to be literate, and enjoy roleplaying with others who are also literate, if not at least semi-lit. I was a member of Virtual Space for 3 years, which is a mobile roleplaying community. (The app is still available for anyone interested.)

I enjoy original ideas and stories, as well as characters. I especially enjoy involving my original characters in one-on-one romantic plots. I like long, in-depth responses, and details. Granted, I would be a hypocrite if I said I never made a short response, because I have made quite a few of those. However, when I am inspired and interested in the roleplay, I invest a lot in the responses I give.

"What do you look for in a partner,"
First off, I would really prefer someone who is literate. I am not discriminating on those that are not, for they just need more practice, for practice makes experience , which makes growth. However, I like to start off roleplaying with someone at a literate level, especially when I'm coming back from a writing break. Other literate members allow me to work on my experience and find the "voice" of my responses again after being away for a while.
Secondly, you may have already noticed in the previous bulletin, but I like people who can be grammatically correct and have accurate spelling in the majority of their posts. This is meant to be implied by the "literate" title, but I understand some people do not get that subtle hint. Now, I am no where near to being perfect, and I make mistakes just like everyone else. Sometimes, I get so excited with my replies that I have 2-5 typos due to my typing speed, which can include spelling, capitalization, or even punctuation. I am not riding a high horse about this topic, but i do expect you to be able to construct proper sentences (and hopefully paragraphs).
Thirdly, I enjoy others who can help invite new ideas and plot points into the roleplay. I have been a partner to a one-on-one before in which I was the only one spitting out ideas. After a while of doing that, you get a little resentful and I don't like feeling that way. So, I like people who can help come up with new ideas. Granted, sometimes I suffer from writers-block and need a little push, but I am usually up to throwing out ideas and suggestions.
Fourthly, I like people who roleplay realistically. I know this may sound like an obvious point, but this has been a problem before, especially with things such as time, battling, and romantic interest. You can not travel 10 miles in 3 posts; you can not fall in love with a character in 2 posts, and you certainly can not get all of your punches and kicks in through 1 post. This would probably be my biggest red flag.
Fifthly, and lastly, I really enjoy partners who can make an effort in getting to know me outside of the roleplay. I mean, yes, the whole point of becoming partners is so that we can roleplay, but you are a human being and, in the words of Izaya Orihara, "I love humans."

"What are you like as a roleplayer?"
- For starters, I am a night owl and will most likely only reply during the late afternoon and evening hours (anywhere from 6pm to 12am LT). This will especially hold true if I can manage to find a job. ;3;
- I am human and I get writer's block just like everyone else. I sometimes lose the muse to write a really powerful response. However, I will never leave you hanging with a one-liner; I will always at least do one full paragraph.
- I like to stay within my comfort zone of characters (yeah I know, I'm boring), but I can't help it. I will only make outrageously new and daring characters if I feel that a roleplay calls for it.
- For those of you that live for any and all romance plots, I personally live for the smut. I will never pass up a good romance roleplay. (Bonus points if both characters are male~)
- If there is ever a situation that arises that prohibits me from replying for a while, I will make sure to PM you immediately to let you know so you are not waiting around for nothing. I would appreciate it if you did the same.
- Lastly, I type pretty quickly, so I am going to make the average grammar/spelling error once in a while. With roleplays I get really into, I get excited and end up typing even faster so that the plot can develop more quickly. What can I say, I'm a bit impatient.

"What type of roleplays are you interested in/not interested in?"
I Enjoy Roleplays that:
- Have anthropomorphic and original characters
- Involve one-on-ones
- Personify personal ships (i.e. Izaya and Shizou from Durarara!)
- Involve themes such as fantasy, post-apocalyptic, medieval, romance, supernatural, and more
- Host romantic relationships (prefer boyxboy; can be either seme or uke)
- Revolve around a scholarly setting (i.e. high school or academy of any kind)
- Prompt a survival experience (i.e. stranded on a lost island)
- In terms of romance, lots of smut <3 (For those that like to roleplay with strong romance plots, I am all about that life.)

I Detest Roleplays that:
- Host canon characters or plots (i.e. Harry Potter, Disney, etc.)
- Involve intense drug/alcohol abuse or sexual abuse, such as rape
- Harbor several characters per person (it is too chaotic for me to keep up with)

If you are looking for someone to join a (preferably small-grouped) roleplay or seeking a partner for a one-on-one, I would love to participate. I am also willing to roleplay with others to help them grow their writing experience.

If you would like to roleplay with me, hit me up!

Current Lioden Roleplays Involved In:
One x One with Kailani - Started [ Last Post : May 10th ]
One x One with Heda Leksa - Not Started
One x One with Trash Panda - Started [ Last Post : May 24th ]
One x One with Valentine - Not Started

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Edited on 23/05/16 @ 21:52:50 by Komainu (#64351)

Larksof8 (#34494)

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Posted on
2016-05-08 03:41:45
Sounds great.

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Komainu (#64351)

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Posted on
2016-05-08 03:51:53
I sent you a PM.~

@Trash Panda
Aye, we do have quite a few similarities in interest.

I am perfectly fine with romance being a sub-plot; I've done it a thousand times. However, I had to make sure I put romance up there because I do enjoy it as a main plot as well, especially where lots of smut is involved. I basically had that up there for other roleplayers who liked stuff like that.

Yeah, that sounds good. I have done quite a few of those, which I enjoy. I usually tend to stick to human unless the roleplay in itself is centered around an anthropomorphic theme.

Sure, that will work.

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Edited on 08/05/16 @ 10:52:10 by Komainu (#64351)

Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-05-08 03:57:09

//nods approvingly

Yes, smut is good. Very good... //cOUghs

AnYway, if you'd like I can PM you with a sample, or we could skip that and just go on to a plot idea? cx I'm perfectly fine either way.

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Komainu (#64351)

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Posted on
2016-05-08 04:09:53
@Trash Panda
I don't require any kind of samples; I like learning how people write in the actual roleplay. We can go ahead and work on the plot, if that is alright with you. Would PMing about that be easier for you?

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-05-08 04:13:17

Ah, alrighty. ^-^ It would, thanks. I find it hard to organize such things in threads and the like.

I'll be sending you a PM if that's alright~!

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Larksof8 (#34494)

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Posted on
2016-05-10 15:29:51
Great. I could do human or Anthropomorphic.

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Komainu (#64351)

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Posted on
2016-05-10 15:41:13
Which one are you currently leaning towards? I am up for either one.

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Larksof8 (#34494)

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Posted on
2016-05-10 15:41:41
Probably more toward human at this time.

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Komainu (#64351)

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Posted on
2016-05-10 15:59:18
Cool, awesome. Would you like to discuss plots and all that fun stuff over PM?

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Larksof8 (#34494)

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Posted on
2016-05-10 16:00:46
Sure thing.

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