Posted by Moon Rogues [Warrior Clans United RP]
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-05-25 02:40:56
This thread is for Warrior Clans United members ONLY!
Rogue Group: Moon Rogues

>>Spreadsheet for Clans (Available Spots)<

Thread Supervisor: SmoGirl (#69866)

Current Event: Eye to Eye

A group of Rogues known as the Infinite are headed towards Moon Rogue territory. You must find out about them, learn, and gear up for war!

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Edited on 21/06/17 @ 16:24:55 by Smo 🎷#DreamTeam (#69866)

MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-07-28 07:12:12
Soul-mentions: blood and moon
Soul felt herself be knocked into ground. She hissed sarcastically " oh if your his so powerful ally, then I feel so challenge." Her tail swished wildly as she stood back up.

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Ÿ¦Ÿ (#29566)

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Posted on
2016-07-28 07:13:07

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Edited on 28/07/16 @ 14:13:48 by Sans-💀 (LOL)(WCU) (#29566)

Novo (#81850)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-07-28 07:15:45
Blood - Territory - Mentions: Soul, Moon

He didn't bother with the crazy she-cat's remark, looking back at Moon curiously. The tom didn't seem to have a side yet, he was simply neutral. Was he part of the Moon Rouges? He'd been gone long enough.. Or was he a loner, or the rival rouge clan? This tom intrigued him. By now he was completely ignoring Soul, sort of shielding Moon with his body so she couldn't pounce at him again.

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Ÿ¦Ÿ (#29566)

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Posted on
2016-07-28 07:18:11
Omen-Moon Rogues

Omen ended up hovering around the cats and he rolled his eyes, "and fur is flying" he hissed. " why is everyone like, im short tempered. Gah i guess you guys think being aggressive and cunning is our number one rule" he meowed with his eyes in slits. He wouldn't claw the pelts off the cats who growled at him but he would just shrug.

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Ryett (#94819)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-28 07:19:39
Moon - Territory - Mentions: Blood

Moon quickly ate the dead mouse, little blood splatters here and there, "Dumb dumb dumb. Enough food" he said, leaving a half eaten Mouse carcass. "Oh, one more thing, Who is the leader?"

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MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-07-28 07:21:04
Soul-mentions blood and moon

"Oh so you now to decide to take the infinite's side now. Traitor" she hissed as blood was guarding the tom. Soul was filled with rage she was ready to kill blood. She viewed blood as a traitor, a good for nothing traitor. Soul prowled back and forth looking for a way to get past blood. " That's none of your business!" Soul hissed at the gray tom

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Edited on 28/07/16 @ 14:22:28 by MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

Ÿ¦Ÿ (#29566)

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Posted on
2016-07-28 07:26:25
Omen-Moon rogues

Omen ditched the plan of shrugging and he bristled at the she-cat " a she-cat doesn't going around killing people who have done stuff in the past" he hissed as he lashed his tail. "Maybe the infinite is joining us you dung" he hissed.

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Novo (#81850)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-07-28 07:26:43
Blood - Territory - Mentions: Soul, Moon

Soul chuckled, "Oh honey, I was never on your side in the first place. How can I be a traitor if I was never even a part of your pathetic excuse for a clan?" Looking back to Moon he smiled, "I have no leader, if you're asking about who runs this territory, that would be Fang. Poor little weakling, soft-hearted Fang." He kept himself facing Soul, not allowing her close to Moon. He would talk to this cat before any of Fang's minions got to him..

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Ryett (#94819)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-28 07:30:34
Moon - Territory - Mentions: Blood, Soul

"No leader, in other territory? That is a world of fun. But, I am no.. What ever you called it, or you think I am, not that." Moon said and bowed his head slightly at the angry angry cat, grinning softly. "Oh and what is that angry cats name? the pouncing cat" Moon asked.

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MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-07-28 07:37:35
Soul-Mentions: moon and blood
Soul ignored what the cats said and snarled. Soul finally lost it. She attacked blood with full force. Soul swiped at his face,and raked her claws on his side. She had enough of this. When Soul is mad there is no escape from her wrath. She takes it out on every one.

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Novo (#81850)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-07-28 07:41:17
Blood - Territory - Mentions: Soul

Barely surprised he dodged her claws to his face, she still managed to get a good blow on his side though. He'd been training since birth to fight, and he'd had plenty of experience, charging at her he used his side to slam her full force against a tree and snarl. "You should know better than to attack me sweetheart, I've lived longer, trained harder, and I'm much, much stronger," pushing her harder into the tree so she couldn't breathe he growled lowly. "I should end your life.."

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Ryett (#94819)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-28 07:49:29
Moon - Territory - Mentions: Blood, Soul

Moon watched before shrugging, slowly walking away. "Fight well, don't mind me Angry cat and fighter cat" He said then grabbed the half eaten mouse as he left. "These cats are weird.. I should've joined in" He said to himself with a soft chuckle.

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MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-07-28 07:51:13
Soul-mentions: Blood and moon
Soul struggled to breath. But her rage was driving her on. She wasn't goingto lose this easy. Soul raked her claws across blood's belly.

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Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

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Posted on
2016-07-28 07:53:21

She watches Fang come towards her, but she pads a little past him and looks at the fight going on. She backs away, returning to Fang. 'Are you going to do anything about that?' She asks, a little concerned that Omen was near the fighting cats. her tail tip begins to flick anxiously.

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Novo (#81850)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-07-28 07:55:11
Blood - Territory - Mentions: Soul

He simply held her there until she either passed out or her rage ebbed. Once doing so he flicked his tail dismissively and slipped out of the Moon Rouge territory once more, deciding that he'd get to speak with Moon again later.

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