Posted by Moon Rogues [Warrior Clans United RP]
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-05-25 02:40:56
This thread is for Warrior Clans United members ONLY!
Rogue Group: Moon Rogues

>>Spreadsheet for Clans (Available Spots)<

Thread Supervisor: SmoGirl (#69866)

Current Event: Eye to Eye

A group of Rogues known as the Infinite are headed towards Moon Rogue territory. You must find out about them, learn, and gear up for war!

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Edited on 21/06/17 @ 16:24:55 by Smo 🎷#DreamTeam (#69866)

Novo (#81850)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-06-16 07:43:01
Blood - Loner - Camp - Mentions:

He mostly ignored her, not even seeming to recognize she was rubbing on him. He looked around distrustfully at all of the cats, all but Brokendawn and Arrow.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-16 07:46:55
She got bored, he wasn't as fun to bug as the other cats.. she wondered if she could get a rise out of him before she went out to hunt.. She brushed up against him, her tail rubbing under his chin as she walked by. She looked back at him to see if he would get mad, that is all she wanted.. to annoy him at least a little bit.. He looked like anyone could annoy him from just saying hi but why couldn't she annoy him so easily like she annoyed the others? no fair...

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Lynn (#63332)

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Posted on
2016-06-16 07:49:22
Arrow - rogue - Mentions: Blood, Desertkit

Arrow looked around for Desertkit, noticing she was surrounded by the rogues. He heard Fang call out relating to her, and understood she would be, generally safe with him. He spotted Blood with a cat he didn't knows. He walked over towards his.. closest companion? Friend? Non-enemy? He walked over towards Blood and the unknown cat.

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Lynn (#63332)

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Posted on
2016-06-16 07:50:27
Desertkit - Mentions: Fang

"It would be an honour to be trained by you," she said, hearing the other cats scatter.

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Novo (#81850)

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Posted on
2016-06-16 07:51:30
Blood - Loner - Camp - Mentions: Star, Arrow

He just yawned and stretched, body making a few popping noises until he padded off across the camp. Star was going to eventually find his weak point, it would just take a lot of work to get under his skin. He had changed from when he first arrived, his vengeful leader instincts were buried until further notice. His claws flexed, we was going to rip them all to shreds. Grinning to himself he headed off to catch a bite to eat. But upon seeing Arrow he stopped, "Greetings Arrow."

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Edited on 16/06/16 @ 14:52:26 by Imagine9731 [WCU] (#81850)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-06-16 07:52:03

Fang looked down at the kit. "Hmph. Would have thought you hated me by now. Everyone does, you can see it in their faces."
He flicks his tail, but knows the kit can't see.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-16 07:52:50
She looked at the other tom that was coming this way, she probably couldn't get a rise out of him.. he looked too nice.. she continued to try and annoy the tom she was already trying to annoy, it was no fun if they didn't react.. She knew Fire would react.. it would be fun! but, she had to get a little annoyance out him first.. she followed him, seeing if that would annoy him. she was determined to get to him, she thought it was interesting how he didn't really react at all..

She thought to herself as she stood there, watching Star, everyone hates you? it was true.. not a lot of cats liked him but, she wasn't one of those cats but, she left it alone.

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Edited on 16/06/16 @ 14:55:40 by Icestar0413 (#72469)

Lynn (#63332)

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Posted on
2016-06-16 08:18:05
Desertkit - kit- 2.5 Moons - Mentions: Fang

"I haven't spent enough time around anyone in this place to properly hate anyone yet. Also from the way that the other cats sounded it doesn't seem like they hate you. They have some possible fear-induced respect, though," Desertkit told Fang, as even though she couldn't see, she could feel the ways that a group believed.

Arrow - Rogue - Mentions: Blood

"Hello." Arrow said, looking quickly at Blood before he looked around to make sure Desertkit was still alright. "Are you planning on going somewhere?" Arrow asked noticing that Blood had stopped moving after he approached.

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Novo (#81850)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-06-16 08:22:45
Blood - Loner - Camp - Mentions: Arrow

"Not really, was just going to go on a hunt for fun, To get my claws into something so I don't end up sinking my teeth into Fang or his mate. Why, do you want to come with?" he asked, wondering if Arrow wanted to talk about anything. His heartbeat was too loud, he could feel it throbbing in his paws, words could not express how much he wanted to get out of camp to talk to someone else rather than his sister or some crazy she-cat. ((Sorry Star XD))

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-16 08:32:39
She quickly went from some uncertain She-cat to a cat that was truly unpredictable. She shot a look at him and then Arrow but, when her eyes rested on Arrow, she smiled and nothing mischievous about it, it looked evil. Instead of brushing past Blood, she pushed past him and then added out into the forest, she wasn't scared of him. She really was crazy but, she really didn't care.. she loved annoying every cat and Fire was next.. where did some cats think she got the scar on her shoulder? A fox? Ha, she was crazy but not that crazy..
(Lol its ok xD she actually is a little crazy for wanting to annoy every cat that would swat at her or something but, she can be really cute xD)

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Edited on 16/06/16 @ 15:37:15 by Icestar0413 (#72469)

Lynn (#63332)

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Posted on
2016-06-16 09:25:33
Arrow - Rogue - Mentions: Blood

"Sure, I don't really remember the last time I ate. I was so busy looking after that kit that I forgot about me. Hunting sounds like a god idea" Arrow replied. He was partially relieved to not be in trouble for bringing a clan kit here. He didn't mean to do it, but he was glad they would look after her.

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Artifice (#91143)

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Posted on
2016-06-16 09:35:17
Thistle wandered out of camp after the meeting broke up. She figured she might as well do what everyone seemed to be doing and go hunting. Thistle stayed to the shadows as she crept away from camp. She followed Arrow and Blood, curious of what they had to say about recent going ons in the camp.

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Novo (#81850)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-06-16 12:00:08
Blood - Loner - Territory - Mentions: Arrow

He nodded slowly and walked outside the camp. "You seem like you need someone to talk to lately," Blood said to him once they had both caught something and settled down to eat.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-16 12:04:11
She smelled a rabbit and started to stalk it, she would annoy Fire later.. the city cat was so boring.. and kind of weird.. oh well.. she soon found the rabbit and pounced on it, she snapped it's neck as she landed on it when one paw was on its back and the other on its neck. She picked it up, no gashes in it what so ever and brought it back to camp, she took it to the kill pile and set it down. She wasn't hungry.. so, might as well let it just go to someone else.. she looked directly at Fire who had turned to look at her.. what did she want?

She watched as Star had walked into camp with a rabbit that had no blood on it.. how on earth was it dead? She then remembered that you could snap it's neck without spilling anything but, what was the fun in that?? She looked to Fang for a few short moments and as she looked at him, she smiled and her eyes didn't cover how she felt about him.. she soon pushed it all away and turned to look back at Star who was staring at her.. she was supposed to watch her, why was she watching Fire?

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Blossom Witch (Clean
Ferus) (#6408)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2016-06-17 04:11:10
Ebonyfang ~Warrior ~ Camp

Ebonyfang her black paw shipping it over her face waiting for something to happen or someone to talk to. She sees Cloud walks out if her nursery den to get something to eat.

Cloud ~ Queen ~ Camp

She walks to the prey pile to grab a mouse, she walks away from the pile to eat her prey quickly.

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