Posted by Moon Rogues [Warrior Clans United RP]
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-05-25 02:40:56
This thread is for Warrior Clans United members ONLY!
Rogue Group: Moon Rogues

>>Spreadsheet for Clans (Available Spots)<

Thread Supervisor: SmoGirl (#69866)

Current Event: Eye to Eye

A group of Rogues known as the Infinite are headed towards Moon Rogue territory. You must find out about them, learn, and gear up for war!

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Edited on 21/06/17 @ 16:24:55 by Smo 🎷#DreamTeam (#69866)

Ÿ¦Ÿ (#29566)

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Posted on
2016-07-09 05:00:16
Omen-Moon rogues

Omen sighed as he vrushed up on Star and he tried to give her a comforting glance,he pricked his ears up " call me if they bother you" he whispered as he padded off. He seemed a bit worried for Star, he knew that black cats were always cunning and one with scars isn't great either. " but maybe im just a bad cat as well" he mumbled to himself as he started looking around. The tom saw a mouse and scampered off after it, he was gaining up on it as he pounced and he missed it by half a whisker. He growled as he got up and shook the dirt off hlis black pelt, as he got up he looked around and sniffed the air.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-07-09 05:05:00
Her ear twitched at hearing Omen. Since he was OK, she stood up and padded away... she lost interest in the two She-cat's and padded off towards the cave she had now frequently gone to but, she noticed Blood. She wondered what he was doing so, she went up to him. "Hi there, what is up city cat?" She didn't look as friendly as she first did meeting him. She was angry but, she just wanted to see if she could bug him again.. she wasn't really interested but, she thought it would be fun.

(I dunno where Blood is but, I wanted to interact with whoever isn't interacting with anyone XD so hi!)

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Novo (#81850)

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Posted on
2016-07-09 05:16:43
Blood - Warrior - Territory - Mentions: Star

He immediately grabbed her, slamming her up against a large rock, paws against her neck as he glared deep into her eyes with his unsettling colored eyes. "I'll say it once, and only once: Don't, for any reason, bother me. Got that?" he snarled, claws pricking her neck. He was tense, jaw set and eyes ablaze. He was in no mood for any of Star's games, he was going to kill her along with the rest of this mangy excuse of a clan anyways.

((Heh heh, bad moment Star, bad moment... ^^;))

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Ÿ¦Ÿ (#29566)

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Posted on
2016-07-09 05:18:47
Ooh Omen b mad >:(

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-07-09 05:22:45
She huffed, she wasn't there to bother him at that moment.. geez cats were tense. She just smiled, even being held up against a rock in this situation, she frankly didn't care what happened. Her eyes didn't hide anything, she wasn't scared, she was angry. Not at him though.. she frankly was angry at the world for everything. She just stayed there, even feeling his claws at her throat, she was still extremely calm. "Bother you about what? You looked like something was bothering you and I wanted to see what was wrong.. geez cats are so up tight.." she was honestly telling him and everything in her eyes showed how honest she was but, she didn't care if he did anything.. her ear just flicked as she boldly stared right into his eyes and waited.. she clearly looked like she was waiting.

(Lol Smo XD Star is being really cool about this despite her anger.. wonder why haha)

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Edited on 09/07/16 @ 12:23:49 by Icestar0413 (#72469)

Novo (#81850)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-07-09 05:25:55
Blood - Warrior - Territory - Mentions: Star

He growled and threw her to the ground in disgust, she wasn't worth it. "Don't talk to me. Mangy furball kittypet..." he muttered the last part and stalked off, claws digging into the dirt with every step he took.

((I like to think that Blood is part Maine Coon, hence why he's so big, just to clarify the weird size thing))

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-07-09 05:32:27
She stretched and then stood up, watching him walk away, "what climbed into his fur?" She clearly said, she didn't quite care at that moment what he called her.. she was waiting. She knew what he was doing and she was being patient.. he was clearly being bothered by something.. she walked off towards the cave she was after before. She was now smiling like a psycho.. she wasn't a kitty pet, she was smarter than that.. he was going to do something that had to do with his claws and she was going to wait until he cracked. She entered the cave and licked her wounds from when she fought with Omen, she groomed her fur before she went further into the cave. She disappeared inside and didn't expect any cat to go looking for her. She stopped at feeling a pain in her paw and pulled a shard from a stick out from in between her toes and underneath one of claws. She hissed as she pulled it out and then she continued to walk. She had to be careful when she walked through here now because she just pulled something out of her paw from the floor of the cave..

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-07-09 05:44:44

Claws digging into the dirt, Fang stalked out over to Windclan territory after talking with Fire. His heart was aching, something felt wring about living like this. His head spun, but he made it over to the outskirts of the clan camp, watching. He saw Alderfall sitting in the clearing, and was tempted to draw him out.
He sighs, staring at his paws. The dream they had he couldn't deny. There's no way he could kill his brother now. Or is there?
Fang hissed lowly at himself, clashing feelings made him angry. His brother eyes started coming towards him, and Fang ducks in the undergrowth.

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Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

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Posted on
2016-07-09 15:30:09

She padded past the newcomer and into the forest, unknowingly heading towards the Windclan camp. The she-cat soon came to the border, but could smell another cat of the fierce clan across the border, it clearly can't be too bad to go to another cat's territory, right? She padded across quickly, still trying to pick up some scent of prey, it can't be this hard. She finally hears a pigeon in a lone tree, she bounds up the trunk and springs onto its branch. With a frenzy of wings in her face she loses it into the sky. 'That one was lucky' she muttered to herself. She looked down to jump down but instead found an unlucky rabbit. She dropped down onto it, but it had realised where she was. It had taken off. She began to chase it, as fast as she could go. It was heading straight for a group of warrens.. That's odd.. There were a couple of cats there. She stopped running and began to creep forward, switching from one group of small bushes to the next. She soon found the cat she had first scented, it wasn't anyone she knew. She silently cursed herself and tried her best to keep a low profile, avoiding both of the two cats. This was going to be difficult. She tried her best to keep one eye on each of them, shifting every once in a while.

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ProToge (#93170)

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Posted on
2016-07-09 15:45:04

She didn't notice everyone leaving. When she looked up from the squirrel she picked to the bone, she was alone by the river. Well, I guess I should explore the place she thought. Kiki's sight was compensated by her sense of smell. She relied on her nose to navigate land where her eye could not. She could tell the direction that all the cats gathered. It was a mixture of new and old. Some of the scents smelled fresh out of the garden from a two-leg place. Others reeked of blood. She decided she wasn't ready to meet any more cats. Fang and Fire seemed terrifying, though she would never admit it aloud. Kiki decided to stroll along the river. It had been a while since she was able to live out of the shadows. She began to follow the water opposite of the current. Maybe she'd find something washing down to her.

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Ÿ¦Ÿ (#29566)

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Posted on
2016-07-09 15:52:36
Open for interaction :p )

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-07-09 16:45:29
Fang | Mentions: Fox, Fire

Fang retreated silently from the undergrowth, and his eyes narrow as he smells a newer scent fill his nostrils. Alderfall had gotten up, padding towards Fang's position, so he retreated even further.
There was a large bush near the place their father was killed, and he hid in it until the scents died down.
Looking down at his paws, he unsheaths his claws, thinking about Fire. He couldn't be soft, it wasn't in his nature. If she still loved him, the best thing would be for them to have a fiery passion for each other. He can't stand soft love.
Breathing in deeply, Fang opens his eyes, a hatred burning deep inside them. The creatures will all die before him. He chuckles lowly before emerging from the bush and headed towards camp.

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Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

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Posted on
2016-07-09 17:02:07
Fox | Mentions: Fang

She watches the other cat retreat so she does the same, hanging quite a while behind him. Could this be the vicious leader Omen had told her about? She doubted it, why would he be in a different territory? As she pondered her steps became less and less quiet, and she began to catch up to the cat ahead.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-07-09 23:12:45
She stretched, not looking friendly at all.. she was in one of her moods. Her claws were sheathing and unsheathing a lot, creating small scratches in the ground that slowly got deeper. She looked around, eyes narrowed, she shook her fur to get rid of the dirt from laying there. She ran out of camp, pretty quickly.. she disappeared into the territory outside camp. She ran, she smelled prey and she wouldn't stalk up on them.. she wanted some fun.. she chased a rabbit, she ran after it and when it was getting tired, it wasn't fun anymore.. she pounced and tore it to shreds.. might as well not waste it.. she buried it to bring it back later and continued on her bloodshedding journey around, not really caring where she ended up..

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Novo (#81850)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-07-10 02:07:59
Blood - Warrior - Camp - Mentions:

After quite the fight with a small hawk he headed back to camp, dropping the now dead predator on the pile. Its talons were missing. He'd hid them among his collection of other sharp things, teeth and claws buried under a rotten log. He shook out his fur and looked over at Fire, she didn't seem to pleased.

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