Posted by Moon Rogues [Warrior Clans United RP]
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-05-25 02:40:56
This thread is for Warrior Clans United members ONLY!
Rogue Group: Moon Rogues

>>Spreadsheet for Clans (Available Spots)<

Thread Supervisor: SmoGirl (#69866)

Current Event: Eye to Eye

A group of Rogues known as the Infinite are headed towards Moon Rogue territory. You must find out about them, learn, and gear up for war!

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Edited on 21/06/17 @ 16:24:55 by Smo 🎷#DreamTeam (#69866)

sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-07-25 11:06:25

Cobblestone shrugged. "Dunno. I told him mine but he never bothered to tell me his...Let's just call him Fuzzy for now." She giggled, flickering her ear.


Ginger listened on of the two cat's conversation. Apparently Omen's upset about..something. Or is it someone? Dunno.

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Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

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Posted on
2016-07-25 11:19:43
Snowshoe | Mentions: Marigold & Cobblestone

'He didn't tell you his name?' She questioned, growing a little angry, but controlling herself. 'What if he was part of one of these groups? You know, the groups that try to chase us out of their territories? What if he was just a scout, and he's planning to kill you? Or all of us?!' Snow wasn't meowing anymore, she was growling. This is why she didn't talk to other cats too much. She managed to get her hair to lie flat again. 'Sorry, I guess i just wouldn't want anyone in this group to be injured' she explained, hoping she hadn't upset Cobblestone too much.

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sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-07-25 11:25:05

Cobblestone rolled her eyes. "You're being too dramatic Snow. If he was planning to kill me I wouldn't be walking with you two." She meows, a frown forming on her face. "Besides, I could kill that cat in a heartbeat if he even tried."

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Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

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Posted on
2016-07-25 11:34:56
Snowshoe | Mentions: Cobblestone

'Yeah, i'm sure you could. But if he's as fluffy as you say thence could be hiding a lot of muscle..' She thought out loud. 'But if he uses you for information.. Just be wary around him if you see him again, okay?' She asked, making sure the other she-cat would be safe. She couldn't lose anyone from the group.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-07-25 11:38:07
(Yes Ginger noticed Star XD maybe they could be friends? Who knows! Maybe they could be great friends since Ginger's attitude might go well with hers XD what do you think?)
Star/She-cat/rogue/mentions: open
She padded through the cave, towards the back and towards her ledge. This was where she felt she belonged. She knew she couldn't ever fit in.. she knew at least one cat saw her looking upset for the first time since she got there.. frankly she didn't really care.. she had feelings too and she didn't need anyone... she thought she could have a friend but, she was wrong. Being alone was better and that way no one would get hurt and she could get on with her life, being as Savage as she felt like being.

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sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-07-25 11:48:26

"Don't worry, i'll be fine. I promise." She purred, her smile returning. "I might so spy on him later to make sure he ain't so bad, I dunno." She meowed, shaking her head.


Ginger soon got up and followed Star to the cave, once she noticed Star in the cave, she knocked her side of the entrance to get her attention. "Knock knock, it's the furball." She meowed, her icy blue eyes glistening.

(o god now I feel bad for killing her off later)

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Edited on 25/07/16 @ 18:48:59 by C4NDYC4NE #Teammemes (#50436)

Ÿ¦Ÿ (#29566)

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Posted on
2016-07-25 11:48:29

Marigolds eyes looked quite upset with the combination of her ears flat against her head, she shuffled her paws as she looked at the two she-cats. " he surely must be nice since you have no scars..he could have hurt you. But anyways, you would be taking a bigger ridk since you barely have a pelt compared to the cotton ball" she giggled. " but what kind of cat was he?i heard that persains were fluffy but i don't think that kind of cat is your type, maybe a tabby like me?" She meowed .

Omen-Moon rogues

The tom smiled as he playfully pounced on her but he was being the shorty he was and his legs barely reached the ground, the toms eyes pricked as he nervously tried getting off. He din't know even how he could knock her over like that anyways, his face atarted getting hot at the situation.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-07-25 11:55:02
Star/She-cat/rogue/mentions: Ginger
She was just about to jump onto a ledge to get up to her ledge when she heard Ginger. She turned to look at her, "hi fur ball... what did you follow me for?" She didn't sound hostile, more curious than anything.. she sat down where she stood and looked at her.

(Oh no DX lol tbh Ginger is the only cat that is paying attention to her right now XD)

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sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-07-25 11:58:15

"Didn't see a flat face on 'em. I guess he was some normal longhaired cat with two times the fur." She meowed, gently knocking Marigold with her side. "Didn't really see stripes either."
(I seriously don't know what omen looks like lmao)


"Well, why not?" Ginger purred, trotting over to Star and laying beside her. "Besides, you look upset."

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Edited on 25/07/16 @ 18:59:15 by C4NDYC4NE #Teammemes (#50436)

Ÿ¦Ÿ (#29566)

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Posted on
2016-07-25 12:05:49
Lol, hes just a black tom
A floody ne XD)


The she-cat almost stumbled, not being prepared for the light push. She gave a nervous purr as she pricked her ears up at the she-cat, " he sounds nice" she meowed with a sigh. " does anyone remember their parents?" She meowed with her head tilted, the young she-cat was still trotting at a good pace after the long distance.

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Edited on 25/07/16 @ 19:06:08 by Sans-💀 (LOL)(WCU) (#29566)

Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

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Posted on
2016-07-25 12:20:38
Fox | Mentions: Omen

She smiled as the tom tried to knock her over. As he hopped off she dramatically fell to the ground 'Omen! No! You're too great and strong for me!' She laughed as she rolled around on the forest floor, 'I've been defeated!' She was in hysterics, the tom looked embarrassed which made her laugh even harder.

Snowshoe | Mentions: Marigold & Cobblestone

Snowshoe laughed a little, but it came out as more of a growl. 'I remember one of my parents, left me for a fox. Lucky for me, the fox had more of a heart than my mother did' she frowned at the memory. She didn't really brighten up after that question, looking at the ground and occasionally growling at herself. She was still open for conversation, though.. For anyone with the guts to start one.

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Ÿ¦Ÿ (#29566)

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Posted on
2016-07-25 12:28:24
Omen-Moon rogues

Omen gave a small purr as he got himself situated and now his face was red, he was overreacting but he couldn't control it. He started hearing her laughing and he brightened up a bit, it kindof reminded him when he was little and playing with his little bro. The tom soon had a wide smile and his tail was floofed out, " you weirdo" he purred. He started thinkintlg of the sphinx and he suddenley felt like he was betraying them both, "heh" he meowed.


Marigold gave a lick on the cheek to snowshoe, she knew it would be just enough for her to stop thinking about it. She gave a little flinch as she didn't want to be swatted in the face, her eyes werent pricked but still soft.

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sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-07-25 12:40:39

Cobblestone purred. "Don't remember mine, nor do I want to." She clackles, flickering her slim tail. "Ay, ya know what? Ima go check on that cat I was talkin about. I'll be back faster than a hare!" She meows, running back to where she was. She ended up climbing a tree, jumping from branch to branch until she ended up spotting the black cat tussling with another smaller female. She sits on the branch, licking her paws.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-07-25 13:51:19
Fang- Mentions- Fire

Fang slows as he sees camp, looking back for Fire and smiling. They had made it in time.
He calls lowly into the clearing. "Moon Rogues, assemble in the clearing!"
Padding out with Fire, he rubs against her with slight nervousness.

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sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-07-25 14:00:40

Ginger's ears pricked at the sound of Fang's voice, standing up. She shot a smile at Star before trotting over into the group, ready to listen to what he has to say.

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