Posted by Warrior Cats RP [Nightclan Chat]

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-05-26 10:52:03
This is Nightclan chat

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Event: The Frosty Journey of the New Leader
Frostflight will soon become Froststar, but there is a threat that once again looms over Nightclan. But, this one more dangerous than the last.. the spot light will be on the new leader, every conflict a test of her leadership skills as well as the clans loyalty. Will this threat be taken care of or will it be the end of Nightclan?

Clan Info:

[Will add everything soon, just making up templates and such..]

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Edited on 04/01/17 @ 20:43:03 by Icestar0413 (#72469)

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-20 04:13:38
He looked over the line of cats, "closer to the ground lazy fur balls!" Where did he manage to find them? They probably couldn't even crush a fly.. he guessed Moonlight and him would have to do most of the work.. he looked over to Moonlight, "where did we find these lazy lumps of fur that think this is some kind of clan.. those clan cats lounge around and so do they.. sometimes I wonder if they should even be rogues.." His tail flicked, he looked to the lines and noticed Ravenfeather, she was staring at them. what does she want?

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Purpletyger (#63528)

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Posted on
2016-06-20 04:18:58

Moonlight, also noticing her staring, twitched her ears. They had a secret communication. She looked over to bloodfang and stuck her tongue out at him playfully. She twitched her tail, and sat down.


She finally sighed and did the tasks no problem, except for the kill swipe. She was too kind hearted for that. She grumbled, very annoyed with herself, and took the swing.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-20 04:25:21
He looked at Moonlight who was sticking her tongue out at him playfully and he laughed. He swiped his paw playfully over her ear, claws sheathed. His tail flicked as he rested his gaze over the line of rogues.

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Purpletyger (#63528)

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Posted on
2016-06-20 04:29:06

It was fun to agitate him, but she focused on her sister, did he know? Probably not. She kept pondering staring at her sister.


She watched the two play around while she sat there, done with the course. She was kind of jealous. She wanted a mate of her own.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-20 04:40:44
He was irritated at Ravenfeather being persistent and watching.. he stood up and padded over to the line. He padded in front of them, padding back and forth, he watched all of their expressions and moves. He wanted the fur balls to be ready to take down the leader. They would destroy the clan and then the traitor and then the rest of the clans..

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Purpletyger (#63528)

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Posted on
2016-06-20 04:48:15
She almost gasped when he got up, he was headed almost straight for her sister, she flicked her ears back and forth, up and down rapidly. She had to save her sister. At last Ravenfeater looked down at her paws. She kinda felt bad.

She looked at her paws as Bloodfang approached, she wasn't in the mood to be yelled at, but she knew it was coming. She was staring at the couple for a good two minutes. She was sooooo gonna get it.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-20 05:00:19
He kept padding back and forth in front of the whole line, watching them all. He had come to stand right in front of Ravenfeather. His tail flicked, voice as cold as ice, "try harder, don't go soft at all. Don't think, just do. Got it?" He stared right at her, waiting.

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Purpletyger (#63528)

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Posted on
2016-06-20 10:09:38
She looked up slightly and nodded, "yessir," she whispered. She looked over at her sister, kinda scared.

She looked at her sister and her eyes softened. She was very sorry for her. She wasn't sure how to get bloodfang how to stop though. She was soft, she always thought things through, sometimes a little too much. She flicked her ears and bobbed her head. Her sister watched intently.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-20 10:28:55
He snorted, "speak up! We are strong fighters not weaklings like those stupid clan cats!" He hissed, his tail flicked. His eyes stayed on her, waiting for her to show just how much of a rogue she could be..
(Just to make it interesting, he has a brother that looks almost exactly like Bloodfang but, slightly different personality, eyes and a few Markings >:D should make it interesting..)

He snorted at Bloodfang, standing up basically pushing him away from Ravenfeather. He hissed at Bloodfang, "go pick on some other cat Bloodfang.. don't look down on her because she whispered you squirrel brain!" His tail flicked, his muscles tensed under dark grey pelt, making his scars stick out like a soar thumb as well as his Panther looking Markings glisten in the sunlight. He was ready to take on his brother, his green eyes were fixed on Bloodfang.

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Purpletyger (#63528)

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Posted on
2016-06-21 03:39:06
She noticed a fight about to happen." ENOUGH!" She was so sick of the cats butting heads so often.

She looked up at her savior, one of the faster cats. She never caught his name, though. She looked at him with greatness in her eyes. She flicked her tail after her sister yelled, telling her to calm down.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-21 05:19:34
His tail twitched as his brother stood up to him and when his mate yelled, he backed off. He wasn't happy, he padded into his den and sat down in his nest. He was still thinking about how they could get into the borders quickly and without being noticed until it was too late.

His ears were flat against his head until Moonlight yelled at them. His brother left so, he calmed down. He looked at Ravenfeather and smiled, "are you OK? I'm Drake, we haven't exactly met.." His tail twitched, he was basically nicer than his brother..

(I'm off camping! See you later c;)

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Purpletyger (#63528)

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Posted on
2016-06-21 05:43:28
She watched her mate walk away and layed down. She was done with life, it was aggravating.

"Ohh... h-hi... I'm Ravenfeather.... " She looked around,embarrassed.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-23 06:23:03
He smiled, "what a nice name" he looked towards his brothers den. His eyes narrowed, "he is just a big mouse brain, he doesn't know when to back off.." He looked back to her, "don't worry about that stupid fur ball. If he tries anything don't worry, I will make sure her doesn't hurt you" he tail flicked as he smiled. Don't let this fool you, he can be just as cold hearted as his brother, he could be a cold hearted killer if he wanted to. Basically a very deadly cat in an angel image, he is nice to everyone, except for his enemies or those who try to hurt the innocent ones who haven't done anything.

He soon padded out of his den and he got full sight of his brother and smiled evilly, awwwww kitten likes a softy he thought, he never really liked his brother but, they got along.. he padded over to his mate and whispered to her, "I have a plan.." He smiled, half evil half the usual smile he always gave her.

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Purpletyger (#63528)

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Posted on
2016-06-24 03:21:32
She looked at him. She wasn't ready to trust anyone, especially someone like him. She knew just how well of a cold blooded killer he was.

She looked up at her mate's words. She almost smiled, almost. She was still mad at him for yelling at her sister. She asked, sounding annoyed,"what is it?"

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-24 13:19:51
His tail flicks, he noticed the two cats were not very happy with one another, he muttered just loud enough that Ravenfeather could only hear, "he is a stupid fur ball.. yelling at cats that didn't do anything..." He sounded mad.

He didn't look that happy but, he was satisfied, no matter how his mate sounded. He was satisfied with his plans, "we can sneak in to their territory unnoticed by staying down wind and enter their camp without them even noticing.." His voice sounded dark, he looked at his brother and gave him a smile as he had noticed he was looking at them.

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