Posted by Warrior Cats RP [Nightclan Chat]

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-05-26 10:52:03
This is Nightclan chat

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Event: The Frosty Journey of the New Leader
Frostflight will soon become Froststar, but there is a threat that once again looms over Nightclan. But, this one more dangerous than the last.. the spot light will be on the new leader, every conflict a test of her leadership skills as well as the clans loyalty. Will this threat be taken care of or will it be the end of Nightclan?

Clan Info:

[Will add everything soon, just making up templates and such..]

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Edited on 04/01/17 @ 20:43:03 by Icestar0413 (#72469)

PrincessMisfit (#61394)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-07 11:26:19
Leopardwaters walks out of the warrior den

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Potaturtle (#92673)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 03:23:30
"Hm. Alright.... I'll just leave her small snack here." He said, placing the squirrel in a corner. "Tell Mistkit it's a snack." He shouted, padding away. Cheetahpaw trotted into the forest, looking around for a water source. He came across a river, lapping the water that was flowing steadily. He lifted his head up, smelling a new scent. It was a she-cat. Looking behind him, he spotted a she-cat that he recognized- Crystalpelt. He had had feelings for her for a while now, wondering if she had ever even noticed him. When she had greeted him, his heart stopped. "H-Hi!" He nervously said. After the long conversation, they eventually went on with their daily lives. At this point, he was blushing furiously while taking another drink.

"Hm... Pebblekit it is!" She agreed. "If you have more kits, I'll make up even more names!" She joked, excitedly. The two had separated, going along with their regular business. Once again, CrystalPelt visited the river- of course. She loved going to the river if she wasn't doing anything. She padded towards the water source as she spotted Cheetahpelt. "Hello." She greeted the tom-cat. Yes. She did have feelings for him. Something about him had attracted her. "H-Hi!" The cheetah-like cat said. They conversed about a couple of things before resuming what they had previously been doing.

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Purpletyger (#63528)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 04:02:28
She soon fell asleep. (I might give more backstory in one of her dreams)

"Answer me!! Darkshadow!! What happened to her?" She was getting iratated he wouldnt answer her.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 06:05:13
She smiled and then padded off towards camp again. She entered and wondered how Riverwhisker was doing... when she padded in she wondered where they had put him..

(I think imma bring the kits into the world today XD depending on the RP)

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Potaturtle (#92673)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 06:12:54
Cheetahpaw trotted towards the den. "Hello Sunfang. How is your kit?" He asked curiously.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 06:19:36
She looked at Cheetahpaw, "what kit? Mine haven't come yet sadly.." she couldn't wait until they were born... speaking of which, she was due for some herbs, she hadn't gotten any for a few days but, she didn't mind. Those things tasted bad.. she turned her attention from her thoughts back to Cheetahpaw and she smiled, "hopefully they will come soon!" She honestly thought one day she would trip over her own swollen stomach..

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Potaturtle (#92673)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 06:39:11
He nodded his head slowly as he sat there. "It's been a while. They're usually supposed to come around this time." He noted. "Maybe you should head back and get some rest just in case." He recommended to the pregnant she-cat. He then padded to the female's den, looking back at the female, signifying her to go into her den.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 06:45:18
She stretched, "how is Riverwhisker" she didn't move until a few minutes after she asked, giving a little yawn at the entrance to the nursery. She turned around to the Tom and waited to see if he knew.. he was actually a very young cat.. to her anyway.. haha

He woke up with a start and basically jumped to his paws. He soon felt pain surge from his wounds, he felt like a two leg monster decided to try and shred him but, it wanted him to suffer.. wow.. it soon passed as his muscles relaxed and he looked around.. he was still in camp and by the warriors den. He looked towards the nursery entrance to see Sunfang and Cheetahpaw talking he was glad she was OK and had a medicine cat Apprentice with her if she needed help.. he wanted to be ok for when she had his kits.. he had been so excited ever since he found out she was having his kits.. he was waiting for what seemed like a dozen seasons...

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Potaturtle (#92673)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 06:54:13
He yawned as the female walked into the cozy den. 'Yawning is quite contagious isn't it.' He thought as he sighed. Instead of heading instead of heading inside as well. He decided to stay outside, falling asleep while waiting for an alert that she would be giving birth soon.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 07:11:36
She looked at the Tom before disappearing into the nursery, she laid in her nest and waited. She knew her kits were coming soon.. she could feel it but, not right at that moment.. she closed her eyes and fell into a light sleep. After a while, she felt sharp pains and knew that probably meant kits.. "the kits are coming!" Hopefully Cheetahpaw was still outside.. this was kind of scary for a She-cat that was having her very first kits..

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Potaturtle (#92673)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 07:22:36
Hearing the screams of pain coming from inside the den, he knew it meant she was going into labor. Immediately waking up, he ran inside the den, spotting the female giving birth. After long hours of hard work, the kit was safely delivered. The newborn tom-cat was groomed by it's exhausted mother. "Looks just like his father." Noted the sleek, spotted tom-cat. "Stay hydrated, I'll get you some water." Said Cheetahpaw as he disappeared from the den to get the female and her son a drink of water.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 07:26:06
(There are three kits c:)
She looked at her kits and purred. She looked at Cheetahpaw, "Thank you.." she was tired... she licked each of her kits heads and curled them into her stomach with her tail to keep them warm. She laid her head down and closed her eyes, she mumbled, "yes.. he looks just like his father..." she smiled and then drifted off to sleep. She would figure out the names for each of them when Riverwhisker came to see them.

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Potaturtle (#92673)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 07:34:53
Sprinting to the river, which was the closest water source, he spotted a giant leaf nearby- about the size of his body! Folding the leaf carefully, careful not to rip any holes into it, he moved the rims of the leaf with his snout, so that it could carry lots of water for both the mother and 3 kits. Dragging the leaf slowly and carefully, he finally arrived at Sunfang's den, dragging it even closer for her exhausted body not to move in order to drink it. "Here." He said, nudging the water slightly towards her.
(I had no idea how to make it so that he could drag a large a/m of water, so I just made him do origami; he's probably better at it than me, though T0T)

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 07:39:12
She slowly opened her eyes, "Thank you Cheetahpaw.." she said with a tired tone and lapped up a little bit of the water. She looked at her beautiful kits, she was wondering what to name them.. she liked Pebblekit but, she was going to get Riverwhisker's opinion on names..

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Potaturtle (#92673)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 07:43:55
"No problem." He said. He was going to notify Riverwhisker of this, then asking for his opinion. Padding to the den that was owned by the injured warrior. "Riverwhisker." He called, looking at the tom-cat's also exhausted body. "Your kits have been born. Would you like to see them?" He asked, waiting for a response.

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