Posted by | Warrior Cats RP [Nightclan Chat] |
![]() Icestar (#72469) Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-05-26 10:52:03 |
This is Nightclan chat Member sheet link Happen to stumble upon this thread and want to sign up? well, you can sign up here! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Event: The Frosty Journey of the New Leader Frostflight will soon become Froststar, but there is a threat that once again looms over Nightclan. But, this one more dangerous than the last.. the spot light will be on the new leader, every conflict a test of her leadership skills as well as the clans loyalty. Will this threat be taken care of or will it be the end of Nightclan? Clan Info: [Will add everything soon, just making up templates and such..] Character SheetsNo thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.![]() Edited on 04/01/17 @ 20:43:03 by Icestar0413 (#72469) |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-29 15:18:28 |
Sunfang She stood right beside Robinheart, staring at Drake. She looked fierce for once.. her fur was bristling, teeth bared, claws unsheathed.. she wasn't going to let them get near camp or near her kits.. she listened silently, watching Drake more than anything.. Drake He smiled, "then he might as well be living with those two legs.." He chuckled evilly. He looked at Sunfang, "ohhh.. showing off in front of your little mate are you?" He still stood in front of the smaller She-cat and chuckled some more. "How about you watch your little mate die? How would that make you feel?" His whole mood changed within just a few seconds, his eyes were blank and he showed nothing.. just an evil look on his face and he watched them both before swiftly lunging and pinning down Sunfang without her being able to give any reaction. He unsheathed his claws and had them right against her throat, "I will ask one last time.. where is he?" He was clearly threatening to kill her if he didn't answer to his liking. His tail twitched to signal to Diablo to try and protect Faethen, he wasn't all that bad but, he was growing impatient and smiled at Sunfang's small squeak, barely audible but, he was satisfied. He was ready to spill blood if he had to, not that he actually wanted to.. Riverwhisker and Bloodfang The two fought for so long and they both got terrible wounds.. but Riverwhisker had clamped down onto Bloodfang's neck and basically ripped his throat out. He didn't stay to watch him die.. as soon as the big tom started to gasp for breath he ran in the direction he had saw Sunfang go. Pebblekit He looked at Rainpaw, wide eyes, "really? But they are pretty.." He reached a paw up to try and touch her face. He was being honest.. he found them pretty and interesting.. being a kit he wasn't exactly used to older cats.. only his mom and dad as well as Robinheart. He looked around and tried to figure out if he could sneak out and try to find his parents. (Dun dun dun duuuuuuunnnnnnn) ![]() |
Sunneh (#95479)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-29 15:33:06 |
Shadestep padded back to camp, returning from a lone patrol around the territory. He found nothing of interest where he had searched but the uneventful stroll had been relaxing. As he entered the clearing that relaxation he earned quickly faded and his fur began to bristle; upon scenting other cats he trotted quickly into the center of the clearing. He said nothing, his brows furrowed as he tried to analyze what was going on to the best of his ability. ![]() Edited on 30/08/16 @ 10:29:23 by Sunneh (#95479) |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-30 02:35:46 |
(If you would like to take part in the fight, it is taking place outside of camp c:) ![]() |
Alektora [C|Inc|Mott Mandarin] (#57794) ![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-30 02:42:02 |
Robinheart As soon as the rogue pinned Sunfang he pushed the rogue off and let out a menacing yell."And I'll tell you again he is where he needs to be," he pushed down on the cats neck. He refused for anyone to hurt Sunfang.He didn't like to spill blood but he would do anything for his clan. His muscles twitched as he grew angrier, he was a force not to be reckoned with. Rainpaw "Well thank you," she moved her head down for the kit to look at them. You could see a reflection of spirits running around on her orange eye. "I'm sorry you have to stay here Pebblekit bit it's the safest place right now, " she could tell he was anxious being away from his mother. But he had to stay here it was what she was told to do. ![]() |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-30 02:52:14 |
Drake He laughed as he was pushed because his claws had dragged across her chest pretty good. He heard Riverwhisker and smiled evilly, then whispered, "right on cue.." He looked in the direction of paw steps and he knew that scent.. he had Bloodfang's blood on him and his smile turned to a murderous expression. He soon pushed the warrior off of him even though he was way bigger.. he was more interested in revenge.. he looked to the other rogues, they knew what to do.. he didn't have to tell them.. his eyes were soft for a moment when he looked at Faethen but then turned cold as he bolted for Riverwhisker. Sunfang She had hissed when his claws dragged across her chest, which bled more than she had hoped.. but, she stood. Her fur was on end and she wasn't backing down. She looked at Robinheart and then to the rogues that were in front of them.. they couldn't do this alone.. she had no doubt more were coming.. she whispered to Robinheart, "I will go get Icestar.. maybe she and her clan could help us?" She wasn't exactly asking him.. she was just running it by him. Pebblekit His ears drooped as she spoke. He looked around anyway.. he snuck out of the nursery and looked around as he headed for the warriors den. Maybe they were back already and just resting in the warriors den? He had hoped they were back safe and sound and his mom was just looking after his dad from whatever injuries he had gotten. His small ears were against his head as he neared the entrance. ![]() |
Sunneh (#95479)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-30 03:58:29 |
(I don't know much of what's going on so I won't jump in just yet) After awhile of scenting the air Shadestep found that his clanmates and some unknown cats were outside the camp. He was about to take off to find them- he was pretty sure he had a good idea of where they were from the strong scent all the cats together created- but was stopped when his gaze caught onto Pebblekit. He padded lightly over to behind the kit. "Young one, what are you looking for?" he questioned, voice calm. His eyes flickered over to the camp entrance subtly but then swiftly back onto the kit. ![]() Edited on 30/08/16 @ 11:10:01 by Sunneh (#95479) |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-30 05:45:13 |
Pebblekit He squeaked at being caught and looked up to Shadestep with his wide ember eyes. His gaze went towards the warriors den then back to Shadestep, "I thought maybe Riverwhisker and Sunfang were in there.." He said hopefully and without saying anything more, he turned and started walking towards the den again, eager to see if they were there. He looked so small compared to everything else around him, he tripped a few times because of his little paws nudging rocks bigger than his paws. He knew Shadestep would probably either tell Rainpaw where he was or he would follow him.. but he didn't care.. he was determined to see if his parents were in there. ![]() |
Sunneh (#95479)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-30 06:32:14 |
Shadestep huffed lightly, glancing around the camp in a disquiet manner before following after the kit. Light on his feet, he made his way quickly to the Warriors' Den. He stood by, already being able to tell by scent and noise that his parents weren't present in the den, but not stopping Pebblekit from looking. "Your parents left camp, right?" he asked, assuming they went after the strange cats he scented. "If they returned I'm sure they would let you know, wouldn't they?" His last words weren't so much of a question but instead reassurance for the young NightClanner- that his parents would come to him when they were back. ![]() |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-30 13:02:05 |
Pebblekit He looked at Shadestep after he spoke and huffed, "I guess so.. I just want Sunfang and Riverwhisker..." it was clear he had already missed his mom and was frankly very worried.. he peeked in anyway and sighed when he didn't see them.. he looked towards the camp exit, hoping they were coming in right then and his ears drooped when he saw they weren't coming.. ![]() |
Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)
Majestic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-30 13:17:11 |
Foxtail | Mentions: Rainpaw, Pebblekit She looked down at the two younger cats, 'oh wow, yeah we should make sure the clan is protected' she meowed in response to Rainpaw's statement, 'and yeah, Pebblekit, please stay safe' she said before wandering out of camp, hoping the apprentice was following. (I know that Pebblekit's wandered away now, but I just did it for the sake of when and where the response was happening) ![]() |
Alektora [C|Inc|Mott Mandarin] (#57794) ![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-31 07:15:10 |
Faethen & Diablo As soon as the cue was given a hoard of cats ran at the tall tom that stoop in their path. There were screeches as they jumped on him. She held back a little and saw the female running for back up. She took off as fas as she could. She was going to do something someone would be proud of.Diablo chased faethen knowing if a cat caught her she would be a goner. Robinheart When he saw that he had still hurt Sunfang his heart sank and rage infused inside of him. He didn't mind that she was running to get help as long as she wasn't fighting.The hoard of filth jumped him and with all his might he fought back. His claws unsheathed skillfully sliced at his opponents. He knocked them down one after the other until the bigger cats jumped in. He brawled, his blood mixing with that of the enemy's. he had a gash down his face and his sides, he white fur now deep red. He was exhausted but anger pushed him on. Rainpaw I can't go I have to take care of these kits, their mother is fighting out there and they need protection. Go help out clan," she turned to see Shadestep looking after Pebblekit's who seemed to have sneakily escaped. ![]() |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-31 08:38:18 |
Pebblekit He padded back to the nursery and cuddled up in the nest his mother wasn't in. He looked like a tiny ball of fluff, quite cute actually.. he closed his eyes as he tried to sleep.. hoping when he woke up his parents would be there.. but, he couldn't. He was restless and his ember eyes turned to Rainpaw, he stared at her eyes again, they were very fascinating to him.. how could some cats eyes get like that? What color were his anyway? He squeaked as he spoke to Rainpaw, he needed some cat to come and lay with him.. he felt kind of cold and lonely.. "Rainpaw.. could.. could you please come lay with me?" He was a little shy because he wasn't exactly used to the Apprentice.. but she was a clan mate and he trusted her. He didn't exactly know her name.. he just thought that is what the bigger cat had called her. Sunfang She bolted for the border between them and Snowclan, hoping to starclan that they could help.. she wanted so badly for this to be over and no cat to die. She wouldn't know what to do if Riverwhisker died.. she would be kind of lost without Robinheart as well.. both Tom's were very close to her and she preyed to Starclan that they would be ok and that they watched over them.. Drake & Riverwhisker The two fought, seeing as how Riverwhisker had already gotten deep gashes, he still fought as fierce as any uninjured warrior.. he was going to give Drake a good fight and he knew that.. the Tom was furious that he took down his kin.. he wanted revenge and he was going to get it.. ![]() |
Alektora [C|Inc|Mott Mandarin] (#57794) ![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-31 09:02:26 |
Rainpaw She smiled and walked over," I hope you don't mind how fluffy I am." She giggled and laid next to the small furball. She hoped her clan would make it out alive. She had faith that it would. Faethen&Diablo Faethen was a tail length behind the female when she jumped on top of her."You're not going to get away," her heart was racing and she was scared. She had never fought before and adrenaline was the only thing that kept her going.Diablo was close behind ready to be back up. Robinheart He heard the brawl beside him and could only hope his clan mate was alright. As he fought it seemed like more and more cats jumped in on him. He fought the exhaustion with the thought of the rogues getting to camp and hurting his apprentices and kits. He could never let that happen, his muscles tensed as he fought on. ![]() |
Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)
Majestic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-31 09:09:42 |
Foxtail | Mentions: Rainpaw, Robinheart She nods to the apprentice and bounds out of the camp, and soon finds Robinheart fighting. She bounds up into a tree and looks at the situation from above, 'do you need any backup?' She asks, a little bit of a joke, joking is how she copes with stress like this. ![]() |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-31 10:57:48 |
Sunfang She hissed as the smaller cat jumped onto her, no longer looking pleasant, she whipped her head around to look at the cat. "Hmph.. Yea.. I suppose not.." she spoke plainly, she could be extremely aggressive when she wanted to. She threw the cat off and bolted for the river, jumping in and getting out on the other side. She wasn't going to occupy her time fighting.. she needed to get them help.. she bolted after she got out of the water and ran into Snowclan territory, hoping she was going to run into a patrol of some sort.. (off to Snowclan territory with her.) Pebblekit He purred a little kitten purr at her comment at being fluffy. "I don't mind.. I am pretty fluffy myself" he smiled and when she laid down with him, he cuddled close to her side. He curled up looking like a little fluffy ball of fur again, his eyes were still looking at hers, he couldn't get enough of how fascinating they looked. ![]() |