Posted by Warrior Cats RP [Nightclan Chat]

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-05-26 10:52:03
This is Nightclan chat

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Event: The Frosty Journey of the New Leader
Frostflight will soon become Froststar, but there is a threat that once again looms over Nightclan. But, this one more dangerous than the last.. the spot light will be on the new leader, every conflict a test of her leadership skills as well as the clans loyalty. Will this threat be taken care of or will it be the end of Nightclan?

Clan Info:

[Will add everything soon, just making up templates and such..]

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Edited on 04/01/17 @ 20:43:03 by Icestar0413 (#72469)

sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-09-26 11:33:23
Obsibian|Mentions: Bumbletail, Hawkfeather (indirectly)

Out of rage, Obsibian tackled Bumbletail to the ground before jumping back on his feet, steeping back a pawstep. "Oh yea? Well say that to your weak little clanmate who got taken down by a small nip." He hissed, a small grin forming on his face.

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-26 11:35:16
Boulder | 11 Moons | Tom | Location: NC Camp | Mentions: BumbleTail and Obsibian.

Boulder growled, tackling Obsibian. "Get off! We don't need trouble!" He hissed, bitting Obisibian's scruff harshly.

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sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-09-26 11:40:27
Obsibian|Mentions: Boulder, Bumbletail

Obsibian kicked the cat in the stomach, tripping over but soon regaining his balance. "We already have trouble with this little clancat, Boulder." He snarled at the rouge. His tail was flickering back and fourth in a fast pace."You act as if you're protecting her."

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-26 11:42:26
Bumbletail >> Obsibian, Boulder
"A little nip with that big mouth of yours." she laughed, stopping when she saw Boulder tackle Obsibian. Her ears flatten and she shut her mouth. *Stupid tom why did you interfere, I don't want you getting hurt.* She thought looking at her paws she would stay quite for now.

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-26 11:43:42
Boulder | 11 Moons | Tom | Location: NC Camp | Mentions: Obsibian.

Boulder lashed his tail out. "Oh, do you think that I'M protecting HER?" He hissed, his teeth bared. "Did you forget how I got all my scars?" He growled, his claws unsheathed, his chest and head up, as he got closer to Obsibian.
(I got this scar from doing this...Blah blah, you get teh point.)

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Edited on 26/09/16 @ 18:44:28 by 🐾FearedLion ^ↀᴥↀ^🐾 (#67784)

sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-09-26 11:48:50
Obsibian|Mention: Boulder

"I remember clearly how you got them, no need to bring them up again." Obsibian hissed. "I'm more worried on her getting on your good side. Wanna know why? You always tend spill information whenever that happens. You trust them, so you spill secrets that shouldn't be told. And you know exactly what happens next." He snarled. "And we don't want that again, do we furball?"

(Sorry if this seems like im choosing Boulder's past. Tried to make this kind of deep lol.)

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-26 11:57:52
Boulder | 11 Moons | Tom | Location: NC Camp | Mentions: Obsibian.

"Good" He narrowed his amber eye. "And? I might have a good side, but I still fight like a rogue" He growled. "I don't want to cause trouble, unlike someone here" The tom circled around. "I'm probably one of the most respected rogues here (Not x3)." He unsheathed and sheathed his claws, digging them into the soft earth once in a while.

(It's ok, he is actually has a big good side)

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sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-09-26 12:09:16
Obsibian|Mentions: Boulder

Obsibian couldn't help but chuckle. "If you were one of the most respected rouges here then how come Drake made me second in command? I mean, really, im sorry to say this but you're the opposite of what you said."

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Sunneh (#95479)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-26 12:13:42
Resplendence Mentions: Bumbletail, Obsibian, Boulder
When Bumbletail spoke to her Res' gaze drifted back and she cocked a brow. "Pretty kitty, you're all bark and no bite. Your arguing is pathetic and weak--" Seeing Obsibian leap at Bumbletail, Res blinked. Her expression quickly turned excited and her eyes gleamed. Then, seeing Boulder oppose Obsibian, Res blinked again. Her eyes narrowed questioningly at the young tom. "Why oppose your second in command for this clan cat? One would think you have a weakness for pretty things, Boulder, are you growing soft?"

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-26 12:14:59
Boulder | 11 Moons | Tom | Location: NC Camp | Mentions: Obsibian.

"Shut it, you are afraid to stand up to Drake, aren't ya?" He chuckled, giving the jet black tom a sinister grin. "You know it's true" He taunted. "You are scared, just like a mouse" He narrowed his amber eyes, the large gray tabby tom getting into a hunting crouch, his tail lashing out. "Why did Drake make such a mouse brain, second in command?" He said in a harsh voice, ignoring Resplendence.

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Edited on 26/09/16 @ 19:16:41 by 🐾FearedLion ^ↀᴥↀ^🐾 (#67784)

sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-09-26 12:32:37
Obsibian|Mentions: Boulder

"You act as if you're tougher than our own leader. No, im not scared of drake at all, young furball." He meowed, sitting down. "Why was I second in command? Drake only chooses the strongest, most loyal, and the cat who is able to teach a cat a lesson when needed. The argument is almost seeming as if you're upset you're not in this role." He meowed, unsheathing his claws.

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-26 12:35:47
Boulder | 11 Moons | Tom | Location: NC Camp | Mentions: Obsibian.

"I'm not sure that you know what 'upset' means" He meowed. "If you are clever you should know causing fights are not the answer" He simply meowed, scratching the front of his neck roughly. "If you were clever you would know that we could get attacked if we cause fights with the clan cats, I suppose I might belong with them" He yawned. "It seems they think before they do anything mouse brained" He raised a catbrow at Obsibian, his amber eye narrowed.

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sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-09-26 12:40:04
Obsibian|Mentions: Boulder

Obsibian's tail flickered. "The cat needed discipline due to insulting the rouges. That's part of the job I was assigned, and you're about to cause a war between us personally if you keep this up." He meowed. "If you're going to complain about the discipline I tried to show that cat until you ruined it, you can go complain to Drake." He said, closing one eye while keeping one on Boulder.

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Sunneh (#95479)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-26 12:41:49
Resplendence Mentions: Boulder, Obsibian
Res hummed, paying no mind to being ignored, but lying down instead lazily. "What a power trip," she snorted to herself. She cocked her head up towards Obsibian. Res was getting bored now, and she needed something to pick her adrenaline up. "I take it you have giving him his lesson under control, but if you need me to I'm more than up for the task," she said slyly, eyes shining with venom.

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-26 12:44:13
Boulder | 11 Moons | Tom | Location: NC Camp | Mentions: Obsibian.

Boulder got back up, staying calm. "Not sure if I will go complain to Drake" He flicked his tail smugly. "Causing a war between us? That'll be fun" He meowed, padding away, his tail high in the air, his amber eye still narrowed. 'I wonder if clan cats argue like this' He thought, chuckling a bit as he disappeared into the many brambles.

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