Posted by Warrior Cats RP [Nightclan Chat]

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-05-26 10:52:03
This is Nightclan chat

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Event: The Frosty Journey of the New Leader
Frostflight will soon become Froststar, but there is a threat that once again looms over Nightclan. But, this one more dangerous than the last.. the spot light will be on the new leader, every conflict a test of her leadership skills as well as the clans loyalty. Will this threat be taken care of or will it be the end of Nightclan?

Clan Info:

[Will add everything soon, just making up templates and such..]

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Edited on 04/01/17 @ 20:43:03 by Icestar0413 (#72469)

FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-25 13:18:38

Mentions: Stoneclaw, Drake, Silence

Boulder snorted. "Strange you don't know." Boulder meowed, his open amber eye following the tom. "I thought we told every cat that was working with us." Boulder yawned. "I can't tell you since Drake is right there." Boulder whispered, sheathing his claws quickly. "Trust me, saying the plan in front of Drake isn't a good idea at all." Boulder meowed through clenched teeth, leaping out of the circle near many gashes. "I'll explain later, just don't interrupt anything, or you'll have to face me all over again." Boulder hissed, padding towards the den's entrance. "Stoneclaw?! Need any help killing Drake?" Boulder yowled to Stoneclaw, regretting the words. Drake....H-He raised me...But...He didn't raise me right...I'll always be haunted. Boulder sighed, watching the two toms start killing each other, his open amber eye narrowed into a dangerous slit.

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Edited on 25/10/16 @ 20:30:05 by 🐾FearedLion🐾 (#67784)

Linykx (#92875)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-25 13:28:11
Silence | Mentions: Boulder, Drake, Stoneclaw

"What has he done to deserve death?" he asked, resisting the urge to jump in to defend a fellow rogue from the clan cat. It was against everything he stood for to allow the tom to kill the rogue. Rogues saved him and raised him, he didn't enjoy sitting on the sidelines when one was in danger.

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-25 13:38:25

Mentions: Stoneclaw, Drake, Silence

Boulder kept on staring at the toms, not turning around to see the other tom. "What do you think?" Boulder snarled. "He took over the clan cat's camp, he thinks he can just injure, and embarrass random cats? No, he can't." Boulder hissed. "And I see you looking at them, you're not gonna help out Drake, or I will kill you." Boulder meowed, turning to see the black and white tom. "I'm sure Stoneclaw, and I would love to shred you two pieces." Boulder spat out, curling his gray tabby tail around himself, turning around to watch the toms again, his open amber eye looking at every move, and his ears perked. "I'm no softer than Drake or any other rogues, trust me, I have done something that I regret till this day, and I'll do the same to you if you go and destroy the plan, so will Stoneclaw, but with him, he'll be rougher." Boulder chuckled. "You'll get NO mercy from him." Boulder licked his paw. "But when I do it, it'll be quick and easy." Boulder smirked.

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Edited on 25/10/16 @ 20:40:02 by 🐾FearedLion🐾 (#67784)

Linykx (#92875)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-25 13:48:48
Silence| Mentions: Boulder, Drake, Stoneclaw

"So you'd betray one of your own for a cat that would gladly gut you if given the chance?" he asked, his voice disgusted and accusatory. He had never met a cat like this one, one so willing to kill one of his own just because a murderous tom said so.
"Ever wonder why he did it in the first place?" he hissed, glaring at Boulder.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-25 13:55:46
Bumbletail>>Silence, Boulder, Maple, Stoneclaw, Drake
Bumbletail heard wat Silence said to Boulder, She poked her head out seeing Stoneclaw and Drake battling it out. Her gazed fell upon Boulder her eyes soften at the sight of him. "Drake attacked us jist because he wanted too, I hear him boast about all the time." She said shyly. "I don't know his history but i do know this he will attack all cats friend or foe." She said her eyes locked on Boulder. "He attacked me for trying to become friends with Silence, and to get back at my brother." She said her tone staying soft. "We took Maple because if it was anycat else he wouldn't care." She said looking back seeing the saddened and scared she cat.
((Thought B.T. needed to be RPed))

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Edited on 25/10/16 @ 20:56:35 by Darkqueen💰 (#96769)

☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-10-25 14:04:19
Maple | Rouge | Mentions: Silence, Stoneclaw, Drake, Bumbletail

Maple watched in horror as Drake fought Stoneclaw, a horrible thought crossed her mind, what if one of them died. Obviously, she wouldn't care if Stoneclaw did, but Drake... She pushed the thought out of her mind and accepted the mouse wearily "t-thanks" she murmured, wondering whether it was poisoned or not. She wrinkled her nose up as a cat she hadn't seen before appeared "who are you?" She hissed, her tone spiteful and confused.

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Edited on 01/11/16 @ 10:38:36 by Sprinkles-Mobile RN RPing soon (#86006)

Linykx (#92875)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-25 14:14:55
Silence | Mentions: Maple, Bumbletail, Boulder, Drake, Stoneclaw

The black and white tom's ear twitched as he turned his head away from the three males. He looked the two she-cats over and sighed.
"My name is Silence, I watch from the shadows and protect those who need it when I can. I believe all cats have a reason behind their actions, but they must be given a chance to explain themselves. That's what I try to do, let cats explain themselves," he explained, icy eyes looking the two over, "All cats deserve a chance to explain themselves, don't you think?" he looked at the two she-cats then cast his look towards Boulder, hoping to get an answer from each of them.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-25 14:38:01
Bumbletail >>Silence, Maple, Boulder
Bumbletail slowly walked out the den, showing her scared body from the scared eyes to broken tail and big long pink scars on her side. "This happened because I tried to make friends with a rogue." She flicked her chewed up ear. "Never did I offend Drake never even talked to him, And I still don't." She said looking at maple softly. "There was only bloodshed behind his reasons, to scare us into becoming his slaves." She said leaning into Maple purring softly. "I still don't hate rogues yes I believe there was a reason they took over the camp, but there was no reason for me to get attacked." She aaid looking squarely at Silence eyes. "You said you watch from the shadows, did you see when I was attacked by Drake?" Her voice bagan to shake with saddness. "Did ypu see when I begged for help and he laughed, did you see when he threatened a mother and her kits?" Her eyes began to water. "I know he has a terrible past so does Stoneclaw which is why they are both walking in darkness." She looked back at Maple. "What ever it is I hope you can lead him out of it Maple, Im sorry this has happened to you." She said rubbing her head. "Never did I blame you for telling Drake about me and Boulder, I just hope it wasn't really ment to put me in harms way."

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-10-25 22:18:23
(He said traitor to Boulder and He never pinned down Stoneclaw, just whipped him against the den wall)

Mentions; Stoneclaw, Boulder, Silence and Bumbletail

He hissed, prying at his face. He jumped back and then launched back at Stoneclaw, using his weight to push the cat down again. Even heard all the voices and it just made him angry.. boasting? When? Boulder how could you.. you of all cats should know what I'm doing this all for.. they killed my whole family.. they now took Maple and I can tell they are going to drive us out.. yet you pain me.. you rip my heart out and ultimately squeeze it until it is no more.. I trusted you.. hurt friend or foe? I would never hurt my own group.. I thought if she became friends Boulder, she would turn around and rip his heart out the way a clan cat had done to me.. all of them are the same.. they are proof.. Talonfang, she hurt me so deeply.. when I thought we could actually be happy and I thought I could trust a clan cat.. she had that stupid leader of hers come and try to kill me.. I trusted Riverwhisker when he had come to us and then he left, my bother was furious.. if I hadn't of let him attack him, then this all would have been much worse.. Riverwhisker killed my brother. I understand it.. but he was the only family I had left.. now I have no family and all I have is Maple and my group of rogues.. none of them will go hungry or get cold.. never again. Our camp wasn't anything much.. just a few den's and they were drafty.. not much use but for rain and we could never find prey.. they winder why we are here.. stupid cats never think twice before they hurt cats.. they deserve all this.. every last one of them.. he thought, all of those facts racing through his mind as he heard everyone. "Clan cats did this.. you blame it all on me.. but this about what clan cats think they are.. they are worse than us because if we don't join you, you kill us.. so don't speak like you are all high and mighty.. especially you Boulder.." He actually had emotions.. he actually just blurted out sort of why this all had happened. Stoneclaw had said the time for talking was over but, he wasn't going to listen to a pathetic clan cat.. he would have had a sister if a clan cat hadn't of found them and killed her as a young kit.. he blamed himself for being so kind and weak.. his parents had blamed and made him into this.. did everything they could mold him into what they wanted in a son.. Bloodfang was what they wanted.. they created monsters.. yet he grieved.. even to this day.. "You call me a fox heart.. think of what clan cats do to us.. why we fight like it's do or die.. my rogues will never suffer.. they will never worry about being killed.. I will not allow them to be tricked by any of you like clan cats have done to me. You all deserve what is coming to you... a world of pain and suffering.." He didn't include Boulder into that group.. he didn't want him to suffer. He was too fond of the cat. He all of sudden had a Fiery gaze, "you so much as touch Boulder with a claw.. or hurt him in any way.. I will find you all and rip the one who did it to shreds.." He threatened. He looked towards the medicine den for a split second, "you hurt any of my rogues... I will not let you see the light of day... you hurt Maple.. that is going to be a world of pain.. not just for you Stoneclaw but your whole clan.. for what they did.. that is the least of your worries.." He said like he knew something was going to happen.. he did actually but he wasn't going to tell.. he had backed off of Stoneclaw and was uninterested.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-26 06:07:51
Stoneclaw got up laughimg at Drake's words, "So all this because of what a few cats did long ago, Even when my sister begged you to leave her alone you still attacked her." He said walking up to Drake. "None of us here besides Sunfang had any idea what happened to your family, If you haven't notices we are few in number the leader had died along with others." He hissed, "I've lived through hell and I'm still kicking Drake, if you say we get what we deserve so will you." He said looking back at Maple. "You dare threaten my sister again I will kill you, Boulder switched sides because what you did to a cat who thought of you all as just lost hearts walking on darkness for so long." He was in drakes face. "If you did care about your rogues why put them through this, we spent weeks like this we let you have a chance to leave." He laughed again. "I will make sure you will suffer as well Drake, you will never scare me Drake." He looked in Drake's eyes. "You will know what suffering is." He walked passed him and into the den where Bumbletail and Maple were at.
((Im full of brain farts, but he isn't goin in there to hurt Maple just to calm down with Bumbletail))

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Edited on 26/10/16 @ 13:09:24 by Darkqueen💰 (#96769)

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-10-26 06:30:55
Mentions: Stoneclaw, Boulder and Bumbletail

He rolled his eyes, "I have no interest in her you stupid furball.. Sunfang knows nothing you idiot. Real suffering? Suffering doesn't have just one meaning.. you cats are one tracked minds.." he yawned as he went into the den. He looked right at Boulder, with a huff he turned and padded towards the nursery. He knew Sunfang would be back and he would make her pay as well.. what he deserved? they lumped rogues together.. so now he was lumping clan cats together. To him, they were the heartless ones.. as well.. if his rogues wanted to leave he wouldn't have stopped them. He still felt like some cat had gone and tore him apart from the inside. That cat always sounded like he had spoke for every cat and it really ticked him off... sometimes these cats got into what they shouldn't.. Since that cats sister was there, he had let them stay with her for now.. but, he had something he was hiding and they would find out soon enough...

Nightfang ~ 30 Moons ~ Apprentice: None ~ Tom ~ Senior Warrior ~ Mentions: Bumbletail (Maple)

He had heard the commotion as he entered camp, undetected due to the drama. He was carrying a pretty fat rabbit in his jaws and he padded right to the medicine den, ignoring almost every cat as he went in. He ignored Stoneclaw and looked at Maple, even if she was a rogue, he felt bad.. he turned his attention to Bumbletail and dropped the pretty fat rabbit at her paws, "enjoy.." he said, not caring that Stoneclaw was right there. He wasn't interested in arguing mindlessly with any cat.. especially that cat.. "can I talk to you?" he said lower than before.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-26 06:43:34
Bumbletail >> Nightfang, Stoneclaw, Maple
She looked back into the den her brother had fallen asleep purring as he did. "Stupid furball, you are proud of yourself aren't you." She said licking his forehead. "Don't blame them Stoneclaw, they walk in the darkness as you do. They know nothing of our past like we don't know theirs." She whispered watching her brother sleep. Her attention fell on Maple. "You know Stoneclaw is really sweet and nice." She smiled warmly at the she-cat. "He just learned how to hide it from all those he doesn't trust." She looked back down at him, she looked up as a rabbit fell infront of her. She smile at Nightfang "Yea but I have to make it quick, I honestly don't trust Stoneclaw with Maple alone." She said looking back at the torshie male.

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Edited on 26/10/16 @ 13:44:25 by Darkqueen💰 (#96769)

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-10-26 06:55:59
Nightfang ~ 30 Moons ~ Apprentice: None ~ Tom ~ Senior Warrior ~ Mentions: Bumbletail

The tom looked at the sleeping Stoneclaw, he was surprised to see him so happy looking in his sleep.. he had over heard the she-cat talking to her sleeping brother as he had been there and smiled at her, "we don't have to leave the den.. so there are no worries.." he smiled and then sat down, he looked very peaceful despite the arguments and everything going on. He just curled his tail over his paws neatly, his odd gaze was soft as he looked at her. "For one, young lady, I am sorry for any pain I have caused you. I didn't mean to, I was just going to play with little kitty.." he trailed off as he thought about Drake, the cat looked smaller than him sometimes.. it was amusing.. and then he snapped his attention back to her, "Besides.. I hope Sunfang comes back.. even in the shadows, even if she didn't know I was there, she made every cat seem like they belong just as you do.. I am not trying to flirt with you.. sorry if I come off that way.. but, it is true, you two remind me of my family and I hate it to be honest.. Hiding is all I have done, no matter how much I wanted to help.. no matter what I had tried to do.. I couldn't bring myself to saying I was there.. I stayed in this camp and never left.. scared I would be discovered and just chased out.. or they would treat me like I would leave as my siblings had.. brother is a rogue now.. sorry for just blurting it out.. but I don't exactly know who to speak to.." he said honestly, even at sad parts, his eyes were always soft and welcoming as well as friendly. This was how he was when he wasn't trying to defend himself or stick up for a cat. "I know you and that.. rogue.. are together? but I will try to help protect you, no matter if you think of me as a friend or not" he said warmly. He knew just how it felt to get hurt like she had.. but he wasn't as bad.. he was just basically ripped to shreds with no cat to help him.. basically why he had so many scars.

(Should his brother show up? Im just asking XD what Drake knows is leading into the next event.. mwahahahaha lol)

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-10-26 07:15:50
Oh, so are the rogues going to be included in the next event? Also sorry haha this is so fast paced recently and I have exams so I'm not on the much so I apologise for that ^^

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-26 07:16:55
((Would be nice its will keep things interesting))
Bumbletail >> Nightfang
Bumbletail loked at the tom with warm welcoming eyes. "I do not blame you for any pain cause to me as I don't blame the rogues." She said on paw over the rabbit. "We are all lost trying to find where we belong, it is only natural to fight to see who is of higher rank." She said giving Nightfang a warm smile. "Sunfang will return I know she will, and I know me and her are sorry we remind you of you family." She said her happy relaxed face turned sad and full of guilt. "Yes Boulder is my mate, guess Drake just felt threatened by our love." She said her face brightened up again. "Proven that I am right under every tough, evil, bad mouth cat is really a scared, vulnerable cat." She got up and walked to Nightfang. "Im glad you are part of our clan, and that you are willing to protect me since now im am with kits." She said looking back at Stoneclaw. "Which is why he is driven to madness more easily, he learned that madness can protect the sain." She smiled warmly.

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