-LOCKED - June Event!
Posted on 2016-05-31 09:59:05
June Event!
Despite dry seasons, the storms have been relentless and kept on bringing heavy fronts and rainy days all over Lioden lands. Rainfall won't stop, it is even worsening now, and tribal shamans decided to help out nature and conjure animal spirits to stop the storms before they produce massive floods!

At the start of every hour, Sangoma shamans will invite you to join a ritual - you need to give them a rawhide for drums! You can acquire one from any large carcass - upon using it, you will notice the option to turn it into rawhide.


With this gift, you will be able to participate and donate goats for sacrifice. You don't have to, but the more goats, the better the effect of the ritual :O
As more lions enter, the ritual progress will change and you will see the Sangoma dancing and calling the spirits. If the ritual is complete, you will receive a reward, and the floodmeter will slow down.
If the ritual fails, the Sangoma will decide to help animals that floods and storms have hurt instead, and you will have to wait another hour until their services open up again! You will also see a message that the water levels are rising!


Rainmeter will grow slowly every thirty minutes. When it reaches the end, a Flash Flood will appear and you will receive a message! You have 10 moves to find some cool stuff in that area before it floods completely. Just click on the image! BROKEN DRONES AMIRITE?

If the Flash Floods keep repeating, the Floodmeter will raise, and that's a serious scare! When it maxes out, terrible things will happen in explore for some time! :O your lions will also be drowning! - their image will show water!


The season will stay wet for whole month! You can also find more goat herds around as humans want to enjoy the greener, wet grass all around and get the fattest milk. ;D

The currency you're gathering are Dive Beetles. You can see them on the sidebar. You can access shop nonstop, but there's a thing:
With each flood the shop's items will randomize, simulating otters gathering loot - and only shows 5 at any time.

After you complete 200 rituals total, a Crafting Area will open for lions in Sangoma area.
The human shamans will let you bring things here every year in June to get exclusive decors!
This year:
30x Lion Skull - Skull Pauldrons
30x Pangolin Scale - Pangolin Ornaments

Summary +2016 stuff:
- June Event will contain first decors drawn by our new artist, Deertush! Hope you will enjoy them!
- Shop stays open nonstop, items randomize each flood.
- Floods are harsh. While animals suffer in real life, you won't really suffer from gameplay, but some food items might get swept away by the flood upon every rollover.
- New items such as Prune Skin and new decors will appear as the month progresses, as there are no tiers. Some items can be found already, and we'll unlock few more every now and then. Watch out for new stuff appearing randomly, the item catalogue might reveal when things are unlocked!
- Flash Flood image will randomize, we will add an illustration every year! Tropical Gorge added this year.
- Flash Floods will now contain 3 new items, a Rock, a Muddy Bone and UAV Drone. First two are random trash and the last is something similar to our current Broken Drone.

The event starts on June 1st 00:00 am and will end on June 30th, 11.59 pm. Currency carries over to next year.

EDIT: because people inquired, June is a month where Gems are being washed away by floods and thus not really able to be found in Explore

June 1st
Remember about June 1st, international Child's day!

Exclusive decors are baby cubs and they will be in Monkey Shop whole June 1st.

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Edited on 10/06/16 @ 14:49:09 by Xylax (#4)

UDŸ*~ (#87853)

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Posted on
2016-05-31 12:10:16
Ok, thank you very much :)

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King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-05-31 12:17:25
Well this sounds fun yet dangerous I can't wait to see what happens.

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Aliona🌏 (#84721)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-05-31 12:19:28
Yay! Im so happy for a new event!

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Coyote|Stellar Rift (#58143)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-05-31 12:23:11
Ahh, I'm so excited! This is always one of my favourite events! :D

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Corrin of Valla (#87402)

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Posted on
2016-05-31 12:26:58
for my first june event i think this will sound like fun~

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FelixVulpes #Gaggle (#6196)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-05-31 12:35:16
fantastic n_n (favourite event)

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cyndamar ♡ (#86468)

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Posted on
2016-05-31 12:43:46
I can't wait! This sounds super amazing.

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Omniscient (#40058)

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Posted on
2016-05-31 12:45:27
I can't wait!!

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Tonic (#31186)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-05-31 12:54:51
Sounds amazing and the new artist has a amazing name!

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Bella-Rose (#82809)

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Posted on
2016-05-31 14:13:03
craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap i got my timing off BIG time. i thought lioden was 2 hours a head of me but NOPE. there an hour BEHIND me Q.Q so i got like 2-3 hours yet to goooooooo Q.Q

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Snowy (Clean Mott
Rosette Ice) (#63667)

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Posted on
2016-05-31 16:04:52
Dang. This reminds me of when I first joined. Just 3 more days. I remember how I kept getting worried thinking that my lions would be killed. I loved this event. I'm glad I've stuck around to see this event come again <3

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Malokia [PFM] (main) (#88471)

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Posted on
2016-05-31 16:11:04
Excited :3

Though a question - for turning to rawhide, does the carcass need to have full uses or it's possible to make it with 1 use left...? And also where can I find those Pangolin Scales...?

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mata (#73353)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-05-31 16:13:51
Oooh this is going to be fun !!

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anthills ; 🐜 (#64448)

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Posted on
2016-05-31 16:27:25
So excited for this! X3

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Raamiah [rolls on
Sundays] (#83061)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-05-31 17:30:51
Let there be floods! :D

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