Posted by The Pregnant Paradise

Isabella (#85556)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-06-07 07:08:10

This is the Paradise for your Pregnant mares and baby foals..

Now, i will tell you some info of pregnant horses and the foals.

1#The foals will stay in the paradise without their mother until they are (5days) old.
2#The mare will have 5 days cool-down right after her birth.
3#The Mutated foals will come home at age (6days) old.
4#The Mare is pregnant in 5 days.
4#Breeding Is Free if its from your own Stallion.


This is Lemon's Bred Mares
|Lemon is available for Studding in Stud Paddock|
|AppleFrost Has cooldown of (1 days)|

ofrl6s.pngLemon |Owner is Kay|
ofrl6s.pngAppleFrost |Owner is Kay|


This is FrozenWing´s Bred Mares
|FrozenWing is available for Studding in Stud Paddock|
|BlackWind will give birth to 3 babys in (1 days)|
|BlackWind Used 1x Sugar bag & 1x Golden Carrot|
|GoldenBerry Has cooldown of (2 days)|
|Lilac will give birth to 2 babys in (1 days)|
|Lilac Used 1x Apple & 1x Sugar bag|
|Cindy will give birth to 1 babys in (3 days)|
|Cindy Used 1x Sugar bag & 1x Rotten tomato|

ofrl6s.pngFrozenWing |Owner is Sierra|
ofrl6s.pngBlackWind |Owner is Kitsune|

ofrl6s.pngGoldenBerry |Owner is SC87|

ofrl6s.pngLilac |Owner is BlackIILotus|
ofrl6s.pngCindy |Owner is Kitsune|


This is Pine´s Bred Mares
|Pine is available for Studding in Stud Paddock|
|Pudding Has cooldown of (2 days)|

ofrl6s.pngPine |Owner is SC87|
ofrl6s.pngPudding |Owner is SC87|


This is Ice´s Bred Mares
|Cherry Has cooldown of (1 days)|
|SnowBack Has cooldown of (2 days)|

ofrl6s.pngIce |Owner is Skymoare|
ofrl6s.pngCherry |Owner is Skymoare|

ofrl6s.pngSnowBack |Owner is Skymoare|


This is Blueberry´s Bred Mares
|Geladina will give birth to 3 baby in (1 days)|
|Used 1x Golden Carrot & 1x Hay|

ofrl6s.pngBlueberry |Owner is Sierra|
ofrl6s.pngGeladina |Owner is Sierra|


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Edited on 10/01/21 @ 09:15:51 by Isabella (#85556)

Sierra (main) (#135637)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-01-11 19:55:49
Mostly just colors but mutations are always a plus, I just really like the natural looking colors so im hoping for more from Geladina

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