Posted by Urban Compass | Sign-ups | Warrior Cats Rp

KenjiSnow (#57926)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-14 09:29:06
(( Storyline, Map editing, Clans, and etc all (c) to me. The idea of Warriors (c) Erin Hunter + Printing Company. ))
In the center of New York city, a clan of feral cats converged into Central Park. They were strays, kittypets, shelterpets, and those that traveled from neighboring areas.
Over time, the pack soon found they couldn't all live as a single group, it caused too much unneeded conflict and hardship. So they divided themselves based upon the areas that fit them the best.
As they divided themselves, generations passed before they received a visitor who spoke of clans that lived in the forest, and a tribe in the mountains. This was a surprise to the local clans, but they took it in stride.
The stranger had been a previous clan cat, but had wound up captured and treated as a kittypet; their twolegs then traveled to the city, and the feline finally found her escape route. Her ancestors, Starclan, had found her and asked her to help these run-off clans.

Deciding to learn from this clan cat, she helped the city clans form a bond with Starclan; even in their city, where they could barely find Starpelt on the darkest and clearest of nights.
Starclan in return taught them the Warrior Code, and what it meant to be of the clans.
The first leaders, the original 4 stars, were given named relating to their clans and now reside with Starclan. It is said that even on the darkest of nights, those with a special destiny or tie to Starclan can spot the 4 brightest stars in their sky; the 4 original leaders Northstar, Eaststar, Southstar, and Weststar watching over the clans they bore and nurtured.
The clan cat arranged their clans, naming them for the directions that were used to navigate and as they had named the stars themselves.
And so, when they finally decided upon a Gathering Place and their territories, their beloved clan cat from the far lands disappeared.
She is a ghost in their beloved park, a legend. She lived for many decades while with the clans, and none knew how old she truly was.
But it's said on the blackest of nights, she appears. Stories tell she is beautiful, a foggy night personified into a feline of utmost grace. They also say she appears in times of great need, or danger, be it to give a warning, a prophecy, or advice to those in most need of it.

- Do no create your own prophecies, omens, or warnings for the clans; they must be discussed with me and allow the storyline to move forward. Disobeying this rule is an immediate kick, as it has caused me too much trouble in the past.
- All high ranks (Leaders, Deputies, and Medicine Cats) will receive questions befitting their ranks in PM. The roles are NOT first-come-first-serve
- This is a literate Rp, and your characters must be fleshed out as such; while beginners are more than welcome, there is a minimum of 3 sentences per post.
- No god-modding, mary/gary-sues, or taking over someone's character and their actions.
- No insta-kills; or allowing all fighting moves to hit/dodge them all
- I shall control the seasons, and the prey at the time.
- Until we are more active and have a set few who Rp on schedule, there are only 3 characters allowed per person. They can be of different clans. (Side accounts are banned, use of them for characters will cause an automatic kick. If you switch between, please alert us!)
- Obey Lioden rules. Put Pathwalking Prophecies in the the other section if you've read this.
- If you have a problem with another member/rper, consult me. Don't let something fester than explode for no apparent reason.
- Don't take violence/snarky comments personally; they're meant for your cat, not you.
- I apologize, but for the sake of realism (as cats) only male/female characters allowed; however, all sexual orientations are allowed!
- Do not incorporate racial slurs or cussing of any kind; Warrior Terms are permitted.
- If anything pops up, I might add more as the Rp continues.
Clans & Information below this post!
Form: (Delete what's in parenthesis to reduce clutter; it's also preferred to bold the "Name:" etc )
Name: (Cannot be Star, North, East, South, West, or Fog.)
Gender: (Male/Female?)
Age: (Preferably in Moons) (( 1 moon = 1 month ))
Clan: (North/East/South/Westclan?)
Rank: (Kits from the get-go are not allowed! You may have rogues, loners, and kittypets in the local area as well)
Sexual Orientation: (Straight/Bi/Pan/Asexual/Etc)
Appearance: (Pictures are preferred hyperlinks to reduce clutter; specifications of breed are encouraged but not needed! Sources! ))
Personality: (Be as descriptive; traits alone and "Rp it out/other variants" are not allowed)
Kin: (Mother, Father, Siblings, Kits, and Mate go here.)
History: (What's their story up until now?)
Other (Anything else you may need to add.)
Thread Links:

Sign Ups [You are here]
Chat/OOC Thread
/d/13A10wjUrsIEBWApoMfFDJzPRyQgPKC-F9Klqde73uFA/edit?usp=sharing"> Primary Member Spreadsheet

Please be considerate of other Rpers. Please and Thank you~!

Rp threads:

Gathering Cavern/Foglands/Music Falls
Border Clashes/Rps

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Edited on 15/08/16 @ 20:50:20 by Serelin (#57926)

_away (#90939)

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Posted on
2016-06-17 04:54:38


4 years




Sköll is an impressive figure. He is strong and you can just imagine what one might paw swing could do to that lovely face of yours...
Despite is massive size he is actually verry quiet and calm. He will often just sit watching quietly and talk seldomly. He prevers to hunt alone and isn't verry social. It is hard to get to know such a cat but once you get past the quiet calm you would wish you had never none his heart.

For it is black and rotten.

Main Coon

He was born in the shelter and lived there most of his childhood. He grew strong in the comforts it provided. But a live as a kittypet was not his destiny for a fire started in the shelter and he managed to escape. He didn't retourn to the shelter once the fire was under controll but made the small alleys and patches of green his home.


Pathwalking Prophecies

Source: ;

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Edited on 17/06/16 @ 23:33:15 by Geetah (#90939)

KenjiSnow (#57926)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-17 05:59:40
@Katie - That looks great! You're still missing a part of your application, however! I can't accept Ashenpelt until it's filled in ;w;
@Geetah - I apologize, but there are no other clans in the city! Skoll also must have a warrior name unless he is a longer/stray. After that's fixed you can be accepted without any problems!

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Katie🐾 (#89101)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-17 06:21:39
Oh no what's missing from it?

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_away (#90939)

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Posted on
2016-06-17 06:43:19
I did say north of the city.

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KenjiSnow (#57926)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-17 07:00:34
@Katie - I can't say, it's unfair to all the other applicants.
@Geetah - I guess that makes sense, but North of the City would mean that he'd have to cross all that area with all sorts of monsters and twolegs without getting caught or ran over. I can accept him, but it's just the background isn't completely in line with the Rp's setting or the intention behind it. I don't mean to be picky or overbearing, it's just the intention of the setting is that there aren't any clans in the area or close by. That's why they're so isolated and trapped in Central Park unless they want to risk moving with monsters and twolegs everywhere.

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Katie🐾 (#89101)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-17 07:29:18
Alright I added a sample RP in other. I also think you were looking for a source for my picture and since I couldn't find one I took the link downband fleshed out my description a little bit more. I really hope that's it^.^

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violetta (#64771)

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Posted on
2016-06-17 16:02:31
Name: Aspenshade

Gender: Female

Age: 44 moons

Clan: SouthClan

Rank: Warrior

Sexual Orientation: Demisexual

Appearance: Source underneath
Maine Coon

Personality: Aspenshade is a very brave and alert she-cat. It helps her in battles and seeing things easier. With her intelligent mind she is quite good at things that involve more brain than brawn.This little thinker is also surprisingly a tomboy, seeing as she didn't have a father really. Though she is brave she is also very paranoid and secretive. after what happened to her it's not surprising that she is either. Aspenshade is also quite merciless in battle showing little to no mercy really. And since she never really knew who her father was, Aspenshade is possessive and proud of who she holds close showering them with affection. Since she went through alot this small female learned to be tough. Even if she doesn't try to show it much Aspen is very shy to strangers. Aspenshade also learned to be faithful in SouthClan and StormClan.


History: Aspenshade has been a SouthClan cat from birth, (are so she was told). But surprisingly never knew her father. She never had siblings, so her life was incredibly boring until she was made an apprentice. From there her life took a turn for the better. She strived to be the best at everything, and still thrives for that goal.

Other: She has polydactyl paws.

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Edited on 17/06/16 @ 23:07:03 by Marieshecat (#64771)

KenjiSnow (#57926)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-17 16:25:41
@Marieshecat - I apologize but I can't accept Aspenshade yet! You're missing a key part of your application! Other than that everything seems fine, although the lack of history is understandable if she's been in the clan her entire life.

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violetta (#64771)

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Posted on
2016-06-17 16:55:13
Which part off the app am I missing?

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-06-19 06:01:50
Hey, Serelin. Long time no see, yes?
Well, I am super hyped that your re-posting this roleplay. I remember it. It barely got passed the first page... D:

May I reserve the... WestClan deputy? Of course, only if I can actually reserve a deputy. If I am not allowed to reserve a deputy, I'll have a warrior, then.

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KenjiSnow (#57926)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-19 06:08:35
@Christicat15 - Reserving is now allowed, but your application must be posted within a few days after doing so! I've been on and off after a fractured spine and a horse with a minor heat stroke and mild colic, but now I've finally gotten time to Rp.

*Kuma's claim on a deputy position will be moved to Southcaln.

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Katie🐾 (#89101)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-19 06:26:12
Hi I was just wondering if my cat has gotten accepted yet? ^.^

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KenjiSnow (#57926)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-19 06:42:03
@Katie - A message has been sent to you!

@Marieshecat - I can't tell you as it'd be unfair to the other applicants!

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-06-19 07:29:16

Okay, thanks! :)
Will possibly make more characters, but for now... Only one lol. (I'm a tad busy...)


Moderator removed image due to improper source

“I am strong, because I have been weak. I am fearless, because I have been afraid. I am wise, because I have been foolish."




30 moons



Sexual Orientation:
Heterosexual + Heteroromantic

A pretty she-cat with ginger fur and a darker ginger-brown stripes and stunningly beautiful blue eyes. She has an average height and weight with a good amount of strength, like her mother and father before him. Tigerstorm is very strong, with muscles like stone to the touch, earned from violent and rather aggressive training (from her father+by herself), though you can't really see the muscles due to her fur. Due to her fighting experience and reputation, the female is a cat most know not to mess with. This pretty she-cat has a few scars on her body from the many battles she has fought, including a short one down the right side of her neck from her mortal enemy [OPEN] and three close claw marks on her left back leg, from a loner in a fight. The warrior also has other various scars on his pelt, but none as significant as the ones mentioned before.
(this paragraph made no sense -facedesk-)

Tigerstorm is a very brave, aggressive, and overall fearless she-cat, which can even be bad at some times, as she will take on any opponent and will rush into a fight. She lacks fear overall. She only fears one thing, losing someone she loves, whether it be romantic, friend-wise, or family-wise. Given her slightly short temper, Tiger is very quick-to-fight and, due to her experience and strength, she can almost always cause damage if she does attack. As mentioned before, the female is very aggressive, likely to attack if she has a reason. She is definitely quick to jump with claws out if she or someone she cares for is injured, insulted, or threatened, often causing damage. Hence the suffix storm, a symbolization of her fiery and unpredictable personality. If someone manages to break through stone protecting her heart, Tigerstorm is one of the most passionate and protective females in the Clan, and would do anything for them.

Maplebreeze [Mother - Loves / Protects] [Alive; OPEN]
Lionstrike [Father - Loves / Misses] [Deceased; Enemy in Battle]


Pathwalking Prophecies


"Quote hoes here."




32 Moons



Sexual Orientation:
Heterosexual + Heteroromantic

An attractive she-cat with a light gray pelt, looking just like her brother, just with lighter fur. Black spots and stripes along her body, the usual markings for her breed. She has stunning green eyes that can also appear intimidating at different times, depending on her current state (happy=not intimidating. angry=intimidating). She's shorter than most toms in the Clan, but is the same size as the average sized female Egyptian Mau, and is shorter than her brother, Willowhisper, yet the same height as her sisters, if not a bit taller. Heatherclaw is very strong with firm muscles, earned from violent and rather aggressive training (from her father+by herself). Due to her reputation, Heatherclaw is not commonly messed with, but does use her delicate appearance as an advantage against those who don't know who she is. She has a few scars from her battles, but none are really easy to see.

Heatherclaw is as stubborn as an ox, probably the most stubborn warriors in the Clan. There's a zero percent chance the female would ever back down from anything, especially a challenge or fight - unless there was one hundred percent certain chance of her or someone she loves dying. She is very outspoken of her ideas and opinions. She's not shy around strangers, and will often command attention when speaking. Heatherclaw is a fiery she-cat, and has little to no qualms about breaking the rules when she knows its important or needed. Despite her more aggressive nature, she does have a strong sense of loyalty to cats she cares about when she does actually care about someone. She is a very passionate female for, if you are a cat (crush/mate/friend/family) that has managed to find a place in her heart, Heatherclaw is one of the most passionate and protecting people, and would do anything to protect you.

Goldentail [Mother] [Alive]
Hallowedfur [Father] [Presumed Dead]
Willowhisper [Brother - Loves / Protects] [ Trash Panda (#69500) ]
Has one other sister.


Pathwalking Prophecies

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Edited on 29/08/16 @ 12:04:16 by Msasi (Caesar of Romesepia) (#21461)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-06-19 08:06:49

come join SouthClan if you add a second character. ovo

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