Posted by Urban Compass - Gathering | Foglands | Music Falls

KenjiSnow (#57926)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-21 07:24:43
In the center of New York city, a clan of wild cats converged into Central Park. They were strays, kittypets, shelterpets, and those that traveled from neighboring areas.

This is Urban Compass, a haven under the noses of the twolegs who swarm and infest the area.
Urban Compass Territory Map & Key
Important Locations:

Music Falls: Known for the twoleg music playing down the sidewalk beyond the treeline, the falls as always soft and quiet, even during floods. This is where the Medicine Cats meet, and also where Leaders are bestowed their nine lives. Any attack or violence in this area will trigger what the cats know as an 'earth shudder', meaning Starclan is displeased and danger is on its way.

The Gathering Cavern: An abandoned outdoor concert location with a cavern-like shape that still has many old remains of twolegs where the clans meet every moon. 4 make-shift pedestals that have stood for years reside there, forming a half-circle for all the clans to see the leaders and hear the reports. Some say the pedestals were gifts from Starclan for the original 4; most cats believe it, as each pedestal references each clan's unique area and talents.

The FogLands: This is the neutral, grey-covered, areas where all clans, at any time of danger or need, at allowed to retreat to. Fighting here is not allowed, but hunting and gathering are. Hence why it's used in time of need; such as floods, bad weather, attacked camps, or food shortages. It's said this is where Fogpelt dwells; she's usually written off as a myth, but Leaders and Medicine cats both seem to believe in her.
(( The thread below this is Gathering Information, Medicine Cat information, Prophecies, and etc. ))
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Gathering Cavern/Foglands/Music Falls *You are here*
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KenjiSnow (#57926)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-21 07:27:40
{For news of other clans, deaths, retirements, Prophecies, and gathering info}
{List new mates and current couples; may also tell if they're having kits}
{This is for warnings to the clan, warrior names or apprentice ceremonies}

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KenjiSnow (#57926)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-06-21 07:27:49
{Reserved just in case}

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