Posted by Center of the Earth: OOC

Quetzal (#74686)

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Posted on
2016-07-06 01:28:49

The Center of the Earth: OOC Discussion and Planning

Our Premise

Cataclysmic shifts in climate and continent tore the land. Huge ruptures in the fabric of the mortal earth that allowed spirits from the Wilderness to wreak havoc on the earth and blurring the boundaries between both the world and its creatures. It was said that the cause of it all was men who meddled, resulting in an Archdemon planting a shard of itself in the earth, radiating evil, aberration and chaos.

The animals began to change.

They gained awareness of their state, the power to see as humans did. Mutations were prevalent, third eyes, extra horns, forked tails, fangs like the beasts of old. Strange colors and patterns, reflecting the Wilderness. It is said that in some cases, creatures of the land sprouted wings and took to the sky.

But the world is dying. Unless the worlds can be separated once more, back to their natural state, the earth will crumble and the animals will evaporate into demons, becoming things unnatural to the point where their essence will disappear.

A young Lion seer, a forked tail named Daib, has seen a vision. In the center of the world, he Sees the Shard of Evil. The last survivor of his Pride, he journeys to the Center. Though equipped with strength and the heart of a Lion, he is no fool, and he knows his quest is doomed unless he has help.

And the Achdemon knows he is coming, and is wasting no time sending his minions to stop him.

Will you join Daib? Navigate the devastated world, dodge the ruins of human civilization, battle haunts and demons. Evolve. Survive. Build the future.

Welcome, players. This is the main discussion and planning thread we will host to keep track of ooc developments, organization, and plot ideas. Please bookmark it so you don't lose it!

To start with, I ask that all of you post to confirm, and please select the character or character you are choosing to play. You may play up to two, but it's totally okay if you'd rather stick with one. You may add a character at any time.

Notice Board

I will be archiving the premise here, as well as outlining some plot concerns that we will discuss as a group, including allocation/volunteering of antagonistic characters. Keep your eyes peeled for that, and buckle up!

Tentative In-Character Post Order: Quetzal (PST), Potato Lord(EST), Pretyradcoolcat (EST), and E hõu (MST). We may shift this as everyone's schedules get settled.

Players and Cast

Quetzal: Daib
Potato Lord:
🔥 WildFire 🔥:
e hõu:

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Edited on 06/07/16 @ 12:24:34 by Quetzal (#74686)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-07-06 01:36:22
I'd like to keep Doa as my protagonist. Sauda isn't necessarily evil, but she can certainly serve as a villain of sorts if need be. I imagine it's easy to blur the lines between good and evil in a world as twisted as this one.

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e hõu (#41824)

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Posted on
2016-07-06 01:58:01
I only have one character, Torrid. This should be fun haha.

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anaytat (#93609)

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Posted on
2016-07-06 03:27:28
I'll be playing Mbali, since she's my only character. I can always add a character or something similar to that if needed.

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Quetzal (#74686)

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Posted on
2016-07-06 05:43:20
All right everyone. I am in the process of creating a detailed map of our area, along with a starting point for our main cast, and a destination.

It is my job as the game master to ensure there are random encounters and events and hurdles for our characters to overcome. I am perfectly happy to do most of the heavy lifting in this regard, but I will need some reciprocation on your parts as well! Before we get rolling, we have a few things we must sort out first to make sure things stay high-energy, and high-stakes.

Some necessary antagonists for our story:

1.The Archdemon (I will take care of playing it for convenience sake unless someone else really wants to).
2. The Abyssal Priest/Priestess
3. The Ravagers (2 characters)

The Abyssal cleric is essentially the second in command to the Archdemon, through whom it communicates with all its corrupted forces and channels much of his power on the material plane. They are in charge of the Ravagers, who are heavily corrupted lions themselves who do their bidding.

You guys have a lot of freedom in dealing with these characters. They may be as tragic, awful, sympathetic, unsympathetic, etc as you like as long as they are bound by the guiding principle that they cannot betray the Archdemon because without it their mortal form would essentially fall apart. Although perhaps if one has a redemption story they may choose this path--or we may discuss redemptive, healing options.

In any case, I need volunteers for all of these characters. If you are extremely uncomfortable with the prospect of playing one, and would choose to opt out, I will pick up the slack there.

As for details about the post order, the way it functions is we will each post in the order specified. You will be given 24 hours to respond without being skipped (without notifying the group). If you are absent for two days, we will contact you. If there is no response and no reply after three days, you will be phased out. Does this sound reasonable to everyone? I am open to suggestions, or amendments to this plan.

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Edited on 06/07/16 @ 12:45:13 by Quetzal (#74686)

e hõu (#41824)

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Posted on
2016-07-06 05:49:02
Sounds great!
I can make a lion to play a role of a Ravager if that helps any. My lioness wouldn't really fit the bill for that role anyways aha

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Edited on 06/07/16 @ 13:19:46 by e hõu (#41824)

anaytat (#93609)

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Posted on
2016-07-06 06:40:56
You can pick a role for my character that seems fitting for her! I honestly do not care. As I said before, I could create another lion if you need, and if nothing fits Mbali, I could create a more suiting character for one of the suggestions. I'm not picky.

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Quetzal (#74686)

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Posted on
2016-07-06 11:42:29
Yes, sorry, to clarify: you'll need to come up with an auxiliary lion to play an antagonist. Mbali and Torrid are in the nominal "hero camp", no worries!

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Edited on 06/07/16 @ 18:42:42 by Quetzal (#74686)

anaytat (#93609)

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Posted on
2016-07-06 12:09:06
Alright, that's fine!

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Quetzal (#74686)

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Posted on
2016-07-06 13:19:01
Yes. So if people can jump on that in the next day or so, hopfully we can get kickstarted by Friday evening! :D I will be working on a starter.

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anaytat (#93609)

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Posted on
2016-07-06 13:22:23
Question, would you like me to post the background info surrounding the character? And if so, here?

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Quetzal (#74686)

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Posted on
2016-07-06 13:24:50
That is a very good question. Yes, post it here, I will add it to info at the top. If it gets to cluttered, I will make a googledocument with all our information on it!

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anaytat (#93609)

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Posted on
2016-07-06 13:32:01
Alright! I'll work on the character, I will most likely finish it by tomorrow if that's fine.

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e hõu (#41824)

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Posted on
2016-07-07 06:49:25
●Name: Buskii
●Age: 5 years old
●Species: Lion
●Gender: Male
●Orientation: Bisexual
●Mutation: Overgrown claws and bone horns coming out of head
●Physical Appearance (Either in words or in a picture): Lion

●Personality: Likes to flirt with the ladies and lead them on for a little only to leave when they get attached. He finds the worst things to joke about and doesn't mind making other lions feel a little pain to get the point across that he his stronger. He is power hungry and always try to be the best. He was corrupted by his father and strives to be the worst but the best.

●Brief History: Buskii was the runet of the litter, his mother was sickly during the beginning of his life so he was never fed as much. His mother passed and his siblings were killed, he survivedid and was found by his father. A heartless beast. Buskii was worried for his life but his father kept him, made sure he was taken care of and raised him to bea king. Pampered for the rest of his young years, he never cared about anyone lower than himself or his Dad. When Buskii became of age to start his own pride he killed his father and the pride he was born into. He felt stronger and more worthy of a pride but never found one. Buskii only found The Archdemon...
●Timezone of the player: MST
●Other: angry potatoes

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anaytat (#93609)

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Posted on
2016-07-07 11:39:49
Name: Nkemdilim
Age: 6 years, 4 months
Species: Lion
Gender: Female
Orientation: Asexual
Mutation: Feathery Mane, overgrown claws, and overgrown teeth.

Physical Appearance: Nkemdilim
Personality: Nkemdilim is an aggressive, harsh, lioness, who makes rather brash actions. She does not care who her actions may affect, she will do what she wants if she feels like it. Nkemdilim likes to get what she wants, considering she does, in whatever way she can. Her brash ways can lead to trouble, but for some reason she finds herself lucky, and still gets her way. When Nkemdilim is mad, she throws fits, violent tantrums. She either causes havoc for the surrounding area, or inflicts violence on others. Nkemdilim also talks harshly, once again, not caring how she may affect others. She is a big talker, which often gets her into fights. She’s a considerably good fighter, since she does. Nkemdilim calls her scars, ‘winning scratches.’ Nkemdilim is very impatient, she likes to get things done quick and fast, so she can get on with her life.
Brief History: Nkemdilim was born into a large pride of normal lions, the only other mutation being her also maned sister. They were normal at first, leading an average life of a lioness. Nkemdilim was brash and rude though, not liking the company of other lions. She would snap back at her peers, and gave no respect. Her sister and mother would believe she’d grow out of the nasty attitude. Nkemdilim, her sister, and the rest of the pride began noticing larger tufts of fur growing out of their neck. As their manes grew in, Nkemdilim became more demanding, and aggressive. As young adults, the king viewed them as a threat, and kicked Nkemdilim and her sister out. Nkemdilim came up with the idea of fighting for territory, and prides. Her sister would disagree, leading to a fight between the two of them, Nkemdilim won, severely injuring her sister in the process. She’d leave her sister in the dust, now dead. Nkemdilim would go on to challenge males, only sometimes victorious. She left the territories anyways to pick more fights.
Nkemdilim was still wandering and fighting kings as the Earth began to split, before meeting The Archdemon.


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