Posted by .:The Mire:. Canine Rp OPEN

Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-07-09 14:34:26

"A place for the a graveyard drenched in blood...a war will be waged against the tired by an acclaimed god...and both sides will suffer...and everyone will leave changed.."

Welcome, all you outcasts, misfits, miscreants, monsters, and the Mire. A legend of a place the beaten, broken, and those not sound of mind are often said to reside. The Mire is a small, rundown, ghost town hidden away in the swamp lands of Louisiana. It is said too appear to the broken, the deformed, the mentally unstable, and the dogs who have been mistreated as a place of rest for their bodies and minds. But something dark has taken over the Mire. A cruel dog called the Will O' Wisp. Wisp lures lost dogs right into the teeth of his pack, judging them as if he was a god. The dogs who already live there live in fear of this beastly canine who stalks the streets like a shadow. War is being waged here, and others are seeking the help of those from cities and the like too fight. It will be a long, dangerous, and blood route. And hopefully it will stop Wisp from taking the lives of others and give the weary their peace back.

"Time to lay down the rules."

• All LioDen rules apply. Make sure you follow them.
• No powerplaying, godmodding, etc. You don’t need to ask for permission before starting a fight, but you cannot automatically defeat or kill your opponent without the other player’s permission. Let’s keep fights fair. Also remember that every action has a consequence. And one wrong move may very well end with a death.
• Fade to black when necessary (18+ content, excessive gore/violence, and birthing). Also keep in mind this roleplay will contain darker themes.
• This is a semi-literate to advanced roleplay. You will be required to post at least one paragraph (five sentences) and use proper grammar.
• Please try to be active. If you need to go on a hiatus let me know. Do not sign up just too disappear, it kills RPs. Don't post WIP forms here.
• Do not use someone's artwork for your character unless it was specifically made for you (and in that case I'll need proof).
• As is written in the above part, no one-liners please put ‘Will O' the Wisp’ In the other if you read the rules!
• Up to four characters per person to start with, if I see you can handle them then you may
request another character.
• I reserve the right to deny people who I don’t think up too this roleplay or will be active enough.

"Tell me about yourself, dears..."

(Pack only. Other dogs are just Lone)
Orientation (LGBTA+ Friendly)
Appearance (Can be either a picture or a description)
Mutations, Mental Instability, Deformities, etc (Be realistic. A dog with an extra eye won't be able too use it, a dog missing a leg won't be as fast, schizophrenia will hinder their functioning because of hallucinations)
Brief History
Theme Song (Optional)
Quote (Optional)

"Where are you from? A pack, a loner, the city?"

.:Lone Mire Dogs:.(unlimited)
Dogs who were living within the Mire before or during Wisp's rule. They are either hiding or planning on fighting against Wisp and his pack.

.:Will O' the Wisp's Pack:.
The head dog. They are not to be questioned.
Will O' the Wisp | Wisp | 4 years, 7 months | Mixbreed
The second in command. They preform the execution of traitors, rebels, etc. They keep the pack in line.
.:Pack Dogs:.(0/10)
Savage, cruel dogs who will hunt, maim, and protect the pack. They also preform the hunting and defend the main den and Pack Mothers.
.:Pack Mothers:.(0/4)
Females who aren't cruel, violent, or the like. They are highly protected by the pack and valued for their healing skills.

.:Lost City Dogs:.(0/8)
These are dogs that the Mire has sucked in to help join the fight again Wisp or have been lead in by Wisp himself.

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Edited on 09/07/16 @ 22:20:58 by (~Shiba-Keeba~) (#39277)

Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-07-09 14:42:18

Acceptable Mutations

• Extra limbs; Do not function
• Extra eyes; Do not function
• Elongated bones
• Overgrown teeth
• Overgrown claws
• Pseudo-sheaths; Female only, caused by too much testosterone. Example; Hyena.
• Gigantism
• Dwarfism
• Excess Teeth
• Fragile bones
• Albinism
• Melanism
• Alexandria's genesis; causes fragile, white skin and fur with anywhere from pale lilac to dark violet. Extremely rare (1/3)

feel free to pm me with a mutation if it's not on the list!

Acceptable Mental Illnesses

• Bipolar
• Multiple Personality Disorder
• Schizophrenia
• Selective Mutism
• Extreme Aggression
• Antisocial Personality
• Misophonia
• Sociopathy
• Anxiety
• Extreme Paranoia
• Etc

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Edited on 09/07/16 @ 22:20:28 by (~Shiba-Keeba~) (#39277)

Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-07-09 16:34:01

Will O' the Wisp
4 years, 7 months
Central Asian Shepherd {25%} x English Mastiff {25%} x Great Dane {25%} x Tibetan Mastiff {25%}
Pansexual \\ Panromantic
Wisp is a dog of massive proportions because of his lineage, standing at 36 inches and weighing around 245 lbs in total. His fur is extremely thick and semi-long with a luxurious texture. He is built broad with a blocky head commonly seen on Tibetan mastiffs and set of broad shoulders with wide set haunches. He has a shoulder hump like a grizzly would and short cropped ears , his short tail curls up over his back and has several kinks in it. His powerful legs end in large paws which sport dangerous claws. His fur is a deep black color with tan points but is broken apart by white piebalding, which causes in his dark amber eyes splashes of pale blue where ever the white touches. Besides his large size, the most intimidating trait about him is his mouthful of excess teeth that make him not the prettiest dog around with a tendency to slur his words when angered.
Mutations, Mental Instability, Deformities, etc
Excess teeth, Mild gigantism, Extreme Anger
This is a dog use to getting his way, using his weight, size, and excess amount of teeth. He is blunt and rarely spares the feeling of others, choosing instead to speak his mind. He has a god complex, seeing himself as a higher being compared too other dogs, and will kill heretics and traitors without mercy. He can put on a charming facade, luring dogs in close enough too sink his deadly teeth into them. He will rarely let go once he has you and doesn't even allow his packmates too consider leaving. He will not hurt fragile or weak females though, choosing too instead try and get them too assimilate or run them out of the Mire. Wisp can become very aggressive and violent when angered or threatened, known for snapping at others when in this mood. Only his executioners have been able too bring down his temper from its high.
No one currently.
Brief History
Born the runt in his litter, it came as a surprise to his mother when the two other puppies passed away from an unknown disease. He was ridiculed for what was a supposed over bite...when he turned a year it was obvious how big this pup was gonna get. And that overbite? A mouth full of dangerous excess teeth. He left home at that age looking for a place too settle. He took what he wanted, refusing too ever be put down again...and killing those that did. It was after attacking a human and fleeing into the swamplands that he found the Mire. And now claims it as rightful his.
Theme Song
Why does everybody have to die by Hollywood Undead.
"I am here too rule, and rule I shall. For no one will dare stand in my way, and if they do they shall be torn apart for their heresy."
Will O' the Wisp; Demons known too lead other astray in the swamplands.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-07-09 16:47:20
Name Lucifer
Nickname Luce
Gender Female
Age 4
Breed Mudi
Orientation Bisexual
Appearance X Source
Mutations, Mental Instability, Deformities, etc: Mentally Unstable
Personality Violent, LOVES killing and mass amounts of blood. RP'd
Relationships/Views : NONE!
Crush/Lover : NONE!
Brief History : Used in dog fights, being top dog corrupted her mind and now she serves as a executioner
Other : Will O' the Wisp + Mon-Fri I can't be on! Got camp

Name Tyrael
Nickname Ty
Gender Male
Age 3
Breed Wolf Hybrid
Rank Pack Dog
Orientation Gay
Mutations, Mental Instability, Deformities, etc Overgrown Teeth AND Chimera
Personality Loyal, Great Fighter. He is swift, smart and holds great agility while he lacks in the strength and 'holding your tongue' departments. Once getting past his shell, Ty is a fun-loving wolf to be around, though he can still be quiet and stay off on his own. Does great at taking orders from alphas and betas due to his training from his mom as a pup. He LOVES spending time near water sources and with pups, though couldn't be a pup-sitter at all. He strongly dislikes anyone talking out of place and speaking against those he holds close, snapping easily when it comes to them. Usually though, Tyrael is hard to break wolf with a heart of ice when it comes to strangers and those he doesn't know.
Relationships/Views None
Crush/Lover None
Brief History Abused as a pup, he was tossed from the home when his overgrown teeth became apparent and they grew tired of his strange coat and tossed him to the curb.
Other Will O' Wisp

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Edited on 09/07/16 @ 23:52:57 by Wolflord {July 11-14 HIATUS} (#17200)

Rainy (#50952)

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Posted on
2016-07-09 23:47:45
Could I reserve an executioner?

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Jadefeather (#27167)

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Posted on
2016-07-11 09:32:44
4 Years 8 Months
Doberman (25%) Great Dane (25%) Mastiff (25%) Unknown (25%)
Executioner (if not then Pack Dog)
Mutations, Mental Instability, Deformities, etc:
Elongated bones
Extreme Aggression
Khan is a tough, brave, strong, loyal dog. He always tends to be snappy, hot headed, and often stubborn. He can be very cocky and stuck up. He doesn't try to make anyone happy but himself. He does want to find and mate and have pups, but struggles with being loving and caring all the time. Khan is a very protective dog. He is always looking out for the pack and himself. He always seems in a grumpy mood, which he is. You can never get a smile out of him, maybe a small smirk. But besides that the male is stubborn and snappy and will bark at whoever he wants if they get on his nerves, even the Alpha. He doesn't get scared anymore. The male can be loving and kind to those he truly loves like his own pups and mate.
Brief History:
He was born the largest of the litter, which caused his mother to die, and also break her hip bones. There were also other pups that had not been born yet. Luckily they were in a pack, and there was another nursing mother that would be able to nurse the large pup. While growing up the leader of that pack started to become weary of the male, due to his size. Once he was old enough to hunt on his own the leader chased him off, being scared of Khan. He soon found this pack and joined.
Theme Song:
Afraid- The Neighbourhood
"Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear."
Will O' the Wisp!

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Edited on 11/07/16 @ 17:42:23 by Jade (#27167)

tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-07-11 10:04:27
::Name: Reba



2 years, 6 months

Wolf hybrid (Alaskan malamute 11% 88% wolf)

Pack mother


A light gray female with darker gray markings. She looks exactly like a wolf, technically. But she is bigger than the normal wolf. She weighs 146 pounds(wolves might be 110 pounds so it needs more for a Alaskan malamute) she has one torn ear and beautiful bright blue eyes. Her nose is bright pink, but in the distance it looks white. Her tail is long and curves a bit at the tip.

::Mutation, Mental instability, Disabilities, etc::
Anxiety, overgrown teeth and claws,

(Not done with the forums)

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Edited on 11/07/16 @ 19:01:33 by 🐕🐩Bracie Da Chi Chi! (#83026)

🔥 Wildfire 🔥 (#36595)

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Posted on
2016-07-11 12:36:03

Alex, Ali (Gets extremely pissy when a dog calls her Alexia.)
Female (She/Them)
3 Years, 7 Months of Age
White Shepherd (Purebred)
Starts as Loner, and becomes Pack Mother. (If that's alright?)
Homoromantic - Demisexual
Mutations, Mental Instability, Deformities
Overgrown Claws, Antisocial Personality, Anxiety. (Along with a slight case of Paranoia.)
Alexia is a stand-offish female, who'd much rather observe a fight, than partake in one. Like most dogs with anxiety, she has problems making friends, but once she finds one she'll never let them go, and will do anything in her power to keep them safe. Many think Alexia is aggressive, or crude, but they're simply wrong, and assume that she's blood-thirsty, because of her protective ways. In actuality, Alexia would in most cases, hide from other dogs, or back down. It might take a while to gain this dog's trust, but once you do, you're set for life, in her case. She also has a strong desire to care for all pups, no matter their circumstances. If she catches you hurting a pup, she will slit your throat with no hesitance.
Will O' the Wisp - Intimidated by, but doesn't fear.
None yet. (Open!)
Brief History
Alexia was born into the life of a pet. Both her mother and father were Purebred White Shepherds, and were of course, bred for money. However, when Alexia was only around 2 months, a lone dog snuck her out into the outside world, which she fell in love with. The two ran off, and became best friends. They did everything together until-- Buck (her friend) was struck down and killed by another dog, and Alexia couldn't do anything but watch. After, she ran off, and is now looking for a new home.
Theme Song
Adele - Send My Love (To Your New Lover)
"Never give up. There is no such thing as an ending, just a new beginning."
Will O the Wisp! (Please tell me if you want me to add anything.)

Male (He/Him)
5 Years 11 Months
90% Husky 10% Unknown Breed
Biromantic - Bisexual
Mutations, Mental Instability, Deformities
Well. Under the power-hungry, blood-thirsty ego that Thaddeus formed for himself, Thad is actually quite the caring dog, who would..kill to protect his friends, and packmates. Although, his Schizophrenia usually gets in the way, when it comes to making friends. He tries his best to do so, but often ends up killing innocent canines. Since his first kill, Thad has made sure to cast himself aside, and let nobody see him, for him. Sometimes, if you're lucky, you'll get to catch a glimpse of Thad's playful, giggly side.
Whisp- Crushing, although he's never shown it. He doesn't plan to, either.
Brief History
Thad was born into the pack, nothing too off--right? Well, ever since he was old enough to walk, this dog would do everything in his power to sneak off for a day or two, without being noticed. His parents were always curious as to why.. Finally, one day, they decided to follow him, and were shocked to find him standing over a fresh carcass.. A dog carcass. They witnessed his first acts of murder. The Voices. The Voices told him to kill his parents-- and he did. However, after that, he was knocked out by an unknown dog, and forgot that day. He still has nightmares about it, and just suspects that he witnessed their murder.
Theme Song
Breaking Benjamin - Dear Agony
"When you're hiding behind a character all the time, as soon as you have to be yourself, you feel kind of terrified."
Will O the Wisp! (Not sure about him yet, hah. I think I already love him.)

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Edited on 11/07/16 @ 19:40:26 by 🔥 WildFire 🔥 (#36595)

Pocket Monster (#78016)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-11 20:22:14



2 years, 7 months

A mutt with a hopelessly muddied lineage, unrecognizable as related to any breed in particular.



Standing at a mere 12 inches and weighing in at a skinny 14 pounds, Sludge is relatively small dog, with somewhat long legs and a narrow frame, although how much of that is caused by his lacking weight is up for debate. His short, smooth fur is a grizzly, mottled grey, with dirty white splotches covering his muzzle, throat, and paws. Tall, triangular ears are set an angle and always seem to be drooping so they stick straight out either side of his head, dusted several shades darker than the rest of his fur. Sludge’s eyes are a dark and muddy, but surprisingly bright brown, tired and wary, though a spark of intelligence dances at the very back if you look very closely. Rounded but angular, they are lined with black and his inky eyelashes are unusually thick, surprisingly pretty. A single speck of gold glimmers in his left eye. Sludge’s nose and nails are the same coal black as his eyelashes, and his sharp teeth are yellowed. His brush-like tail is often pressed against his left hind leg, as if to unsuccessfully try and hide the nasty red burn scars that cover it, and his slinky body always seems tense and coiled, ready to flee at any second. He steps lightly and carefully, walking like he’s afraid the ground will fall out from beneath his feet. Sludge rarely smiles and avoids attention at any cost, moving like a living shadow and blending flawlessly into the background.

Mutations, Mental Instability, Deformities, etc
Severe chronic depression

Perhaps there is a happy, playful pup buried somewhere with Sludge, buried and forgotten and waiting to come out, but if there is he’s never realized it. For the most part, he’s simply tired. He used to be scared all the time, rightfully so, and that fear is what kept him alive. At some point, however, the terror faded, along with every other emotion he might have hoped to experience, and mostly Sludge is just empty, like white noise on a stereo. He still avoids conflict and his survival instincts are not gone, but anymore just being alive seems like a massive ordeal; Sludge can’t possibly imagine having the energy to be worried about things. He does his part for the pack, following orders without complaint, but he’s more like a robot than anything, never doing more or less than required, without the blood-thirsty passion that so much of the pack seems to thrive off. He’s no fighter, and has no interest in killing, but neither is he champion of justice. He simply doesn’t seem to care, and hardly notices the executioners anymore. Rather, he just drifts through everything, kind of… lost. He’s not unfriendly and quite meek, very respectful, but he is distant, and doesn’t really have friends. He knows how dogs are, selfish and brutal, and understands the danger of trust. After all, friendship is just a word.
The only time Sludge really comes alive is when he’s looking at the sky. At night, when most everyone else is asleep, he likes to lay back and just stare, gazing at the moon and stars as his eyes trace the paths of made-up constellations. He stays up for hours, and takes the afternoon shifts for his duties whenever possible so he can sleep late, perhaps the only other thing he enjoys. Sludge loves to dream. He dreams often and vividly, and will often dwell on his dreams as he goes about routine duties. Other times he looks at the horizon, which he finds rather extraordinary in its vastness, and just think, turning everything over and over again in his head like a stone in a river.

Not actively interested in any sort of relationship, but then again, he’s not actively resisting them either. Perhaps Sludge is more interested in having a friend than he will admit to himself.

None, though I’m open to one developing throughout the RP.

Brief History
Born to a pair of strays in a crowded, filthy, and crime-ridden city, only Sludge and his sister survived out of a litter of five cubs. His father left before his birth and his mother followed suit the second he learned how to run. He and his sister stuck together for a few weeks after being left on their own, but she died quickly, snapped in half and eaten by a starved Labrador. They could run, alright, but not fast enough. Sludge saw every moment, paralyzed and unable to look away, pressed into the cracks of a crumbling old brick library’s foundation just out of sight. It was his first lesson about life as a stray. He has never forgotten it. He does not talk about it.

Sludge runs very fast nowadays,

He lives by his wits and wiles, relying on speed and decisiveness to get by. Hesitation means death, and Sludge knows better. Fast forward months, now a year, now another, and Sludge is emaciated, flea-bitten, nervous and cowardly and like a living shadow, living off garbage and scraps. This time it’s the dog-catchers he’s out-running. This time he’s not fast enough. He spends the next few months in the pound. It’s not so bad. The food is reliable, the roof doesn’t leak, and if you stay quiet you won’t have anything to hide from. He gains weight. His fleas are treated. It’s substandard for a pet but luxurious for a stray. This doesn’t last. The place burns down. Sludge escapes, sliding through the burning cracks like the rat he is.

Many do not.

He leaves with a gash across flank, burns on his back, side, and left hind leg, and a limp. The gash disappears. The burns do not. His left hind leg is hairless, ugly and scarred from his hip to several inches above his paw. His limp is gone, but he is not as fast as he was. Sludge struggles even more now. He is stealthier than ever, able to disappear into the barest of shadows and slink through the tightest spaces, skinny and weary and always tired. He has no friends, no food, and no hope. He tries less and gets skinnier. He’s not hungry anyways. One day he wanders, reckless, away from the city into nowhere. There is no garbage or cracks in buildings. There is no stench either. The night sky looks nice. Sludge has never seen the clear night sky before. Even the city, a hazy glow and dark silhouette, looks almost pretty from the outside. He lies down. He stares at the moon and does not get up.

Until he sees it.

Sludge cannot describe the Mire. He cannot describe what happened when he got there. He is not sure he even knows. He stumbled to his feet, staggered into the mist, and collapsed, deep asleep under the light of the new moon. From then on it, it’s history, as they say. He’s now a member of the Will O’ the Wisp Pack. He is still hiding, made almost invisible among the other member of the pack, and he is still lonely. The hunger pangs, once natural as breath, are gone, though. Like the pound, he stays quiet, gets his food, and enjoys the shelter. Now he has the sky, too. He’s not happy, but it’s nice. Yet, like the pound, it will not last, and the fire here has only just begun.

Theme Song

“Well, after all, this is the age of the disposable tissue. Blow your nose on a person, wad them, flush them away, reach for another, blow, wad, flush. Everyone using everyone else’s coattails. How are you supposed to root for the home team when you don’t even have a program or know their names? For that matter, what color jerseys are they wearing as they trot out on the field?” –Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

Will O’ the Wisp! (also, I'm so sorry this is so long, I really meant to keep it short but I got carried away ;-;)

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-07-15 08:12:31
Whens it begin?

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Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-07-28 08:24:59
I'll be closing this up if anyone wants too save their characters! I'm doing this too start fresh on my rps besides certain ones that i've already joined! It will be deleted tonight.

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