Posted by TLK Styled Roleplay!! - Sign Up Sheet!!

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-07-20 02:49:23
*Image Removed Please see Message* Wind Silvermoon

Hello! I love roleplaying so much that i decided to make my own! This will be a TLK styled roleplay. Anybody is allowed to join, as long as you STAY ACTIVE! You must reply in 5 days or less! Same territory as in TLK movies. Lone lions may join the pride if you want them to.

Here are the rules down below:

1: Hate the character, not the player.
2: If you're having issues with another player, PM me IMMEDIATELY!
3: When mating scenes come around, just fade to black.
4: Your lion cannot be magical/invincible/the prettiest lioness ever.
5: Respect other players.
6: If you want a love relationship with another lion/lioness, PM that player if that's okay.
7: Have fun.
8: Be on the lookout for more roleplays that I might set up.
9: Put Appollyon in the Other category of your sign up form.
10: If there's any attack on the pride, you must sustain injuries!
11: The limits for how many lions you can have is 3.

Here are the available Pride slots:

King: Leads the pride with his mate, the Queen. Makes all the important decisions and war movements. He may kick out of accept any lion or lioness into the pride. Hideki - Amber

Queen: Leads the pride with the king, she has all the same power as him.
Luna - Pheonix

Lead Hunter/Huntress: Leads the hunting party that searches for prey and takes it down.
Asha - Cheetay.

Hunters : Members of the hunting party that catch the pride's meals. 3 Slots left.
Na'vi - Appollyon

Lead Warrior: Leads the troop of lions and lionesses that go into battle.
Ramius - LionTamer

Warriors: Pride members that fight its battles and wards off hyenas. 3 Slots left.
Kimba - LionTamer

Cub Sitters: Usually pregnant females or females that are nursing, they keep watch over the cubs and move them if danger has been declared. 2 Slots left.
Nyx - Nyx

Trainees: Young lions and lionesses training to become either Hunters or Warriors. 3 Slots left.

Cubs : The youngsters of the pride. 3 Slots Left.
Klaire - Cheetay
Akira - Ririe
Koda - Razzmatazz
Chistoe - Amber

Elders : The old, very respected members of the pride. 2 Slots left

Sign up forms should look like this:
The information inside of the () are not supposed to be inside of your form!

Age: (Must be in Moons/Months)
Sexuality: (Let's try and keep this PG)
Rank in Pride:

We're almost done! Hang in there! I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU!! To everyone who decides they want to join. I will also be participating in the roleplay. Multiple threads will be created such as a Chat thread - Where everyone talks about their plans for their characters/etc. and the actual Roleplay Thread - Where magic happens! You're able to kill off you lion/lioness anytime you'd like!! Thank you for actually taking a look at this and I wish you the best of luck!

Other Threads:

Chat Thread

Official Roleplay Thread

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Edited on 10/08/16 @ 18:33:03 by WindSilvermoon (#49047)

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-07-20 05:37:41

Name: Kimba
Age: 28 moons
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Looks: tlk__male_by_segamastergirl-d7kgzdb.png
Rank in Pride: Warrior
Personality: Kind, Shy, Thoughtful, Humble, and Loyal
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: None
Mate: None
Cubs: None
Other: Appollyon

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(Dixie) (#71738)

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Posted on
2016-07-20 05:45:55

2 months












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Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-07-20 05:47:16
@ Dixie

Good job so far! Keep at it and when you finish it, PM me!

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Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-07-20 05:55:18
@Everybody Please Pay Attention!

I'm going to start setting up the Chat thread and the Roleplay Thread!! Please be patient with me and I will post a message when I'm done! Ty!

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Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-07-20 06:12:33

Okay! The threads are officially up and running!! They can be found at the bottom next to the form and rules! Have fun, respect other players, and keep on roleplaying!

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Cheruwolf (G2 2.1k+
TriRose) (#91514)

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Posted on
2016-07-20 07:25:50
Name: Akira
Age: 6 Moons
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Looks: Appearance/Source
Rank in Pride: Cub
Personality: Akira is a quiet and lazy cub who loves to sleep a lot and do activities once every other day, when she wants to, Akira can be very loud, playful, and possibly annoying for other lions. Even at that, this cub has a hard time trusting other cubs and adults and is bipolar. Don't try to wake this cub up very early or else she'll be in a grumpy mood and ignore you, and possibly bite you and go back to sleep.
Parents: Unknown (Akira was abandon)
Siblings: None (Open)
Mate: No one
Cubs: None
Other: Akira has a small scar on her snout, Appollyon.

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Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-07-20 07:32:50

So cute! Accepted!

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Edited on 20/07/16 @ 14:38:21 by LionTamerπŸ˜›β™‘[WCL] (#66075)

sagesnout (#90894)

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Posted on
2016-07-20 11:19:40
Name: Na'vi ( Pronounced Nah - vee )

Age: 33 moons

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Looks: ( Lineart Credit: )

Rank in Pride: Hunter

Personality: Na'vi is fairly chatty and is a friendly lion -- he is known for his caring and forgiving nature. After being on his own for some time, he learned the importance of being in a pride, so he's learned to be more respectful and keep his loyalty towards his king.

- Mheetu: A pale beige lioness with soft blue eyes. ( Deceased )
- Banda: A large brownish-tan lion with darker green eyes. ( Deceased )

- Matimba: A small, thin, tawny coloured lioness with soft amber eyes. ( Unknown )
- Kanya: A pale, almost white, beige lioness with green eyes. ( Unknown )

Mate: Open

Cubs: Open

Other: Apollyon

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Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-07-20 11:31:38


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Amber Da Pickle
Unicorn (#87487)

Pretty Cool Guy
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Posted on
2016-07-20 22:24:02
How does my Dixie-senpai always find me?


2 Months



Admin removed image due to lack of source.

Rank In Pride:

Chisote is a quiet cub. It wasn't too long ago when she witnessed losing her family to hyenas. How she got away that day, she doesn't know. Instead of playing, she'd rather watch the other cubs play from the shade of a tree. She doesn't speak unless spoken too unless she's with her best friend. She's a gloomy cub and only her friend can lift her mood.





Apollyon. She chews on her tail when she's nervous.

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Edited on 30/07/16 @ 18:34:40 by Katze [#TeamIthitze] (#20064)

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-07-21 02:29:37

Awww! Such a cute picture! Accepted!

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Amber Da Pickle
Unicorn (#87487)

Pretty Cool Guy
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Posted on
2016-07-21 02:55:43
Thanks, Tamer!

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Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-07-21 03:25:13

No Problem!! :D

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Azorth (#82270)

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Posted on
2016-07-22 00:44:51
Name: Koda
Age: 8 Months
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Looks: viza_tlk_cub_by_howrsesr1-d6dyc6v.png
Rank in Pride: Cub
Personality: Everything about this cub is either rambunctious or energetic. He loves to play with other cubs and lions but he mostly likes to climb everything. He is a very outgoing and upbeat lion who mostly see the good in everything, even when it's rough.
Parents: Kion (deceased) and Amira (Deceased)
Siblings: Shani (Deceased)
Mate: None
Cubs: None
Other: Went exploring when he was young, played with hyenas, and when he came back his father gave him the scars on the side of his face. Appollyon

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Edited on 22/07/16 @ 07:46:01 by Razzamataz (#82270)

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-07-22 00:47:34


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