Posted by Scourge Sign-ups

Elinora (#84943)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-07-20 16:26:10

the tribe
all mutations are welcomed; but blind, eyeless, dwarfs, and leopons are Forsaken. Use lion images and a description. Only one "special" position per user.

The King [1/1] ;; Theonⅼ pg 1ⅼ Elinora

Queens [3/4] ;; nameⅼ pg ⅼ Firebird95ⅼ head hunteress
nameⅼ pg ⅼ🔥 WildFire 🔥ⅼ head warrior
nameⅼ pg ⅼ userⅼ head scout
nameⅼ pg ⅼ Rainyⅼ head brood-mother

The Shaman [0/1] ;; nameⅼ pg ⅼ user ⅼ mutation

Sub-males [2/2] ;; Mosaoⅼ pg 1 ⅼ Folly
Khalⅼ pg 1 ⅼ Hekata

The Forsaken [1/5] ;; Seliaⅼ pg 2ⅼ Ishi ⅼ Blind
nameⅼ pg ⅼ user ⅼ reason
nameⅼ pg ⅼ user ⅼ reason
nameⅼ pg ⅼ user ⅼ reason
nameⅼ pg ⅼ user ⅼ reason

Regulars [2/-] [huntress/warrior/scout/brood-mother/cub] ;;
Caleiaⅼ pg 1ⅼ Blood Mare ⅼBrood-mother
Amariⅼ pg 2ⅼ Ishi ⅼHuntress
nameⅼ pg ⅼ user ⅼposition
nameⅼ pg ⅼ user ⅼposition
nameⅼ pg ⅼ user ⅼposition
nameⅼ pg ⅼ user ⅼposition
nameⅼ pg ⅼ user ⅼposition
nameⅼ pg ⅼ user ⅼposition
nameⅼ pg ⅼ user ⅼposition
nameⅼ pg ⅼ user ⅼposition

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Edited on 25/07/16 @ 10:45:20 by Elinora (#84943)

Elinora (#84943)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-07-22 11:39:26
Sure, Rainy

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Edited on 22/07/16 @ 18:39:53 by Elinora (#84943)

Ishi (#41780)

Aztec Knight
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-07-22 11:45:14
Is there a queen position open and can we rp two lions/lionesses?

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Elinora (#84943)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-07-22 11:47:36
There's one more Queen position open; Queen of Scouts.

And yes, you can rp two lions/lionesses if you want Ishi.

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Edited on 22/07/16 @ 19:26:07 by Elinora (#84943)

Ishi (#41780)

Aztec Knight
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-07-22 12:31:45
Reserve for Huntress
Name: Amari
Age : 4 years two months

Personality: Amari is a verry outgoing lioness who isn't afraid to speak her mind to others. She doesn't like to hang around other lionesses to long so after hunts she quickly leaves. Being the eldest in her litter she was verry protective of her sister Selia.

Amari had been left with her blind sister yet again while her mother left for a hunt. Hiding in the bushes Amari was given the task of making sure none of the other lions or lionesses saw her blind sister. To some in the pride a blind cub wasn't something to keep around ,and was just another useless mouth to feed. Amari could remember the day her mother introduced them to the pride. Many of the lionesses were over joyed with their arrival but one wasn't. The moment she saw the grey color of her sisters eyes the lioness attacked. Luckily her mother interviened but the memory didn't leave Amari's mind. It replaid every time she saw her mother,who now had a jagged slash on her face that caused her to loos her left eye.
"Amari?" Called a timid voice and Amari perked seeing her sister starring blankly into the distance. "Careful Se-"
"OOWW!" Cried the blind cub as she walked into a thorn bush.

Other: Amari isn't really a bad lioness to heart. She just had to take on a lot of responsability as a cub. She had to help her sister constantly and even keep a weary eye on other pride members.

Reserve for forsaken
Name: Selia
Age: 4 years two months (Amaris younger sister)
Appearence :

Personality: Due to Selia not talking tom any people some in the pride claim her to be a mute. She is just shy though and doesn't like to speak without her sister beign present. Selia does have a curiosity that is even greater then that of most cubs. She likes to explore but it isn't much exploring is your sister has to watch your every move.

History: Selia cowered away as she felt another wack from a paw. "Look at the forsaken!" called a cub as she felt another blow but this time she felt claws. The hit drew some blood but wouldn't produce any real damage. "Leave me alone!" Selia cried as she was takled to the ground.
Selia felt tears well up in her eyes as she felt teeth grab her scruff. "Get her DIAGO!" called another cub.
Selia began to wonder why her mother had to leave and take Amari with her. She knew that it was important that Amari learned to hunt but it left Selia without a protector from the bullies.
Then she heard it, Amari yelling.
"GET OFF HER!" she felt Diago jerked off her as she heard the two tomble.
"OUCH!LEt go let go!" Cried diago. Diago was the only male in his litter so he wasn't used to his sisters fighting back.

"Break it up." growled an angry voice belonging to Diago's mother, Talia.

"I could say the same to you Talia," Said Selia and Amari's mother Cleo.

Selia felt her mothers presence as she felt one of her paws being placed in front of her.

Selia shares a few trates with Amari. She is verry fiesty when she wants to be and shares her outgoing attitude when among friends.

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Elinora (#84943)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-22 12:41:34
Your characters are accepted Ishi

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[] Folly (#80040)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-07-24 10:39:34
Mo's information is updated! <3

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Elinora (#84943)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-07-25 03:44:27
He's accepted Folly

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