Posted by Caves shouldn't effect feeding/playing

Poison Ivy (#37745)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-22 10:11:57
Personally I think caves make feeding and playing a major pain unless you have feed all/play all. I don't think the lions should be divided by cave instead of hunger/mood. It feels like it will be very easy to forget about lions in other caves when they're no top of the list and you need to visit their cave to see the starving/low mood icon. So what I propose is to leave feeding/playing the same and not have them divided when in the inventory menu.

This suggestion has 92 supports and 14 NO supports.

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Poison Ivy (#37745)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-13 08:23:33
To be honest, the way the feeding/playing system is currently is stopping me from building more than 1 cave. It's just too annoying and it's a shame because I think it takes out all of fun of caves.

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Betta132 (#16738)

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Posted on
2016-09-05 04:15:16

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Becca πŸ‘»{Lights
Out!} πŸŽƒ (#37407)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-05 04:23:53
Support for sure, half my pride was starving before I realized they were separated like this >.<

I think, because some people do find it really convenient, that it should be an option to opt out. That way, people still have the option to have them separated by cave.

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Emi Wolvesbane (#101377)

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Posted on
2016-12-09 15:22:01
As a newer player I do not know how things were before whatever update happened. But I really like the caves. I currently only have one, but it allows me to keep things organized and feed/breed/ect the lions I want to interact with by either having them in the cave or not. If you are worried about the status of your entire pride, there is a pride over view button where you can see all your lions at once, including their mood and hunger levels.. What I normally do when I'm singling out several lions from that page is ctrl+click so they open up in a different tab and I can do whatever from there. So, sorry, but no support from me.

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Heda Vampiric (#56702)

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Posted on
2017-09-28 11:34:03

Boosting because I wasn't aware they hadn't changed this yet and finally decided to embrace caves. When you have lions at 60% and don't one shot feed them full you have to scroll past them every time. It's annoying.

There should at least be a scroll down for each cave.
-ex; Under use there would be a drop down for each cave, labeled accordingly.

Though clearly the easier option for coders, I would think, would be to just give us the option to have them all listed based on need. Caves prioritize 20% lions over 60% lions just because the first's cave falls before the latter. It's a waste of food and time.

Honestly, and of course it's my personal loss, but if this has no means to be fixed I'll just destroy my caves and go back to my weird ass name-sorting. :/

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