Posted by Age Calculator

Kass 🌻 (#91950)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-24 00:28:47
Sorry if this is in the wrong place! Wasn't sure exactly where to put it.

So, I thought it would be very convenient if we could have an age calculator. I had a future Queen picked out to go with my King's heir once my current King died, and I realized she would be too old to breed once my heir came into power (or at least I thought she would be too old, I suck at math).

For the "Mathematically Challenged" like I, it would be super nice if you could compare two lions, sort of like being able to see offspring types when you put two lions of your choice together, to see how many years/months apart they'll be at the age of choice. Basically imagine the area where you can see possible outcomes of offspring of the two lions of your choice. Beside there would be a little dropdown box with all the ages your lion can be (including months). The first lion will be the one you pick the age for, and the second lion would be the one of question. It would then tell you how old the second lion would be when the first lion you chose is the age you chose. I hope I'm not being confusing!

If you do not support, please explain why below. I know you can ask in chat, but sometimes people can make mistakes. I'm sure at least some of us have had the problem where we have our future Queen all picked out for your heir, just to come to the realization (sooner or later) that they'll be too old once the time comes. Its quite frustrating, especially when the lioness in question is pretty.

This suggestion has 45 supports and 5 NO supports.

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🦎(#Toad.Ribbit) (#90187)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-24 00:30:27
This will be handy. It took me quite a while to figure out the age my heir would be when my king died.

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Badrani (#85339)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-08-01 00:25:28
Sorry, I have no problem calculating things like that and trust me, I'm no math genius, so I do not consider such a tool necessary.

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Black Rhinoceros (#68593)

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Posted on
2016-08-01 02:55:15

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pendrell (#88617)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-08-01 13:13:06
I want to support, but this seems more like something that would be player created than added into the game.
For instance, as opposed to having an official stat range calculator for cubs, we use ones created by users. I feel like that might be the case for age too; that it would be easier to just have someone make and upload one, rather than asking the admins to implement one.

If nothing else, it helps to take a piece of paper and convert the lion/ess' age into months rather than years, and just add on the cooldowns from there on.

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