Posted by Injustice: Origins Advertisement

Envy's Storage Bin (#14989)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-24 17:01:00
The year is 1974 and the world is aware of the existence of beings with capabilities that far surpass the regular human's. Beings whom the world has taken to calling 'Inhumans', there are those whom accept their presence casually and there are those whom believe they should be locked away to never see the light of day again. Unfortunately in the world of Inhumans; there is the same dilemma. Those whom hate humans for their injustice against the Inhumans and then those whom want to inspire change in the world. There is constant battle for power between the two factions.

Will you cause destruction amongst the human world? Or fight for peace against the chaos?
Choose a side. Join the fight.

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Envy's Storage Bin (#14989)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-08-04 13:01:01

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