Posted by Idris; realm of the shifters [OPEN]

West (#43497)

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Posted on
2016-08-03 16:12:44

Idris ; realm of the shifters


Idris was supposed to be the new world of peace and undiscovered destinies. Shifters by the hundreds fled there a thousand years ago, when they were first persecuted by the humans. Over time, the human empires around them weakened and fell, leaving little to no humans remaining on earth, and none on their chosen lands. This allowed the shifters to govern their home themselves for many generations with little problems.

The large continent of Idris was a lovely home to the hundreds of shifters that remained, even as the humans were failing. Two large Kingdoms, Stratham and Aramore, have recently set shifters from each realm against each other in a battle of power and moral standings as the reigning rulers wage a war. Both economies are slowly falling and lives are becoming harder, not only for the commoners, but for the wealthy and high-classed as well.

You, whomever you have chosen to be, are stuck somewhere in the middle of this war. People are doing what they can to survive, banding together and fleeing some areas while others get together to raid smaller villages and towns in hopes of finding supplies. There were laws about killing and thievery, but of course, none of that matters when all of the higher-ups and officials are too busy fighting an unneeded war. The laws of the land have fallen to the hands of those in it.


More Setting/Plot Information
Idris is located in a medieval, fantasy world where humans, shifters, and a wide variety of non-sentient animals coincide together in a green, mountainous region. There is no electricity or vehicles, mostly just wood and stone structures (picture something kind of like Rome/Greece but with a lot less fancy columns in most areas), but there is also magic and witchcraft. Sometimes one might spot a unicorn in the forest, or a pegasus in the sky just as one might see a herd of wild horses; most fantasy creatures are not impossible to find here, but it must be remembered that the land they exist in is one at war. Groups of raiders destroy settlements and sometimes kill civilians, less-than-stellar knights are known to invade homes and take people's belongings or otherwise harass them, and most people are struggling to find food as it is. Will you have an impact in what happens, or will you avoid the war at all costs?


~All Lioden rules apply.
~Godmodding/powerplay is unacceptable. Be realistic in fighting, and remember, the only character(s) you should be making decisions for are your own.
~Have as many characters as you can handle.
~Try and be diverse with your species! Do NOT keep creating only tiger shifters and expect them to be accepted (of course, more common species will be expected to have more characters than uncommon and/or rare).
~Just because I haven't said a species doesn't mean you can't create one! If you have a question, just ask. I'll do my best to help.
~There ARE weredragons available to be created! (Only 3-4 roles will be open, and you must audition for them: meaning you need one other, more common species before you can ask to create a dragon shifter).
~Any ranking above the Head of War must be accepted by me. I may ask you to change your ranking based on if I think you're active/experienced enough for the role. Feel free to create your own ranking!
~Mature content- excessive violence/gore, graphic death scenes, and/or breeding- needs to fade to black or be taken elsewhere.
~This is intended to be an intermediate/advanced RP. Replies are required to be 5+ sentences and you must practice proper spelling/grammar.
~Be active. If you'll be gone for 3+ days, please message me.
~You may use photo-references for your characters, just please remember to source them correctly (photobucket, tumblr, etc. are NOT original sources). Try not to use artwork unless you have proof it's yours/was given or sold to you/etc.
~No same-player romance. If you want your character to have a significant other, then try and form a relationship IC.
~Limit 1x1. Generally wait until 3-4 people have posted after you before replying again.
~If you read and understand all the rules, please tell me your favorite mythical creature in the other section.


Species and Shifter Information

While they’re deemed both weres and shapeshifters, these are merely humans with the abilities to change form into one species of animal, which is passed through families and gene pools (if there are more canine shifters in your family than felines, then it’s likely your children will turn out as mostly canine shifters as well). However, nearly any species is a possibility because of the ancestry in shifter lineage. Shifters are not controlled by the moon or it’s phases, and learn to control their shifts as they age; most have complete control by the time they’re 18, but stress and certain emotions can still force a shift throughout most of their lives. Some shifter families may have customs against marrying those of different species, but there aren’t any major rules on it.

Common were-species: [meaning about 10-15 of each type can be created] dogs (of all breeds), felines (domestic and wild: normally lions, jaguars, cheetahs, etc.), predatory birds (hawks, falcons, owls, eagles, etc.), most prey animals (rabbits, deer, goats, etc.) and most other carnivores (unless named under other categories).
Uncommon were-species: [meaning about 6-7 of each can be created] foxes, wolves, and coyotes, exotic felines (some tigers, ocelots/servals & other African cat species), most bears, weasels and ferrets (or otherwise carnivorous, small creatures).
Rare were-species: [meaning about 3 of each, max] hyenas, African painted dogs, snow leopards, arctic foxes, polar bears, and many other endangered species. the rarest is dragons, as there's only 3-4 known ones left in the world.

Character Forms:
Full Name:
Preferred Name:
(likely what your character goes by/is referred to as)
(LGBT and all else accepted! No discrimination.)
(See Gender)
Kingdom Citizenship:
(each legal citizen- so any legal member of each Kingdom- is recognized by their Kingdom in castle documents, and their citizenship is recognized on their birth certificate when born)
(King? Knight? Advisor? Please keep in mind the rule over high-statuses. Also, mention their wealth status here too: rich, poor, etc.?)
(pictures accepted. Please source correctly. A small description is also required; height? Weight? Clothing choices? etc.)
(A list of traits will not be accepted. At least one paragraph describing your character)
Brief History:
(doesn’t have to be anything long, just detail your characters past)
(current/past relationships; important family members, friends, enemies, etc.)
Love Interest/Significant Other:
(In a relationship? Interested in someone?)
(*wink wink*)

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Edited on 05/08/16 @ 08:46:42 by West (#43497)

West (#43497)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-08-03 16:13:16

located higher/closer to the mountains and thicker forests, Stratham is quite the sight. tall and wide, a lot of this fortress is covered in ivy but visible in it's meadow, while it's surrounding city lazes down through the mountain/hillsides. there are a little less farms here, but the area can be just as thickly populated as the major town of Aramore.

honored for their numbers and strength, Stratham loyalists are normally more malicious and headstrong in their ways than those in Aramore. More willing to push the limits of life but also valuing honor and integrity, these are a valiant but sometimes vicious people.

Aron Eld III | 27 y/o | Dragon ~ Wyvern
[princes and princesses]

Royal Advisor:
[advises the King and HoW]

Head of War:
[leads the knights, but ultimately under the King and Advisor]

[patrol the kingdom. occasionally fight in battles, but only if they come across Aramore knights on their/neutral land. supposed to protect their Kingdom's civilians/commoners]
Ciarán Reveris | F | 33 y/o | Grizzly Bear

[or witchdoctors. healers of the kingdom. located in different areas of the kingdoms]

Known Mercenaries:
["those concerned with making money at the expense of ethics"; likely bounty hunters or wanted criminals]
Obroox Buile | M | 25 y/o | Kodiak Bear

[includes any who work in the marketplace or farms: blacksmith, merchant, artisan, rancher, etc.]
Flynn Gallagher | M | 27 y/o | Martial Eagle | Animal Trainer/Raiser

[anyone without a defining rank like those above]

_ _ _

located in thickly-forested valley area, Aramore castle is seperated from most of it's people by the trees. the mountains, and eventually Stratham, are to the north. it's surrounding town is thickly populated and furls through the forest and fields arround the castle, while it's farms and such slowly spread throughout the remaining hills.

valued for their calm yet cunning ethics, Aramore loyalists are normally quick-witted and skilled in stealth tactics, choosing most of the time to observe rather than charge. They strive for knowledge and honor loyalty above all, but aren't above lying either.

Alaric Aramora | 47 y/o | Maned Wolf
[princes and princesses]
Princess Natalia Aramora | 22 y/o | African Painted Dog

Royal Advisor:
[advises the King and HoW]

Head of War:
[leads the knights, but ultimately under the King and Advisor]

[patrol the kingdom. occasionally fight in battles, but only if they come across Aramore knights on their/neutral land. supposed to protect their Kingdom's civilians/commoners]

[or witchdoctors. healers of the kingdom. located in different areas of the kingdoms]
Freya Lawrence | F | 19 y/o | African Painted Dog

Known Mercenaries:
["those concerned with making money at the expense of ethics"; likely bounty hunters or wanted criminals]
Casimiro Herrera | M | 26 y/o | Gryphon ~ Jaguar/Sooty Owl
Zenobia Sabane | F | 21 y/o | Domestic Cat/Raven

[includes any who works in the marketplace or farms: blacksmith, merchant, artisan, rancher, etc.]
Hugo Navas | M | 35 y/o | Borzoi | Blacksmith
Gavin Delirium | M | 26 y/o | Snow Leopard | Blacksmith
Mésange Erable | F | 14 y/o | Black-capped Chickadee | Apothecary Shop Owner
Loki Delirium | M | 10 y/o | Ocelot | Orphan

[anyone without a defining rank like those above]

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Edited on 06/08/16 @ 19:56:28 by West (#43497)

West (#43497)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-08-03 16:13:39

Reserved for something. Likely a cast list or the like, when my motivation for that hits.

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Edited on 04/08/16 @ 01:00:30 by West (#43497)

West (#43497)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-08-03 17:59:45

My Characters:

Full Name:
Natalia Rose Aramora
Preferred Name:
Natalia ~ Talia
Canine Shifter
African Painted Dog
Bisexual ~ Heteromantic
Kingdom Citizenship:
Heir to the Aramore Throne ~ princess
Wealthy ~ royalty
As a human, Natalia stands at just over 5'5" and holds a rather thin and lithe build, weighing in around 120 lbs. She has a fairer complexion with little blemishes except a few pale freckles over her cheeks and shoulders. Her hair is rather dark, and could be decribed as a dark brown with redder accents when in sunlight. She holds herself confidently in most situations, but sometimes finds herself shrinking away from yelling or just larger male figures in general.

Natalia's clothes vary depending on where she's found; if out in public, she'll dress more discreetly and attempt to blend in with those around her, meaning darker and often "dirter" clothes. When at the castle, she can be found wearing long dresses of mostly reds- her preferred color- or sometimes blues and purples.

As her painted dog, Talia is rather thin and lanky as well. She stands around 24" at the shoulder and weighs about 60 lbs. Her coat is definitely a paler dogs, but she still has some black spotted through her shoulders, back, and sides. Her muzzle and ears are dark and she has a dark line on her forehead, but her legs hold orange and white splotches, giving her a lighter coloring. The large majority of her tail is white, and Talia's eyes are a dark amber.

Natalia ended up the product of inner tormoil and lots of stressful avoidance of both her father and other castle members, as well as castle life itself. She pushes away most who try to get close to her with little good reason and can have terrible fits of anger and even sadness. Despite all of her indecisiveness and spiteful energy, she can be quite the loving and loyal individual. Desperately searching for someone to connect with, Talia is a lonely girl on the inside, but a somewhat strong, independent woman on the outside- or at least that's how she attempts to show herself to others. [She's a complex, mysterious ball of reckless energy. Idk how to explain her really.]

Brief History:
The Aramora family has had a continuous reign over Aramore since it's creation in the early days of Idris, and had the pleasure of watching it grow from a medium-sized village to a large and very beautiful Kingdom. In the recent years, Natalia's father was chosen as heir to the throne, being the eldest son, and the young woman was thrown into a hellish life as a princess. She was considered royalty before, but now as a titled Princess, she's discovered there's a lot more to living in the King's castle than meets the eye.

Raised within the castle wall's but not expected to act like royalty, Talia grew up as an outdoors-girl, choosing to play with the castle's animals or disappear into the forests rather than commune with the people inside. Three years ago, her father was named King and she attained two guards to wait at her new room's door and two more to follow her everywhere she went. Beginning to hate her own home has led her to often disappear from the castle and hide herself among the common people in the streets or the numerous paths along Aramore's river and forests.

Not much else is known about her, and she never speaks about much else except for her "generic" history. Overall, a very mysterious girl indeed.

Alaric Aramora - Father - King of Aramore
[Undecided Name] - Mother - Queen of Aramore
(open to siblings!)

Love Interest/Significant Other:

Lol hmmm... should I answer my own "question"?
I'd probably say shapeshifters, meh, go me.

Moderator removed image due to lack of source

Full Name:
Flynn Tierny Gallagher
Preferred Name:
Bird Shifter
Martial Eagle
Bisexual ~ Homoromantic
Kingdom Citizenship:
Horse/Mythical Creature Trainer ~ Rancher
not wealthy ~ not poor
Flynn is an average sized guy, standing around 5' 10" and weighing around 141 lbs. He has thick but lengthy shoulders and arms, and a well-muscled body that has the strength of his animal counterpart. He has an average, slightly tanned complexion and a dark, thick head of hair and a nice layer of scruff and beard growing in that he keeps handsomely trimmed and clean. He prefers lighter clothing, and often opts for white shirts and brown trousers because of his lengthy, hard work.

As his eagle counterpart, Flynn is a large bird with a brown head and wings. His legs are a pale cream and white, but they're also speckled with brown, as his wings are speckled with lighter colors. He weighs in at 16 lbs. and has a wingspan of about 6' 4". He is 32" long, from black beak, to dark brown tail. His eyes are a piercing yellow.

Flynn is actually a lot alike to his bird, having spent a lot of his time as his other half. Calculating and sometimes cold, this is quite the dangerous male. Not wanting to be challenged to dared, but willing to accept either, Flynn has a rather aggressive and temperemental behavior. He can often control his moods to a certain extent, but it's always best to keep out of his way just in case he loses that control. He has a deep love for nature and animals, and adores his mother and sisters; he'd do anything for his family.

Brief History:
Born and raised in Stratham, Flynn never quite got out very far or very often. He didn't dream of travel as often as his sisters, but he would often venture through the mountains with his miscellaneous horse-creatures and enjoy the land. His love of nature and animals brought him into the life of animal raising and training at a young age, when he found a lone pegasus foal as a teen and nursed him back to health. Since his mother was a wealthy merchant, selling a variety of objects and cool collectables, she allowed him to endulge in his enjoyments until he could begin to make money off of the skills he was developing.

Astrid ~ Mother ~ alive, in Stratham
Lianna ~ Sister, 17 ~ alive, in Stratham
Maisie ~ Sister, 6 ~ alive, in Stratham

Love Interest/Significant Other:


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Edited on 07/08/16 @ 10:08:49 by West (#43497)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-08-03 18:19:51

Full Name:
Ciarán Reveris.

Preferred Name:

33 years old.


Bear Shifter.
Grizzly Bear.

Demisexual | Biromantic.

Kingdom Citizenship:


She's paid fairly well, but not enough to be considered wealthy. Never granted her own land, she often lodges at local inns rather than staying at the castle.

Image | Source

Ciarán is a tall, dark-skinned lady with medium length straight black hair. Her eyes are just as dark as her hair, deep set and curving subtly at the edges.
She's around 6'0", weighing in at a mighty 180 pounds. Her build is somewhat brawny for a woman, made up of lean muscle and sharp angles. Her face is oval with a very slightly triangular jawline, a rounded nose and thick lips. Her body is heavily scarred with the most prominent being an old wound slashing diagonally across the face, stretching from the left ear, over the bridge of the nose and down to the right side of the chin.

As a knight she is most often seen wearing a set of burnished armor. The underclothes consist of a pale gray linen shirt and pants. White woolen stockings cover the legs. Over that a padding garment known as a doublet is worn, partially chainmail along the arms as well as around the waist and throat, the rest being thick reddish material made from leather. Next is the body armor itself and finally the surcoat, which is in actuality little more than a robe tied at the middle with a black belt.

The surcoat is a brilliant crimson color, offsetting the onyx plating beneath it and emblazoned with Startham’s coat of arms. Her shoes are dark and closed, comparable to combat boots in shape. The last piece of her attire is a fitted helmet, crafted from black steel, encompassing the head entirely. The front can either be slid up to reveal her face or locked into place to protect it from harm with only slots for her eyes and small breathing holes provided as an opening.

As a bear she tops the charts at 800 pounds and stands 4’6” at the shoulder. Ciarán’s fur is thick and course, a very dark brown in shade that can very nearly look black depending on the lighting provided. The hair of her legs and paws is even darker than the rest of her pelt and does indeed look black to the human eye. Her frame is robust and heavily built, but does not hinder her speed. As with most bears she can still run much faster than the average human and can cover up to 50 yards in little more than 2 seconds. She has a dished facial profile and small, round dark eyes. Her ears are short and circular, her muzzle blunt and head broad with a distinctive hump between the shoulders. Her claws are long and razor sharp, capable of causing massive amounts of damage. Ciarán’s scars are slightly less visible in this from thanks to her long coat.

Impassive and seemingly detached, it's rather hard to tell what this woman might actually be feeling or thinking, her emotions almost impossible to read. Ciarán appears to have a nearly endless amount of patience, but that won't stop her from smacking anyone unruly upside the head if needed. Some may find her to be a bit dull as she isn't exactly one for small talk, or conversation at all for that matter. Ciarán is not mute, but hardly ever speaks unless she deems it necessary. Years upon years of defending the realm from beasts and men alike have left her scarred physically, but her father's neglect and the abuse she suffered throughout her childhood have left her heart damaged most of all, perhaps to the point of being irreparable.

Despite not being a magician of any sort she is prone to visions. If she holds any other affinity for magic within herself, such a talent has not revealed itself beyond the Sight. Receiving and recovering from a vision, which is usually both painful and energy draining, are generally the only times she expresses uncontrolled emotion. Despite her cold exterior Ciarán is not without compassion for others. She became a knight to protect the people and upholds a strict, self-imposed code of honor. She is cautious to avoid abusing the power of her position and will hold fellow knights accountable for deplorable or amoral actions, even if that means going behind the king’s back to deliver a little righteous punishment. She’s rather infamous for handing out unordered ass whoopings, but trusted among civilians for her candor and sense of justice.

Brief History:
Ciarán was born the only child of Bart Reveris, a lord of the Kingdom of Stratham. Her mother Amari was a wealthy noblewoman from another war-torn country who initially traveled to Idris to escape the bloodshed. One might question why these lands had seemed any safer to a newcomer, a human no less, between its savage beasts and the general unrest created by the Great War, but Lady Amari seemed quite at home, perhaps due to her attachment to Bart. They were never married and Ciarán was born out of wedlock a bastard. Despite clearly being female, Bart gave his daughter a masculine name as he had truly wanted a son. Lady Amari unfortunately died shortly after due to complications from childbirth and in his grief Bart rejected his only child, sending her to be raised by a farming family in the country.

Bart formally married several years later, but when his new wife Christine proved infertile he reluctantly decided to bring Ciarán home again. By that point of her life she was already 13. Ciarán was dubbed an official Reveris, but Bart still treated her more like a son than a daughter, often putting her to work. Not a stranger to hard labor or harsh treatment, the girl never complained. Her step-mother was not fond of her in the least and took to tormenting Ciarán behind her father's back daily. Ciarán had inherited her mother’s darker looks rather than her father’s pale complexion and it is likely these differences were part of her mistreatment at the hands of her step-mother and the properties other residents. Growing tired of the abuse and wanting to decide for herself what her destiny would be Ciarán joined the royal guard, eventually becoming skilled enough to be promoted to a Knight.

None at the moment. Will be updated as needed. PM if interested.

Love Interest/Significant Other:
None at the moment. Open.

Theme Song:
Who Will Save You Now - Les Friction.

Dragons! I know. How typical. :P


Full Name:
Aron Eld III.

Preferred Name:
Aron is just fine.

27 years old.


Dragon Shifter.

Bisexual | Biromantic.

Kingdom Citizenship:


He's a king so pretty darn wealthy.

Image | Source

A man of decent height at 5'11" and weighing in around 155 pounds. With unruly ginger hair, bright amber eyes and a sharp, chiseled face it isn't hard to see the fiery soul hidden beneath the surface of a fairly unassuming human form. His build is lithe and lean, not quite what one might expect of a king known throughout the land for his tenacity, but not worryingly thin either. He rarely shaves, but keeps his beard neatly trimmed and never allows it to grow very long. The hair along the sides of his head is kept short, becoming longer and more wavy near the top. His skin is fair, face dotted with faint freckling.

His choice in clothing, while lavish, is still considered causal for a man of his stature. Close-fitting burgundy breeches with a matching pair of pointed boots, finely woven black stockings, and a navy blue jacket worn over a black silk shirt with burgundy lining are among his favorite outfits to wear. He doesn't often opt in for a surcoat despite it being a bit unseemly for a king to go without one. He's never quite been a fan of hats either despite their popularity, but is capable of tolerating them when necessary.

In his second form he's a sizable reptile to most creatures, but still rather on the small side compared to most dragons. A slender beast with dark, burnt orange scales and dazzling amber eyes. His body is almost snake-like, light weight and flexible with two well-muscled hind legs, the feet equipped with sharp darkly colored claws. A pair of large, leathery wings extend from the shoulders and end in small clawed hands, each having only three fingers. The neck is long and arched. The head narrow and muzzle somewhat boarder with sharpened teeth that hang out of the mouth and overlap in a similar fashion to a crocodile. His chest is wide, a cavity located inside that withholds fire. Two white horns jut out of the back of the skull and curl upwards ever so slightly at the tips.

As with many in Stratham, Aron has a rather fearsome reputation, often referred to as the fireblood or dragon king. Cunning and deceptive, he is not unfamiliar with violence and can prove undeniably ruthless when it comes to defending the realm or else settling a personal score. He's the type to hold grudges and relishes vengeance. He has an oddly calm and laid-back demeanor, amicable to all, always speaking with a chipper tone and a smile on his face. This makes it difficult to tell when and if he's angry as his emotions are carefully shielded and not many can claim to have ever heard him raise his voice.

Considered unprofessional and overly frivolous in attitude by warring kingdoms, he's well-liked for the most part among his own people, or else resented, for being as fair as a king can be with the common folk in such trying times. He finds the raiding of civilian villages and increasing crime-rates concerning, but is also under the impression nothing can be done about it until the war has reached its end and the battles of the land indeed consume most of his attention. War, after all, brings out the absolute worst in most people. He's not any exception as the burned towns in Aramore would likely vouch for.

Brief History:
Raised elsewhere beyond the mountains of Stratham, Aron was not born into royalty. Most of Dragonkind saw fit to keep a safe distance from the realm of other shifters. Wary of their greedy natures and penchant for territorial disputes. This didn't last for long as the population grew and dragons steadily decreased. Those who remained found themselves forced to confirm to a new society. At 19 human years exactly Aron made a home for himself in Stratham as little more than a shoe maker. He captured the attention of the reigning queen before long, as he was considered a rarity among the city's other shifters.

They married only a month later, many unhappy with the decision as Aron was little more than a peasant. This did nothing to dissuade the queen, a woman nearing her last years who found the idea of a charming younger man by her side for the rest of her days too intoxicating a notion to give up. She had no children of her own and considered her other relatives unfit for the crown. Once she passed she left everything to Aron. His right to the throne was, perhaps rightfully, disputed, but naysayers never seemed to last long and eventually dissenters quieted down for fear of being burnt to a crisp.

None at the moment. Will be updated as needed. PM if interested.

Love Interest/Significant Other:
None at the moment. Open.

Theme Song:
Firewall - Les Friction.

Wow so I suck at describing dragons.


Full Name:
Hugo Navas.

Preferred Name:

35 years old.


Canine Shifter.

Heterosexual | Heteroromantic.
Or so he thinks. Still capable of being attracted to males.

Kingdom Citizenship:


He gets plenty of work, but it's not a high-paying occupation. He tip-toes the line of poor and middle class.

Image | Source

As a human Hugo is about 6'4" and weighs 206 pounds. He has short, wavy light brown hair that darkens along the tips, blue-green eyes and lightly tanned skin. His body type could generally be described as somewhere between willowy and solid. Tall and svelte, but rather heavier than one might expect and not lacking in muscle. His chin is covered in a thin beard that never seems to grow beyond its current length.

His clothes off-duty tend to be loose-fitting and casual. At work he has better made and more protective attire consisting of a coarsely-woven mid-long sleeve linen shirt, deerskin breeches, leather boots with buckles, a protective mask and a fire-repellent apron as well as a pair of gloves while making weapons. A deep scar slashes across the bridge of the nose and his left eye is clouded over slightly with limited sight.

A long-legged sighthound at 33 inches and 105 pounds in dog form. His most notable features are his silky, wavy light brown and white bi-color coat, lengthy muzzle and narrow, slightly domed head. Gray-black crescent shaped markings lines around the nose and at the edges of his mouth. His frame is similar in shape to that of a Greyhound or other racing hounds with an arched back, streamlined body, small floppy ears that lay back against the skull and straight front legs, while also retaining more muscle. The tail is low set and curves slightly with long, wispy looking hair.

Hugo is a gentle soul who spends most of his days working away on new weapons and...not much else. His job is his life now. While an exceptionally warm and amiable individual he tends to avoid social gatherings if he can and keeps to himself for the most part. He has little tolerance for violence and will attempt to defuse tense situations without bloodshed even at risk to his own well-being. At his core he is a protector, determined to keep those around him safe though he chose the life of a blacksmith over a knight or soldier.

He is somewhat forlorn and always seems to hold a certain level of melancholy about him. Truth be told he's a bit of a lonely fellow, but has resigned himself to the life he leads now, in solitude with only his work to focus on. Modest and unselfish, he doesn't expect much from people. He can prove timid and meek in the presence of the wealthy or knights. His good nature often leads to him being used as a doormat as he isn't as keen to stick up for himself as he is for others and in some ways considers maybe he doesn't deserve to be treated well. Dude has some serious self-loathing issues that go well beyond being just a little unhealthy.

Brief History:
He won't discuss it, but whatever his past holds appears to trouble him immensely.

This is so lazy I'm sorry I just really don't want to write another history right now forgive please.

None at the moment. Will be updated as needed. PM if interested.

Love Interest/Significant Other:
None at the moment. Open.

Theme Song:
Dream - Imagine Dragons.


Full Name:
Casimiro Herrera.

Preferred Name:
Cas is an acceptable nickname.

26 years old.


Gryphon Shifter.
Jaguar/Sooty Owl Combination.

Pansexual | Panromantic.

Kingdom Citizenship:

Mercenary. Sort of.

He's a former soldier who abandoned the army and is now a gun for hire, however he doesn't lack ethics. He'll only accept jobs he feels won't conflict with his morals. Will also often work for free if the cost is unaffordable to his clients. All in all he's pretty terrible at keeping an eye on his expenses and survives off the pity or gratitude of strangers.

A Latino man standing around 6'2" and weighing 190 pounds. His build is fairly fit and well-muscled without being exaggerated. Casimiro has brown skin, a tone somewhere between light and dark. His eyes are upturned and a pale shade of gray, though if looked at very closely one might notice faint flecks of green surrounding the pupil. His hair is jet black, kept cut short and straight. If allowed to grow out it naturally becomes mildly wavy at the ends. His face is somewhat triangular in shape, features neither soft nor exceedingly sharp. Tattoos of a sooty owl's wing decorate each shoulder blade and stretch out along the upper arm. A little like this.

His clothing is mostly what one might expect from a peasant. Dull colors. Rather practical and unassuming. A cloth blouse fastened around the waist with a leather belt, a thick overcoat made from wool that falls from the shoulders to half-way down the legs, a pair of old boots, trousers and padded gloves. From the belt hangs the sheath of a knife, though he rarely uses it. All in all not a huge fan of weapons, but understands at times they are necessary.

He's a bit of an odd looking creature in beast form. His head down to the chest is that of an owl with black and gray mottled feathers, his eyes large, round and an unsettling black with no visible pupil. Add his small, hooked yellow-grey beak with a sharp looking edge and a white facial disk to that and he has a rather spooky appearance. The front legs are long, thing and covered in light gray scales, bending at the elbow and ending in razor sharp black talons. The rest of the body, tail and hind legs are more comparable to a melanistic Jaguar. Very feline-like and powerfully built. The hair short, glossy and black with very faint spotting. The claws on the hind paws are shorter, but just as sharp. A pair of large, feathery dark gray wings connect at the shoulders, though they look as if they come from the back at a distance. Peppered with flecks of white and bands of light gray, his wings are probably the most 'colorful' part of his body. Small tufts of feather stick up on each side of the head giving the illusion of ears.

Honestly a bit disillusioned with Idris' current predicament. Becoming a mercenary was equal parts make that money and trying to do better by Aramore's citizens as well as make a better world for his children. He's surprisingly optimistic all things considered, wears his heart on his sleeve and is willing to go to great lengths to protect other people. A bit foolhardy at times, but generally well meaning. He strikes an imposing figure between his size and spooky beast form, but is mostly harmless unless you're who he's been hired to go after or else causing a ruckus. His social skills aren't the best despite his compassionate nature and he often proves awkward around strangers.

Brief History:
He comes from a long line of soldiers and was trained from childhood to more or less be a killing machine. His parents made certain to instill decent values in him regardless so there was always a certain balance of skill and good morals. Though as a result he was often unhappy when obeying orders, not truly believing killing under orders from the crown to be justifiable. Seeing the damage even his fellow soldiers were willing to cause the civilian population left him feeling less than friendly with his soldiers in arms and after an incident that left a three of the royal guard dead he took off for good, never to return. At first he simply kept to staying out of sight, wandering the wilderness and more rural areas to escape detection.

Eventually he settled down in a far end of the county, married and had a family. The happiness he found with them only lasted a few years before enemy knights raided the farm while he was away looking for work and set everything on fire once they'd taken what they wanted. No one was harmed beyond the knights frightening his daughters and harassing his wife, but they were never quite the same. His wife fell ill on his oldest daughter's 6th birthday and died a year a later. Tired of sitting on the sidelines and hoping to provide better for his children he got into mercenary work, his wife's sister watching over the girls while he's away. Of course his empathetic heart keeps him from making much in the meantime, but the kids are proud of their dad and view him as a sort of superhero. They're poor yes, but not entirely unhappy.

None at the moment. Will be updated as needed. PM if interested.

Love Interest/Significant Other:
None at the moment. Open.

Theme Song:
Sick Of It - Skillet

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Edited on 06/08/16 @ 16:20:58 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Ser Isles (#57298)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-08-03 23:13:20
also maybe a griffin?? are there griffins in this?

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Edited on 04/08/16 @ 06:14:16 by Ser Isles (#57298)

West (#43497)

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Posted on
2016-08-04 00:26:27
@Ser Isles
Lol, go right ahead. Potato has herself a grizzly bear and is in the process of finishing her gryphon.

I'd say as long as they're not too similar for right now (basically, not the same type of bear or the same species' for your gryphon; Potato's is a mix of jaguar and owl, for example). This is subject to change if I end up liking your characters created (if they're diverse enough in other factors), because I'm terrible like that.

Also, try to keep in mind that there should be more common than uncommon/rare species. ^~^
other than that, create on!

I hope my blabbering didn't scare you off <3

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Edited on 04/08/16 @ 15:31:24 by West (#43497)

The Cheshire Cat (#39139)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-08-04 10:37:04
I want a gryphon~

or a dragon or snow leopard

or, a Cheshire Cat.

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Edited on 04/08/16 @ 20:12:34 by The Cheshire Cat (#39139)

Hetchi🦂👑 (#39590)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-04 12:30:05
Name: Gavin Delirium

Preferred Name: Gav

Age: 26 years Born on October 29

Gender: Male

Species: Snow Leopard

Orientation: Bisexual

Kingdom Citizenship: Aramore

Status: Gavin is a well known Blacksmith and an even better Swordsmith. As he doesn’t have a steady home and stays in inn’s during most of his larger projects, his wealth is more liquid. He’s not rich but he doesn’t want for much as he doesn’t need much either.

Appearance: Nothing about Gavin's body is soft as his work keeps his body tough, bruised and sometimes even burned. But looking at his face you could be fooled into thinking he's a female. Must be what his mother looks like. His arms are the most defined as sword making keeps him toned. His legs are toned and made for hard work and running.
Mr. Delirium is Not overly tall as he stands about 5.9ft. His eyes are a vibrant green color that stand out from his tanned skin; or it would if he ever looked up from his work. Gavin weighs about 174lbs with dirty blonde medium length hair that curls up in an uncontrollable way.

Most days Gavin wears a white long sleeve shirt that he rolls up to the elbow and covers with a ruby colored vest. The vest holds together at his waist with a leather belt that matches his calf high boots. Black bands cover his wrist and in an effort to tame his hair he pulls it back in a short ponytail at his nape. Gavin's pants are made for easy movement and he keeps the legs tucked into his boots. When on the move he keeps a bow and quiver strapped to his back and a sword on his hip. Hidden under his vest long ends are a mixture of daggers and a journal. As a snow leopard his fur is a mix of white with black spots and line. He keeps his eyes the same in each form. As a leopard he is easily 60inches in length with his tail being most of it. On all four legs Gavin stands 22inches tall at shoulder.

Personality: During what he calls his man hours, Gavin is focused, hard working and a 'no bull' kind of male. But in his free time he’s nothing but a lazing feline. Not that you’ll ketch him doing much laying around as he likes to take his work on the road. He isn’t much for picking a side in the war as the constant battles keep him well paid. Not all shifters do well without their claws and teeth after all. He’s also more of a bookworm than he lets on and has an eye for shiny things...

Brief History: Gavin was raised by his father who never stayed in one place for long. He doesn’t have a memory of his mother and that’s fine by him. Control of his shifting didn’t come easy to him and now he chooses to only use it as a last resort. His father was a traveling blacksmith this bred Gavin’s love for making items with his hands. But this also left him without a sense of loyalty to anyone or anyplace. “Who needs loyalty when the next buyer pays better?”
Even without being very loyal, Gavin always delivers product on time and in a well made condition. Gavin is no stranger to work and has no problem using his smaller slender form in battle.

Now Gavin finds himself looking for a place to settle as new responsibilities come and go. Being a father to Loki means settling down and doing better than his father before him. It will take a while to pick a home and Gavin might just build it himself.

Relationships: All of his family is dead or unknown to him. He does have a odd little cat that fallows him around. Loki is as close to a friend as Gavin cares to get.

Other: Ever Crows.

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Edited on 05/08/16 @ 23:57:40 by Hetchi (#39590)

West (#43497)

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Posted on
2016-08-04 12:53:06
@The Cheshire Cat ~ If Ser Isles ends up making their gryphon then I won't be allowing any more until there are more characters, and you've got to have a more common species before asking/auditioning for a dragon.

@Hetchi ~ I'm gonna need you to source your images, but after that, you're accepted.
I'm just a little concerned about some of your spellings, but this is a place of learning, so I hope you have fun with this and let your writing grow with you :D

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Hetchi🦂👑 (#39590)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-04 13:10:31
I'm sorry about the spelling(s). I was in the proses of testing how to correctly link. I'm not yet fully done spell checking and usually edit my character forms multiple times at first- and a few more times later on. Form making and linking images is not my best skill, but I do generally spell check every post and every individual character I have.

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The Cheshire Cat (#39139)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-08-04 13:14:01
Are we allowed to have animal hybrids? (i.e., fox crossed with a spider or something)

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West (#43497)

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Posted on
2016-08-04 14:15:39
@Hetchi ~ ah, sorry I was so quick to jump on you then *hands you cookies*
But also, you're images still aren't correctly sourced. Instead of linking to the picture page, it should link to the website where the pictures originated from. It's good to type into Google [for example] "snow leopard stock photos" to find pictures easily sourcable.

@The Cheshire Cat ~ hmm. I hadn't thought about it until now. I think that as long as the animals are easily crossable (so no, not a fox and a spider) like two canine species, a canine x feline, a bird x deer (or really, anything without bugs for the most part I guess, I'm sorry).

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Ser Isles (#57298)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-08-04 14:18:50
hot damn might drop the gryphon actually coz lmao need more experience with characters
keeping da bear tho

Full Name: Obroox Buile
Preferred Name:
Obroox, oobie, roxie
Age: 25
Gender: male
Species: kodiak bear
Orientation: who knows
Kingdom Citizenship: Stratham but born outside of kingdoms.
Status: mercenary - not poor but not rolling in it
Appearance: Short and robust, the years as a mercenary has toughened his body. He has long black hair that tends to hang over his face though he may tie it back in a samurai knot. His eyes are grey with purple rings around the pupil. The general look of his face is hard but rounded, he has a strong jaw but his extra padding softens the look. He tends to wear leather armour and keeps a sword and shield on his person. Neither weapon has had much use as he prefers his bear form. Said bear form is enormous, easily 5'6ft on all fours and nearly reaching 11ft on hind legs. He weighs around 725kg as a bear. The fur is thick and black, the hide is tough, and the body is strong. His eyes are the same as his human eyes.
A hardened mercenary. He works for money. He generally works for the army, but has also been hired by towns looking to defend themselves from bandits. It's rumoured that he's the reason for there being so few bandits in the area as many of their groups were found torn apart. When dealing business, he's very professional, he asks for the info he needs, makes sure he's not being duped, and gets to work. The more... ill-willed employers have found issues with him. One had sent him to collect taxes from a town under guise of being the landlord of the area. Turned out the town had been extorted by this person for many years. The ex-employer and his gang ended up with a very angry bear on their hands. This has led to gangs and such strongly avoiding him.
Outside of mercenary work, he's incredibly friendly. He enjoys people, he enjoys pranks, he enjoys stories. If you make a friend with him, he's a friend for life and will protect you with every massive bearish bone in his body. He truly cares about people and does his best to make sure they're ok, whether it means forfeiting his pay, rebuilding a lodge, or just sitting and talking.
Brief History:
Long history as a mercenary. Born between the kingdoms where he lived with his dad. Learnt to build lodges, farms, the lot. His father taught him a little sword work, but mostly they would hang around as bears building stuff. When he was 16, he moved to the kingdoms where his mother worked as a knight. She taught him better swordplay and ensured he knew how to use a shield, not only for deflecting arrows or swords, but also as a weapon. After all, it's hard for an opponent to attack if they have a concussion. Eventually he got the hang of combining his skills with weapons and his skill as a bear. He learnt to quickly shift, to palm the flat of a sword with his bear hand, and to keep his bear self from getting stabbed. His parents were proud of him becoming a mercenary, neither wanted him trapped in the war and they knew he'd do a lot more good for people this way.
Parents (mama bear and papa bear), one is a retired knight in Stratham, the other lives in the woods
Love Interest/Significant Other:
*sweats profusely* no what?
bugbears are cool as heck but holy crap do i love owlgryphons and owlbears and bandersnatches aND I LIKE MONSTERS A LOT SO LIKE THE ELDRITCH HORRORS AND STUFF gimme all the critters i love em

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Edited on 05/08/16 @ 08:24:22 by Ser Isles (#57298)

The Cheshire Cat (#39139)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-08-04 14:19:47
No no, it was just an example XD, I wanted to make a leopard- fish thing, if that's okay~

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West (#43497)

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Posted on
2016-08-04 14:23:49
Oh xD hmm... that's quite an odd pairing, but if that's what you want and you can make it work, you go for it :D

Ser Isles is accepted!

So sorry my forms still aren't done yet guys, I'm having a little trouble with them ;-;
I feel terrible about it.

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Edited on 04/08/16 @ 21:25:45 by West (#43497)

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