Posted by | Carpe Diem [Pokemon RP] |
![]() [Side]winder (#71221) Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-05 02:40:07 |
Current Plot: Welcome to Hoenn! The region, once plagued by Team Magma and Aqua, and nearly brought to ruin by both, is at peace. The League, to promote the new Battle Tower, decided to issue a special challenge: A tougher gym leader battle to test veteran trainers, and find new rising stars, Currently, trainers from all regions are gathering in Slateport, after a ride to Hoenn by boat. There seems to be a commotion, though, and people are whispering about spotting people clad in Team Magma/Aqua uniforms running around in the evening. Signup Thread! [Rules here] Char Reference List Character SheetsNo thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.![]() |
|Honeybee| (#39806)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-18 11:49:41 |
Bailey Shields | Beginner | Location: Slateport Docks | Mentions: {directly} Keith, Alex, Jake At that news, Bailey gave a sad-looking half smile. "So it's kind of a long shot if I ever want to become a gym leader, huh?" That was disappointing. Though, it just meant she would have to work harder if she wanted to achieve that goal. She turned back to Keith and smiled at him. "That's cool! So you've had her for a long time then. My brother's a Pokemon breeder, and he gave me Blue about two years ago since I didn't have a Pokemon of my own yet. We've been together ever since." Then, a Ninetales came bounding towards their group. Blue crouched protectively in front of his trainer, hackles raised and electricity crackling through his fur as he tried to determine whether or not the strange Pokemon meant his trainer any harm. When it began prancing around Keith's feet, however, he calmed, his fur lying flat again as he sat in front of Bailey, still watching. ![]() |
Ichigo (#8268)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-18 19:46:50 |
Jake| Female| Veteran| Mentions: Keith, Alex, Bailey Jake flushed under what she assumed was the other trainer scolding her, causing her to straighten her spine and level her green eyes to his grey ones. How dare he. "It was a long boat ride and Kili suffered the most, it would have been cruel to keep him in his pokeball," She defended coldly, though why she felt to need to explain herself to him definitely confused her. "I will apologize once more but usually he is better behaved then this," she added, trying to remain polite but all the while thinking that compared to how Thorin and Kuro would react, her Ninetails was practically a saint. Sensing Jake's sudden irritation Levi bared his teeth in a silent snarl, while Draco simply draped his large head protectively over her shoulder, narrowing his eyes but making no other move as he didn't want the Luxio or Pangoro to feel as if he was picking a fight. Finally finding a window of opportunity, Kili jumped up and placed his paws on the dark haired trainers chest, nudging one of the Klefki's keys with his black nose as he tried to identify the strange pokemon. Little did he know he sucessfully broke the tension on Jakes part, a small smile pulling at the corner of her mouth as she watched an awestruck expression take over Kili's features. "Kili down! Sorry and yes he is completely friendly... sometimes too friendly," she grumbled half-heartedly, unable to grab him as she had her arms full of a displeased Umbreon. ((Sorry if it is bad, I was so exhausted when writing this..)) ![]() |
[Side]winder (#71221)
Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-20 09:14:55 |
Keith & Alex | Beginner + Champion | Mentions: Jake / Bailey "I know how that is, but no matter how well trained, they can wait a while longer," Alex met the girl's eyes with his own, knowing fully well Tiny probably would have already rampaged through town and Azreth trying to curse an unsuspecting person. Though that was his own, though the lady's team seemed to have a few fire-types. He heard those were rather hard to control... "Aw, that's cool, he's so cute!" Keith laughed, ruffling the sides of Kili's neck ruff, flicking his eyes up to Tinks. She looked a bit distressed at something trying to take her keys, only 3 in number. A rusty one, Keith's house key, and then a comically large plastic teething ring, "He's so fluffy! Look at him! And so soft, too!" ![]() |
Ichigo (#8268)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-08-24 16:26:01 |
Jake| Female| Veteran| Mentions: Keith, Alex Jake managed to bite back a sarcastic response, not wanting to be completely rude to the grey haired trainer. Though who did he think he was telling her how to deal with her own pokemon? Kili had ment no harm, she would have kept him in a pokeball if that were the case, he was just high strung and curious after a long trip. "I will keep that in mind," she aknowledged, her eyes widening when she noticed the large Pangoro standing near the strange male. Oh wow, he was amazing! She had never before had the chance to be this close to this type of pokemon, not to mention this one seemed like he was very well taken care of. She had also heard that Pangoro's were difficult to train even on the best of days, who exactly was this trainer? Her thoughts were broken by the dark haired trainer's words, causing a genuine chuckle to pass her lips as she laid eyes on the frankly adorable sight. Kili was quite enjoying the attention of the human, but he really wanted the Klefki to come down and play too, he just didn't understand why the other pokemon looked so distressed... all he wanted to do was play! Watching the three interact, a few seconds later Jake realized she forgot something important. "Oh sorry where are my manners! My name is Jake Kaido, I am a veteran trainer from Lavender Town in the Kanto region. The fluffy Ninetails is Kili, this guy in my arms is Levi, and the protective Arcanine is Draco," she said as she introduced herself and her teamates, Draco still looming over her shoulder protectively though he gave a small nod in greeting. ![]() |