Posted by Cryo Bank/facility feature

solo(side)-Tired (#28080)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-08-05 06:01:38
EDIT: The Cryo Bank could be an actual HUMAN run research facility. The main purpose would be to Collect and store "Genetic material" for later breeding purposes.However in the Facility a Great horned owl has moved in to the cold storage and will offer you Item storage for a fee. Genetic material would be viable for 30 days after which the viability % would drop each account rollover by 10% making a resulting pregnancy less and less likely but mutation chance 1% higher with each 10% drop. food items could be stored for a maximum of 30 days before it Rots.

Back story: Woah its chilly back here!And what are all those Tanks!?
You see a Great Horned Owl Perched one of the Tanks. "WHOOO Goes there!?" You want to use my tanks?, You have to give me some tasty beetles to store it! Not all Knowledge is money you know!"

So I'm sure I am not the only one who finds it Extremely frustrating to scrounge for event currency for things like egg yolks and Honeycomb only to have them expire due to the limit you can eat per day. Soooo I thought why not suggest a GB item called the Cryo Bank. This Feature can be found in explore under monkey shop and can store up to 10 Food items freely and then it cost GB for each extra slot. Placing food in the cryo bank would eliminate expiration until removed But requires a storage fee each month. Owl's Gotta Eat you know even old Grouchy ones.

Edit Regarding Smo's question:
The Cryo unit would cost- 5 GB and then 150 SB monthly Storage Fee up to 10 Slots. Additional slots would require the same fee as Territory slots starting in SB and then costing GB after 25 with each additional slot over 25 the monthly fee increases by 10 SB.

This suggestion has 43 supports and 30 NO supports.

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Edited on 06/08/16 @ 10:23:18 by solo(side)- *Loading....* (#28080)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-08-05 06:08:03
I LOVE this idea, especially for someone like me who plans on gathering many yokes and honeycombs once they're back!

What were you thinking of as a price for the storage fee?
The only iffy thing is, how much GB for the unit, and maybe the slots start off in sb and progress to GB?

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violetta (#64771)

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Posted on
2016-08-05 06:11:36
It kinda defeats the purpose of things expiring. Lioden is supposed to be a realistic sim game. And lately it's been edging away far from that onto the edge of fantasy. First with the hyena butter to the extra fur and mane colors, then with the battle beetles to top it all Lioden is slowly but surely floating away into the deep end. I'm sorry but I don't support this, too unrealistic.

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Whispermouse (#42554)

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Posted on
2016-08-05 15:13:31
No support for me for the reasons mentioned above. I do think its worth noting that "side accounts" do basically serve as freezers, and if you're looking to store those honeycomb and egg yolks, you can set them all up in private trades in your side account with a buyout, and then buy them from yourself as needed without rolling over your side. Doesn't even cost you anything!

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solo(side)-Tired (#28080)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-08-06 02:10:21
Alright number one if Lioden was realistic 90% of the stuff on LD would not exist. Number 2 Having the cryo Bank would eliminate the need to have up a ton of trades to store your things. Not to mention Having tons of trades up that serve no point defeats the purpose of the feature. it is a TRADING CENTER. Not an auction House and not a storage locker.

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Whispermouse (#42554)

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Posted on
2016-08-06 02:32:48
Calm down, it was a suggestion. Yeah lioden isn't 100% realistic, but a cryobank is a pretty far stretch for a lot of people, especially because there are already people complaining that the admins are moving too far away from reality.

The trading center has always served as a way to transfer goods, so using it to transfer goods from your side account to your main account while not necessarily the explicit intention, is perfectly valid.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-08-06 02:52:39
Unrealistic Thing in Lioden:

Taking Center
Quests and Snakes
Crying Stone
Karma Points/Titles
Branch sales
Giving Tree
Monkey business
Hyena butter
Apedemak and Apollyon
Decor in general
Battle beetles
Blue lions!

Get the picture? This game is supposed to be for fun, some non-realistic things just make the game more unique and enhance it! :)
Please try to keep an open mind, just because it's not realistic doesn't mean it's a bad idea. <3

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Edited on 06/08/16 @ 09:54:56 by SmoGirl [#TeamSmomiah] (#69866)

Nea (#18363)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-08-06 02:53:41
That's what side accounts are for

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solo(side)-Tired (#28080)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-08-06 02:57:56
Ignore this

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Edited on 06/08/16 @ 10:10:19 by solo(side)- *Loading....* (#28080)

🍹 Tilted Scene (#57576)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-06 02:58:30
I see both sides of this. Yes side accounts can be frozen. Private Trades can be placed for easy buy out from the frozen account. Though, I know I, personally, would love to open my accounts back up fully. Or have an easier process for switching which acct is frozen and which is active.

Personally, I would adore being able to transfer my frozen trades to my other account when I want the side to be active and my main to be frozen, instead of the pain of removing trades and setting them up elsewhere.

I do understand the desire to keep the game realistic. I agree whole heartedly that the game has gone off that track ages ago. My most favorite (not really) features lately are the beetles and the caves. They are far from realistic. And the beetles being an ENTIRE sub game to our actual Lion game is a bit ridiculous. Lions don't have pet beetles, I doubt they battle them like cocks or dogs in some underground gambling scene in the savannah. They also aren't cave animals. We don't see maroon, pink, bright red, blue, etc lions in real life either. The game will never be realistic. The members will never agree one all the features either.

I support the freezer because it is a pain in the ass to transfer my trades lol. I do think the freezer should have an expiration, like clans do. And there should be a hefty fee to use it. I will add more to my thoughts later when I am off work.

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Panda (#66351)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2016-08-06 03:01:59
No support for reasons already stated.

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solo(side)-Tired (#28080)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-08-06 03:11:40
I like what tilted scene said also, I understand that some people use their side accounts to store things but I just thought it would be nice to clear some things up to have a feature specifically for that.

Things that could be prevented wit this feature:
"Storage Trades"- Trades only used to counter the expiration date of items for use at a later date.

"In-active Storage accounts" Accounts only created and used for storage.

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~ (#52391)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-08-06 04:53:49
My hoarding self needs this so much. I would pay out of my ass to use this.

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violetta (#64771)

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Posted on
2016-08-06 05:47:12
What is we had it just an option for some people? We wouldn't all have to use it, but it would be a good thing for people who do need it?

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solo(side)-Tired (#28080)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-08-06 06:42:38
yep It would be an option. just like any other Feature in explore. you wouldn't have to pull samples or store items but the option would be there if you wanted to.

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Red™ {Sepia} (#40406)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2016-08-19 11:25:57
Part of what keeps items (Like honey combs and egg yolks) rare and in high demand is that they expire. It helps keep the economy stable, and adds a little challenge to the game.
And, as others already stated, side accounts can be used to accomplish the same thing (for free).

Sorry, no support from me :/

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