Posted by Send more than 2 adolescents for training

HighlyIllogical (#92195)

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Posted on
2016-08-11 02:39:11
Currently in Lioden you can only send 2 adolescent females to watch a hunt for training. What about sending more than 2 adolescents?

Possible Ideas:
Unlocking adolescent slots - Perhaps for every 2 female adolescents you have in your pride you get 1 extra slot?

Buying adolescent slots - for the price of 1GB or 25SB you can buy extra slots so you send more adolescents

Unlocking slots with level - Perhaps every 2 levels you get 1 free slot

Additional ideas:
Adding additional slots for male adolescents

Having a larger pride and only being able to train 2 adolescents for 1-2 % training experience at a time can be very tedious. How does one expect me to train up 10+ adolescents with only 2 slots plus I have to wait 30min. for my lionesses to hunt and come back then repeat. Although I guess this would be possible if I play Lioden nonstop, but of course just like all other players I have a life outside of Lioden.

I hope you agree with me and if you don't please leave a comment explaining why!

This suggestion has 42 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 11/08/16 @ 09:41:26 by HighlyIllogical (#92195)

Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2016-08-11 03:56:20
I agree with this idea; in the wild, all adolescent lions go with their mother and watch her, even help her and the others if possible. Perhaps it was made like it is in game to prevent some kind of problem I'm not seeing right now, but... it doesn't sound cataclysmic to implement some kind of system that allows you to train more teenaged lions per x amount of them you have currently. It could even be separated: one for males, and one for females.

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HighlyIllogical (#92195)

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Posted on
2016-08-15 00:35:18
I'm glad you agree, thanks for your support!

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Razz {Side} (#36422)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-15 15:33:41
As there is a maximum of 5 hunting lionesses, perhaps you could unlock up to 5 slots/ have 5 adolescents allowed to travel with the huntresses?

Or maybe there's a personality similar to nurturing that allows a lioness to take more than 1 adolescent training, but that could only be implemented through a 5 lion/5 trainee system

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