Posted by Nothing But The Blue Sky / WC Rp Sign Ups

☀ bunny ☀ (#57936)

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Posted on
2016-08-19 17:20:07

Nothing But The Blue Sky



A group of cats randomly picked up off the streets, consisting of loners, rogues, even a few kittypets, were essentially kidnapped and put to sleep, only to wake up on an island in the middle of nowhere. None have any idea where they were, or why this happened, but all they know is that they have to find a way to survive together. However, they all have a feeling that they're being watched, and that their every movement is being monitored. By whom, they aren't sure, but they have a sinking feeling that the twolegs that did this to them aren't finished messing with their lives. Depending on your choices, the cats could band together to try to get to the bottom of this situation, or be as wary of their surroundings as they are of each other.


1. All Lioden rules apply.
2. If it comes to it, please fade to black in birthing/mating scenes, or anything that might be particularly gory.
3. No making your characters perfect, we all have flaws. Going on with this, not every character has to be emotionally scarred for life.
4. Please no godmodding or powerplaying.
5. Your character will get hurt in this roleplay. Things will happen and they have to be affected by them, and while they may not have to die, they will get some injuries.
6. Put any number between 1-4 in the other section of your form.
7. Please try to use proper grammar/spelling, and make posts more than one sentence long. I understand low muse, but it's hard to keep the rp going when there's nothing to work with.
8. Anyone who is inactive for more than two weeks will be removed from the rp and characters killed off, unless a proper reason is given. I will pm you beforehand, but that's just about all the warning you'll get.
9. You can have as many characters as you can handle c:
10. Don't make any big plots without telling me first. With smaller ones I'll let slide, though I'd prefer a little heads up.
11. The ranks you can be are loner, rogue, clan cat, or kittypet, but this is just what your character started off as, before coming here. Their ranks can change if groups are made, but if a group is made, your character has to start off as one of the original four, and then join the group(unless there's a kitting).
12. Please no unrealistic pelts/eye colors, as this is a semi realistic rp.
13. Lastly, you can't be mates/have a crush between your own characters. It gets a bit weird, and you can always ask people to play the mate/crush if you really need one.

*"Ex" means that this is what they were before they came to the island. In your form, you can just refer to them as 'loner', or 'kittypet' if you want, either works c:

Ex-Loners - Cats who haven't joined up with any other cats, and are on their own - (3/~)
Bunny - A thin, short haired tortoiseshell she-cat, with green eyes and long whiskers. Played by Sundial (#57936)
Mouse - A tiny brown tabby tom with green eyes. Played by Sundial (#57936)
Fox - Fox is a red medium-long haired she-cat with tabby swirls and bright green eyes. Large fluffy tail like a fox's. White underbelly. Played by Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

Ex-Rogues - Cats who are generally mean towards others, and usually only care for themselves - (1/~)
Spooky - A messy furred black pelted she-cat with light yellow eyes and many scars. Played by Sundial (#57936)

Ex-Kittypets - Cats who have been raised by humans, or twolegs - (3/~)
Jupiter - A greying cream tabby tom, with blue eyes and soft fur. Played by Sundial (#57936)
Mercury - A grey tabby she-cat, with white underfur and green eyes. Played by Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)
Skye - A small grey tabby kit with stunning blue eyes. Played by Skystone (#78438)

Ex-Clan Cats - Cats who are apart of a clan/tribe, or a group of cats who live together - (3/4)
There are a limited number of these cats because they would usually be quite hidden.
Thistlepelt - A silver ticked tabby tom with yellow eyes. Played by Uchiha Prodigy (#38424)
Skystorm - A handsome and strong light grey tom with darker and lighter stripes across his back, tail and around his eyes. A slightly lighter stomach and crystal blue eyes. Played by Sprinkles (#86006)
Cobraheart - A large, mixed Bombay cat with solid black, medium-length fur and large, menacing pale yellow eyes. Played by Chicken (#89661)

Groups - None, yet

*I will only be including cats on the island, any relationships that include an outside cat won't be documented
+ = mates, < means crush, / means siblings, - means mother - kit
Bunny - Mouse


Sexuality: (LGBT+ friendly c:)
Appearance: (Picture is recommended, but detailed description is accepted)
Personality: (please do not just list out traits, it irks me a lot when people do that)
History: (Optional, but at least put down where they were found)
Kits: (if none, you can just delete this part)

Chat Thread!
Roleplay Thread!

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Edited on 25/08/16 @ 19:30:32 by ☁Sundial☁ (#57936)

Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

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Posted on
2016-08-20 16:10:21
Name: Mercury

Age: 94 Moons

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual

Rank: Ex-Kittypet


Personality: Mercury is fairly similar to her brother, in that she enjoys peace rather than war, but if she needs to, she will fight. She won't take insults just to avoid a fight, in her younger years, she was the top cat in her neighbourhood, and all the local cats respected her, though in slightly older age, she fights less. She loves adventure and spending time with her brother, they're good friends. She's a great kit-watcher, and has looked after quite a few kits of her friends', but never wanted any of her own, unless she was it's only chance of survival. She was never a very good hunter, and could barely manage to catch an overweight mouse, so she relied on her brother for fresh prey, and he relied on her for protection. If someone disrespects Mercury or her family or friends, they can expect a harsh smack to the face.

History: Mercury never really went with her brother to visit the wild cats, she didn't see the point. Instead, while he went out hunting and to talk to the clan cats, she would patrol the neighbourhood, note any new dogs and their possible threat, or chase off different cats. Most cats knew of her, but if they didn't, they sure learned it. When captured, she had entered a new neighbourhood while chasing off a cat, and strange humans shoved her in a dark vet-box and the next time she saw light was when she opened her eyes on the island.

Crush/Mate: None, open

Kits: None, open to adopt

Mother - Poppy - Jupiter doesn't remember, and she doesn't really remember either, but Mercury is convinced that their mother's name was Poppy
Father - Unknown
Jupiter - Brother - Alive

Other: 2

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Edited on 29/08/16 @ 18:57:39 by Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

☀ bunny ☀ (#57936)

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Posted on
2016-08-20 16:14:55

@ chicken - don't worry about it, it's perfectly fine c: accepted~

@ pheonix - accepted!

@ all - once we get one more member, i'll make the rp thread!

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-08-20 18:05:27
Yay :D

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The Drunken Uchiha
Prodigy (#38424)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-21 05:59:50

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-08-22 02:33:44


Name: Jay.
Age: 42 moons (3 years, 6 months) old.
Gender: Male.
Sexuality: Pansexual + Demiromantic.
Rank: Ex-Loner.


Jays is a pale gray-brown classic tabby tom with distinctive darker stripes. His coat is thin and sleek, proving rather water repellent despite its short length. He has a slim and graceful build with a wedge-shaped head, long muzzle, large ears and almond shaped yellow-green eyes. Oriental Shorthair.


Jays is a level-headed and collected cat who hardly ever seems to express any emotion other than calm. His tranquil and untroubled demeanor may unnerve some cats as there aren’t many who can claim they have seen him grow angry or even so much as raise his voice, with the worst anyone might receive being a sorrowful look or disappointed expression. Beneath the surface Jays is far more observant and wary than his Clanmates might ever expect. All actions are thoroughly thought out and every word he speaks carefully planned before ever leaving his mouth. Coming across as reserved and distant, he isn’t particularly close to anyone else on the island. He does not lack compassion or empathy, but is far from openly affectionate. The abuse he suffered throughout his younger years may be a key reason for his detached attitude, but he’s working at becoming more social and approachable.


Jay grew up in a small group of ferals that functioned similar to a Clan without sharing their naming system or the warrior code. It was fairly common knowledge his maternal grandmother was a former kittypet and it's also quite obvious he inherited much of his appearance from that side of the family. Some of his peers chose to tease him over these differences, but Jay never paid them much mind. Jay's mentor Trout was particularly rough with him, always expecting the best out of his apprentices. His build naturally made him more fragile than some of the other cats and eventually Trout became so frustrated with the young tom that their training sessions grew to be abusive in nature. Discomforted by such violent displays, the other cats approached their leader Oak over Jay's treatment and he was officially assigned a new mentor, the much gentler Snow. Snow helped Jayp learn how to use his speed and wit to his advantage rather than brute strength and it wasn't long before the lithe tom earned his place among the group as a fully trained cat. He was captured after being caught in a Twoleg trap.


None yet.


None on the island.

Theme Song:

Carnivore - Starset.


My youngest cats are 3 years old. Their names are Coal and Arrow. :)



Name: Clovefrost.
Age: 34 moons (2 years, 7 months) old.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Heterosexual + Biromantic.
Rank: Ex-Clan Cat / Warrior.


Cloverfrost is a predominately white she-cat with thin light brown stripes. Her tail is shorter than average, but the legs are well proportioned with the rest of her body. Her eyes are large, sage green in color and shaped like a walnut. Her build is lean and athletic.


Cloverfrost is both confident and self-assured, always poised and sensible. While her temperament can be a bit chilly at times, especially around cats she isn't fond of, this is a warrior who generally means well and wants to do right by her Clan. Stubborn and strong-willed, once she has her mind set on something there isn't much that can be done to change it. This has led to her arguing with senior warriors and even her leader in the past if she believed the decision they were making was the wrong one. Her attitude softens considerably around kits and Cloverfrost often spent her free time entertaining the Clan's youngsters even if she didn't have much interest in ever becoming a queen herself.


Cloverfrost has had a fairly normal Clan upbringing. She was surprisingly the only kit born into her litter and thus received more attention from her parents than she would have with siblings, which was fine by her. She soaked up as much of their time as she could and reveled in all the affection showered upon her. Cloverfrost was a rather rambunctious kit and apprentice, proving quite the pawful for both her mother Snowpelt and her former mentor Ferntail. Her father Hazelface was born in a different cat, but switched Clans to be with her mother. This led to some teasing about her being half-Clan growing up, but she has learned to ignore any snide remarks in the present. She was captured after wandering past Clan borders on a solo hunting mission in pursuit of a fleeing rabbit.


None yet.


None on the island.

Theme Song:

Sit Still, Look Pretty - Daya.

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Edited on 22/08/16 @ 09:34:12 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

☀ bunny ☀ (#57936)

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Posted on
2016-08-22 07:09:04

@ potato lord - accepted!

@ all - alrighty i'm gonna make the rp thread now, but it might take a while bc i'm gonna try to add a lot of description of the island, and possibly delve deeper into the situation they're all in <3

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Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

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Posted on
2016-08-22 07:12:03

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-08-22 08:02:17
Yay :D

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The Drunken Uchiha
Prodigy (#38424)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-22 08:11:53
I'm excited to see how the rp thread turns out. I wanna know about the situation they're in. Like more reasoning to it maybe?

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☀ bunny ☀ (#57936)

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Posted on
2016-08-22 09:32:20

Rp Thread is up and running! Also on the first post!

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-08-22 09:47:04
Omg omg

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☀ bunny ☀ (#57936)

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Posted on
2016-08-22 09:51:14

remember everyone, we have a gr8 chat thread to discuss stuff in c:

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-08-22 11:43:22

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Edited on 22/08/16 @ 18:43:46 by Sprinkles (#86006)

Skystone | G1 maroon
RLC (#78438)

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Posted on
2016-08-25 05:14:28
Name: Skye
Age: 4 moons ( 4 months )
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Rank: Ex kittypet / kit
Moderator removed image due to lack of source
Personality: Skye is a very adventurous and curious kit but she tends to get herself stuck in bad situations because of it.
History: Skye wandered away from her home when she was exploring in the city, she got lost and the two legs found her.
Crush/Mate: none
Kin: Mother - Moon
Other: Skye is only 4 moons old

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Edited on 29/08/16 @ 14:04:47 by Msasi (Caesar of Romesepia) (#21461)

☀ bunny ☀ (#57936)

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Posted on
2016-08-25 09:22:09

@ Skystone - Accepted! I'll add you to the list soon.

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