DarkHydra (#95687)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 05:18:11

Bio: The world needs a new breed of superheros. Our current superheros are getting to old and we need a younder breed of heros, so we are using their children. The villians children have made agreements with the heros to train to use their powers for good too so we're now sending the teen heros/villians to a school to help harness their powers by training with the original heros to learn to use their powers for good.

RP Thread

- Ur allowed to have 2 super parents (Ex. Captain America and Black Widow)
- Ur allowed to cross between DC and Marvel (Ex. Captain America and Cat Women)
- Villians can make kids with heros (Joker and Wonder Woman)
- U can be the child of someone who is technically dead
- No kids of big villians (Ex. Thanos)
- U can be a DC or Marvel child that already exists (Except Franklin Richards)
- All characters will be about the same level of skill so if u think u'll be Superman and Wonder Woman's kid and be the best than your wrong
Once a set of parents is used it can't be used again, but single parent can be used (step-brothers/sisters = good, brother/sisters = bad)
- I encourage drama but don't bring in real life drama
- No god moding
- No spam
- Other Lioden rules apply



Age (between 16-19):

Apperence (pics must be of ur person not someone in a mask):

Super Parent(s):

List of Abilities:




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Edited on 27/08/16 @ 10:16:46 by DarkHydra (#95687)

DarkHydra (#95687)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 05:45:57

Name: Timorós

Age: 19

Apperence: 6'2 with a very athletic looking body

Super Parents: Deathstroke and Black Widow

List of Abilities: Regerative Body/Healing Ability, Super Agility, Weapons Master, Swords Master, Close Range Combat Master, Art of Stealth, Master with Technology

Personality: Serious to the point kid. Always does what needs to be done to finish the objective. Little sence of humor. Gets mad easily

Relationships: None

Other: None

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Edited on 27/08/16 @ 10:46:14 by DarkHydra (#95687)

The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 06:14:06

7a40706f065e6deae41bd26d88ea7e6f.jpg:: Name ::
Jess ( Aka Jester )

:: Age ::
18 Years Old

:: Appearence | Source ::
Jess has neon green hair similar to her father's hair. She's 5'2 and has big expressive eyes. Jess has a few piercings.

:: Super Parents ::
Joker and Harley Quinn

:: List of Abilities ::
Very intelligent

:: Personality ::
She's just like her father just straight up phyco. Though she is basically the tamed version. She's playful, in fact more childish. She can be a bit mean but she's mostly all bark no bite. She's not afraid to speak her mind. And whadda know, She's a class clown.

:: Relationships ::
None at the moment

:: Other ::

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Edited on 23/08/16 @ 13:32:02 by Joker (#93618)

DarkHydra (#95687)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 06:25:51
Jess is approved!

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Loners (#60042)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-08-25 16:28:51

Name: Nikita Wayne (Kat)
Age (between 16-19): 17 years old
Apperence: Kat has wavy black hair past her shoulders, her hair color is given by her father as her brown-hazel like eyes are given by her mother. She is 4'6 and does wear make up for most the time.
Super Parent(s): Batman and Catwoman
List of Abilities: marsal arts, hand to hand combat, stealth and genuis intellect.
Personality: Kat is straight up serious with a hidden side of fun, she is some what playful when fighting but can come down fast and hard like a brick. She LOVES shiny things and dark places, so be carful if you leave out those diamond earrings cause you might not see them again.
Relationships:none at the moment
Other:she isn't a morning person...

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Edited on 25/08/16 @ 23:30:19 by Loners (#60042)

DarkHydra (#95687)

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Posted on
2016-08-25 20:17:16
Nikita is accepted!

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Loners (#60042)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-08-25 20:20:45
Awesome, also may I ask how many people are we aloud to have?

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DarkHydra (#95687)

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Posted on
2016-08-25 20:46:14
U can make as many characters as you want, as long as u can keep up with them all

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Loners (#60042)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-08-25 20:48:56
Okay cool I'll just make one more character

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Loners (#60042)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-08-25 21:23:51

Name: Sting Grayson (life sucker)
Age (between 16-19): 19
Apperence: 6'1 with muscular body, strange red hair like his mothers while his eyes are his fathers. Two ear piercings.
Super Parent(s): poison ivy and robin
List of Abilities: master acrobat, hand to hand combat,Controls plant life, Immunity to all toxins and viruses.
Personality: loves to have fun and loves to love human or plants. He is mysterious due to his relations and tends to give out roses to suck life energy.
Relationships: mystery
Other: get rid of the roses he gives.

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Edited on 26/08/16 @ 04:27:57 by Loners (#60042)

DarkHydra (#95687)

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Posted on
2016-08-26 00:48:32
Sting is accepted!

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Loners (#60042)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-08-26 07:29:18
Cool thanks.

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Dead Quinn (#95878)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-08-26 11:51:05
Mari Creed aka Feral

Age (between 16-19):

Apperence (pics must be of ur person not someone in a mask):

Super Parent(s):
Daughter of Dakken (and oc named Carolina Church), raised by Victor Creed

List of Abilities:
Lupine Physiology (Accelerated healing, extended longevity, retractible bone claws, reinforced skeleton, enhanced senses, enhanced strength, enhanced speed, enhanced stamina)
Pheromone Control

Mari is a twisted thing who seems to take after her mother the most when it comes to her personality. When she's putting up a 'show', so to speak, she is probably one of the sweetest people around. She doesn't really seem to have a grasp of personal boundaries, one to pounce on, hug, cling to, and occasionally kiss when she's around them. She seems to put off this loving vibe, acting as if she's carefree, a free spirit if you would. She is almost constantly smiling, her eyes light up with glee at the littlest if things and she doesn't seem to care if someone doesn't like her. She'll still be that sweet little angel towards them. While she shows so much innocence, she also exudes confidence in everything she does. Every move she makes, she does so as if she could do no wrong, as if she could handle literally anything thrown her way. She stands tall and proud. She's arrogant, that's for sure, but she's good at hiding it under her little ruse. She occasionally pouts out her lips or goes a little for the dramatic side of things when she's trying to get her way. She likes being spoiled and she can come off as quite the girly girl.

Underneath the innocence is a monster with a lust for blood, among other things. She uses everything she has to her advantage. She's smart, cunning, stealthy, good at remaining perfectly quiet and still for exuberant amounts of time in order to watch and prey on others. She likes playing with her prey, toying with them on every level possible, from emotional to mental to physical. She is a serial sadist, as well as a murderer and she understands that, she knows that, she even loves that about herself. She finds an odd amount of pleasure in bringing people pain and making them miserable, but nothing will bring her more glee than finally ending the Howlett line. But, of course, everything has to be perfect. The most... disturbing part of her is the fact that her little act of innocence isn't as much of an act as people think. That little smile she puts on, that light girlish giggle, all of it is how she acts even when she's out to 'play'. Sure, she has her moments of seriousness, but that innocent act is more apart of her than any could expect.

The only times she isn't like that is when she's gone into her berserker rage, which happens a bit more often than she would ever admit to. Anger fuels her and, while she isn't one to talk much during it, she is defitely one to ravage any that get in her way. She strikes without fear, without thought. Anything and everything she does, she does without even a care in the world. She lacks the control she usually has, of course. She has excellent memory of what she does, though, and she can be brutal. However, she knows how to focus on small things, triggers if you would to bring her back to the more lucid side of things.

None yet

Though she is the daughter of Daken, she was only raised by him up until she was about four, after which she was raised by her mother who ran off with Victor. Victor may very well have killed her father, but she isn't entirely sure. She's been going by Sabertooth's last name ever since she started being raised by him, however. This is also a character I've played on an actual RP site xD It should also be noted that she is multilingual, having a fluency in japanese, french, and english for certain.

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Edited on 27/08/16 @ 16:17:56 by Dead Quinn (#95878)

DarkHydra (#95687)

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Posted on
2016-08-26 12:05:23
Mari is accepted!

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Lizbeth The Ripoff
Blacksmith (#87260)

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Posted on
2016-08-26 23:04:27
Ima make a character soon. On my main, Amber Da Pickle Unicorn.

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DarkHydra (#95687)

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Posted on
2016-08-26 23:33:29
Sounds good!

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