Posted by Artists Unite! Main Thread

Boink Doink (#134477)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 23:42:16

This is an official clan thread for the Artists Unite! Clan!

Artists Unite!

arists_unite_banner_by_ookamireiben96-db17nra.gif| Clan | Main Thread | Contests | Help Thread|Discord|

Welcome to Artists Unite! We are a clan dedicated to helping each other improve our art skills, whether traditional/digital.


• Follow Lioden Rules
• Follow Lioden Art Rules
• No stealing/claiming as your own if you haven't done your own art!
• You must be active! We will have a member check every five months!
• Be respectful to all clan members!

Things you can do on this thread

• Chat
• Apply (Clan/Admin)
• Post recently completed art/wips
• Suggest improvements


You MUST fill the form first to join the clan!
Joining Form:

Remove the text in italics! Please post it in this thread, that way other clan members can get to know you a little better!

ID Number:
Are you a -- Learner, Mentor, Both?:
Traditional or Digital Artist?:
What things are you good at? (Leave blank if none):
What things do you want to improve? (Leave blank if none):
What program/drawing tablet do you use? (Leave blank if traditional):
What type of markers do you use, eg. Copics, Watercolour, pastelle, crayon (Leave blank if digital)

Helpful Threads

Kay's HTML Guide
Keep Your Art Safe!


If you have a shop(art/lions/raffles/auctions/etc) and you'll like them to be advertised here (shown above) please PM #16535 for an advertisement form, you will also be paying a small fee depending on how many forms you fill. Once displayed you can always PM me to remove it or update it.

Upcoming Events

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Edited on 20/11/17 @ 10:18:19 by OokamiRaven (#16535)

KittiBaybee (#49878)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-20 04:43:56
Was thinking of doing so traditional recolour or lineart auctions.. Thoughts

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KittiBaybee (#49878)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-28 18:11:54
Anyone have any idea what markers/colored pencils etc are good for coloring traditional art? I'm thinking of doing traditional recolors and the markers & pencils I have aren't the best lol.

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Dicti-tm (lol I'm
back) (#119041)

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Posted on
2017-09-29 03:23:01
@kitty i recommend touch markers! i get mine from a art store near me, but they're only in texas :(

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KittiBaybee (#49878)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-29 04:01:12
@dicti.. Damn Im in California so I might look at places here in case. But thanks!

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Alexandoria (#80753)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2017-09-29 05:27:01
Polychromos are a godsend, but also a little expensive. I think the most important thing isn't necessarily the pencils, but the paper. A paper with more tooth will hold more layers and by then even your less great pencils will perform better - With bad paper even the best pencils can be horrible to work with.
I just use strathmore bristol vellum, personally.

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KittiBaybee (#49878)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-29 05:39:38
I'm currently short on money so Im currently just been using printer paper for finished, would use my sketch books but they are full lol.

Maybe I might just work with what I have until I get a new job xD if you look at the link I posted up to you can see a colored example.. Its based off someone's lion

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Alexandoria (#80753)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2017-09-29 05:46:09
Well, printer paper isn't very receptive to colored pencil, because it's so smooth. Markers should be fine though - But getting paper definitely would be helpful!

Just saw that - It's not bad at all ^^

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KittiBaybee (#49878)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-29 06:06:09
Thanks! O3O

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♡白鳥♡ (#101693)

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Posted on
2017-10-01 07:17:38
Hey guys, I was wondering if any of you had an art tablet? I need a good one that's not so expensive. Any ideas?

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🍂Yam {G1 Sidereal
Primal} (#123147)

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Posted on
2017-10-01 07:20:55
@yoshimitzu I mean,I will always recommend a cintiq :p best tablet I've come across. Most wacom tablets are pretty great, and they have a large teams in all prices.

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♡白鳥♡ (#101693)

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Posted on
2017-10-01 07:25:12
@Posteyam thank you! I really have been needing one, I'll look into that.

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Alexandoria (#80753)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2017-10-01 10:13:54
I recommend the intous pro - Simply because, let's be honest, you said not too expensive, and cintiqs are... Really expensive, lol

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Dicti-tm (lol I'm
back) (#119041)

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Posted on
2017-10-02 09:15:10
@yoshimitzu the first tablet i got was a cheapy from walmart, and it stuck with me for a good year and a half! walmart is actually a p good place to get stuff if your just beginning :p

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♡白鳥♡ (#101693)

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Posted on
2017-10-02 14:22:12
Alright, thanks guys! I'm looking forward to testing a couple of them soon.

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Darklily (#5809)

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Posted on
2017-10-02 14:54:18
Yoshimitzu, I personally use a Wacom Intuos, which I got for right around $100. I've had it for several years now(at least 3), and other than needing to replace the pen a few months ago, I've had no problems with the tablet itself(I had some program issues, but it was on my end). Not matter what brand you go for, if the pen/stylus is using "nibs"(think of it as a sort of "pencil lead" if the stylus was a mechanical pencil), see if there's a screen/surface protector for the tablet. I get mine for around $10 and I only have to change my nibs every month or so, and that's with intense usage XD You may need to get a new one every now and then, but it will protect your tablet and save your nibs.

EDIT: Also, there's an interesting, and somewhat recent tablet out there called the Slate that personally intrigues me, but I've had no experience with myself(so I can't speak for its durability, performance, and so on). It's a tablet designed so that you have a piece of paper on which you draw, and that will essentially "transfer" to your program on a device with the proper app(at least it seems to have a specific program for itself. It has a compatibility list on the product page, but you should be fine). If you then buy the special pen stylus(the Tip), it will essentially work like any normal drawing tablet, with any program(PS, GIMP, Krita, etc). The tablet is $180, and the stylus I mentioned is $20, but honestly it seems like a great way to transition from paper and pencil to digital.

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Edited on 02/10/17 @ 15:16:48 by Darklily (#5809)

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