Posted by Artists Unite! Main Thread

Boink Doink (#134477)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 23:42:16

This is an official clan thread for the Artists Unite! Clan!

Artists Unite!

arists_unite_banner_by_ookamireiben96-db17nra.gif| Clan | Main Thread | Contests | Help Thread|Discord|

Welcome to Artists Unite! We are a clan dedicated to helping each other improve our art skills, whether traditional/digital.


• Follow Lioden Rules
• Follow Lioden Art Rules
• No stealing/claiming as your own if you haven't done your own art!
• You must be active! We will have a member check every five months!
• Be respectful to all clan members!

Things you can do on this thread

• Chat
• Apply (Clan/Admin)
• Post recently completed art/wips
• Suggest improvements


You MUST fill the form first to join the clan!
Joining Form:

Remove the text in italics! Please post it in this thread, that way other clan members can get to know you a little better!

ID Number:
Are you a -- Learner, Mentor, Both?:
Traditional or Digital Artist?:
What things are you good at? (Leave blank if none):
What things do you want to improve? (Leave blank if none):
What program/drawing tablet do you use? (Leave blank if traditional):
What type of markers do you use, eg. Copics, Watercolour, pastelle, crayon (Leave blank if digital)

Helpful Threads

Kay's HTML Guide
Keep Your Art Safe!


If you have a shop(art/lions/raffles/auctions/etc) and you'll like them to be advertised here (shown above) please PM #16535 for an advertisement form, you will also be paying a small fee depending on how many forms you fill. Once displayed you can always PM me to remove it or update it.

Upcoming Events

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Edited on 20/11/17 @ 10:18:19 by OokamiRaven (#16535)

Lumiere (#86771)

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Posted on
2016-12-10 02:40:02
I went inactive for a bit so I lost all my muts and high stats xD

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Vanagandr (#85363)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-12-10 02:43:43
I have just invested in two really high stat girls (both over 2k) a few weeks (maybe a month?) ago and I invest sometimes in studs with 9k stats lol
I really want a foldie, dwarv or pon but that are the only mutes I am actually interested in so I might try to save GB but I already have to save some for stat replacing my king XD

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Vanagandr (#85363)

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Posted on
2016-12-12 06:30:29
I am streaming for a little bit :3

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«|: tolka☕ (#91765)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2016-12-12 06:34:13
aaHhh, Don't have enough space to download ;-;

I'm just here staring out the window for the mail man or something to come, my computer should be in today if I was informed correctly ouo

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Darklily (#5809)

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Posted on
2016-12-13 05:38:50
I know how the waiting can be, Silice, so I feel for you. Whenever my laptop got sent for repairs, it was the waiting for it to show up after it had been actually fixed that was the worst!

I just finished the likely design for one of my shape shifter OCs (That I started months ago and forgot about accidentally )
My chubby/bulky fox shifter, all bundled up for winter <3 I still suck at humans and canines, but I'm getting there slowly... (Completely mangled her paws >.<)

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«|: tolka☕ (#91765)

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Posted on
2016-12-13 06:30:54
The paws, the me from a few months ago feel you. The shape is still awkward for me but I've been sliding by with my own style xD

And the computer came, Im having a hard time figuring it out.. I can't seem to click the right buttons to download my art program(s)?

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Lumiere (#86771)

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Posted on
2016-12-13 11:35:14
That's an awesome drawing, Darklily! I wonder, do you use the technique of drawing shapes as a sketch before the actual lineart or do you just do a sketch without the shapes?

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NeptuneNebula (#64036)

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Posted on
2016-12-13 16:21:46
Sorry, I meant to post something today, but what ended up happening was the teacher in one of my classes called me out twice and she scolded me for not doing what I was supposed to be doing, but literally, I was writing down what I needed to be writing down, and I was watching and listening..
So then, next class, I sat down next to some boy (Not mentioning his name) and he began to tell me I was stupid and dumb because she called me out twice. Now, I never encountered this before, and I'm already depressed and anxious enough as it is, so I tried my best to defend myself, and he just kept on judging my life and saying I was dumb..

So last class period of the day, he was in the same class. Again, he scolded me, and our teacher had us pass our papers to the person behind us for them to grade it, then we would pass it back. Then again, it was him sitting behind me. He saw my paper and most of the answers were wrong because I was so stressed at the time from what he had said before. So then, he decides to be a little ass and blurts out loudly that I got most of the answers wrong and marks off every single one even though we hadn't even started grading the papers yet. Then, he turns to the person behind him and shows the paper to them and tells them how stupid I am...

After that.. It was time to go on the bus back home, and I was reading.. Then suddenly I started to kind of feel as if I was about to cry. So I kept my tears in until I reached my house, then I just burst out in tears for about a half and hour, explaining what had happened and how terrible it made me feel, just because of one of my teachers...

But yeah... If all goes well tomorrow I'll post what I wanted to show. It's 11:20 PM currently and I have to get up at 7:00.. Hopefully tomorrow turns out better. ^^'

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Darklily (#5809)

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Posted on
2016-12-13 20:09:00
I try to use shapes, but that doesn't always happen Typically I use basic shapes for at least the head, then kinda free hand sketch the rest of the body. It depends if it's something I've drawn a lot or not. With this one I pretty much did two sketches before the final lines, the first being the basic shapes, then the detailed, somewhat clean, sketch on top.

NeptuneNebula, that's awful, and I can say I've been in a similar position before. I had a teacher once who would belittle me down to the point of tears over the most stupid of reasons(literally had nothing to do with class or my grades, or anything really school related. In fact I did pretty damn well in her class despite her more or less abusiveness). I've also had to deal with bullies more than a few times in my life. From my personal experience, while it is really hard sometimes, if you don't let their words get to you, things get better. When you think about it, the only reason someone does an awful thing like that is to make themselves look better than they actually are, at the cost of someone else. (<- The very reason none of my close friends are girls, because we're the worst when it comes to it, and that's pretty much a fact of being a woman... sometimes we do it without even thinking.) We live in a world where everyone is breaking each other down, when we should be building each other up. You're a beautiful and unique person, and don't ever forget that
Obviously, if this continues, you need to talk to someone, first I would say people you're closest to(good friends/your parents/family/etc) because you need support in tough times, then someone who can actually help the situation(i.e. teachers/etc) should it get to that point. I know all this advice is the typical stuff you hear, but it really does help!

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«|: tolka☕ (#91765)

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Posted on
2016-12-13 22:24:07
Neptune, Oh I haven't been through exactly something like that but I've been bullied for my entire Elementary school life//I'm just a tad bit mental due to it xD// but I personally find, joking about it makes me feel a lot better and it could be the same for you. Otherwise, I'd heavily suggest ignoring the person or confront him, sounds like one of those cheesy solutions but it can work... Most of the times. Hopefully it does get better for you, just don't let anybody's thoughts influence you.

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«|: tolka☕ (#91765)

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Posted on
2016-12-13 23:15:03
Also, Does anybody here draw on a MacBook? If you do, I'm having problems with my Tablet pressure setting, it said the computer couldn't identify it..
//So I'm just here unable to change line thickness ;-;

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_away (#90939)

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Posted on
2016-12-14 06:26:21
Does anyone have an original OC they would like me to draw?
I dunno what to draw XD

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Vanagandr (#85363)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-12-14 06:38:37
@Arqilis What kind of character? Human or not? I have quite a few XD
I am trying to draw my king in human form without a traditional sketch at the moment XD

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NeptuneNebula (#64036)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-12-14 10:15:24
Feeling better today, this time he didn't bother me one bit, and I paid my full attention in class and didn't get called out ^^

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«|: tolka☕ (#91765)

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Posted on
2016-12-14 11:17:20
That's good news! Let's hope it stays that way!

And I think my post was missed xD

Anybody can help with MacBook functions and how to register a Tablet?

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