Posted by |The Hunt|(sign ups)

_away (#90939)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 16:01:14

|The Hunt|

Autumn is approaching and the first snows have come early.
Days passed and have turned into weeks. With each passing second it grows colder yet.
The icy cold cuts through the thickest fur. It has everything in it's harsh, unforgiving grip.
In this land of cold and ice winter reigns and it won't leave soon.
Amidst this icy waste a pack of wild dogs hunt. They were brought into being the goddess Artemis. They have no memories or remands of their past. They live only to hunt- or so it seems.Over jagged mountain tops and frozen streams they hunt a bear so fierce and strong that even his own kind fears him, but alone he cannot win. Among ice and snow the hunt began, among ice and snow it will end.
Who will win and who will die?



-All lioden roleplay rules apply.
-No godmodding or powerplaying.
-When attempting to harm another character you must leave the outcome of your action open.
-There are no human made things or humans in the forest.
-All prey should be native to Northern Asia.


|The Pack|

Your character will wake up among the other dogs without any memories or recollections of his or her past. They will still know how to hunt and communicate. For they have none, they were created by the goddess Artemis for one purpose and one alone. To kill the tiger. They will strive to achieve this goal by any means necessary. The pack will be constantly on the move during the RP.

|Character Guidelines|

Your character should be a hunting dog or one that would be capable of hunting in a colder climate.
Your character may also be part Wolf.
Please keep to the measurements of your character's breed(s).


Dominant Male/Female
The most experienced and strongest dog leads the pack. In most cases this rank is occupied by a male dog but females have also been knowne to lead packs.

-Atlas|7 years|Male

Only a special dog, chosen by the hunting goddess herself can be a Seer. The goddess(me) will speak to this chosen dog in his or her dreams, guiding the whole pack at times through the Seer.
*The hunting goddess(me) will chose a worthy wolf before the RP starts! Do not apply yet.*

- Luna|4 years|Female

The Betas are experienced hunters and usually dogs in mid prime. They will even advise the Dominant Male/Female at times.

-Hekate|4 years|Female
-Orion|5 years|Male
-Rose|6 years|Female
-Ófeigr|7 years|Male

The Subordinates are usually younger dogs. While inexperienced they are strong and full of energy. When hunting in a group they will be lead by a Beta.

-Fenris|3 years|Male
-Kyrridwen|3 years|Female
-Jaaku|2 years|Female

While not necessarily the weakest or smallest dog the omega is the lowest rank. Omegas are always the least dominant and usually the runt of the litter.

-Justicar|1.5 years|Male


|The Bear|

The Bear is a huge, dark brown male. Scars cover his body from countless fights. He is not only strong but cunning as well. The Bear's actions will be 'monitored' by me. I won't so much RP him as update his activities in the RP thread without conveying any emotion or elaborating.

Example: The Bear is close and heard X. He is moving quickly towards a nearby river while remaining quiet.


|Sign up form|






|Height (in cm)|

|Weight (in kg)|



|Image (not requiered)|
<*a href="SOURCE LINK HERE"*><*img src="IMAGE LINK HERE"*><*/a*>


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Edited on 25/08/16 @ 23:02:37 by Aomame (#90939)

_away (#90939)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-09-20 15:10:33
Phoenix [WCU]|Iwill just choose one. I want it to be sort of a surprise

Wolflord Since|We are still in the starting phase you can join! But remember the plot!

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-09-21 09:58:22
Will do :D -goes to read current posts and reply-

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