Posted by ~ Welcome To Freak School ~ [New RP Thread]

The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2016-08-26 01:02:21


.: The island :.

A secluded island that the mutants live on to learn about their powers.
.: The Building :.


An abandoned castle that was located on a secluded island, was taken over by the government, refurnished, and given to the mutants to live there and learn.
Chat Thread

Sign Ups Thread

:: Currently Happening ::

Lucian had injured Adam severely. Others are chatting amoungst themselves. Kaiden and Lucian meet for the first time in forever.

:: Current Time and Day ::

Sunday , Afternoon, 11:30 PM

:: Rules ::

1.) Please, Please, please keep your abilities in a logic stance. Such as mind reading or even elemental powers, please know how to make this work in a understandable way.

2.) No one is the 'most powerful' or the strongest character, everyone is pretty much equal.

3.) You won't be able to instantly slaughter the guards, these are highly trained men going against someone who possibly doesn't even know how to control their abilities...

4.) Think of the school like college, everyone is going to have a dorm room inside the school.

5.) When trying to escape, do not make a magical boat pop up magically. Weeks of planning may be pushed into the plan of escaping and once you do, your characters are free and not allowed To Return to the roleplay.

6.) If you cannot explain your ability or how it works, don't roleplay as it!

7.) Everything coasts energy, people are going to be tired after using their ability.

8.) Feel free to post, You don't have to wait.

:: Dorm Rooms ::

#1 Lucian Lake & Komet Norstan
#2 Katsumi Anami & Zac Van Quince
#3 Eduard Sincoln ( & Mavis ) & Nathaniel Woodrow
#4 Izzy Marie & Adam Saint Kelly
#5 Esma Villy & Scorpio Walkerson
#6 Castilian Blue & Kaiden Lake
#7 Maple Grace Sallese & Mizuki Nakajima
#9 Faye & Mirrajj
#10 Isaac Lopez & Tempest Shadowhunter
#11 Silver Lyacinth & _______

.: Classes These people Will take :.

~ Each class has no specific Ability required to be in them since everyone will be in each ~

.: Primal Class :.

This class will be taught by :

Mr. Faust ( Also known as Adien Faust )

Played by : Uchiha Prodigy (#38424)

This class will be teaching the inner animal of everyone, even if they are not a shifters. They will learn how to work with nature it's self and use it in a good way.

.: Physics Class :.

This class will be taught by : Mr. Martin ( Also known as Aaron Martin )

Played by :Ravenflare (#89598)

This class will teach how to control your abilities and how to use them. It will tap into your mind and give you a basic mind set of keeping yourself under control under every circumstances.

.: Martial Class :.

This class will be taught by : Ms. Aoki ( Also known as Yuki Aoki )

Played by : 🦄 Amber Da Pickle Unicorn (#87487)

This class will teach you how to be fit by using you abilites. You will have a rigorous course to train in and will provide plently of opportunities to learn how to defend yourself as well as do offence.

:: Extra Information ::

Door Rooms will be much like a regular small apartment
A kitchen and only with a living room that has a couch and T.V, private bedrooms where the students will sleep, And a single bathroom with a classic shower.

~ Credits for creating this RP goes to Blood Mare, I do not own any of it. ~

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 24/11/16 @ 21:24:30 by The Joker Wolf (#93618)

IActuallyDon'tCare (#98853)

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Posted on
2016-10-15 07:20:35
Eduard 'Rogue Dragon' Sincoln I 20 I Dragonborn ILocation: Beach I Mentions: Tempest 'Dragon' Shadowhunter

Eduard raised a massive paw and nibbled at the tiny grains of sand stuck on it.
"I suppose I'd be allowed to tell you. You're a Dragon like us. Very well." He grumbled as if he were tired. With a yawn, he began.
"My human identity is fake. I come from Talon and I'm here on a mission." He glanced at the rising moon with a fond light in his green eyes. "I'm here after a rogue, P309, was noted to be taking refuge in this area."
He unfolded his tattered wings menacingly and gave her a cold look.
"Don't tell anyone."

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mace (#30862)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2016-10-15 07:31:26
Tempest Shadowhunter | Female | 18 | Dragon Shifter | Location: Beach |Eduard 'Rogue Dragon' Sincoln

Tempest's claws gripped the sand a bit harder when she heard that. 'Dragon like us, trapped in a human body,' She though forlornly. She looked back at him as he began, blinking slowly. After he finished, Tempest smirked, eyes glazed over to hide her intentions- a trick she learned in the field. "Why's Talon such a secret," She began slowly, voice unwavering, "and what would happen if I told anyone?" Tempest flashed a toothy smirk. "Tattered wings have to mean you cant catch as much wind with each flap, making your flight mean more exertion, and eventually slowing down. Plus, the way you act unfamiliar to sand or water means I'm have the landscape advantage," Tempest flared her gills to prove a point, her eyes still guarded.

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2016-10-15 08:34:07

Mirrajj | 24 | Shapeshifter Mythical Cat | Location: Ship/ Beach|
| Mentions: Eduard, Tempest, Gaurd|

These past few days have been, heartbreaking, soul bending....different. Funny how one does not value everyday people and things until everything is taken away...and in my case I mean everything. The people, the weapons, the species, the oceans, the language, the land, the scents, everything. Everything except the stars and the sky. If I did not recognize the stars, had not felt the bite of the sleeping weapon the humans had shot at me....I would believe this a dream. When I had first been defrosted from the ice that had surrounded me for years and years and years...I was stunned. For the first couple of days in the ice my mind had been completely active...but I could not escape, and the mind slowed to a crawl to protect me from the majority of the mental torment that came from not being able to move. It had been a long time, like a dream one is partially conscious during, aware of time only to realize when awakening that it was a trick...a lot more time has been lost. So much time. Now my mind is racing, as if to make up for time lost. I stand on their ship, not powered by sale, magic, or creature...rumbling beneath my feet like one of the beasts of Mount Kovan. It is night, thank goodness, and I can see the similar to those of my world, with only one or two missing here and there. I can feel human eyes on my back, some, the ones who have seen my other form keep their weapons close, ready to shoot at a moments notice. They have not seen the like of my kind before, otherwise they would know that very little can force us to kill or even harm another sentient being even when attacked. The ones who have not seen what I am mistakenly assume I am human, a young women, and a very short young at that measuring only 5ft in height. Not a threat. What is this world where humans are the ones who rule? I have never had anything against the varied in mind and body...they were just not very common during my time with only their hands and mind to help them through the world. Hmmmf. I do not understand what they say, but they are bringing me somewhere. They have not harmed me which I will not look to hard into....I can be sure that the purpose of every human on the ship is different. Different of mind, intentions and can they be so different and still be, physically, the same creature? So odd.

A yell. A man looking through his odd goggles pointing ahead...towards a land mass. This ship moves fast, faster than any metal creation should on water. My eyes are better able to see during the night and I can make-out two large forms on the beach...moonlight glistening off of...scales? Do I dare hope that the dragons still roam? They always seem to be on the brink of extinction. They are like humans, humans with fire and claws and scales as hard as metal and lives that can span centuries...very dangerous. We are steering away from them, making for the far side of the coast. That has not changed then, humans and dragons rarely stay at peace for long. The way they think is too similar, and their main physical forms too different.

They let me off on the far side of the beach, pointing at a cobble-stone trail disappearing into the wood. They quickly doubt they fear the dragons will come to see what they are up to. I hitch the leather backpack they gave me onto my shoulder, my folded fur and leather cloak under my arm. It is the only thing that they let me keep, trading in my other clothing for soft gray shirt, tough blue pants...and the most fantastic leather boots I have ever seen. The boots make up for them taking away my cross-bow.

I will miss that thing...our species may be relativity peaceful...but we are not stupid.

Let the journey begin.

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Edited on 15/10/16 @ 15:38:22 by Astral (#65000)

Ravenflare (#89598)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-10-15 08:35:38
OOC: Wooooooow, that's a loot, but very well written.

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Edited on 15/10/16 @ 15:39:07 by Ravenflare (#89598)

MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2016-10-15 08:37:52
OOC: I may or may not have gotten carried away. Shhhhhhhh. It will not always be like this lol

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Ravenflare (#89598)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-10-15 08:39:55
OOC: Haha, it's fine!

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mace (#30862)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2016-10-15 10:58:21
Tempest Shadowhunter | Female | 18 | Dragon Shifter | Location: Beach |Eduard 'Rogue Dragon' Sincoln, Mirrajj

Before giving him chance to reply, Tempest ears flicked back and she whirled around, a snarl on her face. "Humans," She spat before taking off, soaring into the night sky, catching a glimpse of someone else, but not caring to check as she raced towards the ship, snarling. Tempest didn't look back to see if the other dragon followed before skydiving towards the ship, snarling. She heard shouts of men and guns cocking, but before they could fire, she snapped open her jaws, blue flames pouring mercilessly out of them. Tempest heard the splashes of the survivors, feeling out to sea, and finally stopped the onslaught. She landed on the sand, her gills burning from the scolding water dissipating inside them. 'Probably should've waited until the water dried.' She thought in annoyance, before finally realizing another was near. The dragon's lips curled back in a snarl, her wings flashing open in a predatory stance, hissing at the newcomer, warily waiting for her to react.

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mace (#30862)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2016-10-15 11:12:01
OOC: wow that was actually longer than I wanted it to be but it still seems pretty short compared to yours, Astral xD

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2016-10-15 12:30:19
OOC: The disease is starts out small than gets bigger...beware...beware 'que spooky voice'

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2016-10-15 13:01:27

Mirrajj | 24 | Shapeshifter Mythical Cat | Location: Ship/ Beach|
| Mentions: Tempest, Humans|

I hear a loud thud come from behind me after only a few dozen steps down the path. What are the chances it is a random tree that has fallen, or my imagination...maybe a meteor.
Unfortunately none of those things hiss. Just my luck. Dragons, they are dangerous enough, do they always have to be so dramatic? As if anyone would think they are even slightly afraid, or intimidated. Turning around with hands outstretched I drop the leather bag, and fur/leather cloak on the silver sand. I do not know if this dragon has met my species before, so I am slightly nervous. Each individual of my kind has a unique scent, and only that scent...and my scent is that of freshly fallen rain. Not human, but than, some of the humans smelled fruit, jungle, or musk. They have apparently found a way to mask their scent...and advanced way of cleaning themselves perhaps? Hopefully the dragon does not mistake me for one. I can see the ship, survivors quickly scaling the metal sides...the steal now showing distinct signs of having been melted. So the humans were correct in avoiding this creature. I can feel my soul, my MAVI"E, expanding in my chest with the need to help. That would be foolish though, better to speak to the dragon. Odd how the humans do not come and fight back. They always used to, but they are speeding toward the horizon now and will soon be gone from sight.

VIE"IZE VERKIEAN MAKZI BERKESH DIMERVIAN Mirrajj. I speak in my own language in the hopes the dragon can mind is still recovering from being frozen, and I can not quite form the Drakken language in my mind. I do not know how much this species has changed, but in my time to mispronounce a word could send a temperamental dragon in a rage. Safe to say from evidence quickly fleeing, that I do not want to test this dragon.

OOC: Don't look at me, it is a disease. It will go away. (Probably when I finally start focusing on homework XD)

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IActuallyDon'tCare (#98853)

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Posted on
2016-10-15 17:09:27
Eduard 'Rogue Dragon' Sincoln I 20 I Dragonborn I Location: Beach I Mentions: Nobody

He tilted his head on a left angle as she said something too quiet to hear. Then she was gone. Something of her sort would last more more than a week in Talon. 'If only she knew' He smirked. With a spring in his step he padded onto the grassy verges.
This looked like a good spot. A small unnatural of earth. It had been recently trod until the mud was slippy yet visible. The Dragon jumped like a hunting arctic Fox. The mud swallowed him up and rippled as if a droplet of water would when it hit a lake. He was comfortable again. Surrounded by the earth. He could positively hear the sound of worms and moles travelling through the sticky surface.
The sound was drowned out bu the hammering thoughts in his head. The word of the agitated dragoness rang hollow. What if she did leak what he'd said. He knew the answer. It wasn't pleasant. As quickly as it had came the hole in the ground above him closed up. He slipped into the worst sleep he'd had in a while.

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Edited on 16/10/16 @ 00:13:07 by IActuallyDon'tCare (#98853)

The Drunken Uchiha
Prodigy (#38424)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-16 04:17:05
Lucian Lake || 19 || Dorm #1 || Lion Shifter || Mentions: Izzy

He managed a playful growl of his own, he lowered his head until it was next to hers then proceeded to rub his face all over hers. His growl turned into a sort of low, deep purring sound as he ran his tongue over her cheek before shifting forms once again. Lucian now laid on top of Izzy in his human form, his hands tangled in her black fur as he rested his head between her shoulders, "Tomorrow morning, before breakfast, what do you say to going for a run? I know you have to be itching for one, wolves... Love to run don't they?"

Ooc: Short... So sorry.

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mace (#30862)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2016-10-16 04:17:26
Tempest Shadowhunter | Female | 18 | Dragon Shifter | Location: Beach | Mirrajj

Tempest scented the air, the creature smelling unlike any human. "You aren't human," She concluded, nodding to the creature, letting her wings fall. Tempest tilted her head at the words, she felt as if she should know what it meant because it sounded a tiny bit familiar, although she's never heard it in her life. "I don't understand," The dragon hissed softly, trying to act less hostile, but utterly failing.

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2016-10-16 04:40:46

Mirrajj | 24 | Shapeshifter Mythical Cat | Location: Beach Path|
| Mentions: Tempest|

The dragon lowers it's wings, and I am not burnt to a crisp so presumably that means it realized I am not human. Small miracles do happen, thank the stars above. It speaks, and my mind has focused enough that I should understand what it is saying...but I only catch some words. You. don't. and understand. Lots of time must have gone by as even the Drakken language has changed.

This is going to be annoying.

Placing my hand over my heart I say my name, Mirrajj. I lean down and grab a handful of sand and let it slither out of my hand, onto the ground. VERVIAN. I than point at the dragon hopping it realizes that I am asking for it's name.

For the sake of the fire in the sky, please give me patience....but more importantly grant patience on the dragon before me.

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Edited on 16/10/16 @ 11:43:05 by Astral (#65000)

Mapleivy (#28542)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-16 06:00:36
Maple Grace Sallese, 18, Teleporter, Location: Dorm 7, Mentions: Mizuki.

Maple smirked. "Right, right. Well, I'm going to sleep if you don't mind, good night!" She said with another teasing smile.
Maple yawned then shut off the bedside light. she set her book down one the floor beside her bed then got comfy in her sheets. Gradually she fell asleep.

I'm so sorry, I didn't see your last post! :(

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